Adding buttons into a scolling pane

I'm trying to create a class that allows for the adding of button to a scrolling pane.
Here is my code so far
public class Menu extends JPanel
     JButton a = new JButton("sdsd");
     JButton b = new JButton("sdssd");
          JScrollPane as = new JScrollPane();
          as.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150,150));
          a.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(15,15));
}However all i get is a rectangle so I'm doing something wrong.
Can anyone offer any help as to why it's not working?

something like this:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
public class BtnScrollPaneTest extends JPanel
    private JButton buttonA = new JButton("Button A");
    private JButton buttonB = new JButton("Button B");
    public BtnScrollPaneTest()
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 150));
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
        JPanel viewportPane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1, 5, 5));
        viewportPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 300));
        JPanel buttonPanel1 = new JPanel();
        JPanel buttonPanel2 = new JPanel();
        add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    private static void createAndShowGUI()
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("SwingFoo2 Application");
        frame.getContentPane().add(new BtnScrollPaneTest());
    public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()

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    Thanks in advance,

    I don't know about NetBeans but yeah U can add horizontal atruts and verticals struts between two components, i.e.
    1.) add first component
    2.) add horizontal or vertical struts(according to ur toolbar)
    3.) add second component
    4.) add add horizontal or vertical struts(according to ur toolbar)
    this will definitely solve ur problem.
    If it does, don't forget to pay ur points.

  • Adding Buttons to a ScrollPane??

    Hello Swing people,
    I have had this problem now for quite some time and still have had no luck in getting it right. I am coding an ordering system and on this form is a Jtable displaying product details. Beside the Jtable are category buttons one after the other in a vertical line and there are 18 of them - meaning they cannot fit on the screen!! Therefore i want these buttons to be in some kind of scollpane or list so they can all be viewed.
    I thought this would be a simple matter of adding buttons to a scrollpane and then to the panel but this has proved not the case! Does anyone know how i could do this as i have been trying this for too long without the help of you geniuses???
    To give u an idea of what i was trying here is a snippet of my code:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class junk2 extends JFrame{
         junk2()    {
         JPanel panel = new JPanel();
         panel.setLayout(new java.awt.GridLayout(0, 1) );
         JButton []button = new JButton[20];
         for(int i=0; i<button.length; i++) {
              button=new JButton(""+(i+1) );
         JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(panel);
         getContentPane().add(scroll, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
         setSize(50, 100);
         setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
         public static void main(String []args) {
              new junk2().show();
    This code is fine and puts buttons in a vertical line but the buttons only have numbers on them from 1-20, i want the names of the buttons i have declared to be in here - therefore allowing the action performed on these buttons to be recognised and therefore work too! - anyone know how to get around this??
    Also the scrollpane with these buttons in apears in a whole new frame being that it is a small test program but does anyone know how to ensure the buttons appear in the scrollpane only and not in a new frame??
    all 25 dukes if someone can sort this long problem out!!!

    Hi guys thanks a lot for your replies, i compiled both of them and they are fine! the first reply is more what i am looking for but there is still a problem, i am finding it difficult to incorporate this piece of code into my order form class.
    Im trying to take out the current declarations of my JButtons and replace it with the code i was given (reply 1) and obviously keep my action performed methods there as they will be the same but cant seem to do this!
    If anyone can add in the code from reply 1 into my code below or at least help me i will give u the 25 dukes, taking into consideration i still want the form (panel) to be displayed as well as the panel or scrollpane containing the JButtons???
    Can u help - cheers in advance!!
    public class OrderForm extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
         private JPanel panel;
         private JButton saveArchive,unCompleted,submitOrder,checkSheet,clear,exit,bread,fruit,dairy,
         private JScrollPane pane;
         private JTextField textorderno,textorderdate,textdelivdate,textemp,textshop,textsupp;
         private JLabel heading1,heading2,orderno,orderdate,delivdate,emp,shop,supplier;
         private String todaysDate, deliveryDate;
         private ResultSet result;
         private ResultSet shops;
         private int column_count;
         private JComboBox combobox;
         ResultSetTableModel model = new ResultSetTableModel();
         Result rs = new Result(); 
         Orders orderSaving = new Orders();
         ProductOrders tableSaving = new ProductOrders();
         private boolean save;
         JTable table;
         public OrderForm()throws SQLException {
              displayFields();//Have not provided coz it aint needed for this
              displayButtons();//Wont need this anymore i dont think
         public void displayForm() throws SQLException{
              setTitle("Pret Ordering System");
              // Center the frame
              Dimension dim = getToolkit().getScreenSize();
              setLocation(dim.width/2-getWidth()/2, dim.height/2-getHeight()/2);
              //Creates the coloured bored around the panel
              panel = new JPanel();
              panel.setLayout( null );
              Border paneltitled = BorderFactory.createLineBorder(,10);
              ResultSet result = rs.setBreadProds();
              table = new JTable(model);
              for(int i = 0; i < column_count; i++) {          
                   table.getColumnModel().getColumn (i).setPreferredWidth (200);                   
              table.setSelectionForeground( Color.white );
              table.setSelectionBackground( );
              pane = new JScrollPane(table);
                  pane.setBounds(190, 230, 440, 200);
              combobox = new JComboBox();
              ResultSet shops = rs.getSupplierNames();
    //Hope you can help - cheers

