Add Movie Ratings/MPAA image to moviesheet

Hi All, I've been slowly but surely personalising my WDTV Live SMP unit with the awesome "Simplicity by DeVicious" theme. I've basically altered the theme to the point where I'm happy with the final result, but i'm stuck on one last part.  I want to add the movie Rating/Certification/Classification/MPAA image onto the moviesheet for each movie.  Basically I want to know whether it's possible for the moviesheet to pick up the movie MPAA from the .xml file (or where ever the data is sourced from) and load the correct image. This theme automatically picks up the resolution of the movie, and adds the appropriate resolution image onto the moviesheet, but I can't seem to get it working for the movie MPAA.  I'm not sure where or how it picks up this data but I believe it comes from these two sections of code. <Resolutions>
<Resolution Name="288P" Text="288p" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\288p.png" />
<Resolution Name="480I" Text="480I" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\480i.png" />
<Resolution Name="480P" Text="480p" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\480.png" />
<Resolution Name="576I" Text="576I" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\576i.png" />
<Resolution Name="576P" Text="576p" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\576.png" />
<Resolution Name="720I" Text="720I" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\720i.png" />
<Resolution Name="720P" Text="720p" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\720.png" />
<Resolution Name="1080I" Text="1080I" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\1080i.png" />
<Resolution Name="1080P" Text="1080p" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_resolution\1080.png" />
</Resolutions>   <ImageElement Name="Resolution" X="762" Y="128" Width="54" Height="37" Source="Base64String" Offset="0" MultiPageIndex="-1" SourceData="%RESOLUTION%" NullImageUrl="" PreserveMetaData="True" TGD_IsLocked="False" TGD_IsVisible="True" /> If anyone can help point me in the right direction, that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

**EDIT** I just saw your post with the MPAA code and will try that now and see how it goes   I've just checked the Thumbgen setting and the "Disable Medinfo Processing" is NOT checked. So if I understand this correctly, does Thumbgen/moviesheet pull the data for the Resolution & MPAA from the media info stored within the movie file itself, not the .xml file that is created by Thumbgen? I've added the following bits of code to the Theme .xml file, based on the coding for the Resolution. I've got the "Common" folder and created a new folder which holds the MPAA pictures I want to use. The code below should be picking up the correct folder/image.  <Ratings>
<Rating Name="PG" Text="PG" Image="%PATH%\..\Common\image_ratings\PG.png" />
</Ratings> I've then added this bit of code for where the MPAA image will be placed in the moviesheet, the only part of this code I'm not sure on is the "SourceData="%RATING%". I don't know if this is correct? <ImageElement Name="MPAA" X="684" Y="300" Width="54" Height="50" Source="Base64String" Offset="0" MultiPageIndex="-1" SourceData="%RATING%" NullImageUrl="" PreserveMetaData="True" TGD_IsLocked="False" TGD_IsVisible="True" />

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    You may find it much easier to use the Migrify plug-in from Tim Armes/Photographers Toolbox which does what you want from within Lr.

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    Will Y. wrote:
    Hi Sandeep,
    I am using a G-Technology portable harddrive to store the assets and project ( a 1TB USB 3.0 drive).
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    Hi Will,
    I've tried the same thing with a TIFF file on my MacBook Pro with the same version of OS X and all is well. Does your MacBook Pro support Mercury Playback Engine? Is it on or in software mode? What are the dimensions and settings for the TIFF? Is it in RGB mode? Does it have multiple layers?

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    public class Mouse extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener {
         JPanel mapPl;
         JLabel label;
         public Mouse()
              Container contentPane = getContentPane();
              mapPl =new JPanel();
              label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon( "C://Documents and Settings//Ronald Soh//My Documents//person1.jpg" ));
              //ImageIcon imageIcon = );
              mapPl.add( label );
              contentPane.add( mapPl );
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              contentPane.add(mapPl, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}
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    System.out.println("Point selected: x = " + e.getX() +
    ", y = " + e.getY());
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    the program code is as above..
    the image will just move to the location where the mouse was clicked..
    however..there some diff i point to 200,244..but the image goes to like 178 166 eg..
    why is this so..
    then how can i apply a sort of gradual movement for the image..
    like can see the image slowly moving to the mouse clicked..
    or wat i have done is totally wrong..
    cos i trying to design a veri simple
    starting by character walking around the map..
    but seens diffcult at this point of time..
    so should i apply the tiles based??
    but i dunno how to use that...
    ny assigning tiles to arrays rite..
    can anyone pls enlighten me?

