Adding a Column to the Top of Address Book Display

I guess I have two problems in Address Book.
1. How do I add a custom field that is not on the list in "Template?" I want to add something called "show date" to all my address cards.
2. I want to have "show date" display at the top of the Address Book window in the middle column, where name is now shown. I'd like it to be Name, then Show Date, and be able to sort it by either one.
Any ideas? I won't be disappointed if it can't be done, but I thought I should check here just in case.
Mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

Select the bars - click once on the Chart and then click on one of the bars.
Open the Chart Inspector and click the Series button. Click on the Value Label Checkbox and then click on one of the Position buttons.
Feel free to download the Numbers User Guide and consult it. There's a link in the Help menu.

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    hi, guys:
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    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
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    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)
    or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((so.first_name is not null and upper(so.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((so.last_name is not null and upper(so.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.address1||sl.address2 is not null and upper(sl.address1|| sl.address2) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%')or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and (( is not null and upper( like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%')or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.county is not null and sl.county =:P5_SL_COUNTY)or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and (( is not null and =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE)or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))
    select so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, 'No Known Address'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    (select||'   '||sof.phone1||'   '|| from sor_offices sof where sof.office_id=sl.jurisdiction) as "Jurisidiction",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated",
    floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365) as "Age"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv, sor_alias sa
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sa.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.reg_type_id=1
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and ((sa.first_name is not null and upper(sa.first_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_FIRST_NAME is null))
    and ((sa.last_name is not null and upper(sa.last_name) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_LAST_NAME)||'%') or (:P5_TF_LAST_NAME is null))
    and ((sl.physical_address1 is not null and upper(sl.physical_address1) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_ADDRESS)||'%') or (:P5_TF_ADDRESS is null))
    and ((sl.physical_city is not null and upper(sl.physical_city) like '%'||upper(:P5_TF_CITY)||'%') or (:P5_TF_CITY is null))
    and ((sl.physical_county is not null and sl.physical_county =:P5_SL_COUNTY) or (:P5_SL_COUNTY is null))
    and (((select sc5.description from sor_code sc5 where sc5.code_id=sl.physical_state and sc5.description=:P5_SL_STATE) is not null )or (:P5_SL_STATE is null))
    and ((sl.physical_zip is not null and sl.physical_zip =:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE) or (:P5_TF_ZIP_CODE is null))I set up "Jurisdiction" to be displayed as the first column in report attributes and set up the first column to be break column, under the "When displaying a break column use this format, use #COLUMN_VALUE# subs", I fill in "Jurisdiction".

    lxiscas wrote:
    Hi, fac586:
    I am sorry for not being able to provide project online oracle to ask the question as some of the data needs to be approved to release.You don't need to use the actual data. Create simple test cases using data from Oracle's sample schemas: SCOTT, OE, HR etc.
    I actually want something like this:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,
    Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430
    Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...I omit the sensitive data with ...
    but right now it shows as this way:
    Jurisdiction: Bartlesville Police Department, 918-338-4001,  Smith , Carl Sherman      ......
    Smith , Tommy Nesby .....
    Jurisdiction: Canadian County Sheriff's Office, 405-262-4787, Fax - 405-422-2430   Smith , Gabriel Ray      ...
    Smith , Michael Bert   ...Is that possible to show the data as the upper way?The best way to do this is using a report with a custom named column template as in this example. See the following threads for solutions to similar problems:

  • Adding a column in the MSS Approval view

    What are the options for adding a column in the MSS approval view (CATS regular) ?

    there are lot of colums available in cats customisation for this
    Please check
    In the IMG (transaction SPRO), go to
    - SAP Customizing Implementation Guide
      - Cross-Application Components
        - Time Sheet
          - Specific Setting for CATS regular
            - CATS regular
              - Approve Working Time
                - Define Field Selection for Individual Approval View
                - Define Field Selection for Detail View
    Here you can assign lot of columns to your profile
    which is easily customisable

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    the top right address bar. Thanks

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We're all users here.
    I'm on 'Snow Leopard' OS X 10.6.8 and Safari 5.1.8, so these screenshots are from my computer.
    The specific instructions for the 'Leopard' OS X 10.5.8 Safari will be similar, but not identical.
    First, your 'Spotlight' Search window in the upper right corner of Safari probably has a downward-pointing arrow. Click it to temporarily select another search engine at the bottom.
    To permanently set the search engine preference, open the Safari, Preferences, General tab, select Default Search Engine, and select Google.

