Activate a property

Hi experts,
I m working in a BPC project. From the BPC administrator, I can create properties directly in BPP (production), so the BPD
(development) properties  are different from BPP properties. I need to activate a property inside  a multiprovider, but I can't modify this property in BPP. If I modify this property in BPD and I transport it, I  think I ll produce an inconsistency (technical names are different).
Is it posible modify this property from BPC, to activate it inside the multiprovider??

The property is created directly in BPP by BPC, so I don't have the same property in BPD. If I create the property in BPD, the  technical name will be different from BPP. So i think, is not a good idea transport this property from BPD to BPP.
Maybe in BPC adnministrator there is an option to activate this property directly in BPP....
Thanks you for your help!

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    Hi I BOSS,
    If you are having issues using Touch ID to make purchases from the iTunes Store, you may find the Purchasing section of the following article helpful:
    iPhone 5s: Using Touch ID
    - Brenden

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    You can set all or some of the tab canvas's pages the background color you wish:
    Open the object navigator , and all the tab pages of the tab canvas.
    Right - click on each one - or press F4 - to activate the property palette. Change the background color as you like....
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    Hi Siva,
    Use the foll code, just give 1 / 2 in Sheets parameter.
    *& Report  ZJOTHI_GRAPHICS_IN_EXCEL                                    *
    report  zjothi_graphics_in_excel  no standard page heading
    include ole2incl .
    data: gs_excel type ole2_object ,
    gs_wbooklist type ole2_object ,
    gs_application type ole2_object ,
    gs_wbook type ole2_object ,
    gs_activesheet type ole2_object ,
    gs_sheets type ole2_object ,
    gs_newsheet type ole2_object ,
    gs_cell1 type ole2_object ,
    gs_cell2 type ole2_object ,
    gs_cells type ole2_object ,
    gs_range type ole2_object ,
    gs_font type ole2_object ,
    gs_interior type ole2_object ,
    gs_columns type ole2_object ,
    gs_charts type ole2_object ,
    gs_chart type ole2_object ,
    gs_charttitle type ole2_object ,
    gs_charttitlechar type ole2_object ,
    gs_chartobjects type ole2_object .
    data gv_sheet_name(20) type c .
    data gv_outer_index like sy-index .
    data gv_intex(2) type c .
    data gv_line_cntr type i . "line counter
    data gv_linno type i . "line number
    data gv_colno type i . "column number
    data gv_value type i . "data
    parameters: p_sheets type i .
    start-of-selection .
    do p_sheets times .
    *--Forming sheet name
    gv_intex = sy-index .
    gv_outer_index = sy-index .
    concatenate 'Excel Sheet #' gv_intex into gv_sheet_name .
    *--For the first loop, Excel is initiated and one new sheet is added
    if sy-index = 1 .
    create object gs_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION' .
    set property of gs_excel 'Visible' = 1 .
    get property of gs_excel 'Workbooks' = gs_wbooklist .
    get property of gs_wbooklist 'Application' = gs_application .
    set property of gs_application 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 1 .
    call method of gs_wbooklist 'Add' = gs_wbook .
    get property of gs_application 'ActiveSheet' = gs_activesheet .
    set property of gs_activesheet 'Name' = gv_sheet_name .
    *--For the rest of loops, other sheets are added
    else .
    get property of gs_wbook 'Sheets' = gs_sheets .
    call method of gs_sheets 'Add' = gs_newsheet .
    set property of gs_newsheet 'Name' = gv_sheet_name .
    endif .
    gv_line_cntr = 1 . "line counter
    *--Selecting cell area to be merged.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = 1
    #2 = 1.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
    #1 = 1
    #2 = 4.
    call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
    #1 = gs_cell1
    #2 = gs_cell2.
    call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
    call method of gs_cells 'Merge' .
    *--Setting title data
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 1.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'KISHAN' .
    *--Formatting the title
    get property of gs_cell1 'Font' = gs_font .
    set property of gs_font 'Underline' = 2 .
    set property of gs_font 'Bold' = 1 .
    set property of gs_cell1 'HorizontalAlignment' = -4108 .
    get property of gs_cell1 'Interior' = gs_interior .
    set property of gs_interior 'ColorIndex' = 15 .
    set property of gs_interior 'Pattern' = -4124 .
    set property of gs_interior 'PatternColorIndex' = -4105 .
    gv_line_cntr = gv_line_cntr + 1 .
    *--Writing some additional data for the title
