Add-on development start

For developing one add-on,
1. Create user tables
2. Create fields for them
3. Create UDO
then how to proceed stepwise?

Actually I am trying to build the Blanket solution given in SDK help by my own. I have created the form. and writing code as described. But i am getting errors. Please help. I am pasting the code for Blanket.vb class
Public Class Blanket
    Private WithEvents SBO_Application As SAPbouiCOM.Application ' UI application
    Private oCompany As SAPbobsCOM.Company      ' DI application
    'Declaring an Event Filters container and an Event Filter object
    Public oFilters As SAPbouiCOM.EventFilters
    Public oFilter As SAPbouiCOM.EventFilter
    Private oMatrix As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix        ' Global variable to handle matrixes
    ' Variables for Blanket Agreement UI form
    Private cmbBPCode As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox    ' Global variable for the BP Code
    Private txtBPName As SAPbouiCOM.EditText    ' Global variable for the BP Code
    Private colItemCode As SAPbouiCOM.Column    ' Global variable for the Item Code
    Private colItemName As SAPbouiCOM.Column    ' Global variable for the Item Name
    Private colItemPrice As SAPbouiCOM.Column   ' Global variable for the Item Price
    Private colItemQuan As SAPbouiCOM.Column    ' Global variable for the Item Quantity
    Private colInitQuan As SAPbouiCOM.Column    ' Global variable for the Item Initial Quantity
    Private colItemTotal As SAPbouiCOM.Column   ' Global variable for the Item Total
    Private oDocTotal As SAPbouiCOM.EditText    ' Global variable for the Blanket Total
    Private AddStarted As Boolean                ' Flag that indicates "Add" process started
    Private RedFlag As Boolean                   ' RedFlag when true indicates an error during "Add" process
    Private InvOk As Boolean                     ' Indicates that an invoice can be withdrawn from blanket agreement
    Private RowNum As Integer                    ' Row Number in a matrix
    Private ItemCodes() As String                ' Array to render Item Codes
    Private ItemQuantities() As Double           ' Array to render Item Quantities
    Private oEditBPCode As SAPbouiCOM.EditText   ' Global variable for the BP code edit text
    Private oEditPostDate As SAPbouiCOM.EditText ' Global variable for the Post Date edit text
    Private strEditBPCode As String              ' Global variable for the BP code edit text string value
    Private strEditPostDate As String            ' Global variable for the Post Date edit text string value
    Private IsNewItem As Boolean                 ' Indicates if you added a new item to invoice/quotation/order
#Region "Single Sign On"
    Private Sub SetApplication()
        AddStarted = False
        RedFlag = False
        '// Use an SboGuiApi object to establish connection
        '// with the SAP Business One application and return an
        '// initialized application object
        Dim SboGuiApi As SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
        Dim sConnectionString As String
        SboGuiApi = New SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
        '// by following the steps specified above, the following
        '// statement should be sufficient for either development or run mode
        sConnectionString = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.GetValue(1)
        '// connect to a running SBO Application
        '// get an initialized application object
        SBO_Application = SboGuiApi.GetApplication()
    End Sub
    Private Function SetConnectionContext() As Integer
        Dim sCookie As String
        Dim sConnectionContext As String
        Dim lRetCode As Integer
            '// First initialize the Company object
            oCompany = New SAPbobsCOM.Company
            '// Acquire the connection context cookie from the DI API.
            sCookie = oCompany.GetContextCookie
            '// Retrieve the connection context string from the UI API using the
            '// acquired cookie.
            sConnectionContext = SBO_Application.Company.GetConnectionContext(sCookie)
            '// before setting the SBO Login Context make sure the company is not
            '// connected
            If oCompany.Connected = True Then
            End If
            '// Set the connection context information to the DI API.
            SetConnectionContext = oCompany.SetSboLoginContext(sConnectionContext)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Function
    Private Function ConnectToCompany() As Integer
        '// Establish the connection to the company database.
        ConnectToCompany = oCompany.Connect
    End Function
    Private Sub Class_Init()
        '// set SBO_Application with an initialized application object
        '// Set The Connection Context
        If Not SetConnectionContext() = 0 Then
            SBO_Application.MessageBox("Failed setting a connection to DI API")
            End ' Terminating the Add-On Application
        End If
        '// Connect To The Company Data Base
        If Not ConnectToCompany() = 0 Then
            SBO_Application.MessageBox("Failed connecting to the company's Data Base")
            End ' Terminating the Add-On Application
        End If
        '// send an "hello world" message
        SBO_Application.MessageBox("DI Connected To: " & oCompany.CompanyName & vbNewLine & "Add-on is loaded")
    End Sub
#End Region
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawForm()
        Dim oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form               ' The new form
        Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item               ' An item on the new form
        Dim oCombo As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox          ' Combo box item for the BP code and Item code