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    Go to Query Global properties in Query designer and you can find a setting to show result rows on top. This setting will show overall result as first row in the report. But I don't think you can show it in Text field in WB.

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    Trying to erase settings from my old iphone but when I have to enter my itunes ID password the old email address is displayed.  How can I change this to my existing itunes account so I can reset this phone?  Thanks in advance.

    I know it sounds weird, and that is the reason I posted my question.  Because my case is not like all the ones I've found online and it's confusing.  I added a screen capture of my itunes with my old iphone (the one that houses my playlists) connected to it.
    My playlists "ARE"  in my iphone 4s.  They are still there even though they do not show up when I plug in to itunes in my computer. 
    When connecting my phone to itunes on my macbook, the playlists do not appear anywhere in itunes.  I have found my connected iphone icon, I have clicked on the arrow next to it and it does pull up the standard lists that come with the iphone/itunes:  Music, Movies, TV shows, books.  That's it! below that is "Genius" and below "Geniuns" is "PLAYLISTS"  but the only playlist of mine that shows there is one that I created several years back titled "90's music" and that one I created it on my computer, not my phone.  Under "90's music" there are also other standard playlists that itunes automatically adds.
    Does anyone else have this issue or know how to get around this.  I am starting to think that I am going to have to recreate these lists on my computer

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    I hope this is the right place to post this. Thanks!

    Apple doesn't monitor here. Best we can do is to push you to contact Apple directly.
    This is from the iOS Dev Center forum...
    We apologize for the significant inconvenience that our downtime has caused and encourage you to reach out to our if you need any assistance.
    (Check under "Program Enrollment").
    Note that your program membership should have been automatically renewed if it lapsed during the downtime period.  If not, please be explicit about that in your support request.
    --- DrErnie

  • The Microsoft Exchange Address Book was unable to log on to Exchange

    I am currently migrating a exchange 2007 to exchange 2013.
    Exchange 2013 is installed on a seperate Windows Server 2012 server.
    Exhange 2007 is installed on a  seperate Windows Server 2003 R2 server.
    I have moved some mailboxes from exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 and also created some new mailboxes on the exchange 2013 server itself. 
    OWA, ActiveSync , IMAP are all working correctly for those mailboxes , but I am not able to connect to outlook with the exchange option (local connection).
    Outlook 2013:
    When I use autodiscover to connect to the exchange server step 1 & 2 are working correctly (establishing network connection & searching for mailbox settings) but on the 3th step (logging on to the mail server) I receive the following error
    The name cannot be resolved. The Microsoft Exchange Address Book was unable to log on to Exchange. Contact you system administrator if the problem persists.
    When I filll in the exchange server manually (using the normal servername server.hq.corp.domain.local not the guid version) the check name resolves correctly and the profile creation is finishing ok. But when I try to open outlook with that profile it gives
    me the following errors :
    with cached exchange mode selected:
    Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook windows. The set of folders cannot be opened. 
    You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current profile before you can synchronize your folders with your Outlook data file (.ost)
    with cached exchange mode deselected:
    Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook windows. The set of folders cannot be opened. 
    Microsoft Exchange is not available. Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance
    When I use the Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer it fails on the following step:
    Testing the address book "Check Name" operation for user [email protected] against server [email protected]
    An error occured while attempting to resolve the name. Elapsed Milliseconds: 91 Additional Details: The address book bind operation failed with status -2147221231. NSPI Status 2147746065

