Activating Object Services

I am trying to activate General Object Services for viewing/creating attachments for FI Invoice ( FBV0 transaction ).
I tried assigning the following roles for the user:
Still the object services icon is not showing up in FBV0  transaction
Also for few of the users who initially had SAP_ALL role the object services appears even if we remove the role SAP_ALL
Any help on this issue would be appreciated

Hi Uwe,
The following conditions are found:
1. User with workflow administration (less than sap_all) authorizations has the Object Services available to the user in FBV0
2. User with SAP_ALL does not have Object Services available in FBV0
The users have been tested with several variations of authorizations on the user that has the Object Services and the user that does not, including granting SAP_ALL and the roles listed above.  This does not appear to be an authorization error.
Is there some configuration or inherent controls within SAP that might control this?
Thanks & Regards

Similar Messages

  • Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...

    <b>[This thread was migrated from the On Demand Developer Forum in the old Siebel Community] </b>
    New Contributor
    Ho do we use Activity object of a Service Request object. I am trying to
    create an Activity object for a existing Service Request object.
    I am looking for some sample code.
    I greatly appreciate your help.
    Product: CRM OnDemand
    11-26-2006 12:40 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    drangineni, What programming language are you using?
    12-04-2006 10:56 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Hi, I am using C# .
    12-04-2006 07:40 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    drangineni, assuming you know the service requestid or externalId of the
    Sr you are dealin gwith you would first set that value.
    ServiceRequest1[] objSRList =new ServiceRequest1[1];
    objSRList[0] = new ServiceRequest1();
    objSRList[0].ServiceRequestId = <YourSRId>;
    Then you create an array of activities and initialize the first one:
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity = new Activity[1];
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new Activity();
    Now set the data fields
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Subject ="My Subject";
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Description ="My Description";
    objSRList[0].ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task"; //valid values are either
    "Task" or "Appointment"
    Then call the ServiceREquestInsertOrUpdate method on the ServiceRequest
    WebService and pass in the above variable.
    12-06-2006 12:36 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Thank you BigSlick.
    The following error is thrown when I use the
    "No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance 'Service <br/>
    When I use the prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsert(objInput), no error is
    thrown and the Activity gets added, but a new Service Request object is
    created, but the Activity gets added to an existing Service Request
    object. I greatly appreciate your help.
    The following is the code:
    int ActivityLength = 0;
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1[] ServiceRequest = new
    ServiceRequest[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1();
    ServiceRequest[0].ServiceRequestId = this.Request.QueryString["id"];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity = new
    WebSelfService.WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity[ActivityLength + 1];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity();
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Description =
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Display = "Task";
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Subject = "My Subject";
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest prxySrvcRequest = new
    objInput = new
    objOutput = new
    objInput.ListOfServiceRequest = ServiceRequest;
    Session objSession;
    objSession = (Session) Application["Session"];
    prxySrvcRequest.Url = objSession.GetURL();
    objOutput = prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsertOrUpdate(objInput);
    catch(Exception e)
    12-09-2006 09:53 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Thank you BigSlick.
    The following error is thrown when I use the
    "No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance 'Service <br/>
    When I use the prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsert(objInput), no error is
    thrown and the Activity gets added, but a new Service Request object is
    created, but the Activity gets added to an existing Service Request
    object. I greatly appreciate your help.
    The following is the code:
    int ActivityLength = 0;
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1[] ServiceRequest = new
    ServiceRequest[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest1();
    ServiceRequest[0].ServiceRequestId = this.Request.QueryString["id"];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity = new
    WebSelfService.WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity[ActivityLength + 1];
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[0] = new WSOD_ServiceRequest.Activity();
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Description =
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Display = "Task";
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].Subject = "My Subject";
    WSOD_ServiceRequest.ServiceRequest prxySrvcRequest = new
    objInput = new
