Active Sync / Contacts

Just set up my new Galaxy S III on Active Sync to our MS Exchange/365 mail system.  Email, tasks and calendar work fine, but I am unable to sync more than one Contacts group at a time on this phone.  On my prior Droid X2 (running an earlier operating system), I was able to sync multiple Contacts groups simultaneously.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?  

    Great question, rbiagi! After careful review, I was able to confirm that you can only sync one contact group at a time. This maybe something that changes in the future. Have a great day! ^CM

Similar Messages

  • Exchange 2003 Active Sync - Contacts not showing up on BB10

    Hi Everyone, i am hoping someone can help.  We have been assumig all along the problem was with our Exchange Server 2003 config and new informaiton has come to light that makes me believe now it is a device issue and I am hoping someone has seen this problem.
    The core probllem is that contacts are not syncing propertly.  They are syncing VERY slowly - it has been 7 Hours and only a hundred or so have moves over.  The assumption was they werent copyng over, however new information has led us to potentially believe they are coming over but are being processed by the Z10 and not showing up in the contact list. 
    My unit is hooked up to my car on bluetooth and everytime i start my car - it copies over my contact list.  I then noticed that there are contacts which have been copies over, which do NOT show up yet on my blackberry (but are in my exchange contacts) - so my car found the contact from the Z10 and now 3 hours later, that contact is still not in my BB Contacts.  I know for sure that contact wasnt cahced in my car memory, as it is a new contact i created on my office computer only a few hours prior....
    This is making me believe that the Z10 is processing the contacts in some way or the index on my BB contacts is bad.
    What have I dont todate to resolve the issue:
    - complete wipe and reload (3 times)
    Removed the battery and restarted - numberous times
    Interestingly, everytme i reboot the device, more contacts appear in my list???  Considering i have approx 800 contacts, this would only mean i have about 500 reboots left before my contacts are all there?

    Hi Jjang,
    To resolve this for you it would really help if we could gather logs and do some testing. Could you please ask your wireless service provider to open a case with BlackBerry on your behalf so we can look after this for you?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
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  • Email & Active Sync Contacts

    When I look up a contact on the iphone using the Activesync directory seach I can get details such as phone nubmers. However if I open a email from the same user I don't get the same information. Is there anyway to link the user lookup to the email?

    The Contacts should sync both ways, your case might be contact database issue. 
    if you decide to fix it do these steps:
    1. Export your data as a .CSV fie by:
    a. click file in outlook
    b. click import and export
    c. export to a file
    d. comma separated values (windows)
    e. highlight your main contacts then hit next
    f. hit browse and locate a directory to save your file then hit next
    g. hit map custom fields, then hit default map, hit OK then, hit finish.
    After exporting Delete all your contacts, If your not comfortable with that copy all your contacts to another folder. But make sure you empty out your Contacts folder.
    On the Phone side you need to delete your email (EAS) account, so that it will also clean out your contacts. (double check if contacts are deleted, if not, a hardreset must be done)
    Bottom Line. Both Outlook and Phone Contacts must be cleared out. before proceeding. 
    When contacts on the phone are gone, set up your email (EAS) again (at this point no contacts should exist on the device and outlook)
    After sync and emails and calendar are transferred, try putting a dummy data both on the phone and outlook contacts, Sync twice then check if data transferred on both places.
    (there is no reason for it not to)
    If data in contacts are syncing Import back the contacts to outlook by: 
    a. click file in outlook
    b. click import and export
    c. Import from another program or file
    d.  comma separated values (windows)
    e. Hit browse then locate where the file was exported, highlight then hit OK
    f. Leave it in "Allow Duplicates" then hit next
    g. Highlight your main contacts then hit next.
    This should import back all you data, after thats done try to do another Sync.. 
    Post relates to: Treo Pro T850U (Unlocked)
    Post relates to: Treo Pro T850U (Unlocked)

  • Active sync contact list

    I cannot get my address book on my palm treo 700xw to transfer to my new Sony laptop with Vista. I've downloaded the hot sync program from, and it shows up on the desktop.....but the addresses don't transfer, or if they do, I can't find them. Thanks for any help.
    Post relates to: Treo 700wx (Sprint)

    I wish you could. If you checked Microsoft's site. You would of seen they do not just provide outlook only.
    Check this link this is just Outlook itself nothing else
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

  • How do I use Active Sync to view SharePoint Lists (Contacts and Calendars) on a Mobile Phone?