    Please run the following command in Exchange server to get Exchange GUID:
    Get-Mailbox UserA | FL Identity,ExchangeGuid
    Then open Outlook, click File > Account Settings > Account Settings > Change (If you can’t open Outlook, go to Control Pane > Mail to change it). In Server Settings, import the [email protected] into the Server box and click Check Name
    to have a try.
    If the name is checked successfully but also can’t open the profile, please close Outlook. In the Start menu, Run command (Windows key + R), type or paste
    outlook.exe /resetnavpane  (Note: Make sure there is a space between the words.)
    Then press Enter (or OK button) to restart Outlook
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Open the newly created address book. Click on one contact to select it. Hit control+a to select them all. Drag and drop them on the personal Address Book folder to move them there.

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    Since I installed the new version of Firefox (4.0) I am unable to retrieve any of the e-mail addresses that are duly indicated in the server's address book.
    In summary, beforehand I could type the 1st letter of an e-mail address and Firefox would remember it and propose it upfront!
    What can I do to solve this issue please!?

    Hi gbman, sorry I missed your reply, I took someone out to a birthday dinner.
    A good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    1. Clear Firefox's Cache
    Firefox > Preferences > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Offline Storage : "Clear Now"
    2. If needed, delete the site's cookies here
    While viewing a page on the site,
    Tools > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    After clearing the cookies, reload the page and try logging in again. Does that help?

  • 5800 Address Book Display

    Hi, just got the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and was wondering if anybody knows how to change the address book display.  In all my previous Nokia phones I have had the choice of displaying just Names, or Name & Number, but I cannot find any settings that allow me to change this in this phone.  It just displays the names.
    Go to Solution.

    grschinon wrote:
    BTW, it is customary to mark the post that you consider to be the solution as the accepted solution.
    Magicfingers strikes again...
    If this or any post answers your question, please remember to help others by pressing the 'Accept as solution' button.

  • HT2486 Address Book display

    My address book display is not like the one shown. Why?

    Have you tried resetting your sort option in Address Book / Preferences? Change it from whatever you have it (e.g. First Name) to the other choice. Then try to Search a contact. If it works, then go back in and reset it to what you had it before.

  • How can I customise Thunderbird message columns to show sender raw address (not display name) and the "Received for" email address that was used to reach me?

    I find it increasingly important to be able to see a sender's actual email address rather than just display name, as they usually don't show a company name - which a domain always would. Is there a way to customise settings/write a script/tweak files to add raw email & domain name columns? When dealing with a number of people at the same company it is hard to order or glance through a list of emails to find them. I also know 2 people with the same name at different companies and it is impossible to distinguish!
    Secondly, as a related column addition, since a number of email aliases reach me it would be useful to have a column to show the "Received..for" part of the message source which reveals the actual email used in the To/CC/BCC which led to me. Again can this be tweaked or scripted?
    I have programming experience but have not made add-ons and would be open to a suggestion which involves creating a custom add-on if adding columns with custom values is possible that way.
    Best Regards,

    Extended message headers can be searched from Edit/Find/Search Messages, or the folder context menu, by adding custom headers to the search criteria. So, you might be able to create a search on specific properties of a message.
    The method of adding custom headers to searches is the same as the one described here for filters:

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    Hi all,
    I have one universe with three universes built on it. Now, I want to add a column to one of the tables in the universe. For that, I selected the table and gave 'Refresh the structure'. The column got added in the workspace of the universe. When I drag and drop the table to the class & objects panel, it got added to the class/table in the panel. I saved and exported the universe.
    When I do like above, and open the report in the BO XI R3.1 webi front end, the report throws the following error:
    'Universe contains unresolved objects' and the report lay out is lost. All the three reports built on this universe is throwing the same error.
    Please let me know if there is any other way to retain the report lay out and add the column in the universe level.
    Thanks in advance
    - Regards,

    Welcome to the sometimes frustrating world of working with dates against SAP BW via BusinessObjects!
    Your best bet here is to have a financial calendar table in a database and build a new query against that. Return Week Number as a detail of date and then merge the date dimensions.

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