Actionscript help: can not have more than one externally visable def

package  {
    // these are flash built in classes
     import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    //Our own custom class
    import MainTimer;
    public class MainDocument extends MovieClip{
        //initial variable values
         private var currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage:int;
         private var initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate:int = 2;
         private var enemyKills:int;
         private var childToRemove:int;
         private var level:int = 1;
         private var makeNewEnemyTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000,1);
         private var finishOffEnemy:Timer = new Timer (500, 1);
         private var gameTimer:MainTimer
         private var thePlayer:Player;
         private var theEnemy:Enemy;
         private var maxEnemies:int = 3;
         private var e:int = 0;
         private var childrenOnStage:int;
         private var lastX:int;// variable to determine where the last x of the player was.
         private var theStageNeedsToScroll:Boolean=false;// flag for scrolling
         private var numChildrenInGameStage:int;
         private var jump:JumpSound = new JumpSound();
         private var slap:SlapSound = new SlapSound();
         private var token:TokenSound = new TokenSound();
        public function MainDocument() {
            // constructor code
            trace("the main document is alive");
            //new instance of the MainTimer class
            gameTimer = new MainTimer();
            //must add it to the stage
            //adjust its position on the stage
            gameTimer.x = 20;
            gameTimer.y = 20;
            //add the player
            thePlayer = new Player();
            // adjust its position on the stage
            thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
            // assign the name property
   = "player";
            while (e< initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate){
            } //end while
            // init variable for tracking "kills"
            enemyKills = 0;
            killScoreBox.text = String (enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
            // Update this variable every time a child is added to the stage
            childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
            //Add event listener to control timing of main game loop
            addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,mainGameLoop);
             // Prepare for the keystroke listeners
             stage.focus = stage;
            stage.addEventListener  (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
            stage.addEventListener  (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
        }  //end public function MainDocument
        private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            switch ( e.keyCode) {
                case 37:   // left
                case 38://up
                case 39:    //right
                case 40: //down to attack
            }// end switch
        }// end function keyDownHandler
        private function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            switch (e.keyCode) {
                case 37:    // left
                case 39:    // right
                case 38: //jump
                case 40: // down to attack
            } //end switch
        } // end function keyUpHandler
        private function createEnemy():void{
            trace("create enemy");
            theEnemy = new Enemy((Math.random() * 5) + 1 );
            // Place in a random spot on stage
            theEnemy.x = (Math.random() * stage.stageWidth);
            theEnemy.y = 0;
            // assign the "name" property
   = "enemy";
            //Update this variable everytime a child is added to the stage
            childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
        } //end function createEnemy
        //the main loop for the game!!!!!
        private function mainGameLoop (event:Event):void{
        } //end function mainGameLoop
        private function checkForGameReset():void{
            //define conditions
            if(gameTimer.timerHasStopped == true){
            }else if(thePlayer.y > stage.stageHeight){
            }else if (theGameStage.theFish.hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x,thePlayer.y,true)
                                                    && theStageNeedsToScroll == false){
            }else if (health.width <= 2){
        } //end function CheckForGameReset
        private function resetBoard():void{
            health.width = 300;
            thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
            theGameStage.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
            thePlayer.y = 0;
            theGameStage.y = 0;
            enemyKills = 0;
        } //end function
        private function processCollisions():void{
            //  set up main loop to look through all collidable objects on stage
            for(var c:int;c < childrenOnStage;c++){
                //trace ("Children on stage c= " + c +
                // test for a player or enemy child on stage
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "player" || getChildAt(c).name == "enemy"){
                    // see if ovject is touching the game stage
                    if( theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)){
                        // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                           while ( theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)==true){
                               // called from CollisionObject Class, so force the connectioin
                               CollisionObject (getChildAt(c)).incrementUpward();
                               if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)==false){
                                   CollisionObject(getChildAt(c)).keepOnBoundary(); //make it stick
                               } // end if
                           } //end while
                    } //end if touching
                }//end if player or enemy
                ///////////////////////Collision with Enemies///////////////
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy"){
                    if(getChildAt(c).hitTestPoint (thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y , true) ){
                        if( thePlayer.isAttacking == false) {
                            // we are being attacked (and not defending)
                            health.width = health.width -2;                           
                            // we are attacking that enemy
                            childToRemove = c;
                            finishOffEnemy.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, finishOffEnemyComplete);
                        } //end else
                    }else if (Enemy(getChildAt(c)).enemyIsAttacking ==true) {
                        // if there isn't a collision between player and enemy,BUT the enemy is attacking
                    } //end else
// end if
            } //end for loop
            /////////////// token collision detection ///////////////
    numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
    for (var d:int = 0; d < numChildrenInGameStage; d++){
        if (theGameStage.getChildAt(d).hasOwnProperty("isToken") &&
                        theGameStage.getChildAt(d).visable == true) {
            if (thePlayer.hitTestObject(theGameStage.getChildAt(d))){
                trace("hit token");
                //play sound
                theGameStage.removeChildAt ( d );
                numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
            }// end if
        }// end if
    } //end for
    }// end function processCollisions
    private function scrollStage():void{
            if (thePlayer.x != lastX){
                theStageNeedsToScroll = true;
                theStageNeedsToScroll = false;
            }// end if
            if (theStageNeedsToScroll == true){
                for (var b:int = 0; b < childrenOnStage; b ++){
                    if (getChildAt (b).name =="enemy"){
                        getChildAt (b).x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                    }// end if
                } //end for
                theGameStage.x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
            } //end if
            thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
            lastX = thePlayer.x;
        }//  end function scrollStage
        // figure out logic
     //  end function scrollStage
    private function removeOrCreateNewEnemies():void{
        for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++){
            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy" && getChildAt(c).y > stage.stageHeight){
            } //end if
            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy" && getChildAt(c).x < thePlayer.x - stage.stageWidth){
            } //end if
        } // end for loop
    }// end function removeOrCreateNewEnemies
    private function makeNewEnemyHandler(event:TimerEvent):void{
        currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage = 0;
        for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++){
            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy");
            }// end if
        }// end for
        if(currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage < maxEnemies){
            trace("not enough enemies onstage, make more");
        } //end if
    } //end function
    public function finishOffEnemyComplete(event:TimerEvent):void {
        enemyKills ++;
        killScoreBox.text = String ( enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
        removeChildAt (childToRemove);
        childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
    }// end functioin
    }// end public class