        Dim oColumns As SAPbouiCOM.Columns         ' The Columns collection on the matrix
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        oForm = SBO_Application.Forms.Item("FBLK")
        ' Add Edit Items
        ' BP Code
        oItem = oForm.Items.Item("txtCode")
        cmbBPCode = oItem.Specific
        ' BP Name
        oItem = oForm.Items.Item("txtName")
        txtBPName = oItem.Specific
        ' Doc Total
        oItem = oForm.Items.Item("txtTotal")
        oDocTotal = oItem.Specific
        ' Add a matrix
        oItem = oForm.Items.Item("mat")
        oMatrix = oItem.Specific
        oColumns = oMatrix.Columns
        ' Item Code
        colItemCode = oColumns.Item("ItemCode")
        colItemName = oColumns.Item("ItemName")
        colItemPrice = oColumns.Item("ItemPrice")
        colItemQuan = oColumns.Item("ItemQuan")
        colInitQuan = oColumns.Item("InitQuan")
        colItemTotal = oColumns.Item("ItemTotal")
        'Add Valid Values
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddItemsToCombo(ByVal oColumn As SAPbouiCOM.Column)
        Dim RS As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
        Dim Bob As SAPbobsCOM.SBObob
        RS = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
        Bob = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoBridge)
        RS = Bob.GetItemList
        While RS.EoF = False
            oColumn.ValidValues.Add(RS.Fields.Item("ItemCode").Value, RS.Fields.Item("ItemName").Value)
        End While
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddBPCodeCombo(ByVal oCombo As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox)
        Dim RS As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
        Dim Bob As SAPbobsCOM.SBObob
        RS = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
        RS.DoQuery("SELECT CardCode,CardName FROM OCRD WHERE CardType='C' ORDER BY CardCode")
        While RS.EoF = False
            oCombo.ValidValues.Add(RS.Fields.Item("CardCode").Value, RS.Fields.Item("CardName").Value)
        End While
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddMenuItems()
        Dim oMenus As SAPbouiCOM.Menus          ' The menus collection
        Dim oMenuItem As SAPbouiCOM.MenuItem    ' The new menu item
        ' Get the menus collection from the application
        oMenus = SBO_Application.Menus
        Dim oCreationPackage As SAPbouiCOM.MenuCreationParams
        oCreationPackage = SBO_Application.CreateObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoCreatableObjectType.cot_MenuCreationParams)
        oMenuItem = SBO_Application.Menus.Item("2048") ' Sales menu ID
        oMenus = oMenuItem.SubMenus
        ' New menu parameters
        oCreationPackage.Type = SAPbouiCOM.BoMenuType.mt_STRING
        oCreationPackage.UniqueID = "mnuBlanket"
        oCreationPackage.String = "Blanket Agreement"
        oCreationPackage.Enabled = True
        oCreationPackage.Position = 15
        Try ' If the manu already exists this code will fail
        Catch er As Exception ' Menu already exists
            SBO_Application.MessageBox("Menu Already Exists")
        End Try
    End Sub
    Public Function CheckBlanketPrice(ByVal BPCode As String, ByVal ItemCode As String, ByVal PostDate As String, ByVal Quantity As Double) As Double
        CheckBlanketPrice = -1
        'Find if there's a blanket agreement for this BP on this item in this date
        Dim sSQL As String
        sSQL = "SELECT U_ItemCode,DocEntry,U_Price,U_Quan FROM [@SM_BLK1] WHERE U_ItemCode = '" & ItemCode & "'"
        Dim oLineRec As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
        Dim oDocRec As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
        Dim DocNum As String
        oLineRec = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
        oDocRec = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
            'SBO_Application.MessageBox("Line: " & sSQL)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        If oLineRec.RecordCount > 0 Then
            DocNum = CStr(oLineRec.Fields.Item(1).Value)
            sSQL = "SELECT U_BPCode,DocEntry,U_StartDT,U_EndDT,U_Status FROM [@SM_OBLK] WHERE (DocEntry = " & DocNum & ") AND (U_BPCode = '" & BPCode & "')"
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
            While ((oDocRec.RecordCount <= 0) And (oLineRec.EoF = False))
                'SBO_Application.MessageBox("In While")
                DocNum = CStr(oLineRec.Fields.Item(1).Value)
                sSQL = "SELECT U_BPCode,DocEntry,U_StartDT,U_EndDT,U_Status FROM [@SM_OBLK] WHERE (DocEntry = " & DocNum & ") AND (U_BPCode = '" & BPCode & "')"
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
                'SBO_Application.MessageBox("out While")
            End While
            If oDocRec.RecordCount > 0 Then
                Dim DStart As Date
                Dim DEnd As Date
                Dim DPost As Date
                Dim SPost As String
                Dim Quan As Double
                Dim Status As String
                DStart = oDocRec.Fields.Item("U_StartDT").Value
                DEnd = oDocRec.Fields.Item("U_EndDT").Value
                Status = oDocRec.Fields.Item("U_Status").Value
                Quan = oLineRec.Fields.Item("U_Quan").Value
                SPost = PostDate.Substring(4, 2) & "/"
                SPost += PostDate.Substring(2, 2) & "/"
                SPost += PostDate.Substring(0, 4)
                DPost = SPost
                'Check that the blanket agreement date is valid
                If Status = "Active" Then
                    If (DStart <= DPost) And (DEnd >= DPost) Then
                        If Quan >= Quantity Then
                            CheckBlanketPrice = oLineRec.Fields.Item(2).Value
                            SBO_Application.MessageBox("Item " & ItemCode & " Max quantity can be " & Quan)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Function

