Error 5006:  can't have more than one externally visible definition

I'm getting this error:
5006: An ActionScript file can not have more than one
externally visible definition: AMReports, playSound.
playSound is a function in my main document class
The error occured after I added a MovieClip and FLV component
to my the same framemain timeline. This Movie Clip has 3 frames.
I'll be using cue points added to the FLV component to move this
from frame to frame in that MovieClip.
Any one have an idea why this is happening?

I fixed this problem: a brace was in the wrong place.

Similar Messages

  • Actionscript help: can not have more than one externally visable def

    package  {
        // these are flash built in classes
         import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        //Our own custom class
        import MainTimer;
        public class MainDocument extends MovieClip{
            //initial variable values
             private var currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage:int;
             private var initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate:int = 2;
             private var enemyKills:int;
             private var childToRemove:int;
             private var level:int = 1;
             private var makeNewEnemyTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000,1);
             private var finishOffEnemy:Timer = new Timer (500, 1);
             private var gameTimer:MainTimer
             private var thePlayer:Player;
             private var theEnemy:Enemy;
             private var maxEnemies:int = 3;
             private var e:int = 0;
             private var childrenOnStage:int;
             private var lastX:int;// variable to determine where the last x of the player was.
             private var theStageNeedsToScroll:Boolean=false;// flag for scrolling
             private var numChildrenInGameStage:int;
             private var jump:JumpSound = new JumpSound();
             private var slap:SlapSound = new SlapSound();
             private var token:TokenSound = new TokenSound();
            public function MainDocument() {
                // constructor code
                trace("the main document is alive");
                //new instance of the MainTimer class
                gameTimer = new MainTimer();
                //must add it to the stage
                //adjust its position on the stage
                gameTimer.x = 20;
                gameTimer.y = 20;
                //add the player
                thePlayer = new Player();
                // adjust its position on the stage
                thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                // assign the name property
       = "player";
                while (e< initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate){
                } //end while
                // init variable for tracking "kills"
                enemyKills = 0;
                killScoreBox.text = String (enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                // Update this variable every time a child is added to the stage
                childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                //Add event listener to control timing of main game loop
                addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,mainGameLoop);
                 // Prepare for the keystroke listeners
                 stage.focus = stage;
                stage.addEventListener  (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                stage.addEventListener  (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
            }  //end public function MainDocument
            private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch ( e.keyCode) {
                    case 37:   // left
                    case 38://up
                    case 39:    //right
                    case 40: //down to attack
                }// end switch
            }// end function keyDownHandler
            private function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch (e.keyCode) {
                    case 37:    // left
                    case 39:    // right
                    case 38: //jump
                    case 40: // down to attack
                } //end switch
            } // end function keyUpHandler
            private function createEnemy():void{
                trace("create enemy");
                theEnemy = new Enemy((Math.random() * 5) + 1 );
                // Place in a random spot on stage
                theEnemy.x = (Math.random() * stage.stageWidth);
                theEnemy.y = 0;
                // assign the "name" property
       = "enemy";
                //Update this variable everytime a child is added to the stage
                childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
            } //end function createEnemy
            //the main loop for the game!!!!!
            private function mainGameLoop (event:Event):void{
            } //end function mainGameLoop
            private function checkForGameReset():void{
                //define conditions
                if(gameTimer.timerHasStopped == true){
                }else if(thePlayer.y > stage.stageHeight){
                }else if (theGameStage.theFish.hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x,thePlayer.y,true)
                                                        && theStageNeedsToScroll == false){
                }else if (health.width <= 2){
            } //end function CheckForGameReset
            private function resetBoard():void{
                health.width = 300;
                thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                theGameStage.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                thePlayer.y = 0;
                theGameStage.y = 0;
                enemyKills = 0;
            } //end function
            private function processCollisions():void{
                //  set up main loop to look through all collidable objects on stage
                for(var c:int;c < childrenOnStage;c++){
                    //trace ("Children on stage c= " + c +
                    // test for a player or enemy child on stage
                    if (getChildAt(c).name == "player" || getChildAt(c).name == "enemy"){
                        // see if ovject is touching the game stage
                        if( theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)){
                            // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                               while ( theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)==true){
                                   // called from CollisionObject Class, so force the connectioin
                                   CollisionObject (getChildAt(c)).incrementUpward();
                                   if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x,getChildAt(c).y,true)==false){
                                       CollisionObject(getChildAt(c)).keepOnBoundary(); //make it stick
                                   } // end if
                               } //end while
                        } //end if touching
                    }//end if player or enemy
                    ///////////////////////Collision with Enemies///////////////
                    if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy"){
                        if(getChildAt(c).hitTestPoint (thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y , true) ){
                            if( thePlayer.isAttacking == false) {
                                // we are being attacked (and not defending)
                                health.width = health.width -2;                           
                                // we are attacking that enemy
                                childToRemove = c;
                                finishOffEnemy.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, finishOffEnemyComplete);
                            } //end else
                        }else if (Enemy(getChildAt(c)).enemyIsAttacking ==true) {
                            // if there isn't a collision between player and enemy,BUT the enemy is attacking
                        } //end else
    // end if
                } //end for loop
                /////////////// token collision detection ///////////////
        numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
        for (var d:int = 0; d < numChildrenInGameStage; d++){
            if (theGameStage.getChildAt(d).hasOwnProperty("isToken") &&
                            theGameStage.getChildAt(d).visable == true) {
                if (thePlayer.hitTestObject(theGameStage.getChildAt(d))){
                    trace("hit token");
                    //play sound
                    theGameStage.removeChildAt ( d );
                    numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                }// end if
            }// end if
        } //end for
        }// end function processCollisions
        private function scrollStage():void{
                if (thePlayer.x != lastX){
                    theStageNeedsToScroll = true;
                    theStageNeedsToScroll = false;
                }// end if
                if (theStageNeedsToScroll == true){
                    for (var b:int = 0; b < childrenOnStage; b ++){
                        if (getChildAt (b).name =="enemy"){
                            getChildAt (b).x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                        }// end if
                    } //end for
                    theGameStage.x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                } //end if
                thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                lastX = thePlayer.x;
            }//  end function scrollStage
            // figure out logic
         //  end function scrollStage
        private function removeOrCreateNewEnemies():void{
            for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++){
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy" && getChildAt(c).y > stage.stageHeight){
                } //end if
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy" && getChildAt(c).x < thePlayer.x - stage.stageWidth){
                } //end if
            } // end for loop
        }// end function removeOrCreateNewEnemies
        private function makeNewEnemyHandler(event:TimerEvent):void{
            currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage = 0;
            for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++){
                if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy");
                }// end if
            }// end for
            if(currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage < maxEnemies){
                trace("not enough enemies onstage, make more");
            } //end if
        } //end function
        public function finishOffEnemyComplete(event:TimerEvent):void {
            enemyKills ++;
            killScoreBox.text = String ( enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
            removeChildAt (childToRemove);
            childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
        }// end functioin
        }// end public class