You have several problems with syntax. Here is the class that has syntactical integrity:
          // these are flash built in classes
          import flash.display.MovieClip;
          import flash.utils.Timer;
          //Our own custom class
          import MainTimer;
          public class MainDocument extends MovieClip
                    //initial variable values
                    private var currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage:int;
                    private var initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate:int = 2;
                    private var enemyKills:int;
                    private var childToRemove:int;
                    private var level:int = 1;
                    private var makeNewEnemyTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1);
                    private var finishOffEnemy:Timer = new Timer(500, 1);
                    private var gameTimer:MainTimer
                    private var thePlayer:Player;
                    private var theEnemy:Enemy;
                    private var maxEnemies:int = 3;
                    private var e:int = 0;
                    private var childrenOnStage:int;
                    private var lastX:int; // variable to determine where the last x of the player was.
                    private var theStageNeedsToScroll:Boolean = false; // flag for scrolling
                    private var numChildrenInGameStage:int;
                    private var jump:JumpSound = new JumpSound();
                    private var slap:SlapSound = new SlapSound();
                    private var token:TokenSound = new TokenSound();
                    public function MainDocument()
                              // constructor code
                              trace("the main document is alive");
                              makeNewEnemyTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, makeNewEnemyHandler);
                              //new instance of the MainTimer class
                              gameTimer = new MainTimer();
                              //must add it to the stage
                              //adjust its position on the stage
                              gameTimer.x = 20;
                              gameTimer.y = 20;
                              //add the player
                              thePlayer = new Player();
                              // adjust its position on the stage
                              thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                              // assign the name property
                     = "player";
                              while (e < initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate)
                              } //end while
                              // init variable for tracking "kills"
                              enemyKills = 0;
                              killScoreBox.text = String(enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                              // Update this variable every time a child is added to the stage
                              childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                              //Add event listener to control timing of main game loop
                              addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainGameLoop);
                              // Prepare for the keystroke listeners
                              stage.focus = stage;
                              stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                              stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
                    } //end public function MainDocument
                    private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                              switch (e.keyCode)
                                        case 37: // left
                                        case 38: //up
                                        case 39: //right
                                        case 40: //down to attack
                              } // end switch
                    } // end function keyDownHandler
                    private function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                              switch (e.keyCode)
                                        case 37: // left
                                        case 39: // right
                                        case 38: //jump
                                        case 40: // down to attack
                              } //end switch
                    } // end function keyUpHandler
                    private function createEnemy():void
                              trace("create enemy");
                              theEnemy = new Enemy((Math.random() * 5) + 1);
                              // Place in a random spot on stage
                              theEnemy.x = (Math.random() * stage.stageWidth);
                              theEnemy.y = 0;
                              // assign the "name" property
                     = "enemy";
                              //Update this variable everytime a child is added to the stage
                              childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                    } //end function createEnemy
                    //the main loop for the game!!!!!
                    private function mainGameLoop(event:Event):void
                    } //end function mainGameLoop
                    private function checkForGameReset():void
                              //define conditions
                              if (gameTimer.timerHasStopped == true)
                              else if (thePlayer.y > stage.stageHeight)
                              else if (theGameStage.theFish.hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y, true) && theStageNeedsToScroll == false)
                              else if (health.width <= 2)
                    } //end function CheckForGameReset
                    private function resetBoard():void
                              health.width = 300;
                              thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                              theGameStage.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                              thePlayer.y = 0;
                              theGameStage.y = 0;
                              enemyKills = 0;
                    } //end function
                    private function processCollisions():void
                              //  set up main loop to look through all collidable objects on stage
                              for (var c:int; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
                                        //trace ("Children on stage c= " + c +
                                        // test for a player or enemy child on stage
                                        if (getChildAt(c).name == "player" || getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                                  // see if ovject is touching the game stage
                                                  if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true))
                                                            // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                                                            // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                                                            while (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true) == true)
                                                                      // called from CollisionObject Class, so force the connectioin
                                                                      if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true) == false)
                                                                                CollisionObject(getChildAt(c)).keepOnBoundary(); //make it stick
                                                                      } // end if
                                                            } //end while
                                                  } //end if touching
                                        } //end if player or enemy
                                        ///////////////////////Collision with Enemies///////////////
                                        if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                                  if (getChildAt(c).hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y, true))
                                                            if (thePlayer.isAttacking == false)
                                                                      // we are being attacked (and not defending)
                                                                      health.width = health.width - 2;
                                                                      // we are attacking that enemy
                                                                      childToRemove = c;
                                                                      finishOffEnemy.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, finishOffEnemyComplete);
                                                            } //end else
                                                  else if (Enemy(getChildAt(c)).enemyIsAttacking == true)
                                                            // if there isn't a collision between player and enemy,BUT the enemy is attacking
                                                  } //end else
                              } //end for loop
                              /////////////// token collision detection ///////////////
                              numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                              for (var d:int = 0; d < numChildrenInGameStage; d++)
                                        if (theGameStage.getChildAt(d).hasOwnProperty("isToken") && theGameStage.getChildAt(d).visable == true)
                                                  if (thePlayer.hitTestObject(theGameStage.getChildAt(d)))
                                                            trace("hit token");
                                                            //play sound
                                                            numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                                                  } // end if
                                        } // end if
                              } //end for
                    } // end function processCollisions
                    private function scrollStage():void
                              if (thePlayer.x != lastX)
                                        theStageNeedsToScroll = true;
                                        theStageNeedsToScroll = false;
                              } // end if
                              if (theStageNeedsToScroll == true)
                                        for (var b:int = 0; b < childrenOnStage; b++)
                                                  if (getChildAt(b).name == "enemy")
                                                            getChildAt(b).x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                                                  } // end if
                                        } //end for
                                        theGameStage.x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                              } //end if
                              thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                              lastX = thePlayer.x;
                    } //  end function scrollStage
                    // figure out logic
                    //  end function scrollStage
                    private function removeOrCreateNewEnemies():void
                              currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage = 0;
                              for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
                                        if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                        } // end if
                              } // end for
                              if (currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage < maxEnemies)
                                        trace("not enough enemies onstage, make more");
                              } //end if
                    } //end function
                    public function finishOffEnemyComplete(event:TimerEvent):void
                              killScoreBox.text = String(enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                              childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                    } // end functioin