    objOutput = new
    objInput.ListOfServiceRequest = ServiceRequest;
    Session objSession;
    objSession = (Session) Application["Session"];
    prxySrvcRequest.Url = objSession.GetURL();
    objOutput = prxySrvcRequest.ServiceRequestInsertOrUpdate(objInput);
    catch(Exception e)
    12-10-2006 08:49 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    Valued Contributor
    Ah yes, I forgot you also need to specify a unquie Id for the activity.
    It's kinda strange.
    Try adding this:
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    //OD will overwrite this with a real Id
    Or if you have a unquie ID for your Activities you can use:
    ServiceRequest[0].ListOfActivity[ActivityLength].ExternalSystemId = <Your
    Unique Value>;
    Hope that helps,
    12-11-2006 10:52 AM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Hi all,
    I have a similar problem, but mine is returning a message that field
    "Display" is required. Looking at this post and the documentation it is
    obvious that Display is a required field, but my WSDL did not include a
    field called "Display", so my proxy did not generate one.
    I tried adding a field called Display to the WSDL and the proxy class, but
    I get a different error... I figure I maybe cannot add it manually like
    that - but I think the bigger problem is it is not part of the WSDL that
    Siebel OD generates for me in my admin account.
    On top of that Display is not shown in the list of fields for Activity
    through the admin interface.. is it possible my account is bugged? Am I
    missing something simple here? BigSlick, I see you mention a .Display in
    your code sample so I thought you might understand what is wrong. Here is
    my code (I am trying to add a activity to a lead).
    Thanks for any insight into this!
    private void InsertLeadActivity(Session session, NameValueCollection data,
    string leadID)
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("Setting up Activity<br>";
    // instantiate the proxy service
    Activity_Service.Activity activityProxy = new Activity_Service.Activity();
    // set up the target URL
    activityProxy.Url = session.GetURL();
    activityProxy.CookieContainer = session.GetCookieContainer();
    // set up input argument
    ActivityNWS_Activity_Insert_Input input = new
    input.ListOfActivity = new Activity1[1];
    input.ListOfActivity[0] = new Activity1();
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("Getting Data<br>";
    // dg note: name value
    // input.ListOfActivity[0].MrMrs = data["MrMrs"];
    input.ListOfActivity[0].LeadId = leadID.ToString();
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Description = DataToString(data);
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Subject = "Website Submission Activity";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Priority = "3-Low";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].DueDate =
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Owner = this.defaultLeadOwner;
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Type = "Call";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ExternalSystemId = "web";
    catch (Exception exInsertActivity1)
    if (blnDebug)
    Response.Write("<br>Error inserting activity.<br><br>" +
    exInsertActivity1.ToString() + "<br>";
    01-06-2007 05:05 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    New Contributor
    Figured it out.. the field "Display" is also known as "Activity"........
    Here are some notes for other people.. good luck and feel free to write me
    at raskawa-at-gmail-com if you want a code sample.
    Some unpublished nice to knows for Siebel On Demand Activities....
    In summary:
    - .Activity is also known as Display in documentation and on the error
    messages coming back from the WS. Also, it appears based on these boards
    some people actually have a .Display field. Maybe different accounts
    generate different WSDL's.... buggy.
    - If a error message is thrown saying "Description is required" it really
    means "Subject is required" (make sure .Subject has a value)
    - If a error message is thrown complaining that ActionType is not right..
    that is really .Type.. make sure it's lookup value is valid for the
    dropdown values in your CRM OD system.
    My code/values that worked..
    input.ListOfActivity[0].LeadId = leadID.ToString();
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Description = DataToString(data);
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Subject = "Website Submission Activity";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Priority = "3-Low";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].DueDate =
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Owner = this.defaultLeadOwner;
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Type = "Call";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ActivityId = "DummyId";
    input.ListOfActivity[0].ExternalSystemId = "web";
    //input.ListOfActivity[0].Display = "Task"; //doesn't work
    input.ListOfActivity[0].Activity = "Task"; //does work.
    01-06-2007 05:17 PM
    Re: Creating Activity object for a Service Request object...
    First Time Contributor
    This is surgientweb (under my own login now..)
    Anyway, I wanted to add that I figured out that there are two ways to add
    a Activity to a Lead. Via the Lead object (by getting a ListOfActivities)
    OR by creating a Activity directly and just adding your "LeadID" to it (or
    you can also add a "ContactID" to relate the activity to a Contact.)
    Feel free to email me for a code example (
    01-09-2007 02:58 PM