    You have several problems with syntax. Here is the class that has syntactical integrity:
              // these are flash built in classes
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              import flash.utils.Timer;
              //Our own custom class
              import MainTimer;
              public class MainDocument extends MovieClip
                        //initial variable values
                        private var currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage:int;
                        private var initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate:int = 2;
                        private var enemyKills:int;
                        private var childToRemove:int;
                        private var level:int = 1;
                        private var makeNewEnemyTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1);
                        private var finishOffEnemy:Timer = new Timer(500, 1);
                        private var gameTimer:MainTimer
                        private var thePlayer:Player;
                        private var theEnemy:Enemy;
                        private var maxEnemies:int = 3;
                        private var e:int = 0;
                        private var childrenOnStage:int;
                        private var lastX:int; // variable to determine where the last x of the player was.
                        private var theStageNeedsToScroll:Boolean = false; // flag for scrolling
                        private var numChildrenInGameStage:int;
                        private var jump:JumpSound = new JumpSound();
                        private var slap:SlapSound = new SlapSound();
                        private var token:TokenSound = new TokenSound();
                        public function MainDocument()
                                  // constructor code
                                  trace("the main document is alive");
                                  makeNewEnemyTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, makeNewEnemyHandler);
                                  //new instance of the MainTimer class
                                  gameTimer = new MainTimer();
                                  //must add it to the stage
                                  //adjust its position on the stage
                                  gameTimer.x = 20;
                                  gameTimer.y = 20;
                                  //add the player
                                  thePlayer = new Player();
                                  // adjust its position on the stage
                                  thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  // assign the name property
                         = "player";
                                  while (e < initialNumberOfEnemiesToCreate)
                                  } //end while
                                  // init variable for tracking "kills"
                                  enemyKills = 0;
                                  killScoreBox.text = String(enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                                  // Update this variable every time a child is added to the stage
                                  childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                                  //Add event listener to control timing of main game loop
                                  addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainGameLoop);
                                  // Prepare for the keystroke listeners
                                  stage.focus = stage;
                                  stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                                  stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
                        } //end public function MainDocument
                        private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                                  switch (e.keyCode)
                                            case 37: // left
                                            case 38: //up
                                            case 39: //right
                                            case 40: //down to attack
                                  } // end switch
                        } // end function keyDownHandler
                        private function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                                  switch (e.keyCode)
                                            case 37: // left
                                            case 39: // right
                                            case 38: //jump
                                            case 40: // down to attack
                                  } //end switch
                        } // end function keyUpHandler
                        private function createEnemy():void
                                  trace("create enemy");
                                  theEnemy = new Enemy((Math.random() * 5) + 1);
                                  // Place in a random spot on stage
                                  theEnemy.x = (Math.random() * stage.stageWidth);
                                  theEnemy.y = 0;
                                  // assign the "name" property
                         = "enemy";
                                  //Update this variable everytime a child is added to the stage
                                  childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                        } //end function createEnemy
                        //the main loop for the game!!!!!
                        private function mainGameLoop(event:Event):void
                        } //end function mainGameLoop
                        private function checkForGameReset():void
                                  //define conditions
                                  if (gameTimer.timerHasStopped == true)
                                  else if (thePlayer.y > stage.stageHeight)
                                  else if (theGameStage.theFish.hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y, true) && theStageNeedsToScroll == false)
                                  else if (health.width <= 2)
                        } //end function CheckForGameReset
                        private function resetBoard():void
                                  health.width = 300;
                                  thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  theGameStage.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  thePlayer.y = 0;
                                  theGameStage.y = 0;
                                  enemyKills = 0;
                        } //end function
                        private function processCollisions():void
                                  //  set up main loop to look through all collidable objects on stage
                                  for (var c:int; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
                                            //trace ("Children on stage c= " + c +
                                            // test for a player or enemy child on stage
                                            if (getChildAt(c).name == "player" || getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                                      // see if ovject is touching the game stage
                                                      if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true))
                                                                // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                                                                // while it is still touching inch it up just until it stops
                                                                while (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true) == true)
                                                                          // called from CollisionObject Class, so force the connectioin
                                                                          if (theGameStage.hitTestPoint(getChildAt(c).x, getChildAt(c).y, true) == false)
                                                                                    CollisionObject(getChildAt(c)).keepOnBoundary(); //make it stick
                                                                          } // end if
                                                                } //end while
                                                      } //end if touching
                                            } //end if player or enemy
                                            ///////////////////////Collision with Enemies///////////////
                                            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                                      if (getChildAt(c).hitTestPoint(thePlayer.x, thePlayer.y, true))
                                                                if (thePlayer.isAttacking == false)
                                                                          // we are being attacked (and not defending)
                                                                          health.width = health.width - 2;
                                                                          // we are attacking that enemy
                                                                          childToRemove = c;
                                                                          finishOffEnemy.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, finishOffEnemyComplete);
                                                                } //end else
                                                      else if (Enemy(getChildAt(c)).enemyIsAttacking == true)
                                                                // if there isn't a collision between player and enemy,BUT the enemy is attacking
                                                      } //end else
                                  } //end for loop
                                  /////////////// token collision detection ///////////////
                                  numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                                  for (var d:int = 0; d < numChildrenInGameStage; d++)
                                            if (theGameStage.getChildAt(d).hasOwnProperty("isToken") && theGameStage.getChildAt(d).visable == true)
                                                      if (thePlayer.hitTestObject(theGameStage.getChildAt(d)))
                                                                trace("hit token");
                                                                //play sound
                                                                numChildrenInGameStage = theGameStage.numChildren;
                                                      } // end if
                                            } // end if
                                  } //end for
                        } // end function processCollisions
                        private function scrollStage():void
                                  if (thePlayer.x != lastX)
                                            theStageNeedsToScroll = true;
                                            theStageNeedsToScroll = false;
                                  } // end if
                                  if (theStageNeedsToScroll == true)
                                            for (var b:int = 0; b < childrenOnStage; b++)
                                                      if (getChildAt(b).name == "enemy")
                                                                getChildAt(b).x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                                                      } // end if
                                            } //end for
                                            theGameStage.x += (stage.stageWidth * 0.5) - thePlayer.x;
                                  } //end if
                                  thePlayer.x = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
                                  lastX = thePlayer.x;
                        } //  end function scrollStage
                        // figure out logic
                        //  end function scrollStage
                        private function removeOrCreateNewEnemies():void
                                  currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage = 0;
                                  for (var c:int = 0; c < childrenOnStage; c++)
                                            if (getChildAt(c).name == "enemy")
                                            } // end if
                                  } // end for
                                  if (currentNumberOfEnemiesOnstage < maxEnemies)
                                            trace("not enough enemies onstage, make more");
                                  } //end if
                        } //end function
                        public function finishOffEnemyComplete(event:TimerEvent):void
                                  killScoreBox.text = String(enemyKills) + " KILLS ";
                                  childrenOnStage = this.numChildren;
                        } // end functioin