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 1.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'Sheet No' .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 5.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = ':' .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 6.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = gv_intex .
    *--Formatting the area of additional data 1
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = 1
    #2 = 1.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 5.
    call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
    #1 = gs_cell1
    #2 = gs_cell2.
    call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
    get property of gs_cells 'Font' = gs_font .
    set property of gs_font 'Bold' = 1 .
    *--Formatting the area of additional data 2
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = 1
    #2 = 5.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 5.
    call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
    #1 = gs_cell1
    #2 = gs_cell2.
    call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
    get property of gs_cells 'Columns' = gs_columns .
    call method of gs_columns 'AutoFit' .
    *--Bordering title data area
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = 1
    #2 = 1.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 6.
    call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
    #1 = gs_cell1
    #2 = gs_cell2.
    call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
    call method of gs_cells 'BorderAround'
    #1 = 1 "continuous line
    #2 = 4. "thick
    *--Putting axis labels
    gv_colno = 2 .
    gv_line_cntr = gv_line_cntr + 5 .
    gv_linno = gv_line_cntr - 1 .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_linno
    #2 = 1.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'X' .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 1.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'Y' .
    *--Generating some data
    do 3 times .
    gv_value = gv_outer_index * sy-index * 10 .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_linno
    #2 = gv_colno.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = sy-index .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = gv_colno.
    set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = gv_value .
    gv_colno = gv_colno + 1 .
    enddo .
    *--Source data area
    gv_colno = gv_colno - 1 .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    exporting #1 = gv_linno
    #2 = 1.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
    exporting #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = gv_colno.
    call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
    exporting #1 = gs_cell1
    #2 = gs_cell2.
    call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
    get property of gs_application 'Charts' = gs_charts .
    call method of gs_charts 'Add' = gs_chart .
    call method of gs_chart 'Activate' .
    set property of gs_chart 'ChartType' = '51' . "Vertical bar graph
    call method of gs_chart 'SetSourceData'
    exporting #1 = gs_cells
    #2 = 1.
    set property of gs_chart 'HasTitle' = 1 .
    get property of gs_chart 'ChartTitle' = gs_charttitle .
    get property of gs_charttitle 'Characters' = gs_charttitlechar .
    set property of gs_charttitlechar 'Text' = 'Sample Graph' .
    *--Locate the chart onto the current worksheet
    *--Activate current sheet
    call method of gs_excel 'WorkSheets' = gs_activesheet
    exporting #1 = gv_sheet_name.
    call method of gs_activesheet 'Activate' .
    call method of gs_chart 'Location'
    exporting #1 = 2
    #2 = gv_sheet_name.
    *--Reposition the chart on the worksheet (cut&paste)
    call method of gs_activesheet 'ChartObjects' = gs_chartobjects .
    call method of gs_chartobjects 'Select' .
    call method of gs_chartobjects 'Cut' .
    *--Select new area
    gv_line_cntr = gv_line_cntr + 2 .
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 1.
    call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
    #1 = gv_line_cntr
    #2 = 1.
    call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
    #1 = gs_cell1
    #2 = gs_cell2.
    call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
    call method of gs_activesheet 'Paste' .
    *--Deallocating memory
    free: gs_excel, gs_wbooklist, gs_application, gs_wbook,
    gs_activesheet,gs_sheets, gs_newsheet, gs_cell1,
    gs_cell2, gs_cells, gs_range, gs_font, gs_interior,
    gs_columns, gs_charts, gs_chart, gs_charttitle,
    gs_charttitlechar, gs_chartobjects .
    **reward pts for helpful answers.

  • ABAP OLE Objects

    Hi ,
      I have used OLE Objects to move data from  5 internal tables to 5 sheets in a single XL file , but i am not able to get 4th and 5th sheet newly created , instead they are getting over writed in the third sheet itself.
    so how to resolve this.
    help reg this.