    Hi Stephane,
    You can definitely read the categories using Tables in CRM. The logic is a bit complicated though.
    Use the following steps to retrieve Categories using Std. CRM Tables:
    1. Pass transaction GUID in field GUID of table CRMV_REPORT_SUBJ and get KATALOGART, CODEGRUPPE and CODE field values in lv_catalog, lv_codegrp and lv_code.
    2. Now you need to concatenate these 3 fields values carefully like this:
    CONCATENATE lv_catelog lv_codegrp '    ' lv_code into lv_category1.
    Remember there are 4 spaces between lv_codegrp and lv_code.
    3. Now pass this lv_category1 in field OBJEXT in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_OK and get OBJGUID in field lv_objguid.
    4. Pass this lv_objguid in field OBJ_GUID and LNK_TYPE = 'IS_CODE' in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_LN and get value of CAT_GUID in lv_cat_guid.
    5. Pass this lv_cat_guid in field CAT_GUID in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_CA and get value of CAT_ID in field lv_cat_text.
    Remember this lv_cat_text is the text value of your last level of category of transaction.
    6. To get its upper cateogry level value, simply use table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_HI and get parent guid value and pass this as CAT_GUID again in table CRMC_ERMS_CAT_CA to get its text.
    Alternatively, you can also use class method cl_crm_ml_category_util=>get_parse_all to get all levels of categories.
    Hope this helps.

  • Attachments Activating Generic Object Services (GOS) in VA41/VA42 at item level

    Hi to All,
    I'm trying to manage attachments for sales document at item level.
    I've already read this wonderfull post (Activating Generic Object Services Toolbar in SAP Objects) but I didn't understand how manage attachments at item level.
    Please, if anyone has ideas of how to achieve it please share solutions.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Hi again,
    Thanks for the answers, they were very helpful,
    but the customer isn't happy with the "Store business Documents" and it's Drag n' drop interface.
    I'm to develop a new GOS menu item, that will show
    a normal Open File dialog, and a following popup
    where the user can change the document title shown
    in the Attachment list.
    along with ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT should probably
    cover the functionality I need.
    I know both the BOR type ID and the object ID is
    available to me in the Execute() method of the GOS menu handler I'm overriding, but for the ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT, I'm supposed to supply an AR_OBJECT parameter (I know that this information is stored in the TOAOM table), but I have no clue where to get this information for the current object I'm trying to add an attachment for.
    Lars Wilhelmsen

  • Generic Object Services (GOS) feature to be activated on QP01/02/03

    My client want to have the Object Services(GOS) capability turned ON on
    QP01, QP02 and QP03 screens which will allow them to link documents to
    the Inspection Plan. And right now that feature/icon is not there on
    QP01/QP02/QP03 screens. When I tried to activate the 'Services for
    Object' on those screens, I got the message 'No Service Available'.
    Could anyone please provide a solution to turn on that feature for the
    Inspection Plan screens?
    Thanks & Regards,
    AnjiReddy Pulagam.

    You need to implement a BADI to generate the GOS toolbar for that transactions, and put this code inside:
              LA_OBJ      TYPE BORIDENT.
    * Set object Key
        LA_OBJ-OBJTYPE = 'BUS1191'. "Bussiness object for inspection plan
        LA_OBJ-OBJKEY  = inspectionPlanIdentifier. " Inspection plan number
    * GOS toolbar
            IS_OBJECT    = LA_OBJ
            IP_NO_COMMIT = SPACE
            OTHERS = 1.

  • Generic Object Services for a standard transaction code

    We have a requirement where we are depreciating the assets (standard transaction ABAA) using a custom BDC program. We need to maintain a history (called audit trail) for the particular asset that has been depreciated using this program. For this audit trail we have been asked to use "Generic Object Services" in transaction code ABAA.
    Unfortunately, Generic object services are not available in this transaction code. Can you please suggest me how to create "Generic Object Services" for a particular standard transaction code. Also, we have show the details of custom workflow that handles the approval process in order to depreciate the asset. How to show this workflow details using Generic Object Services. This is a very critical issue, any help will be very help ful.
    Please let me know should you require more information on this topic.

    Hello Ashish,
    i dont think activating of GOS will solve ur probs..... GOS wont create a WF item ...... try to get some kind of GOS before u do anything in SAP systems.
    u can do like this ......
    1 create custom screen where u can enter asset details and store in custom tables....and generate one custom doc.number to track.
    2. trigger WF when user submits it for approvals.
    3.Upon final approvals.--->run BDC to do postings......
    4.Give a Option to attach documents to the parking documents. ( that GOS ).