    We are attempting to use SharePoint 2010 in combination with Exchange 2010 to implement shared calendars and contact lists throughout our organization.  We are able to connect the lists to Outlook 2010, but have been unsuccessful in viewing
    the calendars and contact lists from our mobile phones.  How do we use Active Sync to view SharePoint Lists (Contacts and Calendars) on a Mobile Phone?
    In trying to answer this question, we have come across a few different possibilities, all of them falling just short of a long term solution for us.  After doing research, we found that Active Sync will only show the default folders of the account.  To
    solve this, we downloaded an Add-In for Outlook (CodeTwo FolderSync) to synchronize folders and synchronized our SharePoint list with a new Contact list in the default folder.  The issue we came across with this method is that the Add-In we are using
    is not capable of automatic synchronization.  There is a button and it must be clicked after every update is made, which is not ideal for our solution.  We then went to the company (CodeTwo) and found server side software (Exchange Sync) that they
    offer which will automatically synchronize the folders.  After installing that on the Exchange Server, we now are running into the issue of not being able to locate the SharePoint lists on the Exchange Server.
    Does anyone happen to know how we can get to the SharePoint lists from the Exchange Server?  Has anyone else been able to use shared contacts lists and calendars from SharePoint on their mobile phones using Active Sync?  If so, are we in the right
    direction with what we have found so far?

    You cannot use ActiveSync for that, but there are SharePoint clients for the iPhone. Windows Mobile 7 natively supports SharePoint with SharePoint Workspace Mobile, part of Microsoft Office Mobile. Android and BlackBerry might also have some apps.
    Use Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Mobile
    iPhone SharePoint Apps Shootout 
    Comparing SharePoint iPhone Apps
    MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M

  • Calendar & Contacts do not Sync to iPhone via Active Sync

    I've been trying to figure this out for 3 days now. I have searched all over this site and the Internet in general and nothing I have found has fixed the issue.
    Basically, starting last week, my Push mail from Exchange started draining my battery from 100% - dead in about 8 - 10 hours. I turned off Push and my battery draining issues went away.
    On Monday while searching the net for assistance with the battery draining issue I saw a suggestion to delete the account from the iPhone and re-add it. I did this and all h*ll broke loose.
    Ever since adding the exchange server back in the following issues exist:
    1. No contacts will sync over from my Outlook Mailbox.
    2. No calendar entries will sync over from my Outlook Mailbox.
    3. Only a handful of existing mail messages synced over after adding it (doesn't matter what I set my number days/months to save).
    4. New mail seems to show up fine, but if I read it in Outlook it does not mark it as read on the iPhone and vice versa.
    5. If I get a new invite for a meeting it adds it to my calendar on the iPhone but I dont' get any of the options to accept/decline.
    I have tried everything I can think of an all of the suggestions that have been posted online. I've even gone as far as deleting/archiving EVERYTHING out of my mailbox, including contacts, calendar entries, tasks, all mail sent and received, you name it. Nothing I do gets Active Sync working the way it should.
    I've added and removed the exchange account to/from my iPhone so many times I can practically do it blindfolded. I even restored my iPhone to factory defaults and then restored a backup I had from before the problems started occurring.
    Other co-workers on the same Exchange server are not having these issues.
    Any ideas from anyone? I'm trying to see if I can get some assistance from our Exchange team but I don't know what if any help I will get as this is not a supported device on our network.
    One thing that I can't seem to do (probably the version of Exchange we are running) is get to the mobile devices section of the Outlook Web Access Client to delete the iPhone profile.
    FWIW, this is an original iPhone running 2.2.