      I think  you have given the third  sheet name  for fourth and fifth.
    call method of application 'Worksheets' = sheet
          #1 = 1.
          set property of sheet 'Name' = sheet_name.
          call method of sheet 'Activate'.
    you might have missed to add sheet.
    CALL METHOD OF application 'Sheets' = sheets.
       CALL METHOD OF sheets 'Add'.
    Run my program:
    *& Report ZP_EXCEL *
    include ole2incl.
    data: application type ole2_object,
    workbook type ole2_object,
    sheet type ole2_object,
    cells type ole2_object,
    sheets TYPE ole2_object.
    constants: row_max type i value 256.
    data index type i.
    data : det type ref to CL_ABAP_structDESCR,
           wa like line of det->components.
    data: begin of i_finaltab occurs 0,
           Col1 type i,
           col2 type i,
           col3 type i,
           col4 type i,
          end of i_finaltab.
    data : count type i,
            v_excel_count(3), " type i value 1,
            sheet_name(15)  .
    do 100 times.
      count =  count + 1.
      i_finaltab-col2 = 5 * count.
      i_finaltab-col3 = 10 * count.
      i_finaltab-col4 = 20 * count.
      move : count to i_finaltab-col1.
      append  i_finaltab.
      clear i_finaltab.
    clear count.
    create object application 'excel.application'.
    set property of application 'visible' = 1.
    call method of application 'Workbooks' = workbook.
    call method of workbook 'Add'.
    Create first Excel Sheet
    call method of application 'Worksheets' = sheet
    #1 = 1.
      call method of sheet 'Activate'.
      set property of sheet 'Name' = 'EXCEL0'.
         count = 1.
         index = row_max * ( count - 1 ) + 1.
         perform header_details.
    DATA FNAME(60) VALUE '/data/sapdata/mk112.xls'.
    loop at i_finaltab.
       count = count + 1.
      if count LE 6.
        index = row_max * ( count - 1 ) + 1. " 1 - column name
        call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
         #1 = index.
        set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col1.
         index =  index + 1.
        call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
         #1 = index.
        set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col2.
        index =  index + 1.
        call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
         #1 = index.
        set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col3.
        index =  index + 1.
        call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
         #1 = index.
        set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col4.
        v_excel_count =  v_excel_count + 1.
       CALL METHOD OF application 'Sheets' = sheets.
       CALL METHOD OF sheets 'Add'.
       concatenate 'EXCEL' v_excel_count into sheet_name.
         clear count.
         count =  count + 1.
         call method of application 'Worksheets' = sheet
          #1 = 1.
          set property of sheet 'Name' = sheet_name.
          call method of sheet 'Activate'.
          index = row_max * ( count - 1 ) + 1.
          perform header_details.
          count =  count + 1.
          index = row_max * ( count - 1 ) + 1. " 1 - column name
          call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
           #1 = index.
         set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col1.
          index =  index + 1.
          call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
           #1 = index.
          set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col2.
        index =  index + 1.
        call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
         #1 = index.
        set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col3.
        index =  index + 1.
        call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
         #1 = index.
        set property of cells 'Value' = i_finaltab-col4.
    *&      Form  header_details
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    form header_details.
    det ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_DATA( i_finaltab ).
    loop at det->components into wa.
      call method of sheet 'Cells' = cells
      #1 = index.
      set property of cells 'Value' = wa-name.
      index = index + 1.
    endform.                    " header_details

  • Time-based publishing

    Hello All,
      I'm trying to use lifetime documents following this link
    So I have done thoose steps:
                  activate lifetime property in my folder
                  activate tasks "valid from" and "valid to"
    I'm trying to activate time-based publishing service (TBP) but I'm unable to find it in the portal.
       I have loocked in System Administration->System configuration->KM->Content Management->Repository Services and in System Administration->System configuration->KM->Content Management->Global Services without sucess.
       How can I check/configurate if TBP is running on the Portal?
       Do I have to do something more for use lifetime documents service?
       I'm using NW 2004s and EP7.0
       Thanks in advance,