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    Connection string: if you are in dev mode i.e. if you are
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    SAP Gateway and SAPUI5 are two different technologies.
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    Step by Step Video tutorials for Installing SAPUI5 tools in Eclipse   
    Enter SEGW transaction in SAP system and you can create oData services there to implement it in SAPUI5 application.
    #1 - OData CRUD Crash Course - Query   
    Quick Starter Configuration Guide - SAP Gateway   
    Getting started with GWPA: Eclipse Preparation       
    Few tips for beginners to become a PRO in UI5.
    SAPUI5 SDK - Demo Kit
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    Office:Mac 2011 only supports add-ins that were developed in VBA. Office:Mac 2008 does not support add-ins at all. A
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    Hi Cas
    You could put all your new pages in a Secure Zone, an area of the website that requires a user name and password. Once you have the site ready to launch, you can simply remove the Secure Zone for those pages.
    Here's a quick 'how to' example:
    To create a Secure Zone, first go to the Site Manager (left side menu in Admin) > Pages and create a new page. You can use this new page as the initial landing page once a user logs in (it could have links to any pages you are developing - a kind of handy place to put notes too for the client previewing your work in progress).
    Next select Site Manager > Secure Zone. Add a new Secure Zone. Give it a name, like 'Development', and select your new landing page.
    When you create a new web page for your client, you can add it using the Site Manager > Secure Zone > (name of your secure zone) > add pages to Secure Zone.
    In the case of dynamic pages (like a catalog or product page) you would put links to these pages inside a page that is within your Secure Zone. Note that you can also use templates with Secure Zones. I'd suggest you use a duplicate copy of your site template for this so you can put links in the menu specific to the Secure Zone, like a link to a catalog or product page.
    Next you will need a login page to access the Secure Zone. Create a new page for this and insert the Secure Zone login module from the Modules toolbox menu on the right of your Admin > Pages > editing.
    Final part is granting access. In the Admin menu (right side) select CRM > Customers > Add Contact (if the user is not already in the CRM).
    Once the customer is selected, choose Subscriptions from the tabs just below their name. Then check the box listed under Secure Zone.
    Still in the CRM with that customer, select Details from the tab just below their name, if there is no user name or password shown, you can add one (click edit).
    Hope that helps.
    - Simon