  • Activating Object in IR - Getting Null Pointer Exception

    I'm having trouble activating object in my Intergration Repository.  When I activate any object I get a null pointer exception.  Below is the exception:
    #6 09:30:51 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR Throwable
    MESSAGE ID: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Method)
    Serialized server exceptions:
    MESSAGE ID: (serialized) java.lang.NullPointerException
         at Method)
         at Code))
         at Code))
         at Code))
    MESSAGE ID: java.lang.NullPointerException (serialized)
    java.lang.NullPointerException: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.transaction.WriteSet.getObjects( Code))
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.persistence.TransactionalComponent.rollback(
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.transaction.Transaction.rollback( Code))
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.transaction.Transaction.flushWriteSets( Code))
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.versionmg.DefaultIntegrator.executeDBUpdates(
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.versionmg.DefaultIntegrator.integrate(
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.versionmg.VersionSet.integrate(
         at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.changemg.ChangeList.release(
         at Method)
         at Code))
         at Code))
         at Code))
    #5 09:30:35 [AWT-EventQueue-0] FINE Invalid key element attribute id "NAMESPACE". Valid values are: {SWC_VENDOR,SWC_NAME,SWC_VERSION,SWC_ELTYPEID}.
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
    #4 09:30:35 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG Invalid key element attribute id "NAMESPACE". Valid values are: {SWC_VENDOR,SWC_NAME,SWC_VERSION,SWC_ELTYPEID}.
    #3 09:29:40 [AWT-EventQueue-0] FINE Type "TypeConntestObj" is not registered in the service class Type Service - Type Information
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
    #2 09:29:40 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG Type "TypeConntestObj" is not registered in the service class Type Service - Type Information
    #1 09:29:40 [AWT-EventQueue-0] FINE Type "versConflList" is not registered in the service class Type Service - Type Information
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
    #0 09:29:40 [AWT-EventQueue-0] DEBUG Type "versConflList" is not registered in the service class Type Service - Type Information
    Any assistance is appreciated.

    Hi Jeff,
    Have you seen this SAP note: 859465 ?
    some of your error message look exactly like those mentioned in this note...
    at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.transaction.WriteSet.getObjects( Code))
    at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.persistence.TransactionalComponent.rollback(
    at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.transaction.Transaction.rollback( Code))
    at com.tssap.dtr.pvc.basics.transaction.Transaction.flushWriteSets( Code))
    <b>Remember to restart the server after the changes</b>
    Message was edited by: Michal Krawczyk

  • Generic Object Services - View Attachments disabled for non admin user

    I am using SAP 4.7 and the attachments created using table TOA01 - archive link are visible to an administrator user through Generic Object Services toolbox while same View Attachments option appears disabled for other non admin users.
    Kindly help !

    Hi Neha,
    I'm sorry I don't have answer to your question but I wonder if you could help me.
    I'm looking at OSS note 530792 to configure GOS 'create attachment' option to copy the attachments to the archive server. currently, these are written to the SAP office tables SOC3, SOFFCONT1, etc and I want to use the archivelink and SAPHTTP and copy to the archive storage.
    Have you successfully managed to configure your system since you mentioned TOA01?
    In the same GOS menu I've activated the 'Business document' option and can copy these to the archive server by correctly configuring OAC2 and OAC3.
    I'll really appreciate of you could please share your knowledge.

  • How to trigger a workflow using generic object services?

    Hi Experts,
    Let me know on how to trigger a workflow using generic object services.
    My requirement is to trigger the FI document reversal document using Object services.
    Any info or docs relevant to this, please share with me..

    First of you need to check if the transaction has a BO (in released status) published to use the GOS.
    These are the pre-requisites for GOS
    Once done.. check that you have valid workflow linkages active for this BO.
    Now when you click on the 'start workflow' the system will show all relevant workflows for the BO to choose from and to start.

  • Object Services  attachement list

    From FB03, I am able to view archived images from Environment==>additional assignments==>object links==>attachment list.
    However, when I am using the Object Services==>attachment list the images does not display. Any ideas why?
    I have the following authorization objects.
    C_DRAD_OBJ activity 03, document type *, Linked SAP Object *, Status *.
    S_WFAR_OBJ activity (01,02,03), Document type *, Object Type *.
    Any ideas why from one path it works but not the other?

