Ad Muncher causes Safari to not be able to load pages...

...every now and then. Instead of displaying the page, it gives an "unknown error" with a code of 10053. It recently happened when browsing

Isn't it curious that I did that already? BUT THat doesn't solve the problem/. As i reinstall Itunes so I can use it the problem start all over again. Is it that you have a Mac and I don't create the idea that it is easy. I wish I had a Mac, but I dont' and I paid too much to switch. If Apple wants me to buy an IPod then they need to make their software work on a PC.

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    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
      - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar

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    - What is the exact wording of the error message?
    - What happens when yu try to update to iOS 5.1? Error messages?
    - Try a reset. Nothing is lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
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    - Next would be to restore from backup. This will also update the iOS.
    - Then restore to factory defaults/new iPod which will also update the iOS.

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    Try reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

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    Hello rkoslosky,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that you are not able to locate the Messages application on your daughters iPod touch (4th generation). The good news is that this application cannot be deleted or restricted. The first suggestion I have is to try and search for Messages using Spotlight to search the iPod touch for this application. If Messages is located in Spotlight, then it has probably been moved to a different page of applications or even possibly a folder of applications on the device. Searching all pages will help you locate it. 
    Search with Spotlight - Apple Support
    Have a great day,

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    Graham Miranda

    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Turn all extensions OFF and test. If the problem is resolved, turn extensions back ON and then disable them one or a few at a time until you find the culprit.

  • Safari crashing all the time when loading pages

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    Thank you!

    Firefox is not as fast as Safari 3.1 but it's not that slow!
    If your Safari keeps crashing, or if you are updating Safari (or just have):
    Input Managers and other plug-ins from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up. If you have installed 10.4.11 and Safari is crashing, the very first thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari. Remember: Tiger up to 10.4.10 used Safari 2.0.4 or, if you downloaded it, Safari 3.0.3 beta. Safari 10.4.11 used Safari 3.0.4 which was not a beta, and now Safari 3.1. If Safari 3.1 on 10.4.11 is not the fastest browser you have ever used, then something is wrong!
    (Trying to revert to Safari 2 when running 10.4.11 can have repercussions, as Safari 3.0.4 and 3.1 use a completely different webkit on which other applications like iChat, Mail, Dashboard Widgets etc also rely.)
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party ad-on. Add-on that have been frequently mentioned here, among others, for causing such problems are Piclens, Saft, AcidSearch and Pithhelmet. If you have them, trash them and go the developer's sites to see if new versions are available for Safari 3.1.
    You should also ensure, if you are running Tiger 10.4.11, that you have downloaded and installed the correct version for your Mac of Security Update 2008-002. Like all security updates, this requires a restart and a permission repair.
    As Leopard also uses Safari 3.0.4, much of the above may well also apply to Leopard, but is not guaranteed. Moreover:
    Some users have mentioned that the latest Flash Player (v. conflicts with Safari in Leopard, and that they have needed to revert to v. 9.0.47. This can be downloaded from here:
    To reiterate, Input Managers reach right into an application and alter its code. This puts the behavior of the affected application outside the control and responsibility of its developers: a recipe for problems. That's not to say that issues absolutely will ensue as a result of Input Managers, but you, as a user, must decide. If the functionality of a specific Input Manager or set thereof is really important to you, you may well choose to assume the associated risk.
    Again, the advice is to remove all Input Managers from the following directories:
    • /Library/InputManagers
    • ~/Library/InputManagers
    especially prior to system updates (they can always be added back one-by-one later).

  • Safari version 5.1.2 keeps loading pages slowly and eventually freezing. Any ideas on what the problem is?

    I recently updated safari to version 5.1.2. And now all the time it loads everything frustratingly slow and then eventually freezes with the spinning wheel icon, forcing me to restart the computer (MacBook pro 2009). I am running Mac OSX Lion latest version.