    I have this exact same issue!
    I was on 2.0.1 running fine until late last week, noticed emails would not show up unless I had opened them in outlook. I thought I ran into a bug so I upgraded to 2.0.2. Now I can sync my email if outlook had them opened previously, but no calendar or contacts at all. I don't think my exchange admins will move me to another server, any other ideas?
    I love my iphone but if these features don't work I can't use it. I would appreciate any ideas.

  • Will I lose my personal contacts if I add an Exchange/Active Sync account?

    I read that if I configure my business Exchange account via active sync I will lose my personal contacts on the phone. True?

    i set mine up for Exchange today and when I went to turn on Contacts it warned me this it would replace all my contacts with the ones from Exchange. Since I have all of my Personal contacts in a group on Exchange/Outlook anyway it was Ok for me. Once you are setup to sync with Exchange and Contacts it no longer sync with the Contacts on your computer.
    What worked out well for me was I was just testing the Exchange piece so I later turned off Contact synching and it erased all of the Contacts on my Touch. Then, the next time I synched with my computer I had the option to sync Contacts again from the computer and that put me back to the way I was before playing with the Exchange piece.

  • IPad no syncing Contacts via Exchange Active Sync

    We have set up a Exchange 2003 server with Active Sync and everything is working good except it is not syncing the users contacts. Any ideas?

    You mean on the device? Yeah, it's set to sync contacts as well as Calendar and Email.

  • Where is Active Sync finding all my contact information

    No device
    I recently acquired a Palm Treo Pro, to replace my Treo 650. I have quite a few contacts stored on my 650 Treo, but they don't show up in my Outlook Contacts, and I have never been able to see any contacts in my Palm Desktop Address book. Anyhow, when I ran Active Sync, it pulled in all kinds of old contact information, and in many cases replicated many of the entries. What I would like to know is if anyone knows where it is picking up this information, and is there a way to edit it on my desktop, and then do another Active Sync, making the Desktop replace the handheld data. Any ideas or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    You should make a back-up of your contacts on your computer anyway, regardless if you proceed.
    On my Macbook I go into Contacts> File> Export> Export Archive

  • Exchange Active Sync account will not show up, lost all contacts

    I know there have been various reports of the Active Sync not working properly, however my phone appears to have gone a step fuyrther since Lollipop upgrade..
    I had to wipe the phone due to the appalling stability of Lollipop, so had to re-install my corporate email account.  When i first did using the setting retrieved from back up, it appeared to work, but then my contacts would randomly vanish, all of them, then they would come back a few hours later.  Well after a week of this, my phone also decided that emails would not sync.  So i've wiped the accoutn clean and "added a new account"
    Hurray emails are back.. but no Contacts.  So i go into the "accounts" and the exchange account is missing, yet i'm still getting mails..  If i try to add the account, of course it realises it's  aduplicate, but there is no sign of the account, in the main settings page, going through email, contacts or calendar..
    Sony and Google what have you done - this is my work phone, the IT department haven't got a clue so i'm stuck with a £300 brick which my company are not happy about and are trying to force an S3 compact on me...  PLease help..

    Waheyy i've figured it out.  I'd just like to not thank the following people:
    MY IT department
    EE Mobile
    The solution as it appears is consists of the following;
    Office / Exchange issue
    1. Wipe/ delete the device of any email accounts and, if present remove any OUtlook apps (this is just belt an braces) - restart handset.
    2. Open the web version of Office365 - go to Mobile devices, and remove the mobile devices attached to the account.  Refresh this page and close down.
    Android / Native Email, Contact and Calendar - issue
    There is actualyl a guide within the sony website that explains this bit, but it does not highlight it is a fix to any possible solution;  though trying to find this page through the hundreds of web searches i carried out remains a no go.  However as coincidence would have it, i've found another blog with the same issue and fix!
    In essence, when you want to add an exchange account - DO NOT PICK Exchange, just go to add email as a non-exchange email account - i.e. enter email address and password - but then follow the manual set up process and select exchange.
    At this point, you'll get the page where you enter domain info etc - -this bit is important!  Put full email addy + password, then in server , type, then OK- this will then give you all of the options for Email, Calendar, Contacts etc..
    Somehthing somewhere gets confused, why this works at this point is unclear vs selecting exchange account from the very beginnig. Anyway - it works- i have my phone back..   Now for the annoying walkman issue!