    Hi, Christina
    plz go through this
    Graphical Display
    You can display existing assignments of material or infrastructure objects graphically on the relevant tab pages by choosing the Graphical Displaypushbutton.
    Functions from the SAP Graphics component are used for the graphical display. For more information, see SAP Library under SAP NetWeaver Library ® SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability ® Application Platform by Key Capability ® ABAP Technology ® UI Technology ® Frontend Services ® SAP Graphics
    1.      You are on the initial screen of the document display function (transaction FAIR03). Enter your selection criteria.
    If you do not make any entries here, all documents are selected.
      2.      Choosing ‘excute’ with quick info text Execute takes you to a list of the accounting documents. You can analyze the results in various ways.
    •       Document Line Items displays the line items for the selected document in the lower screen area.
    You can select multiple documents.
    •       Source Document takes you to the source document (such as the invoice). From there you can navigate to the follow-on documents.
    •        Accounting Document displays the underlying accounting document.
    •         To close the lower screen area, choose  with quick info Close List.
    Note: you have to check wether you have defined 'valution area' and tick indicator 'additional object type'

  • Object services - manual implementation of database access layer

    this is my first time with object services. I read a lot but can't find the information which I really need to implement my requirements.
    I have build a persistent class, clicked to "persistence", mapped my persistent attributes. I want to use a table-like attribute in my class, which contains references to another class. I added this attribute manually to the attribute list in the class builder. Consequently, GET and SET methods were generated automatically. Then I changed the generator settings by activating "manual implementation of database access layer".
    So, my first notice is - If I choose manual implementation a call of create_persistent-method will not work. Nothing will be inserted into the mapped data base table.
    Can anybody give me a example which shows how I can implement the database access layer manually? What do I have to do to write object attributes into data base table?
    Which methods do I have to enhance?
    Thanks a lot for any help in advance!

    Thanks for your answer, but I would not be sure if you really got my problem.
    I really really read much stuff (including SAP help, sappress "object services in ABAP" by Assig, Fobbe, Niemitz, sappress "abap objects" by keller), I googled a lot. But I couldn't find detailed information about this manual implementation of database access which you can activate in persistence settings.
    This is the only extract out of SAP Help regarding this topic:
    "If you prefer to carry out a manual implementation of the database access layer, select  to change the generator settings and select the field of the same name. In this case you can implement your own database read routines, through which you can redefine the generated SET and GET methods for access to the database. This is particularly recommended if you want to improve performance by providing these routines with their own buffer mechanism. "
    And some information about so calles Structure mapping which means the same idea in my opinion
    "Structure Mapping
    In this case, you map ABAP Dictionary structures, rather than database tables or database views to persistent objects. The application developer must therefore program the type of persistent data storage in the appropriate methods of the class actor.
    You will need to map a structure (or structures) if you want a persistent object to contain table-like attributes. Database tables can only have flat structures, which prevents your mapping the object to a table in this case. You must still use structure mapping, even if you want to store the data in a different form u2013 such as in a file on the application server."
    I used the debugger to get the idea of the SAVE method. But I couldn't find the difference between manual and automatic implementation in the code.
    I tried to use implicit enhancement, but was not successful. Right now I am trying to redefine the SAVE method of the interface IF_OS_CA_SERVICE. But I can't believe that I have to implement the whole attribute-table-mapping on my own now. That can't be the idea of object service and their manual implementation. In my opinion it must be possible to use predefined algorithm to map business key etc. to corresponding table fields and to implement own ideas just for those table-like attributes..
    Or am I totally wrong with this thoughts?
    Thanks in advance!!

  • Security for General Object Services

    Trying to restrict authorizations for GOS at the document type level.
    We are currently in 4.6c.  We are using the authorization object S_WFAR_OBJ to restrict document type, object type, and the activity level.  This authorization object works as expected when a user goes into tcode OAWD(SAP ArchiveLink: Store documents) but if a user goes into another tcode such as XK03(Display vendor (centrally) the user can then attach for any document type using the Global Object Services icon.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to control what document types when using the GOS icon?

    Try this as it will work for you.
    Using T-code SE16 view table TACTZ
    This will tell you the valid activites ACTVT for you auth object
    Now it should be possible to change the one you don't want in T-code XK03
    Let me know if you want me to eleborate.