    Hi Yaiza,
    TBP service should be running in your portal but the configuration of the service cannot be changed. You need only to register this service with a repository and you must also register the application property service as it is described here: <a href="">Time-Dependent Publishing Service</a>
    This registration is done by default for standard /documents repository in the portal.
    Please be aware that the user with read/write permission for the folder where you have activated Time-dependant Publishing will be able to see all documents in that folder. Please refer to this: <a href="">Lifetime of Documents</a>
    Please remember to set valid time periods for your documents. When time-dependant publishing is activated properties <b>valid from</b> and <b>valid to</b> have the same value by default.
    One more thing is to set correct CM systems for scheduler task for TBP (at least on system in clustered environment) <a href="">Scheduler Tasks for Time-Dependent Publishing</a>
    Hope it helps,
    Best Regards,
    Michal M.

  • Create graphic in MS-Excel with DOI

    Hi all,
    I'm begining using Desktop Office Interface (DOI).
    It's possible to create graphics with in the document because of DOI?

    checking ABAP code sample generating graphs on excel using ole.
    (Note: this is not my code, i got it somewhere from sdn/internet and dont remember the source)
    report y_excel_chart
           no standard page heading.
    include ole2incl .
    data: gs_excel type ole2_object ,
    gs_wbooklist type ole2_object ,
    gs_application type ole2_object ,
    gs_wbook type ole2_object ,
    gs_activesheet type ole2_object ,
    gs_sheets type ole2_object ,
    gs_newsheet type ole2_object ,
    gs_cell1 type ole2_object ,
    gs_cell2 type ole2_object ,
    gs_cells type ole2_object ,
    gs_range type ole2_object ,
    gs_font type ole2_object ,
    gs_interior type ole2_object ,
    gs_columns type ole2_object ,
    gs_charts type ole2_object ,
    gs_chart type ole2_object ,
    gs_charttitle type ole2_object ,
    gs_charttitlechar type ole2_object ,
    gs_chartobjects type ole2_object .
    data gv_sheet_name(20) type c .
    data gv_outer_index like sy-index .
    data gv_intex(2) type c .
    data gv_line_cntr type i . "line counter
    data gv_linno type i . "line number
    data gv_colno type i . "column number
    data gv_value type i . "data
    parameters: p_sheets type i .
    start-of-selection .
      do p_sheets times .
    *--Forming sheet name
        gv_intex = sy-index .
        gv_outer_index = sy-index .
        concatenate 'Excel Sheet #' gv_intex into gv_sheet_name .
    *--For the first loop, Excel is initiated and one new sheet is added
        if sy-index = 1 .
          create object gs_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION' .
          set property of gs_excel 'Visible' = 1 .
          get property of gs_excel 'Workbooks' = gs_wbooklist .
          get property of gs_wbooklist 'Application' = gs_application .
          set property of gs_application 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 1 .
          call method of gs_wbooklist 'Add' = gs_wbook .
          get property of gs_application 'ActiveSheet' = gs_activesheet .
          set property of gs_activesheet 'Name' = gv_sheet_name .
    *--For the rest of loops, other sheets are added
        else .
          get property of gs_wbook 'Sheets' = gs_sheets .
          call method of gs_sheets 'Add' = gs_newsheet .
          set property of gs_newsheet 'Name' = gv_sheet_name .
        endif .
        gv_line_cntr = 1 . "line counter
    *--Selecting cell area to be merged.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = 1
            #2 = 1.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
            #1 = 1
            #2 = 4.
        call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
            #1 = gs_cell1
            #2 = gs_cell2.
        call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
        call method of gs_cells 'Merge' .
    *--Setting title data
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 1.
        set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'KISHAN' .
    *--Formatting the title
        get property of gs_cell1 'Font' = gs_font .
        set property of gs_font 'Underline' = 2 .
        set property of gs_font 'Bold' = 1 .
        set property of gs_cell1 'HorizontalAlignment' = -4108 .
        get property of gs_cell1 'Interior' = gs_interior .
        set property of gs_interior 'ColorIndex' = 15 .
        set property of gs_interior 'Pattern' = -4124 .
        set property of gs_interior 'PatternColorIndex' = -4105 .
        gv_line_cntr = gv_line_cntr + 1 .
    *--Writing some additional data for the title
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 1.
        set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'Sheet No' .
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 5.
        set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = ':' .
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 6.
        set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = gv_intex .
