AD Administration Credentials

Post Author: ADoinel
CA Forum: Authentication
I need to switch from Enterprise to AD authentication. What permissions will the domain account that is entered under the "AD Administration Credentials" need?
Thanks for your assistance,

Post Author: TAZ
CA Forum: Authentication
Hi ADoinel,
The account will require read/query access to AD only. The term AD "Administration" credentials is a bit misleading.
Usually a regular domain user will have enough permission unless your AD has very strict domain policies enforced.
The account should also have a non-changing password or when the password expires AD auth will fail.

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    In BI URL word analytics is kind of virtual directory, if you want to change this you might have to change at Web Server side.
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    Just in case you are using IIS then you need to check in IIS.
    If helps mark

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    I don't know the answer to your question. Maybe you can find something here:

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    <string>the owner as well as any admin can unlock the screensaver;modify the group key to change this.</string>
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    Hi Uday,
    that's no problem. You'll find a script named apxchpwd.sql in the apex directory of your XE installation path (e.g. +/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/apex+ on Linux).
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    . /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/
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    Hi Burnettb1,
    I have come across a similar issue as yours.  I have included the instructions that I use to bind the Mac at my institution.  In regards to wifi, I have not tried binding the Mac over wifi. Should you need to log in to a Mac with domain user credentials I would suggest to bind the Mac over ethernet.  Once you get to the:
    *Click on triangle to the left of Show Advanced Options to expand"
    portion of the instructions click on the Mappings tab and select the checkbox for creating a mobile account at login.  This will create a domain user profile on the machine that you can log into when not connected to the domain.
    Hope this helps.
    BIND iMac:
              Login into iMac using administrative credentials
              Open System Preferences
                        *Goto Users & Groups
                        *Click on lock in lower left-hand corner
                        *Use same password used to log into iMac
                        *Click on Login Options
      *Click on ‘Join...’ button right of "Network Account Server: "
                        *Click on ‘Open Directory Utility…’ button
                        *Click on lock in lower left-hand corner
                        *use same password used to log into iMac and click on Modify Configuration
                        *Double-click on Active Directory
      Active Directory Domain = domain
                                  Computer ID = name of Mac
                        *Click on triangle to the left of Show Advanced Options to expand
                                  *Click on Administrative tab
                                  *Check  Prefer this domain server
    Type  domainserver_ipaddr -or- servername.domain in this field
                                  *Click on ‘Bind…’ button
                                  *When prompted for network administrator login
                                            username = [domain admin user]
                                            pwd = [domain user password]
                                  *Click OK (Note: search path will be updating. Until completed the ‘OK’
    button will be greyed out
      *Click OK
      *Click lock to lock and close window
                        *Click lock to lock and close window
              *Search AD for added mac host - it should be there.
              Open Terminal app by either:
                                  *Press command+spacebar
                                  *Type Terminal and select app
                                  *Click on desktop
                                  *Press shift+command+A
                                  *Goto Utilities folder located within Application folder (which you should
      be in) and open Terminal
              *Once Terminal is opened type in id [domain username] and press return key.  The output should be
    some some network account information
              *Close app by pressing command+Q and any other opened windows
              *Restart iMac
              *Log in

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    MCSE: Server Infrastructure

    If you launched IE using the run as another user option then it is normal that the IE will launched under the administrator session / context. If this is not what you did then I would recommend that you reset IE settings and try again:
    More if you ask them in IE forum:
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
    My Website Link
    My Linkedin Profile
    My MVP Profile

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    Thanks in Advance...

    A third party tool such as MigrationWiz can accomplish this task.  More information on how to set up administrative access can be found here:

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    Something failed. Try again.
    General failure. Name or service not known Name or service not known
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    I think it can happen if the host names of the SSO records that are found in the LS can't be resolved. (the error message isn't the most informative, unfortunately)
    This could be either because 1) SA is using the wrong DNS server, or 2) the hostnames in the records are incorrect (not resolvable even if using the right DNS server).
    Most probably it is 1). You can fix this by quitting the wizard (press Cancel), go to the "VA settings" tab and edit the network settings. Then you can continue with the installation (go back to Overview, press Configure and so on)
    Hope that helps

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    for administrator credentials in this case and this standard Domain User account suddenly has local admin rights! How can this happen?

    Regarding the UAC issue mentioned, here are some suggestions:
    . Change the UAC settings to a higher mode;
    . Run gpupdate /force, then log off, then log on and check;
    . Check to see if any
    local UAC policies configured;
    . Log on the Problematic computer with this test user and check the group membership;
    . Create a new domain user and recheck this issue.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't install add-in for non-administrator