  • Need help with adding buttons.

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    import java.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JFrame.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public class DVDInventory6
    public static void main(String[] args)
           Scanner input = new Scanner( );
           int j;
          DVD_Genre [] inventory = new DVD_Genre[5]; // Size of the array
          // create DVD object
          inventory [ 0 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Rocky", "Action/Drama", 01, 15, 9.95 );
          inventory [ 1 ] = new DVD_Genre( "RockyII", "Action/Drama", 02, 13, 14.95 );
          inventory [ 2 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Matrix", "Action/Sci-Fi", 03, 23, 14.95 );
          inventory [ 3 ] = new DVD_Genre( "MatrixII", "Action/Sci-Fi", 04, 17, 19.95 );
          inventory [ 4 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Bambi", "Family", 05, 33, 12.95 );
          // Print out a screen title
          System.out.printf("Welcome to DVD Inventory:\n\n");
       GUI gui = new GUI();
          for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
         double total = 0;
         for ( j=0; j<inventory.length; j++ )
             total += inventory[j].getvalueofdvds ();
    } // end for
    public static void sortDVD(DVD[] inventory)
         //DVD_Genre temp[] =  new DVD_Genre[1];
          int i, j;
          for (i=1; i <inventory.length; i++)
             for (j=0; j < inventory.length-i; j++)
                if (inventory[j].getdvdName().compareTo(inventory[j+1].getdvdName())>0)
                   // exchange elements
                   DVD  temp = inventory[j]; //new DVD_Genre [1];
                   inventory[j] = inventory[j+1];
                   inventory[j+1] = temp; //temp [0];
       }//end method main
    }//end DVDInventory6
          class DVD
          protected String dvdName; //  DVD title
          protected String dvdGenre; // DVD genre
          protected int productnumber;  // DVD product number
          protected int numberofproducts; // the number of products in stock
          protected double price; // the price of the products in stock
            public DVD (String name, String genre, int productnumber, int numberofproducts,
    double price ) // class dvd constructor
            this.dvdName = name;
            this.productnumber = productnumber;
            this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts;
            this.price = price;
    this.dvdGenre = genre;
           public DVD( String name, int productnumber, int numberofproducts, double price ) //
    class dvd constructor
            this.dvdName = name;
            this.productnumber = productnumber;
            this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts;
            this.price = price;
          public void setdvdName( String name ) // method to set dvd name
          this.dvdName = name; // store the dvd name
          public String getdvdName()// method to get dvd name
          return dvdName;
          public void setproductnumber( int productnumber )  // method to set productnumber
          this.productnumber = productnumber; // store productnumber
          public int getproductnumber()// method to get productnumber
          return productnumber;
          public void setnumberofproducts( int numberofproducts )// method to set
          this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts; // store numberofproducts
          public int getnumberofproducts()// method to get numberofproducts
          return numberofproducts;
          public void setprice( double price )// method to set price
          this.price = price; // price of the products in stock
          public double getprice()// method to get price
          return price;
          public double getvalueofdvds()// method to get valueofdvds
          return numberofproducts * price;
    } // end class DVD
    class DVD_Genre extends DVD
             private String genre; // genre of DVD
      private double restockingFee; // percentage added to inventory value
    public DVD_Genre(String name, String genre, int productnumber, int numberofproducts, double
       super(name, genre, productnumber, numberofproducts, price);
      this.genre = genre;
                    this.restockingFee = restockingFee;
          public void setdvdGenre( String genre ) // method to set dvd genre
          this.dvdGenre = genre; // store the dvd genre
          public String getdvdGenre()// method to get dvd genre
          return dvdGenre;     
    // Calculates restocking fee based on previous data.
        public double restockFee() {
         double total = 0;
         double restock = 0;
         total = numberofproducts * price;
         restock = total * .05;
                return restock;
        public String toString()
       DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
       return "\nDVD Title: " +  dvdName + "\nDVD Genre: " +  dvdGenre + "\nProduct number: " +
    productnumber +
              "\nNumber of products: " + numberofproducts + "\nPrice: " + price + "\nValue of
    DVD's: " +  Currency.format(numberofproducts * price) + "\nRestock Fee: "  +
    Currency.format(numberofproducts * price * .05);
    }// End class DVD_Genre
    class GUI {
    private DVD[] dvds;
        private int nCount;
    private double total;
    // Creates array DVD[]
        GUI() {
            dvds = new DVD[5];
            nCount = 0;
        public void add(DVD dvd) {
            dvds[nCount] = dvd;
    public void setTotal(double total) = total;
        DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
    //Displays the arrays contents element by element into a GUI pane
           public void display() {
      GUIDisplay(dvds, 5);
    public void GUIDisplay(DVD[] products, int numOfProducts)