    *--Formatting the area of additional data 1
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = 1
            #2 = 1.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 5.
        call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
            #1 = gs_cell1
            #2 = gs_cell2.
        call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
        get property of gs_cells 'Font' = gs_font .
        set property of gs_font 'Bold' = 1 .
    *--Formatting the area of additional data 2
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = 1
            #2 = 5.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 5.
        call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
            #1 = gs_cell1
            #2 = gs_cell2.
        call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
        get property of gs_cells 'Columns' = gs_columns .
        call method of gs_columns 'AutoFit' .
    *--Bordering title data area
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = 1
            #2 = 1.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 6.
        call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
            #1 = gs_cell1
            #2 = gs_cell2.
        call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
        call method of gs_cells 'BorderAround'
            #1 = 1 "continuous line
            #2 = 4. "thick
    *--Putting axis labels
        gv_colno = 2 .
        gv_line_cntr = gv_line_cntr + 5 .
        gv_linno = gv_line_cntr - 1 .
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_linno
            #2 = 1.
        set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'X' .
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 1.
        set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = 'Y' .
    *--Generating some data
        do 3 times .
          gv_value = gv_outer_index * sy-index * 10 .
          call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
              #1 = gv_linno
              #2 = gv_colno.
          set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = sy-index .
          call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
              #1 = gv_line_cntr
              #2 = gv_colno.
          set property of gs_cell1 'Value' = gv_value .
          gv_colno = gv_colno + 1 .
        enddo .
    *--Source data area
        gv_colno = gv_colno - 1 .
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_linno
            #2 = 1.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = gv_colno.
        call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
            #1 = gs_cell1
            #2 = gs_cell2.
        call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
        get property of gs_application 'Charts' = gs_charts .
        call method of gs_charts 'Add' = gs_chart .
        call method of gs_chart 'Activate' .
        set property of gs_chart 'ChartType' = '51' . "Vertical bar graph
        call method of gs_chart 'SetSourceData'
            #1 = gs_cells
            #2 = 1.
        set property of gs_chart 'HasTitle' = 1 .
        get property of gs_chart 'ChartTitle' = gs_charttitle .
        get property of gs_charttitle 'Characters' = gs_charttitlechar .
        set property of gs_charttitlechar 'Text' = 'Sample Graph' .
    *--Locate the chart onto the current worksheet
    *--Activate current sheet
        call method of gs_excel 'WorkSheets' = gs_activesheet
            #1 = gv_sheet_name.
        call method of gs_activesheet 'Activate' .
        call method of gs_chart 'Location'
            #1 = 2
            #2 = gv_sheet_name.
    *--Reposition the chart on the worksheet (cut&paste)
        call method of gs_activesheet 'ChartObjects' = gs_chartobjects .
        call method of gs_chartobjects 'Select' .
        call method of gs_chartobjects 'Cut' .
    *--Select new area
        gv_line_cntr = gv_line_cntr + 2 .
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell1
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 1.
        call method of gs_excel 'Cells' = gs_cell2
            #1 = gv_line_cntr
            #2 = 1.
        call method of gs_excel 'Range' = gs_cells
            #1 = gs_cell1
            #2 = gs_cell2.
        call method of gs_cells 'Select' .
        call method of gs_activesheet 'Paste' .
    *--Deallocating memory
      free: gs_excel, gs_wbooklist, gs_application, gs_wbook,
      gs_activesheet,gs_sheets, gs_newsheet, gs_cell1,
      gs_cell2, gs_cells, gs_range, gs_font, gs_interior,
      gs_columns, gs_charts, gs_chart, gs_charttitle .

  • Access 2013 - Query showing all/* fields by default!

    hi - does anyone know why my queries are pulling ALL the fields from a table even though I am only selecting a couple of fields?
    Here's the steps to recreate:
    Create, Query Design
    add table
    drag a couple of fields to display
    So then it shows me ALL the fields in table, so I have to go into SQL and take off the * after Select statement:
    SELECT T_CONTACT.name_last, T_CONTACT.birthday, *
    but I did not drag the * into my query design!
    Help - this is super annoying!

