Need help with adding buttons.

I thought I could do this without help but I was wrong. I had to add buttons to my program and before it ran fine with the first four buttons I added but know there are many errors and I believe I messed up the whole thing now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Here is my code:
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
public class DVDInventory6
public static void main(String[] args)
       Scanner input = new Scanner( );
       int j;
      DVD_Genre [] inventory = new DVD_Genre[5]; // Size of the array
      // create DVD object
      inventory [ 0 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Rocky", "Action/Drama", 01, 15, 9.95 );
      inventory [ 1 ] = new DVD_Genre( "RockyII", "Action/Drama", 02, 13, 14.95 );
      inventory [ 2 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Matrix", "Action/Sci-Fi", 03, 23, 14.95 );
      inventory [ 3 ] = new DVD_Genre( "MatrixII", "Action/Sci-Fi", 04, 17, 19.95 );
      inventory [ 4 ] = new DVD_Genre( "Bambi", "Family", 05, 33, 12.95 );
      // Print out a screen title
      System.out.printf("Welcome to DVD Inventory:\n\n");
   GUI gui = new GUI();
      for(j=0; j<5; ++j)
     double total = 0;
     for ( j=0; j<inventory.length; j++ )
         total += inventory[j].getvalueofdvds ();
} // end for
public static void sortDVD(DVD[] inventory)
     //DVD_Genre temp[] =  new DVD_Genre[1];
      int i, j;
      for (i=1; i <inventory.length; i++)
         for (j=0; j < inventory.length-i; j++)
            if (inventory[j].getdvdName().compareTo(inventory[j+1].getdvdName())>0)
               // exchange elements
               DVD  temp = inventory[j]; //new DVD_Genre [1];
               inventory[j] = inventory[j+1];
               inventory[j+1] = temp; //temp [0];
   }//end method main
}//end DVDInventory6
      class DVD
      protected String dvdName; //  DVD title
      protected String dvdGenre; // DVD genre
      protected int productnumber;  // DVD product number
      protected int numberofproducts; // the number of products in stock
      protected double price; // the price of the products in stock
        public DVD (String name, String genre, int productnumber, int numberofproducts,
double price ) // class dvd constructor
        this.dvdName = name;
        this.productnumber = productnumber;
        this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts;
        this.price = price;
this.dvdGenre = genre;
       public DVD( String name, int productnumber, int numberofproducts, double price ) //
class dvd constructor
        this.dvdName = name;
        this.productnumber = productnumber;
        this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts;
        this.price = price;
      public void setdvdName( String name ) // method to set dvd name
      this.dvdName = name; // store the dvd name
      public String getdvdName()// method to get dvd name
      return dvdName;
      public void setproductnumber( int productnumber )  // method to set productnumber
      this.productnumber = productnumber; // store productnumber
      public int getproductnumber()// method to get productnumber
      return productnumber;
      public void setnumberofproducts( int numberofproducts )// method to set
      this.numberofproducts = numberofproducts; // store numberofproducts
      public int getnumberofproducts()// method to get numberofproducts
      return numberofproducts;
      public void setprice( double price )// method to set price
      this.price = price; // price of the products in stock
      public double getprice()// method to get price
      return price;
      public double getvalueofdvds()// method to get valueofdvds
      return numberofproducts * price;
} // end class DVD
class DVD_Genre extends DVD
         private String genre; // genre of DVD
  private double restockingFee; // percentage added to inventory value
public DVD_Genre(String name, String genre, int productnumber, int numberofproducts, double
   super(name, genre, productnumber, numberofproducts, price);
  this.genre = genre;
                this.restockingFee = restockingFee;
      public void setdvdGenre( String genre ) // method to set dvd genre
      this.dvdGenre = genre; // store the dvd genre
      public String getdvdGenre()// method to get dvd genre
      return dvdGenre;     
// Calculates restocking fee based on previous data.