  • Z10 exchange active sync calendar and contacts

    I have bes express on an exchange server I currently use a bb 9900. I want to get a BB z10 from my reading it would appear that I would not be ale to activate this on my bes express and I would need t use active sync I have my own domain server for my emails exchange 2007 and sbs 2008 server. So I would want to be ale to sync my contacts and calendar over the air. Is the possible without bes express. I am currently an,e to do this on my 9900 and bes express. Many thanks.

    Hi StevenLevy,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community.
    You should be able to connect a BlackBerry 10 Smartphone directly to your mail servers using ActiveSync. This KB article should provide some steps that will also apply for BlackBerry 10 devices. "How to create a Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync account with a BlackBerry Playbook tablet"
    This should allow over the air synchronization of contacts and calendar. For more information, please see: "Available contact and calendar synchronization features on a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet or BlackBerry 10 smartphone"
    Let me know if that helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • My ipad syncs my calander and contacts with Microsoft Active sync

    I want to stop syncing my calander and contacts with active sync and want to sync with my mac via the cloud.  When I turn off the active sync on my ipad is says it will wipe everything off my ipad.  I want to get everything off my ipad onto my mac b4 that happens.  Any suggestions please??

    Delete the E-mail and add it again. It's Work!!!

  • Active Sync delete/change command for contacts

    I am trying to write Active Sync client for exchange server. I am able to add contacts to server with help of sync command but facing issue in change/delete. I am sending delete command for 2:3 but i am getting same item in add command from server. Also
    item is not deleted from server. For change I am getting similarly status as 8. Below is request and response  xml for delete command:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
    <Sync xmlns:contacts="Contacts" xmlns="AirSync">
    <Sync xmlns:airsyncbase="AirSyncBase" xmlns:contacts="Contacts" xmlns:contacts2="Contacts2"
      <contacts:FileAs>Jaiswal, Dhruv</contacts:FileAs>
      <contacts:FileAs>Yadav, Pankaj Kumar</contacts:FileAs>
      <contacts:JobTitle>S/W Dev Advisor</contacts:JobTitle>
      <contacts:OfficeLocation>Dell sec 125</contacts:OfficeLocation>
      <contacts:FileAs>lastname, pankajtest1</contacts:FileAs>
    Please tell me what I am doing wrong here.

    Hi pankaj,
    Sorry for the lack of knowledge on coding. I suggest asking MSDN forum for help so that we can get more professional suggestions. For your convenience:
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Enterprise Data Plan required for Exchange Active Sync?

    "What is the Enterprise Data plan?
    Customers interested in using iPhone to access corporate email, business applications or corporate intranet will activate with an Enterprise Data Plan for iPhone."
    So, if I have a normal $30 data plan will I be able to connect to my companies Exchange server with email/contacts/calendar push? Is there really a way AT&T could prevent me from using the Exchange Active Sync on the iPhone 3G without the Enterprise data plan?
    I'm just a regular guy who works at a small company and would like my personal cell phone - used 99% of the time for personal needs - to be able to access my work email/calendar/contacts.
    Message was edited by: engstrom