    Open the query in design view.
    Click in an empty part of the upper pane of the query design window.
    If necessary, activate the Property Sheet (F4).
    Set the 'Output All Fields' property to No:
    You can turn this off as default setting:
    Select File > Options.
    Click Object Designers in the navigation pane on the left hand side.
    Clear the check box "Output all fields" in the "Query design" section.
    Click OK.
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (

  • Approval Dates for each Approver in Document Details

    Please I want to know if this can be done. I need to show the approval dates for each approval step of a document next to the approver name in the iview,
    Context Menu of a document -> Details -> Settings -> Approval. (The approval process must be enabled).
    Approval Process
    1 User, Intranet has approved - 25/07/2010 9:10 AM
    2 lastname, name has approved - 27/07/2010 10:08 AM
    I don't know if this is possible.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: soauniverse on Jul 27, 2010 7:15 PM

    After searching for days in SDN / HELP, I found that in "km.appl.ui.statemanagement_api.jar" there are ".properties" for all the languages. What takes my attention is the file "" that has this content,
    #File created by SLIM generator ($SP-DIFF-TRANSLATED-FILE$)
    xfld_author=Approved By
    xfld_date=Approved On
    The standard portal displays Approved By. But I see that SAP has thought in the approval date? Is there an easy way or how can I activate the property xfld_date?
    Thanks & Regards

  • IPTC Meta import

    Is it possible to import images, RAW's, and bring the META from the .xmp files in with the images? I can't find how to do it. With some 15,000 images previously captioned, keyworded, etc. I can't be the only one concerned about spending months re entering all of that info in Aperture.
    Help! I really want to use Aperture but this really scares me off.

    here's one of the scripts I was using:
    tell application "Aperture"
      -- activate
      tell project "untitled Project" of folder ""
        set theImages to every image version
        -- move through the images one by one, deleting and creating the appropriate
        -- custom tags from exif text obtained from exported versions via GraphicConverter.
        repeat with i from 1 to theImages's length
          tell application "BBEdit"
            -- display progress counter
            set contents of window 1 to i
          end tell
          tell theImages's item i
            -- tell image version id "++s5iIgRT1uKC8lrxd5bMg" -- test image
            delete (every custom tag whose name ends with "(GC)")
            set exifdata to getEXIF(name) of me
            repeat with i from 1 to exifdata's length
              copy ("_" & exifdata's item i's first item & " (GC)") to tName
              copy (exifdata's item i's second item) to tValue
              make new custom tag with properties {name:tName, value:tValue}
            end repeat
          end tell
        end repeat
      end tell
    end tell
    property exportedImagesFolder : alias "/- exported from Aperture -/Canon IXUS 2"
    property exifTagsToIgnore : {"Make", ¬
      "Model", ¬
      "Resolution unit", ¬
      "Y and C positioning", ¬
      "Exposure time", ¬
      "F number", ¬
      "Exif version", ¬
      "Meaning of each component", ¬
      "Shutter speed", ¬
      "Aperture", ¬
      "Exposure bias", ¬
      "Maximum lens aperture", ¬
      "Metering mode", ¬
      "Flash", ¬
      "Lens focal length", ¬
      "Unknown tag (1)", ¬
      "Owner Name", ¬
      "Color Space", ¬
      "Interoperability Index", ¬
      "Focal plane resolution unit", ¬
      "White balance", ¬
      "Resolution unit", ¬
      "Offset to JPEG SOI", ¬
      "Bytes of JPEG data"}
    to getEXIF(vName)
      copy alias ((exportedImagesFolder as string) & vName & ".jpg") to vFile
      tell application "GraphicConverter"
        copy (get file exif of vFile) to theExif
      end tell
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
      repeat with i from 1 to theExif's length
        set theExif's item i to ¬
          {text item 3 of theExif's item i, text from text item 4 to -1 of theExif's item i}
      end repeat
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
      set newEXIF to {}
      set fileDate to ""
      set imageDate to ""
      repeat with i from 1 to theExif's length
        copy theExif's item i's first item to tName
        if tName is not in exifTagsToIgnore and ¬
          tName does not start with "Unknown" then
          set end of newEXIF to theEXIF's item i
          if tName begins with "File date and time" then
            set fileDate to date (theExif's item i's second item)
          else if tName begins with "Date and time of original" then
            set imageDate to date (theExif's item i's second item)
          end if
        end if
      end repeat
      if fileDate is not "" and imageDate is not "" then
        if fileDate = imageDate then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "Same"}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<"<" & (5)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 10 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (10)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 15 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (15)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 30 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (30)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 1 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 3 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (3 * 60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 6 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (6 * 60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 12 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (12 * 60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 24 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (24 * 60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (7 * 24 * 60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 14 * 24 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (14 * 24 * 60)}
        else if fileDate is less than (imageDate + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) then
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "<" & (30 * 24 * 60)}
          set end of newEXIF to {"File & Image Date Diff", "≥30 DAYS"}
        end if
      end if
      return newEXIF
    end getEXIF<br>
    iMac Duo Core 2GHz 2GB   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • WEb-Indexing Error