  • Reg Error in Add on Developement

        I have developed the add on and it was working fine. But that was developed in SQL 2005 beta version and SAP B1 2005B(SP:00, PL:06),
    After the Installed SQL 2005 Licenced version when i run the Add on it's showing the error in Connection itself.
    "An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in XenosAddOn.exe"
    "Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."</b>
    the Above error occur in the below place
      <b>ConnectToCompany = oCompany.Connect</b>
    and when i use the message box like
    <b>SBO_Application.MessageBox("DI Connected To: " & oCompany.CompanyName & vbNewLine & "Add-on is loaded")</b>
    Please help me on the issue
    this is very urgent
    Suresh R

    Hi Alexey,
       Thanks for your reply. Here is my code  for the connection...
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Private Sub class_init()
            If Not SetConnectionContext() = 0 Then
                SBO_Application.MessageBox("Failed setting a connection to DI API")
            End If
            If Not ConnectToCompany() = 0 Then
                SBO_Application.MessageBox("Failed connecting to the company's Data Base")
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub setApplication()
            Dim SboGuiApi As SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
            Dim sConnectionString As String
            SboGuiApi = New SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
            sConnectionString = "0030002C0030002C00530041005000420044005F00440061007400650076002C0050004C006F006D0056004900490056"
            SboGuiApi.AddonIdentifier = "5645523035496D706C656D656E746174696F6E3A5231333335313631373238B5AA2FF2725C18F676AA10704C74B20F3DF9B4E6"
            SBO_Application = SboGuiApi.GetApplication
    End Sub
        Private Function SetConnectionContext() As Integer
            Dim sCookie As String
            Dim sConnectionContect As String
            Dim lRetcode As Integer
                oCompany = New SAPbobsCOM.Company
                sCookie = oCompany.GetContextCookie
                sConnectionContect = SBO_Application.Company.GetConnectionContext(sCookie)
                If oCompany.Connected = True Then
                End If
                SetConnectionContext = oCompany.SetSboLoginContext(sConnectionContect)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Function
    Private Function ConnectToCompany() As Integer
            <u><b>ConnectToCompany = oCompany.Connect</b></u>
    End Function
    in the above code i am getting the error in the ConnectToCompany only..
    pl help me
    Thanks in Advance
    Suresh R

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    I'd appreciate any help to solve my dilemma.

    hello, this might happen when firefox is not able to properly save preferences in its profile folder. please try this: Click the ''menu ''button and then click ''help (?) > troubleshooting information > profile folder - "show folder"''. then a new window will open up. in this window look out for a file named '''user.js''' (it might be used to overwrite your custom settings). in case it is present , delete or rename this file and restart firefox afterwards.
    for more information and other steps please also see: [[How to fix preferences that won't save]]

  • Add-On Development using SDK Tools

    I am new in this type of development! i.e. using SDK Tools to enhance my SAP B1 functionality.
    I have developed many solution using Oracle Forms Developer
    Forms are highly integrated with Database and we have to just put our business logic in triggers!
    Now what I have found using B1DE
    Forms can be made easily using VS.Net Platform.
    We can Insert data, Updated Date, Find Data ( Very Easy using B1DE )
    The Problem is using SDK Tools B1DE
    How can I create relationship with Tables like
    I am designing a form with includes input of Items
    1*** I need integrity constraints in my form e.g. with Itemcode from OITM Table
    2*** Also I want to select these Items from List (using Tab functionality) not from Formatted search
    3*** Also I want to add some additional fields i.e. not Database Fields
    I haven't found any help from the SDN for these issues
    I have to do all things manually from the code of VS.Net
    I have viewed third party add-ons i.e. Payroll which have all these functionalities
    Like SAP B1 basic forms.
    which tools they are using i.e. ( Manual coding using UI API, May be ABAP or something else or Axel Windows Components )
    Or should I develop my forms in VS.Net using Axel Windows Components
    I am so confused which path should I select!
    Looking for your response!
    Best Regards,
    Umer Nasim