              PanelFrame frame = new PanelFrame(products, numOfProducts);
              frame.setSize(600, 450);
    } // end class GUI
            class PanelFrame extends JFrame
            private JButton first;
            private JButton next;
            private JButton previous;
            private JButton last;
            private JButton add;
            private JButton delete;
            private JButton modify;
            private JButton search;
            private JButton save;
            JTextField dvdName;
            JTextField productnumber;
            JTextField numberofproducts;
            JTextField price;
            private DVD[] products;
            private int numOfProducts;
            private int currentIndex = 0;
    /** Creates a new instance of PanelFrame */
      public PanelFrame(DVD[] products, int numOfProducts)
            super("Welcome to the DVD Inventory");
            this.products = products;
            this.numOfProducts = numOfProducts;
            setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
            setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1,5,5));
    public class MovieGraphics extends Component
            private BufferedImage image;
            private boolean imageFound = true;
      public MovieGraphics()
           image = File("logo.jpg"));
      catch (IOException x)
          imageFound = false;
      public void paint(Graphics g)
      if (imageFound)
         0, 0, 200, 100,
         0, 0, image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null),
         g.drawString("Gary's DVD Krypt", 30, 30);
    } // end of class MovieGraphics
      public void showLogo()
            MovieGraphics myLogo = new MovieGraphics();
      public void showLabels()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            panel.add(new JLabel("DVD Title"));
            panel.add(new JLabel("Product number"));
            panel.add(new JLabel("Number of products"));
            panel.add(new JLabel("Price"));
      public void showInputFields()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            dvdName = new JTextField(10);
            productnumber = new JTextField(10);
            numberofproducts = new JTextField(10);
            price = new JTextField(10);
            productnumber .setEditable(false);
            panel.add(productnumber );
      public void showButtons()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            first = new JButton("First");
            next = new JButton("Next");
            previous = new JButton("Previous");
            last = new JButton("Last");
            add = new JButton("Add");
            delete = new JButton("Delete");
            modify = new JButton("Modify");
            search = new JButton("Search");
            save = new JButton("Save");
            ButtonActionHandler handler = new ButtonActionHandler();
      protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
      public void setFields(int i)
      public void setdvdName(int i)
    public void setproductnumber(int i)
    public void setnumberofproducts(int i)
    public void setPrice(int i)
    private class ButtonActionHandler implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    if (event.getSource() == first)
    addClicked = false;
    currentIndex = 0;
    else if (event.getSource() == next)
    addClicked = false;
    if (currentIndex == numOfProducts)
    currentIndex --;
    else if (event.getSource() == previous)
    addClicked = false;
    if (currentIndex < 0)
    currentIndex = 0;
    else if (event.getSource() == last)
    addClicked = false;
    currentIndex = numOfProducts - 1;
    if (currentIndex < 0)
    currentIndex = 0;
    else if(event.getSource() ==add)
    //add actions for add here
    if (!addClicked)
    int itemNum = incrementItemNumber();
    currentIndex = numOfProducts;
    addClicked = true;
    else if(event.getSource() ==save)
    //add actions for save here
    //we need to call
    addClicked = false;
    if (!updateProduct(currentIndex))
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have reached maximum number of products!");
    currentIndex --;
    else if(event.getSource() == edit)
    //add actions for edit here
    // Inventory.edit;
    addClicked = false;
    else if(event.getSource() == search)
    //add actions for search here
    // Inventory.findIndex;
    addClicked = false;
    String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Product Name: ");
    int index = searchName(name);
    if (index == -1)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No matching product found! ");
    currentIndex = index;
    Here are my errors:
    C:\java>javac cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    if (!addClicked)
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method resetFields()
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method incrementItemNumber()
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    int itemNum = incrementItemNumber();
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable itemNumber
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = true;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method updateProduct(int)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    if (!updateProduct(currentIndex))
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method saveProduct()
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable edit
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    else if(event.getSource() == edit)
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable addClicked
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    addClicked = false;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method searchName(java.lang.String)
    location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
    int index = searchName(name);
    23 errors