    Hi All
          I've created a web repository and while assinging this to an index it is showing the following error
    "<b> The repository needs the properties service to be attached to a classification index </b> "so, can anybody suggest me a solution to solve the problem.

    Hi Gnana,
    please mainly read about Web respositories and their indeing and searching etc. here and in neighnouring nodes:
    And no, you do not absolutely need a property extractor, unless you need more properties than the default delivered by the Web RM.
    You may though need to activate the property search service for the Web Repository.
    Regards, Karsten

  • Ehlpdhtm.js script error - Object doesn't support property or method 'Activate'

    Windows 7 64-bit
    This "Object doesn't support property or method 'Activate' ehlpdhtm.js error all of a sudden started popping up when I view any of the chms I build from my file system.
    I initially through it was a 64-bit problem because if I view the chm from my file system I get the script error. But if I copy it to a 32-bit PC or run it from within RH (after it's compiled for example) or a 32-bit version of our software, it runs fine. (However, one of my co-workers tried it on her 64-bit machine and didn't receive any error.) In any case, it seems to be happening on my machine only.
    Anyway, it's not on every topic, but on every one that calls the ehlpdhtm.js script with this line of code, it appears to be happening:
    <script src="ehlpdhtm.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2"></script>
    I don't think hhactivex.dll plays with this js at all, but just in case, I unregistred and re-registered that dll to no effect. I also tried explicitly adding in ehlpdhtm.js as a baggage file. Again, to no effect.
    What could have changed on my system to make this start happening? And any ideas on how to fix it?

    Well here's some more info I found out. If I unregister the 64-bit hhactivex.dll the script error  goes away. Of course my Glossary tab is grayed out as shown below, so that's not really an option:
    Reregistering the 64-bit hhactivex.dll again shows the script errors. Plus, if I then go to my glossary it's completely empty as shown here:
    If I copy this help down into a 32-bit machine everything works: the glossary has glossary terms, there's no script errors.
    In short, I don't know what's going on, but the script error I'm getting is somehow related to having the 64-bit dll registered.

  • Discussions in CollRoom - Activate the "readbyme" property

    Hi all,
    we use discussions in collaboration rooms. Now we'd like to signalize the participants if somebody posted a new reply. Therefore the "readbyme"-property seems to be senseful, in the topic list a discussion should get flagged when new posts have been made. (i think this was already working in EP5 with the old UI)
    <b>Status quo</b>: there's now a column with the flag-icon "Read" in the list of Discussions, but no Disussion gets flagged, even if it's new or contains a new posting.
    <b>Steps done:</b>
    - we added the property "readbyme" to the collectionrenderer "DiscussionGroupWithoutTopicsContributorCollectionListRenderer"
    - the accesstatistic service and the properties service is activated for the room_structure repository (where the postings reside) and the rooms repository (where the topics reside)
    Has anybody experience in this or knows if this is possible ?
    kind regards,

    Check whether the property "cm_readbyme" has the folder validity pattern set to "/**".
    If this is not set u may not see the property itself for the documents.
    (Read by me prop is only for documents not for folders...)

Maybe you are looking for