  • Can I have more than one e-mail address attached to my apple account?

    I can't seem to create different FaceTime accounts using different e-mail addresses but with 1 Apple account. My daughter's IPod is attached to my Apple account, but I want to use her e-mail address for her FaceTime app. Any thoughts?

    Cessna007 wrote:
    how do i sign up for a new e-mail address @icloud or @me; and can I have more than one e-mail address?
    You create an address in the first place by signing into Settings>iCloud with your Apple ID and choosing an addres - you can only create an address, not
    Then if you want further addresses on the same account you can add up to three 'email aliases' - these are additional addresses (not accounts) which deliver into the same inbox as the main account. (In fact it's a good idea to give out alias addresses, rather than the main address, because if they attract spam you can easily change them.) (New aliases can only be ones; addresses cannot now be created.)
    You should be aware before you start that once you've created an alias you cannot turn that address into a full iCloud account or move it to another account.
    More information on aliases here:

  • How do i sign up for a new e-mail address @icloud or @me; and can I have more than one e-mail address?

    how do i sign up for a new e-mail address @icloud or @me; and can I have more than one e-mail address?

    Cessna007 wrote:
    how do i sign up for a new e-mail address @icloud or @me; and can I have more than one e-mail address?
    You create an address in the first place by signing into Settings>iCloud with your Apple ID and choosing an addres - you can only create an address, not
    Then if you want further addresses on the same account you can add up to three 'email aliases' - these are additional addresses (not accounts) which deliver into the same inbox as the main account. (In fact it's a good idea to give out alias addresses, rather than the main address, because if they attract spam you can easily change them.) (New aliases can only be ones; addresses cannot now be created.)
    You should be aware before you start that once you've created an alias you cannot turn that address into a full iCloud account or move it to another account.
    More information on aliases here:

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    they access the computers shared itunes lib all the ios devices and appletv's and other computers on your network can access your shared itunes lib and all of them can use your appleID should you so choose

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    If you use the same account see the following to separate Messages and FaceTime between the two iPod see:
    MacMost Now 653: Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices For Messages and FaceTime

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    Can I have more than one icloiud account on one apple id

    No: but it costs nothing to create another Apple ID and open a new iCloud account with that. The only caveat is that you must associate a different email address with the new Apple ID from that with the old ID (since the address will itself become the ID) - you could open a free email address with Yahoo or Gmail.

