Actualizar IOS5 problemas, actualizar IOS5 problemas

no consigo actualizar mi iphone. empieza el proceso y a los 20 minutos y cuando ya teoricamente ha finalizado me aparece un mensaje en pantalla diciendo que no se ha podido hacer la actualizacion por un problema en la red, y no tengo ninguno. Lo  llevo intentando dos dias y no hay forma...alguno os ha pasado?
se puede hacer algo?

¡Hola y Bienvenido a las Comunidades de Apoyo de Apple!
Primero que nada, me preguntaba si usted está intentando actualizar su telefóno a travéz de "Over-The-Air Update" (actualización inalambrica) que es una función exclusiva de iOS 5. Si está teniendo problemas de red usando la función de actualización "over-the-air", recomiendo que útilice iTunes para actualizar su iPhone. Sólo conecte su telefóno a su ordenador e intentelo de nuevo. Así podremos eliminar la posibilidad de que el problema de red sólo esté ocurriendo en wifi.

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    I had an iPhone that did the same - it would connect to my wi-fi network and the disconnect. After restoring the iPhone with iTunes as a new iPhone with no change, I made an appointment at an Apple store where it was confirmed the iPhone has a hardware problem.
    If you have tried everything included with the link provided including restoring the iPhone with iTunes as a new iPhone or not from the iPhone's backup, the iPhone has a hardware problem as I've provided 3 times now.
    Message was edited by: Allan Sampson

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    1) This is because of software version 1.1. See this
    thread for some options as to how to go back to 1.0,
    which will correct the problem...
    2) This tends to happen after videos. Give the iPod a
    minute or two to readjust. It should now be more
    3) This?
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    Error 23, 28, 29: These errors may indicate a hardware issue with your device. Follow the steps in this article. Also attempt to restore while connected with the white USB Dock Connector cable that shipped with your device, on a known good computer and network to isolate this issue to the device. The MAC address being missing or the IMEI being the default value, (00 499901 064000 0), can also confirm a hardware issue. Out-of-date or incorrectly configured security software can also cause these errors.

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    Try going to settings, reset , reset network settings.

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    Anyone else had a similar problem? It all worked flawlessly until last week.

    I love computers.
    Have managed to fix this already. Been working the issue for a few days now, and a few minutes after writing the above post I decided to reset the Time Capsule to factory default settings.
    After entering all my details again (used same network names, passwords etc) the Time Capsule was rebooted. When it came back on line - guess what? Yep, the MyBook WD drive is now visibile. I can connect via the network from my other machines to the drive, and iTunes is back.
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    Went to my local Genius bar in Liverpool today, complete waste of time, the guy restored it like I hadnt already done that a 100 times, then said oh yeah it is qeit not heard of that one before, to get a new one will cost you £139!!
    Yeah right mate, not payin that as its not my fault! did ask him if he ever looks on the Apple forum about faults people are having, and I got a blank look. Told him a thread with tens of thousands people all having the same problem with low sound from the speakers and calls being ended in mid conversation since updating to OS4 seems a bit strange then... another blank look!
    Ive lost all faith with apple as a company now and will not be upgrading to a iPhone 4 anytime soon or any apple product, no one seems interested in helping but quick enough to take your money, thats my opinion anyway..

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    Mine charges just fine, as does everyone's iPhone 4S that I know. Apple even sells a number of car chargers that are certified to work:
    Perhaps there is a problem with your charger or the outlet you're using in your car/truck.

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    You're not speaking to Apple on in this forum, nor will someone from Apple see this post.   We are just users like you and I.
    Have you tried to restore or reset your phone?
    Or contact your carrier in re: to your sim card

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