    and many more errors
    such as;
    * you need to declare a method called makeFieldsEditable that takes a boolean value
    eg private void makeFieldsEditable(boolean editable){
       // add your implememntation
    }* you need to declare a method called resetFields
    eg private void resetFields(){
       // add your implememntation
    }* you need to declare a method called updateProduct
    eg private void updateProduct(int index){
       // add your implememntation

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    I have made some simple buttons in Fireworks that I would like to export and place in Dreamweaver. The buttons are symbols with an up and over state, but additionally I have added pop-up menus to each button. I know how to export and place buttons into Dreamweaver without the pop-up menus... just insert them as rollover images. But after adding the pop-up menus and exporting the button as images, html, and slices I don't know what to do to get them to work in Dreamweaver. Just inserting the html doesn't work... the buttons just appear as a stagnant image. There appears to be some JavaScript that was generated when I made the buttons... do I have to do something with that?
    If anyone can think of a way to get my buttons to work interactively in Dreamweaver I would really appreciate it! Thank you so much!

    Here's the reason why Alec suggested (and I totally agree) that the FWs built dropdown menus shouldn't be used.
    There is a new alternative which are the Spry Menus, but even those aren't something that I'd choose for a navbar for a site of mine.
    Here's a tutorial that helps you build a complete CSS driven dropdown menu - user friendly, easily to build and definitely SEO friendly.
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles

  • Pass the name of a button into existing instance of a class from actionlist

    I want to pass a name of a button from actionlistener that is associated with that button into existing instance of a class. I need to do so because I have array of buttons and I have set the name of the buttons as coordinates. Is there a way to do that?

    My buttons are declared as JButton arrayOfButtons[][] = new JButton[numberOfRows][numberOfColumns];and I labeled them inside 2 for loops as:
    arrayOfButtons[row][column].setName(Integer.toString(row) + " " + Integer.toString(column));
    arrayOfButtons[row][column].setText("Some displayed text");I also added ActionListener
    arrayOfButtons[row][column].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    });Now when I press a button it only displays the array coordinates on a command line. I want the class instance where I declared the buttons to get notified which button was clicked.

  • How do I stop itunes from automatically adding songs into my itunes library?

    I want to disable itunes from automatically adding songs into my library.  Every time I sync up my ipod I'm finding miscellaneous debris on it that itunes keeps importing into it.  Theres got to be a way to disable this function but I can't seem to find it in the preferences.   I'm using a 2011 macbook pro with os x 10.6.7. 