    public double restockFee() {
     double total = 0;
     double restock = 0;
     total = numberofproducts * price;
     restock = total * .05;
            return restock;
    public String toString()
   DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
   return "\nDVD Title: " +  dvdName + "\nDVD Genre: " +  dvdGenre + "\nProduct number: " +
productnumber +
          "\nNumber of products: " + numberofproducts + "\nPrice: " + price + "\nValue of
DVD's: " +  Currency.format(numberofproducts * price) + "\nRestock Fee: "  +
Currency.format(numberofproducts * price * .05);
}// End class DVD_Genre
class GUI {
private DVD[] dvds;
    private int nCount;
private double total;
// Creates array DVD[]
    GUI() {
        dvds = new DVD[5];
        nCount = 0;
    public void add(DVD dvd) {
        dvds[nCount] = dvd;
public void setTotal(double total) = total;
    DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("$0.00");
//Displays the arrays contents element by element into a GUI pane
       public void display() {
  GUIDisplay(dvds, 5);
public void GUIDisplay(DVD[] products, int numOfProducts)
          PanelFrame frame = new PanelFrame(products, numOfProducts);
          frame.setSize(600, 450);
} // end class GUI
        class PanelFrame extends JFrame
        private JButton first;
        private JButton next;
        private JButton previous;
        private JButton last;
        private JButton add;
        private JButton delete;
        private JButton modify;
        private JButton search;
        private JButton save;
        JTextField dvdName;
        JTextField productnumber;
        JTextField numberofproducts;
        JTextField price;
        private DVD[] products;
        private int numOfProducts;
        private int currentIndex = 0;
/** Creates a new instance of PanelFrame */
  public PanelFrame(DVD[] products, int numOfProducts)
        super("Welcome to the DVD Inventory");
        this.products = products;
        this.numOfProducts = numOfProducts;
        setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1,5,5));
public class MovieGraphics extends Component
        private BufferedImage image;
        private boolean imageFound = true;
  public MovieGraphics()
       image = File("logo.jpg"));
  catch (IOException x)
      imageFound = false;
  public void paint(Graphics g)
  if (imageFound)
     0, 0, 200, 100,
     0, 0, image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null),
     g.drawString("Gary's DVD Krypt", 30, 30);
} // end of class MovieGraphics
  public void showLogo()
        MovieGraphics myLogo = new MovieGraphics();
  public void showLabels()
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.add(new JLabel("DVD Title"));
        panel.add(new JLabel("Product number"));
        panel.add(new JLabel("Number of products"));
        panel.add(new JLabel("Price"));
  public void showInputFields()
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        dvdName = new JTextField(10);
        productnumber = new JTextField(10);
        numberofproducts = new JTextField(10);
        price = new JTextField(10);
        productnumber .setEditable(false);
        panel.add(productnumber );
  public void showButtons()
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        first = new JButton("First");
        next = new JButton("Next");
        previous = new JButton("Previous");
        last = new JButton("Last");
        add = new JButton("Add");
        delete = new JButton("Delete");
        modify = new JButton("Modify");
        search = new JButton("Search");
        save = new JButton("Save");
        ButtonActionHandler handler = new ButtonActionHandler();
  protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
  public void setFields(int i)
  public void setdvdName(int i)
public void setproductnumber(int i)
public void setnumberofproducts(int i)
public void setPrice(int i)
private class ButtonActionHandler implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
if (event.getSource() == first)
addClicked = false;
currentIndex = 0;
else if (event.getSource() == next)
addClicked = false;
if (currentIndex == numOfProducts)
currentIndex --;
else if (event.getSource() == previous)
addClicked = false;
if (currentIndex < 0)
currentIndex = 0;
else if (event.getSource() == last)
addClicked = false;
currentIndex = numOfProducts - 1;
if (currentIndex < 0)
currentIndex = 0;
else if(event.getSource() ==add)
//add actions for add here
if (!addClicked)
int itemNum = incrementItemNumber();
currentIndex = numOfProducts;
addClicked = true;
else if(event.getSource() ==save)
//add actions for save here
//we need to call
addClicked = false;
if (!updateProduct(currentIndex))
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have reached maximum number of products!");
currentIndex --;
else if(event.getSource() == edit)
//add actions for edit here
// Inventory.edit;
addClicked = false;
else if(event.getSource() == search)
//add actions for search here
// Inventory.findIndex;
addClicked = false;
String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Product Name: ");
int index = searchName(name);
if (index == -1)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No matching product found! ");
currentIndex = index;
Here are my errors:
C:\java>javac cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
if (!addClicked)