    Umer Nasim,
    My suggestion is that you take the SAP Business One SDK eLearning training that is located here on SDN at ... [original link is broken]
    ... specifically the DI and UI API's.

  • Add custom development to Portal

    Dear friends,
    I am a abaper new to Portal. I have developed car expenses screens in SAP. I have a requirement to add these screens in Portal under particular link.
    Kindly suggest.
    Praveen Lobo

    Is your custom development screen is accessed through any T-code , then you can use SAP Transaction iview where you can mention the t-code there.
    Please mention the kind of development that you did like developed in webdynpro ABAP or BSP ..etc...
    If you developed it through webdynpro ABAP, then you have to use SAP WEbdynpro iview.
    Below blog will help you in creating webdynpro abap iview
    Creating WD-ABAP iView and the WD Namespace
    You can also create BSP iviews with the below help link

  • Azure Add-On development

    I am looking for any help in what needs to be done to create and develop an add-on for the Azure store.
    Is there any online documentation?  Are there any sample code files?
    I am looking for answers to:
     Creating an add-on
     What is needed to be done to install an add-on
     How should the billing level be enforced
     What REST APIs are available for add-ons
    How does the portal enumerate the add-ons that show up
    After someone decides they want an add-on in the store select Purchase what needs to be done
     Are there other types of add-ons besides an App Service and Data
    Thanks for any guidance.  I am not making any progress with where I have been looking.  Assume I have already registered and been approved for the store and want to add my first add-on.
    Rig Lee

    That answers some of it.
    Is this correct - the app is probably a web role or a worker role?  Assuming that is correct - is there a preferred way to communicate with it?  Is there a well defined REST interface we need to follow or is there some other thing that needs to
    be done. 
    I also am trying to understand how the limits imposed by the service level are enforced?  When it is "leased" from the store is there a license scheme that we need to adhere to or is that totally up to us?  When a user opts out so they no longer
    want to use the app how is it uninstalled or prevented from running (right now applications can not be deleted from Azure)?
    Is there a service management API that enumerates the add-ons?  The portal shows them under add-ons and I am really interested in how to code to get get the same data.
    Rig Lee

  • How to add Java Web Start MIME type to Sun Java SYstem Application Server?

    In the process of learning about Java Web Start,
    I read in the document that I had to add "application/x-java-jnlp-file JNLP " to a configuration file.
    Does anyone know where that file is for Sun Application web server( vesion 8, on WIndows)?

    I believe you can add it to default-web.xml file located in your server config dir.
    (i.e. /opt/SunAppServer8/domains/domain1/config/default-web.xml)

  • Legalities Concerning Flash Add-Ons; Development, Advertisement, Sales, Etc.

    What is Adobe's stance on an individuals ability to develop, advertise and sell plug-ins or extensions, specifically for Flash Professional (cs3, cs4, cs5 & 5.5, etc). Is there any ownership, equity, or royalty laws concerning an add-on I create and sell?  Does it matter if I'm using actionscript or not? Does it matter which version(s) of Flash (aforementioned cs versions) I am making this add-on for?
    I have posted this question in other forums and have found no luck, often no attempts at even answering. Please do not tell me "don't bother, most people won't buy something like that" as that is an answer I've already been given and in no way answers the question being asked.
    Small recap of the specific question -
    Can I LEGALLY develop a flash add-on and/or extension, advertise it, sell it, etc without having to worry about Adobe claiming royalties ownership etc?
    I'd just like to be extra cautious as I do not wish to enter into any legal issues.
    Thank you for your help!

    Maybe you could contact someone who already sells them, like Justin Putney Ajar Productions » Flash Extensions

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