    I figured out how to change itunes as my default player.  I did this by selecting a new audio file and hitting cmd and I to get info, then I selected the "open with" category.  Inside "open with" theres an option to open the file with quick time, underneath that is the "change all" option.  select that and you will solve this problem if this is a nuisance to anyone else.

  • Imported analog video successfully and it is normal in the "Event" pane but when I move a clip into the "Project" pane,  it enlarges it slightly and distorts it.  How can I keep that from happening?

    Imported analog video successfully and it is normal in the "Event" pane but when I move a clip into the "Project" pane,  it enlarges it slightly and distorts it.  How can I keep that from happening?

    Turn off analyze/image stabilization.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Positioning buttons in an option pane

    I need to position my buttons in a JOption Pane next to the icon.
    How do i do this?

    My best guess is create the Option pane yourself and use the layouts to suit your positioning.

  • Insert Buy Button Into Web App

    I've followed Mario's instructions here ( ) and inserted a buy button into a web app detail view.  Unfortunately, the button doesn't seem to do anything:
    The cart/checkout page doesn't come up. The button doesn't seem to work.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I'm going to try this as indicated by tech support:

  • Can you please fix the bug where firefox continually collapses addon buttons into the "more tools" dropdown? Your continued ignoring of the bug is incompetent.

    No further details needed. 140 people saw an archived report of this a year ago.
    Fix the problem already.

    A year ago Firefox had a different user interface, so a comparison isn't accurate.
    Usually caused by an extension or two - not directly by Firefox itself. Try moving the add-on buttons into a different order or disable them one at a time to find the culprit.

  • Importing Flash buttons into Flash

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    Actionscript 3 so that the button changes with mouse_over and it
    all works fine, both with Test Movie and separately playing the swf
    file. The problem is I want to use this button in a variety of
    Flash applications. I thought all I would have to do was to export
    the button as swf and then import it into the new Flash program as
    a button symbol and add the ActionScript code for mouse_click etc.
    I didn't expect to be able to edit the button in the new program,
    but I thought it would run OK. What happens is that the button
    appears, but all the movie clip behaviour is missing -- it's just a
    static object that doesn't respond to mouse_over. I've tried
    importing it as a button and as a movie clip -- neither works.
    Given my primitive experience of ActionScript and Flash, the only
    work around I can think of is to put all the ActionScript code for
    the button in each application. This will be a big task, as various
    layers and scripts are involved.
    There must be something simple that I am missing, but I can't
    seems to find this problem addressed anywhere. Most people seem to
    want to use their Flash buttons in non-Flash applications like html
    web pages. Help, please, from someone who can make Flash sing and
    dance (or at least more than I can) ...

    You can copy and paste any item in the Library of one movie
    to the Library of a second movie. If you do that, you can get the
    button into your new movie. You will still need to bring the
    actionscript over from one movie to the other. You can do this in a
    similar copy and paste manner.

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    Can "focus" resolve this problem? But how should I add focus to a line in one HTML files? Thank you.

  • Inserting html snippets for paypal buttons into templates

    I can insert html snippets(for pay pal buttons) into an iweb page that I've created but if I go to the slide shows and try to add a button to those it puts the buttons on ALL the slides. Any remedy as I'd like to use the photo templates AND pay pal buttons.

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Cyclosaurus posts some code to add items to the gallery page of a slideshow. I believe the post in in this thread:
    Here are some of his other posts about album pages that might be of some help:
    He's the resident expert on Javascript here and can do just about anything with it.

  • Need to fetch function code value of push button into BUS

    He expert,
                       I have created one custom screen in standard transaction IQ02.where I am populating some values into screen and one push button is there.I want to trigger the workflow only when user press this push button.I am using BUS DEVICE for that.
    Is it possible to fetch function code value of push button into the BUS object by creating custom attributes.So i can put the function code value as a condition before triggering workflow.or is there any other way to  to implement the above functionality.
    Please suggest.

    I'd say you need to delegate the std DEVICE object to your own ZDEVICE, where you define a custom event. Then generate the DEVICE.CUSTOMEVENT event when the user clicks on your pushbutton (eg. with SAP_WAPI... function module).
    In your workflow remove the standard triggering event and use your custom event instead.

Maybe you are looking for

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