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method resetFields()
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method incrementItemNumber()
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
int itemNum = incrementItemNumber();
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable itemNumber
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = true;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method updateProduct(int)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
if (!updateProduct(currentIndex))
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method saveProduct()
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable edit
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
else if(event.getSource() == edit)
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method makeFieldsEditable(boolean)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable addClicked
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
addClicked = false;
^ cannot find symbol
symbol : method searchName(java.lang.String)
location: class PanelFrame.ButtonActionHandler
int index = searchName(name);
23 errors

and many more errors
such as;
* you need to declare a method called makeFieldsEditable that takes a boolean value
eg private void makeFieldsEditable(boolean editable){
   // add your implememntation
}* you need to declare a method called resetFields
eg private void resetFields(){
   // add your implememntation
}* you need to declare a method called updateProduct
eg private void updateProduct(int index){
   // add your implememntation

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    use this:
    on (rollOver) {
    Since the code is attached directly to the movieclip, you
    don't have to
    identify the clip. A gotoAndPlay() function takes a frame
    number or a
    frame label name as its argument, never the name of the clip
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    A few questions. What result are you experiencing? Did PS Touch crash? Have you tried to force quit-and restart PS Touch? -Guido

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    Have you created your Facebook share button code from the Facebook resource page below:
    Share Button
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    Then add the <div> in which your Facebook share button will appear directly before your Google plus <div> (see below)
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    Please check whether your key flex structure is frozen or not. If now please freeze it and re compile and try.
    This may helps too
    error while developing KFF in oaf
    Edited by: Bharat on May 10, 2013 4:51 AM

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         bUI: true,
         cTo: [email protected],
         cSubject: ""
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    Thank you.

    Hello Pavel,
    I would got the third way.
    You can use dynamic images in your report.
    Just by changing the URL to the image the image can be changed.
    Please see the [Crystal Manual|] and search for images.
    or directly here
    [Setting a Dynamic Graphic Location Path on an Image Object|]
    [Dynamic image and HTTP://|]
    [codesample for .NET|]
    Please also use
    [Crystal Reports 2008 SDK Documentation and Sample Code|]
    [Crystal Reports 2008 .NET SDK Tutorial Samples|]
    Hope this helps

  • I need help with adding fire to an existing picture in elements 8

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    Okay, I have been playing with for a few days. Warning, this is going to be loooong. I do this differently in Photoshop but couldn't get it to work with the elements workset as it doesn't have the curves tool that Photoshop has so I had to find an alternate method to pump up the flames. Luckily, I ran into a video that used a method other than curves to get me on track. I assumed you want realistic I was pushing for how real could I make flames using paint and blend mode operations.
    Edit: I should let you know that you can try to extract flames from other photos and composite them into your photo. First, need a good fire image. It works best if you can find a fire with a black background. Screen blend mode will drop out black. Try working with two copies of the image. Turn off the topmost copy of the flames. Leave the bottom flames in Normal blend mode. Mask or erase the outer edges of the flames with a soft brush so that only the interior of the flames are visible. Now, turn on the topmost version of the flames. Leave the topmost version of the intact...don't mask or erase anything. Change this topmost flame layer's blend mode to screen blend mode. If you see any problems with your flames, you can erase or mask any defects. You can duplicate the screen layer to brighten the effect. Use opacity to control the volume. This would be the easiest solution but you'll have to find some flames that trip your fancy. I haven't tried this out yet so can't say how much better or worse it would be than using a good set of flame brushes along with some blend mode tricks.
    Below shows how close I can get using paint. I only used options available in PSE. I used layer masks that if you had PSE 9 would be native. Since you have PSE 8, you'll need to either download an install an add on that adds the basic layer mask function or use clipping masking.