  • ADF BC and the Active Data Service

    The OFM Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF 11g Release 1 (B31974-05) has a section "42 Using the Active Data Service"
    that says "... If you want your components to update based on events passed into ADF Business Components, then you need to use the Active Data Proxy. ..."
    but it does not seem to explain how to use ADF BC and the Active Data Service.
    I have been able to create this example application ...
    ... that does not have a af:poll component (but has moved polling into a managed bean).
      </managed-bean>This is some code in the SumSalBean class:
    package activedataserviceadfbcapp.view;
    // also based on code found in "ADF’s Active Data Service and scalar data (like activeOutputText)" by Matthias Wessendorf
    // at
    public class SumSalBean
         extends BaseActiveDataModel
         protected static final String SUM_SAL_NAME = "sumSal";
         protected final AtomicInteger fCurrentChangeCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
         protected long fActiveDataUpdateEventTime;
         protected EmpSumSalVO fEmpSumSalVO = null;
         public void setupActiveData()
              ActiveModelContext vActiveModelContext =
              Object[] vKeyPath = new String[0];
              vActiveModelContext.addActiveModelInfo(this, vKeyPath, SUM_SAL_NAME);
              ScheduledExecutorService vSEService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
              vSEService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                             if (hasDataChanged())
                   3, // let's wait some seconds
                   2, // period between the updates
         public void triggerActiveDataUpdateEvent()
              ActiveDataUpdateEvent vEvent =
                        getCurrentChangeCount(), new String[0], null,
                        new String[] { SUM_SAL_NAME },
                        new Object[] { getSumSal() });
         public String getSumSal()
              EmpSumSalVO vEmpSumSalVO = getEmpSumSalVO();
              return "" + vEmpSumSalVO.getFirstSumSal();
         protected void startActiveData(Collection<Object> rowKeys,
              int startChangeCount)
         protected void stopActiveData(Collection<Object> rowKeys)
         public int getCurrentChangeCount()
              return fCurrentChangeCount.get();
         protected boolean hasDataChanged()
              EmpSumSalVO vEmpSumSalVO = getEmpSumSalVO();
              return vEmpSumSalVO.hasDataChanged(getActiveDataUpdateEventTime());
         public void setEmpSumSalVO(EmpSumSalVO pEmpSumSalVO)
              fEmpSumSalVO = pEmpSumSalVO;
    }How all this behaves a runtime can be seen in this screencast
    I would welcome comments on how the example application in can be improved, or references to information on how this should be done properly.
    (q1) Where can I find some example code that does use ADF BC and the Active Data Service?
    many thanks
    Jan Vervecken

    ADF BC does not natively support ADF yet. Its planned for a next release. The only Data Control that out of the box support ADS is BAM. To use ADF BC with e.g. databae change notifications you
    - create a shared AM
    - Configure the VO to respond to database changes (check box)
    - Configure the database to broadcast changes
    - Use an af:poll component for the refresh because the update would be on the model layer only
    So what is in the documentation is a doc bug. In the current releae you can use ADS best with a POJO model (that you use directly for dashboard use cases). You can though use a POJO data control, but this at the current stage would just act as a pass through for the data access.
    See example 156 on for how to do it with ADF BC
    Ps.: Of course, the plan is to make everything working out of the box with no developer action required.
    Edited by: Frank Nimphius on Feb 12, 2010 6:56 AM
    Re-read your post. Maybe I need to revise my comment. Are you accessing AM directly or via the ADF layer. If the latter - I did not yet look at your sample - then this may work if you don't release the AM module you access directly (may not scale well)

  • BAM Vs Active Data Services

    In our application, we want to achieve dynamic real-time refresh on a table .But we don't want to see any analytics. Which is the better option -BAM /Active Data Services.
    Does usage of Active Data Services guarentee 100% real-time refresh if we set attribute ChangeEventPolicy ='push'.
    Please let us know if anyone has come across any prior investigation done by any other team on this. Any pointers would be appreciated.