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    You create an address in the first place by signing into Settings>iCloud with your Apple ID and choosing an addres - you can only create an address, not
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    Cessna007 wrote:
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    You create an address in the first place by signing into Settings>iCloud with your Apple ID and choosing an addres - you can only create an address, not
    Then if you want further addresses on the same account you can add up to three 'email aliases' - these are additional addresses (not accounts) which deliver into the same inbox as the main account. (In fact it's a good idea to give out alias addresses, rather than the main address, because if they attract spam you can easily change them.) (New aliases can only be ones; addresses cannot now be created.)
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    More information on aliases here:

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    You CAN connect an iPad to multiple Apple ID's, one-at-a-time, if you're willing to share a combined pool of apps, music, movies, photos, podcasts, and perhaps, email accounts, and sync things manually.
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    Hope that helps!
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    You can add up to three 'email aliases' - these are additional addresses (not accounts) which deliver into the same inbox as the main account. (In fact it's a good idea to give out alias addresses, rather than the main address, because if they attract spam you can easily change them.) (New aliases can only be ones; addresses cannot now be created.)
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    Hi, I am creating a web site and have some movie content on some of the pages. Can you have more than one quicktime file on each page? Reason I ask is that on one page I have put 3 movie files but only one shows up when I run the site online. I am not using .mac. The website is on grapeape dot co dot uk and if you look at the examples page you should see what I mean. I get one video that works and 2 large "Q"'s where the other videos were. Odd because it works locally. Any ideas? Many thanks.