    Below is a link to a freeware set that includes layer masks. Install instructions are on that site.
    If you want to go the clipping mask route, have a look at this tutorial: ng_masks/1_layer_groups_clipping_masks.htm
    Before and After the effect.
    I would have posted sooner but had to find a workable solution to making the flames look realistic in Elements as I can’t use the curves tool as it isn’t native to Elements.
    With the help of this YouTube video I came up with something…
    I based this tutorial on the hue/sat numbers, blend modes, and blurs.
    First, I downloaded a flame brush set. This set in specific:
    The above set is really nicely done and  has large high resolution brushes.
    One thing I do not agree with in the video is the color used. White is hard to change in the Hue/Saturation dialog. Instead I use 50% gray as my paint color. This is easy to set…either use the 50% color swatch or open the Color Picker and set H to 0, S to 0, and B to 50...hex number is 808080.
    Things to keep in mind include fire is gaseous, bright and the way it burns…it one direction, fire reflects and there is probably going to be some smoke.
    In my example, I am going to set a  lunch cake. Nice 4th of July theme. J
    Let’s start my scorching the item that will be burned. In this case the lunch cake will be scorched.
    Scorch the item…preparing to light it up.
    1. Duplicate image and put image into Linear burn blend mode; opacity 100%. Add layer mask or erase everything but the item to be scorched…the lunch cake.
    2. Duplicate layer you just made in step #1. Change the blend mode to Multiply 100%. Desaturate this layer.  Image Adjustments<Hue/Saturation…move Master Saturation slider to  -100. Take burn tool set to Range: Midtones; Exposure 35%; air brush on…and scorch the item. Make it kind of smudgy. You don’t want an even coat. Make it darker as you get closer to the flames.
    Note: Here I’ve jumped ahead. I already know where my flames are going to be. Either visualize where you want your flames or jump ahead and laid down the basic paint and transform into the correct position. Turn off flame layer (s) when done. So step #3 if you do any repair work isn’t affected.
    3. If you feel you need to do any clone repairs, create a composite image ctrl + shift + alt + e if on PC…cmd + shift + opt + e if on a Mac. Do the clone work on a blank layer over this. With clone tool selected, check the box in the options bar that says something like “All Layers”, “Use All Layers”, “Sample All Layers”…the box says one of those things beside it. I can’t recall which and not sure if it’s consistent between all versions of Elements.  Anyway, Leave layer in Normal blend mode 100% and likewise leave tool in Normal blend mode…opacity to taste. Fix any defects on this layer. You can do the same thing with the healing brush if you need to do any healing. I find it best to heal to a separate layer and not mix and match the healing tool and  clone stamp on the same layer.
    4. Turn off or trash the Clone Stamp comp layer when finished with step #3.
    Let’s Build a Fire…
    5. Create a blank layer in the layers palette….Normal blend mode; 100% opacity.  Make white your foreground color chip.  Grab the paint brush tool…normal blend mode; 100% opacity. Paint one flame on your layer. I have used the 1220 sized flame near the bottom of the brush set I linked earlier. Use the transform command …Ctrl + t (PC) or Cmd + t (Mac)…to size and position the flame. I used  also slightly warped the flame using transform warp. Since you don’t have that in Elements…slightly warp the flame in the liquefy dialog.
    Note: The above flame is pretty much backlighting…you are done with it.
    6. Change the color foreground color chip in your layers palette to 50% gray. Use the same brush tip you used in step #5. Size and position it so it closely matches the white flame in Step #5. Go to liquefy dialog and slightly warp it.
    Note: The goal is for the flames in step #5 and step #6 to be very similar but not exact.
    7.. Duplicate the 50% gray flame you made in step #6 twice. Turn off the top 50% gray flame for now.
    Fire is Bright...
    8. Now that video comes in that I linked.
    (1) Blur the 50% gray flame with Gaussian blur. I used 6 pixels. Go to menu and click Enhance or is it Adjustments<Hue/Saturation…check the box that says “colorize”; change master sliders to Hue 42; Saturation 100; Lightness 0.