    public static ArrayList calculatePath(Position p1,Position p2){
    ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
    ArrayList alReversed=new ArrayList();
    float dy=(float)(p1.getY()-p2.getY());
    float dx=(float)(p1.getX()-p2.getX());
    float m=dy/dx;
    float x1=p1.getX();
    float x2=p2.getX();
    float y1=p1.getY();
    float y2=p2.getY();
    al.add(new Position((int)x1,Math.round(y1)));
    alReversed.add(new Position((int)x2,Math.round(y2)));
    for(int i=alReversed.size()-1;i>=0;i--){
    al.add(new Position(Math.round(x1),(int)y1));
    alReversed.add(new Position(Math.round(x2),(int)y2));
    for(int i=alReversed.size()-1;i>=0;i--){
    return al;
    I just takes two points and generates an ArrayList with all the points in between (the shortest path). It generates only the path from the first point received as argument to the second one.
    A Position object has only 2 int fields....
    :) **/

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    <param value=  name="movie">
    <param value="high" name="quality">
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    Kind regards,

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    Make sure you're looking for it in the Movies or TV Shows libraries, or do a search for it by name.
    Did you check if the format is compatible with iTunes (QuickTime plays more formats if you have add-ons)?
    "but when I open that file with itunes"
    This statement confuses me as your point 1/ says you can't find it in iTunes.

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    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entire iTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library.
    Note if you have failed to move contacts and calendar items across you should create one dummy entry of each in your new profile and iTunes should  merge the existing data from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library or a backup then then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.

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    I prefer to use tables for that. For example (First of all you have to store this new file):
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <table width="40%" border="4">
        <td>Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text </td>
        <td align="center" valign="top"><div align="center"><img src="yourPicture.jpg" alt="image 01" width="127" height="33" /></div></td>
        <td>Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text </td>
    Here I took a table with only one column, you can modify my choice.
    There is so too a possibility to use a complete flow text around a picture. If you like that, please give me a shout.
    About the story "hotspots" look here where I tried to give an answer a short while ago:

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    If you mean commercial dvd's, that you purchased, then it is illegal to do so and cannot be discussed here.
    From the terms of use of this forum:
    "Keep within the Law
    No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.
    Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store."

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    This would allow me to view my movies on my appleTV while my home sharing is turned on and iTunes up and running on my computer.
    The process to add videos just stopped working.
    Now when I try the exact same process, nothing happens. The video file never shows up in iTunes at all. What gives?
    Does iTunes have a limit on the size of the library? Is there a new process to add videos that I am not aware of?
    Any help would be great.

    ... and I have Read/Write permissions to the files and the folder they are in.

  • Can I move all my images to a different folder?

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    Obviously, if I just move the images in windows explorer to a folder the pages I created won't be able to find them. Does DW have a way to move all the images so that it automatically changes the references with it?

    Use DW's Files Panel (F8) to create a new folder.  Right click on site root and select New Folder.
    Then then click and drag  your .jpg and .png files to that new folder.  Assuming your site is properly defined, DW will prompt to update link paths for you.  Click yes.
    Nancy O.