    Several things to try...
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari / Preferences then select the Security tab. Deselect: Enable plug ins Quit then relaunch Safari. If Safari speeds up loading pages, troubleshooting help for > Unsupported third-party add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues
    Check Safari / Preferences - Extensions. If you have any installed, turn that off, quit, relaunch Safari.
    Quit Safari. Open a Finder window select your Home folder in the Sidebar on the left. Then open the Library folder, then the Caches folder, then the folder. Move the cache.db file from the folder to the Trash. Relaunch Safari.
    From the Safari menu bar click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 7 buttons, click Reset.
    Check for Login Items:  Open System Preferences/Accounts then select the Login Items tab. Delete any files or apps you have listed there. And go to /Library/Startup Items. Move any files in the Startup Items folder to the Trash.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure you always have a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    Try Safari in another user account. Same problems there, then log back into your admin account, launch Disk Utility.  /Applications/Utilities
    Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left then select the First Aid tab.
    Click: Verify Disk  (not Verify Disk Permissions). If the startup disk needs repairing, follow the instructions for Using Disk Utility to verify or repair disks

  • Safari starts getting slower and slower loading pages

    Hi, i have always been a pc person, but recently made the switch to mac. i love it, but have an issue with safari. My internet speed is 17mbps so thats ok. Now after a few weeks of browsing the safari gets slow at loading pages, i have deleted history and emptied the cache. I had spoken with support during the 90 days free support. Now that has expired. They told me to get to the "verify permissions" then do "repair permissions" as there are a lot of error messages that are brought up. Once i have done this the internet is fine again - but obviously somethig is a miss as it starts slowing down over the weeks. Would upgrading to the latest version of snow leopard sort this? any ideas of other reasons. any help much appreciated

    (First, if yours is an Intel Mac, check that Safari is not running in Rosetta, which is enough to slow it to a crawl. If you are running Snow Leopard, run Safari in 32 bit not 64 bit.)
    Do you have enough RAM? Less than 1GB can cause slowness. Is your hard drive too full? Less than 15%, or 15GB, of free space can also cause slowness.
    Adding DNS codes to your Network Preferences, should give good results in terms of speed-up as well as added security:
    If you are using a single computer: Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu, and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' add the following two numbers:
    (You can also enter them if you click on Advanced and then DNS)
    If your computer is part of a network: please refer to this page: and follow the advice given.
    (An explanation of why using Open DNS is both safe and a good idea can be read here: /
    Open DNS also provides an anti-phishing feature: )
    Wikipedia also has an interesting article about Open DNS:
    Whilst in System Preferences/Network you should also turn off 'IPv6' in your preference pane, as otherwise you may not get the full speed benefit (the DNS resolver will default to making SRV queries). If you want to know what IPv6 is:
    This is Apple's guidance on iPv6:
    Click on Apply Now and close the window.
    Restart Safari, and repair permissions.
    If that didn't do it, then try this as well:
    Empty Safari's cache (from the Safari menu), then close Safari.
    Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete the following files:
    form values
    Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete
    Repair permissions (in Disk Utility).
    Start up Safari again, and things should have improved.
    More useful information here:

  • Safari 5.1.2 won't load pages on win 7 64 bit

    Safari on my PC won't load any pages.
    stuck on "contacting $website"
    IE, Chrome and firefox work fine
    windows 7 64b.

    You're welcome. Glad you got things working again.
    That's an interesting one ... I've seen the SpeedBit variation of this LSP thing causing the iTunes blank store troubles before. But I think this is the first confirmed case I've seen of SpeedBit being associated with a Safari page load failure.

  • I cannot load the Zynga game Pioneer trail, the game shows the loading bar as full but will not progress past the load page, The game works in other browsers.

    Only goes as far as the load page, and loading bar shows 100%

    You can check for problems caused by recent Flash updates and try these:
    *disable a possible RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension for Firefox and update the RealPlayer if installed
    *disable protected mode in Flash 11.3 and later
    *disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
    *downgrade the Flash player to version 10.3 or 11.2
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.
    Try to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

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