    Just noticed something. If you leave it until the first movie caches or preloads - the second one appears. Is there a way round this at all? Thanks. Ben

  • Can I have more than one version of adobe reader at the same time?

    can I have more than one version of adobe reader at the same time?

    If I may add a qualification: on a device running full Windows 8, you may have both Adobe Reader Touch and Adobe Reader (normal desktop edition). This does not apply to the primitive devices which cannot run desktop apps (running "Windows RT"), and while I may be wrong, I believe that the Surface 2 is such a device.

  • Video - can you have more than one per session?

    Can I have more than one video in a logic session - like one at the top of a session then 5 minutes later drop another in? I know Pro Tools has multiple video tracks. How do composers out there deal with new cuts etc?

    ProTools can do it, Cubase can do it, Digital performer (I think) can do it, ....
    Logic can NOT do it. Only one quicktime clip per project at a time.
    Logic is owned by Apple which created the Quicktime standard but still they haven't figured it out how to implement that into Logic. Maybe the Logic developers should just pick up the phone and ask the guys over at ProTool how they did it.

  • Can we have more than one trusted system in Oracle Identity Manager?

    Can we have more than one trusted system in Oracle Identity Manager?

    Can we pull employee from one trusted system and in the same way can we pull some contractors from other trusted system simultaniously?
    yes you can. In the schedule task you'll have to put your query in such a way that it brings both data.
    Can both trusted systems can be active at the same time pulling two types of users from two trusted systems?
    You have to run both recon in sequential manner so that it can pull correct data for OIM
    Some where i read in doc that only one target system can be designated as trusted system if it as has more than one the recons will not work properly...
    I don't think that it results into issue. But we have to see the sequence mainly. Otherwise it will results into wrong data

  • Can we have more than one primary key constraint to a Oracle Table?

    Can we have more than one primary keys to a single table in oracle? ( Not the composite key)
    Please somebody answer..

    811935 wrote:
    Can we have more than one primary keys to a single table in oracle? ( Not the composite key)
    In principle a table can have multiple keys if you need them. It is a very strong convention that just one of those keys is designated to be "primary" but that's just a convention and it doesn't stop you implementing other keys as well.
    Oracle provides two uniqueness constraints for creating keys: the PRIMARY KEY constraint and the UNIQUE constraint. The PRIMARY KEY constraint can only be used once per table whereas the UNIQUE constraint can be used multiple times. Other than that the PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints serve the same function (always assuming the column(s) they are applied to are NOT NULL).

  • Can not get more than one computer to access internet

    using airport and can not get more than one computer to access internet wirelessly... currently airport is in bridge mode and internet sharing is set to "off" in network preferences...
    help - what should the settings be in airport and network preferences?

    are using internet connection as dhcp?
    bridge mode seems to only work with pppoe connection to internet which is what my set up is
    But you've never said why you're using bridge mode (I'm not), which -- as I've explained before -- is probably the reason you can connect only 1 client at a time.
    If you'll setup the AX as a regular, main base station, connect using DHCP, and share IP addresses, you should be fine.

  • Okay can you have more than one account on one computer with different e-mails

    Okay can you have more than one account on one computer with different e-mails

    Yes for iTunes....started a new account and when I try to sign in to the store it gives me a message that this id hasn't been used and would you like to review at which time then it tells me your request cannot be completed and to check date on computer and the cookies well the date is correct and not sure what or how to alter the cookies..I turned firewall off and tried that but still no luck...also deleted temp cookies and still having problems..I have been trying to fix this for days and just about to give up any ideas

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi I'm having problems with all my 10.7.4 & 10.7.5 mac's. They're losing their connection to AD. When I got to unbind I get the follwing error: Unable to access domain controller This computer is unable to access the domain controller for an unknown

  • RE: SMTP message transfer with Forte'

    Hey, You would have to use POP or POP3 client (not a lot of work) to retrieve messages from mail server or write you own mail server (much, much more work). See SMTP/POP3 documentation on requirements - implementation, there is plenty of information

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  • Itunes keeps creating a second album file

    Using iTunes on my desktop to listen to my albums but this happens with nearly every album I play. iTunes creates a second file with the album artwork and moves the track I have just listened to into the new file, but leaves either the first or last

  • Select multiple objects across pages (cs3)

    Hi Is it possible to select multiple objects across pages? All objects have an object style attache and have to be moved 0,7 mm to up. Maybe with a script? thanx S