    Hello all,
    I'm having trouble getting the Adobe Connect add-in installed under a non-administrator user's account. I found a successful method of installing it in this thread, but that method is no longer working for me. As the forum in question is currently down, I'll paste the post below:
    I know this is an old thread, but we recently had this issue. Our users do not have the ability to install software, and using admin credentials at the UAC prompt installed it in the admin's profile, instead of the user's.
    Here's how we solved it and made it per computer on Vista SP2. All without turning UAC off.
    1) Log in as an admin and install the Connect Add-In.
    2) Browse to the plug-in directory; directory should contain 1 .exe and 1 .s. **Note, there is a space in ...\Flash Player\...**
    C:\users\%your_admin_account%\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\connectaddin6x5\
    3) Run the connectaddin6x5.exe file, which will create 2 .dll files. It will also launch a window, which is okay to close after the 2 .dll files have been created.
    4) Copy "\\bin\connectaddin6x5\*.*&quot; to a central location for easier access.
    5) Copy "\\bin\connectaddin6x5\*.*&quot; to c:\users\default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\\bin\connectaddin6x5\*.*
    **When any new user to the system logs in and their profile is generated, this will include the Connect Add-In plugin
    6) For users who already have a profile, we created a simple .bat script to xcopy the directory structure and files created in Step 4 to "C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\"
    7) Have the user run the script once and the plug in will be installed for the user.
    8) Log in to/Refresh the meeting.
    I hope this helps. If there's a better way to do this without disabling UAC, I'm interested. Or maybe an MSI to push with GPO. Or even a Setup.exe that can be run with User privileges. But with 10-15 users per computer and 100+ computers, this was our best solution.
    Evan Franklin
    Field Service Engineer, SAIC
    The computer that I used this method on had the add-in working fine until a few days ago, when the add-in stopped being recognized. Repeating the process yielded no results. When installed as an administrator it works fine, and launching the browser under administrator credentials allows the add-in to run, but this is not an acceptable solution for the long-term.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Having the same problem has anyone come up with a fix yet?
    Since the connect 9 update to our hosted account we can no longer use in the connect add-in for meetings. we lose all the screen sharing option that we once had working fine.

  • Scheduled Tasks - Administrator Best Practices

    Hi all,
    I've gotten assistance this week with a couple scripts and scheduling them as tasks. I actually have well over a dozen running on our Exchange server using a special user with a complex password. This user is not used for logging into any machine, but it
    is a member of 'Administrators' group and can be used for tasks requiring elevated privileges.
    What I am interested in learning is what the best practice is for running scheduled tasks. We have several, such as querying AD for members of select OUs or users who meet certain criteria. We also have automated emails regarding certain mailbox metrics,
    etc. You get the idea.
    Despite the complex credentials, this account is still discoverable and could be used in nefarious ways. Is it possible be running tasks on Server 2008 R2 (2012 possibly) without administrator credentials? Are there certain restrictions for the tasks (like
    is a scheduled reboot allowed by a standard account, but not querying Active Directory?).
    I also have noticed a checkbox with 'Run with  highest privileges' and do not fully understand what this means.
    When I try to run the task as a regular user (no remote permissions) and it says 'Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type as this computer.'
    In short, can I safely remove our special user account from 'Administrators' and place into regular users without breaking all of our tasks?

    Hi KSI-IT,
    Firstly, based on my research, if you want to run the task scheduler with a user account, the user account must have the corresponding permission, in other words, you can also manually run the script with the user account.
    1.  For the error you posted 'Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type as this computer', please make sure the task account has "logon as a batch job" privilege.
    To add the privilege of the account, please go to
    [Local Security policy\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment]
    -Log on as a batch job.
    Add the domain\username account and any others you may need and retry.
    2.  For the setting 'Run with  highest privileges', this means that it runs with the highest privileges available to that user. This is different from the context menu's 'Run As Admin'.
    It generates the highest privilege token for the specific user, however, it cannot run as a different user, for a standard user with no elevated permissions, 'Run with highest privileges' does not do anything.
    Reference from:
    effect does "run with highest priviledges" in task scheduler have on powershell scripts?
    I hope this helps.

  • Administrative password to unlock screen 10.10.2

    How do I login to a locked screen (sleep/screensaver) on OS 10.10.2 with administrator credentials?
    Background: I work on a k-8 school campus in Denver and often times need to troubleshoot users' machines when they are not present. If their sleep/screensaver requires a user password, I can't access the machine. Yosemite displays the user name and only that user's password will unlock the screen. Previous OS versions had both user and password fields and would accept admin credentials. OS 10.7-10.9 allowed for a config file change that would display user and password fields.
    For most machines, it's no problem to just disable the screensaver but many administrators have confidential information and require security measures. It's also important to note that due to network configuration, I am unable to enable fast user switching.
    Thanks in advance for any help solving this issue.
    Various Macs - desktop & laptop
    OS 10.6-10.10.2

    While I'm very curious how to unlock a user's screen through user switching it appears as though I've worked it out -
    option+return will give you user and password fields as long as the account is not an admin account.
    I tested this on an admin account and that's why it didn't work. Thanks for all the help.

  • The domain users without administrative permission cannot install printers shared on printer server

    We have a printer server that OS is Windows server 2003 .And all clinets are installed windows 7.Now,the domain users cannot installed printers shared on the printer server.When i logon the clinent computer with a domain user and access printer server by
    URL \\ ,i can see all printers shared on the printer server.Then i double click on printer to install it on client computer.It will ask me to input user name and password of local administrator .  
    How to install the printers with domain user directly. Thanks

    refer step #8:
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