  • Add Strokes to Placed Images in Illustrator

    Hi All,
    I'm having a problem to add a stroke "frame" around my tiff image in Illustrator. My image is a "traced picture" from Photoshop. I used the following technique:-
    Technique: Use an Effect
    Choose File > Place and select an image to place into Illustrator document.
    Choose File > Place and select an image to place into Illustrator document.
    The image is selected. Open Appearance panel and from the Appearance panel flyout menu, choose Add New Stroke.
    With the Stroke highlighted in the Appearance panel, choose Effect > Path > Outline Object.
    However, the result I got was the stroke around the image NOT the frame around the image.
    How do I  achieve it. Any help and tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Technique #1: Use a Mask
    This technique requires Illustrator CS3 and works only when your keyline will be rectangular in shape.
    Choose File > Place and choose an image to place into your Illustrator document. You can either Link or Embed the image. Once you've chosen the image, click the Place button.
    The image is selected (if your image already exists in your document, select it now), so if you look in your Control panel at the top of the screen, you'll see a button labeled "MASK". Click on it. This creates a mask at the exact bounds of the image.
    Press the "D" key for Default. This gives the mask a black 1 pt stroke attribute. Adjust the stroke per your design needs.
    NOTE: An additional benefit to this method of using a mask is that you now have the elements in place to simulate a "frame and image" paradigm like InDesign. Once you've created your mask, you can decide to "crop" your image by double clicking anywhere on the photo. This will put you into Isolation Mode. Now click on the frame edge and resize at will. When you're done, double click outside the image to exit isolation mode and continue working. This method works wonderfully when you're using the Selection tool (black arrow) and have the Bounding Box option turned on (in the View menu).
    Technique #2: Use an Effect
    At first, it may seem that applying a keyline with the use of an Effect is a tedious process. But we all know that once we've applied an effect, we can store it as a Graphic Style, at which point applying our keyline will become a single click. Go ahead, ask me why Adobe doesn't ship Illustrator with such an effect as a default setting in the NDPs (New Document Profiles). Go ahead, ask me why Adobe doesn't allow us to assign keyboard shortcuts to styles like InDesign does. I don't have answers to either of those questions (sorry). But let's get on with the styles, shall we?
    There are two separate effects that we can use, and each provides a different benefit.
    Choose File > Place and select an image to place into your Illustrator document. You can either Link or Embed the image. Once you've chosen the image, click the Place button.
    The image is selected (or if your image already exists in your document, select it). Open your Appearance panel and from the Appearance panel flyout menu, choose Add New Stroke. We can't see the stroke yet, because all we have is an image. But we'll change that in short order.
    With the Stroke highlighted in the Appearance panel, choose Effect > Convert to Shape > Rectangle. Check the Preview button, select the Relative option, and set both the Extra Width and Extra Height to zero (0). (Be careful not to press Tab after you enter the second value, or it will switch back to Absolute.) Click OK to apply the effect. Style the stroke attribute to match your design preference.
    Now make this easier to apply in the future. With the object still selected, open the Graphic Styles panel and click the New Graphic Style button at the bottom of the panel. Give the style an appropriate name. If you then add this style to your NDPs, it will be readily available in all new files that you create.
    Add Strokes to Placed Images in Illustrator |

  • What is the best way to add text to an image

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    APDivs will kill your design unless you fully understand the css behind the scenes and plan accordingly. They really are completely unnecessary in the vast majority of situations.
    An easy way to add "web text over an image" would be to use the background-image attribute in css for a standard <div> tag, then just add the text within that same <div>.
    Something like this in the css (if you are using a 300x300 pixel image)...
    #yourdiv {
    And then this in the html...
    <div id="yourdiv">Your text here</div>
    You would then position the <div> using css margins, floats and padding. Using position:absolute (APDivs) is typically something that will blow your design to pieces if the viewer changes their browser settings.

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    Wow, again I stand corrected.
    I have a perceptual "blind spot" when it comes to finding textual entries in lists.  It's a "hidden in plain sight" kind of quirk that I normally work around either by being diligent or finding another way (e.g., pressing the button I highlighted above).  I'm sure magicians and people who design camouflage would understand it.
    I actually looked in both Photoshop CS5 and CS3 and didn't perceive that entry before I wrote my post above.  I probably looked right at it but didn't sense it was there.  I was even thinking of writing up a bug report.  Now, of course, since you've pointed it out, I go back and look again in my copies of Photoshop and I do see it.  It's a bit of a scary realization, as I have to wonder what else in life I've missed because of this.  I'm reminded mildly of the scene in the old film "The Andromeda Strain" where the lab worker sees a flashing red "NO GROWTH" indicator but doesn't take action on it because of an epileptic block.
    Thanks again for setting me straight MTSTUNER.  I continue to learn a lot from you.

Maybe you are looking for