    not sure about the AP you use, in JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1 ( we provide a proxy framework for this, which has a method
    * builds the <code>ActiveDataUpdateEvent</code>.
    * @param type the change type of the event, could be UPDATE, INSERT,
    * DELETE, REFRESH, etc
    * @param changeCount the changeCount
    * @param key the key of the row (in the CollectionModel case)
    * @param insertKey the key to indicate the insert position
    * @param genericConversion param passed to the internal call of
    * <code>convertKeyPath</code>
    * @param names the names of the attributes to be changed
    * @param values the values of the attributes to be changed
    * @return the ActiveDataUpdateEvent
    public static ActiveDataUpdateEvent buildActiveDataUpdateEvent(
    ActiveDataEntry.ChangeType type,
    int changeCount,
    Object[] key,
    Object[] insertKey,
    String[] names,
    Object[] values)
    The insertKey can be used to specific the key of the row where the new row should be inserted. I did not work with the API set prior to JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1, so all I can say is that if it works with the procy then it works with the manual API as well

  • Active data services

    I'm using active data services to update a table component with the use of database change notifications. I've been able to display the changes in the database as they take place. The problem is that the newly inserted data will be added at the end of the table and if I want to add it at the beginning or in some other place it would be difficult to change the HashMap (will reduce the performance) to include the new row data (I will have to push the values in the hashmap and add the new at the beginning so that it will be displayed at the beginning of the table).
    So the basic question is how can I do it more efficiently?
    Is it possible to use some other data structure where it will be possible to add the data to a position which will automatically push the other values?
    Edited by: mangun on Nov 19, 2009 5:05 PM

    not sure about the AP you use, in JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1 ( we provide a proxy framework for this, which has a method
    * builds the <code>ActiveDataUpdateEvent</code>.
    * @param type the change type of the event, could be UPDATE, INSERT,
    * DELETE, REFRESH, etc
    * @param changeCount the changeCount
    * @param key the key of the row (in the CollectionModel case)
    * @param insertKey the key to indicate the insert position
    * @param genericConversion param passed to the internal call of
    * <code>convertKeyPath</code>
    * @param names the names of the attributes to be changed
    * @param values the values of the attributes to be changed
    * @return the ActiveDataUpdateEvent
    public static ActiveDataUpdateEvent buildActiveDataUpdateEvent(
    ActiveDataEntry.ChangeType type,
    int changeCount,
    Object[] key,
    Object[] insertKey,
    String[] names,
    Object[] values)
    The insertKey can be used to specific the key of the row where the new row should be inserted. I did not work with the API set prior to JDeveloper 11g R1 PS1, so all I can say is that if it works with the procy then it works with the manual API as well

  • Authorization Object for using Object Services

    Can you tell me how to limit a users authorization to create or delete attachements using the object services functionality?  We'd like to control the addition and deletion of the attachments.  Is there a specific authorization object for this functionality?
    Thank you, Julie

    Hi julie;
    I hope that following are the solution for you problem. Check wheather this is helpful to you or not.
    Authorization Object C_DRAW_BGR (Authorization Group)
    The following table shows authorization object C_DRAW_BGR. This authorization object allows you to limit access to individual documents.
    Fields      Possible Values      Description
    BEGRU (Authorization group)      0000 - ZZZZ      Used to restrict the authorizations for document maintenance further.
    Authorization object C_DRAW_BGR can be used to restrict access to individual documents. It works like a simple on/off switch. If the check of object C_DRAW_BGR is fine, the user's authorization can be further restricted by checking C_DRAW_TCD (check only based on the document type) or C_DRAW_TCS (check of the
    combination of document type and status). At the fifth level there is a BADI called DOCUMENT_AUTH01, which you can use to design your own authority check.
    Authorization Object C_DRAW_DOK (Document Access)
    The following table shows authorization object C_DRAW_DOK. This authorization object controls which original data of a specific document type there are access authorizations for.
    Fields      Possible Values      Description
    ACTVT (Activity)      52 53 54 55 56 57      Change application start Display application start Display archive application Change archive application Display archive Store archive
    DOKAR (Document type)            Here you enter the document type that access to original data is allowed for.
    Authorization Object C_DRAD_OBJ (Object Link)
    The following table shows authorization object C_DRAD_OBJ. This object controls which users can process which document info records, based on a combination of activity, object, and status.
    Fields      Possible Values      Description
    ACTVT (Activity)      01 02 03 06      Create Change Display Delete
    DOKOB (Object)            You must enter the data base table for the objects here (for example, MARA for material record).
    STATUS (Document status)
    if useful rewards points.           
    Edited by: nitin bhagat on Feb 18, 2008 6:23 AM

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