    Ok, so I went by the AT&T store this afternoon to pre-approve my credit in order to save time on the 11th. Well, turns out it won't help, because they told me they are going to have to run a special iPhone credit check the day you buy it anyway, so it is pointless to get pre-approved (great job AT&T).
    But, back to the subject at hand, they gave me this piece of paper with all this info on getting ready for the iPhone. Under the iPhone for business heading, it reads:
    "It's easy to set up your iPhone for business use on company intranet sites, corporate email or other business applications. SIMPLY SELECT ANY BUSINESS VOICE RATE PLAN and add a $45 Enterprise Data plan for iPhone..."
    To me, this would mean that you would have to start with a base business plan, then add the iPhone Enterprise data. Well, if you are an individual opening a personal account, can you even sign up for a business plan? If this is the case, then their own literature prevents you from even getting the Enterprise plan if you wanted to. It seems to me that the would be proof that you don't HAVE to have the Enterprise plan to use ActiveSync, Exchange, etc.

  • Active Sync - No data displayed in Outlook 2013

    We are currently developing Active Sync support for SOGo ( Everything works well with Android and iOS based devices but Outlook 2013 doesn't work.
    The FolderSync command works well, but the initial Sync request seems to be ignored by Outlook, as it keeps sending it over and over. Here is the initial FolderSync response:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC "-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN" "">
    <FolderSync xmlns="FolderHierarchy:">
          <ServerId>mail/Shared Folders/bar</ServerId>
          <DisplayName>Dossiers partagés/bar</DisplayName>
          <DisplayName>Personal Calendar</DisplayName>
          <DisplayName>Personal Calendar</DisplayName>
          <DisplayName>Personal Address Book</DisplayName>
    Here is the initial Sync response:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC "-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN" "">
    <Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
          <CollectionId>mail/Shared Folders/bar</CollectionId>
    After that, here is the other Sync response:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC "-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN" "">
    <Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
            <Add xmlns="AirSync:">
              <ServerId xmlns="AirSync:">125</ServerId>
              <ApplicationData xmlns="AirSync:">
                <From xmlns="Email:">[email protected]</From>
                <To xmlns="Email:">[email protected]</To>
                <Subject xmlns="Email:">test plain 1</Subject>
                <DateReceived xmlns="Email:">20140114T133337Z</DateReceived>
                <Importance xmlns="Email:">1</Importance>
                <Read xmlns="Email:">1</Read>
                <MessageClass xmlns="Email:">IPM.Note</MessageClass>
                <InternetCPID xmlns="Email:">65001</InternetCPID>
                <Body xmlns="AirSyncBase:">
                  <Data>Return-Path: &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    Received: from (localhost [])
             by sogo (Cyrus v2.4.12-Debian-2.4.12-2) with LMTPA;
             Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:33:37 -0500
    X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.4
    Received: from localhost (localhost [])
            by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AA70A2801A1
            for &lt;[email protected]&gt;; Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:33:37 -0500 (EST)
    User-Agent: SOGoMail 2.1.2
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    from: "Wolfgang Fritz" &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    subject: test plain 1
    message-id: &lt;6a3b-52d53c80-1-61634300@97912150&gt;
    to: "sogo10" &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    content-type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
    date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:33:37 -0500
    content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
    test plain 1
                <ContentClass xmlns="Email:">urn:content-classes:message</ContentClass>
                <Flag xmlns="Email:">
                <NativeBodyType xmlns="AirSyncBase:">4</NativeBodyType>
            <Add xmlns="AirSync:">
              <ServerId xmlns="AirSync:">126</ServerId>
              <ApplicationData xmlns="AirSync:">
                <From xmlns="Email:">[email protected]</From>
                <To xmlns="Email:">[email protected]</To>