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    look here

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    Also i was wondering if you can create a separate apple id but keep your music/podcasts/audiobooks and transfer them to the new apple id.  Please help

    You can use different IDs for different accounts, i.e. one for iCloud, one for ASC one for iTunes etc etc. Apple don't really recommend this, but plenty do it.
    You can also have more than one iCloud account (obviously need different IDs), but you can only have one primary iCloud account on each device.
    You cannot transfer purchases from one account to another.

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    Can I have more than one Apple ID on my Apple TV iTunes? I'd like to combine my family members music on our Apple tv.

    See Family Sharing @

  • HT2731 can i have more than one apple id on a computer? As when we go away we want to facetime from our macpro to our main mac at home and both are registered under the same apple ID. Thanks

    Can you have more than one apple id on a computer. We are going away and want to facetime from our macpro to the mac computer at home but both are registered under the same apple ID. What should we do ?

    I will share with you what I have done to manage this with my family.  While the solution isn't without flawes, it seems to do the trick.  First, you need to have one person who is managing the synching of everyone's devices.  In my family, I have three iphones, about to be four, and five ipads.  We all synch to the same apple ID to allow one another to take seemless advantage of our Itunes, which is on our Imac.  To synch individual music or video interests, we simply select which playlists we want and manually synch that way.  A couple of us use imatch and the cloud to make the entire library accessable as well.  With respect to the imessage, mail, contacts, etc. we each have a gmail account for our individual emails, contacts etc.  So for instance, my forth grade daughter has a gmail account that we choose to synch her contacts, calendar, etc to and then that is also the account where she receives her imessages from on her ipad and itouch. My son, who has an iphone and ipad, does the same thing, but under settings, he goes to imessage and checks his phone number and his email as his preferred way to receive imessages and texts.  My wife and I do the same thing.  To avoid having everyone see one anothers contracts etc, we only synch contacts from our individual email accounts.  Here is the downfall to this:  When you update your phone or add a new device, apple always wants to reset everyone's facetime and imessage settings and then low and behold we are all receiving imessages from one another's friends etc.  To work around this, I simply take each of their devices and go to their imessage settings and only check the email and phone numbers relative to their devices.  I dont' know is this is the best solution, but it seems to work for us. 

  • Can I have more than one itunes account on my apple tv?

    Can I have more than one itunes account on my apple tv?  We have two accounts in our family and would like to be able to switch between them.

    Thank you.  What I was really trying to find out is if there is a limit on switching iTunes accounts - I have a vague memory of reading that changing from one iTunes store account to another was going to be limited in some way, but maybe this is on iTunes itself?  Or perhaps my memory is incorrect?   We have two iTunes accounts and swap back and forth regularly on our iPhones and iPads to buy and update apps without a problem.  I couldn't find any reference to it on a quick search yesterday so what I have done with the AppleTV is leave it set to one account, and we watched the other account content via my Macbook.

  • Can you have more than one iTunes account with home sharing, Can you have more than one iTunes account with home sharing

    Can you have more than one itunes account at one time with apple tv

    My understanding is that the home sharing is based off of being on the same Wifi.  So if someone brings their laptop to your house and connects to your Wifi and they have home sharing on they can connect so you can see his/her iTunes library on your iTunes. 
    I haven't tried this though.  We have two laptops at home, both using my iTunes account and I can see each other's iTunes library, which I'm guessing is what you're probably doing now.  I'd be interested to know if my thought above is true. 

  • HT4314 Can I have more than one Game Center account on the same Apple ID? If so, how do I set it up?

    I am playing Clash of Clans on my iphone and on my iPad. I would like to connect each of my games to a different Game Center ID so I don't lose them if something happens to my device, but I can't figure out how to do that without creating new Apple IDs for each device and I don't want to do that. Any advice? Can I have more than one Game Center account under the same Apple ID? If so, how do I set it up? Thanks!

    If you use the same account see the following to separate Messages and FaceTime between the two iPod see:
    MacMost Now 653: Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices For Messages and FaceTime

  • Can you have more than one apple id under the same account

    can you have more than one apple id under the same account

    Stop using the same Apple ID for iMessage on these devices.  Go to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive (Receive At in iOS 5), tap the ID shown, sign out, then sign back in using a unique ID for each device.  (Or, just sign out and stop using your Apple ID for iMessage.)

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