                <Subject xmlns="Email:">Event Invitation: "test meeting 1"</Subject>
                <DateReceived xmlns="Email:">20140114T151104Z</DateReceived>
                <Importance xmlns="Email:">1</Importance>
                <Read xmlns="Email:">1</Read>
                <MessageClass xmlns="Email:">IPM.Note</MessageClass>
                <InternetCPID xmlns="Email:">65001</InternetCPID>
                <Body xmlns="AirSyncBase:">
                  <Data>Return-Path: &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    Received: from (localhost [])
             by sogo (Cyrus v2.4.12-Debian-2.4.12-2) with LMTPA;
             Tue, 14 Jan 2014 10:11:04 -0500
    X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.4
    Received: from localhost (localhost [])
            by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9A0C7280C68
            for &lt;[email protected]&gt;; Tue, 14 Jan 2014 10:11:04 -0500 (EST)
    x-sogo-message-type: calendar:invitation
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    content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_=-_OpenGroupware_org_NGMime-29284-1389712264.533830-0------"
    date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 10:11:04 -0500
    from: "Wolfgang Fritz" &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    subject: Event Invitation: "test meeting 1"
    to: "sogo10" &lt;[email protected]&gt;
    Message-Id: &lt;[email protected]&gt;
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          &lt;small&gt;Wolfgang Fritz&lt;/small&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
          &lt;dl class="dl-horizontal"&gt;
            &lt;dd&gt;Wednesday, January 15, 2014 - 08:00 America/Montreal
            &lt;dd&gt;Wednesday, January 15, 2014 - 09:00 America/Montreal
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    PRODID:-//Inverse inc./SOGo 2.1.2//EN
    SUMMARY:test meeting 1
     lto:[email protected]
    ORGANIZER;CN=3DWolfgang Fritz:mailto:[email protected]
                <ContentClass xmlns="Email:">urn:content-classes:message</ContentClass>
                <Flag xmlns="Email:">
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                <StartTime xmlns="Calendar:">20140120T130000Z</StartTime>
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                <Organizer_Email xmlns="Calendar:"/>
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                <UID xmlns="Calendar:">040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E0080000000050837F27D115CF01000000000000000010000000CDB129B5CE29804CB432AF17CBC48EB5</UID>
                <Sensitivity xmlns="Calendar:">0</Sensitivity>
                <BusyStatus xmlns="Calendar:">0</BusyStatus>
            <Add xmlns="AirSync:">
              <ServerId xmlns="AirSync:">1358-52DD4B80-5-1C8F5920.vcf</ServerId>
              <ApplicationData xmlns="AirSync:">
                <LastName xmlns="Contacts:">Brocoli</LastName>
                <FirstName xmlns="Contacts:">Annie</FirstName>
            <Add xmlns="AirSync:">
              <ServerId xmlns="AirSync:">1358-52DD4B00-1-1C8F5920.ics</ServerId>
              <ApplicationData xmlns="AirSync:">
                <Complete xmlns="Tasks:">0</Complete>
                <DateCompleted xmlns="Tasks:">(null)</DateCompleted>
                <Importance xmlns="Tasks:">1</Importance>
                <ReminderSet xmlns="Tasks:">0</ReminderSet>
                <Sensitivity xmlns="Tasks:">0</Sensitivity>
                <Subject xmlns="Tasks:">test 2</Subject>
          <CollectionId>mail/Shared Folders/bar</CollectionId>
    As you can see, there are 2 mails, 1 event and 1 contact.
    Can anyone tell me what could be wrong in our response which could lead Outlook 2013 to reject it?

    I enabled logging in Outlook 2010 and here is a the failure trying to synchronize one single mail:
    - <eas>
    - <request>
      <headers>Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Content-Type: application/ MS-ASProtocolVersion: 14.0 X-MS-WL: Outlook/1.0 X-TransactionID: {5B6DFE82-0F0F-4703-8647-81BD1E7E193B}</headers> 
    - <a0_Sync>
    - <a0_Collections>
    - <a0_Collection>
    - <a0_Options>
    - <a17_BodyPreference>
    - <a0_Collection>
    - <a0_Options>
    - <a17_BodyPreference>
    - <a0_Collection>
    - <a0_Options>
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      <a17_Data>Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from (localhost []) by sogo (Cyrus v2.4.12-Debian-2.4.12-2) with LMTPA; Tue, 21 Jan 2014 20:27:42 -0500 X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.4 Received: from localhost (localhost
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