    (2)Duplicate the flame you made above…step  (1). Go to the menu bar and click Enhance or is it Adjustment<Hue/Saturation…change master sliders to Hue -43; saturation 0; Lightness 0. Change this layers blend mode to Color Dodge blend mode and merge down…Ctrl + e on PC; cmd + e on Mac.
    Note: This layer will now say Normal blend mode; 100%.
    (3)I duplicated the merged layer I now have from step (2). I changed the blend mode of this layer to Screen and set the opacity to 100%.
    (4) I made a duplicate of the layer I have made in step (2)…the one that now says it’s in Normal blend mode; 100%… then blurred it with Gaussian blur. I used 46 pixels. I moved this layer down in my layers palette so that it rests beneath my other two colored flame layers. The white flame layer is directly below it. Leave this layer in Normal blend mode; 100% opacity.
    9. Go back to 50% gray flame you made in step #6...visibility eye should be off. You should have two of these gray layers if not duplicate one so that you do have tow 50% gray flame layers. (These were not blurred.)  These two layers need to be on the top of the stack. If they are not, move them up so that they are the top two layers. Turn on the visibility of the bottom 50% gray layer. Change the layer’s blend mode to Screen blend mode; opacity 100%. Grab the burn tool. Burn some of the flame base and randomly in the flame of the 50% gray.  Press and hold in the alt key (PC) or the opt key (Mac) and dodge the tops of the flames and do some random dodge work.
    10. Turn on the visibility for the top 50% gray layer. Leave this one alone…no dodge + burn. Set this layer to Screen blend mode; opacity 96%.
    11. Add layer masks to white and color flame layers…not the gray ones. Paint away any unattractive color spill. Bright orange edges…bright white distractions where flame edges don’t align.
    12. Make a composite layer of all layers up to date. Set this layer’s blend mode to multiply; opacity 47%. Add a layer mask and mask out everything but the flames. Tip: You can select the flames by ctrl + shift clicking on each flame layer thumbnail…the shift lets you add to a selection. On the Mac, cmd + shift click the layer thumbnails.
    Flames Reflect…
    13. Make a copy of one of your blurred color flames. Transform it so it rest over item that it should reflect on. In this case I have added a blurred flame onto my son’s eye. The flame is in Overlay blend mode; 33% opacity.
    14 Several steps Eye enhancements to my son’s eye…omitted because it’s off topic
    15. I used a gradient map with a fire like black/red/yellow/white gradient map set to Softlight blend mode; 17% to give my image a hint of a color cast. I masked it so only some skin, hair, and car areas have this slight color cast.
    Where there’s fire there is going to be some smoke...
    16. To make my smoke, I made a separate large document my photo size. I set my color chips to the default b/w. (Shortcut is D.) I went to menu bar and clicked Filter<Render<Clouds. Next I went back to my menu bar and clicked Filter<Render<Difference Clouds. I used Ctrl + f to repeat the Difference Cloud filter until I was happy with the effect…looking for swirled black lines…kind of like lightning. (If on a Mac, use Cmd + f to repeat a filter. I then used the transform command to enlarge the pattern I made. Be sure to scale it so that height and width both are enlarged equally. Next, go to the men bar and select<All ; Edit<Crop. You want to do to get rid of the excess. I think I transformed my patter to something like 200% which makes the file really big. You can do it on your image file but because of file size the transform will take a really long time. When happy copy/paste or drag/drop this pattern into your photo file.
    17. Now blur pattern really good using Gaussian blur. Now, add a layer mask to your pattern layer. Click the layer mask in the layers palette to target it and run the the clouds and difference clouds on the mask just as you do on the pattern layer. Just those filters…no blur.
    Basic smoke pattern final
    18. Duplicate this layer w mask twice. You should have three smoke copies. Turn off all but the bottom pattern copy. Use the paint brush and paint black in mask to hide the smoke everywhere but where you want to keep it. Set this layer’s blend mode to Multiply blend mode; opacity 15%.
    View of the inside one of the smoke layer masks
    19. Turn on the visibility of the next smoke pattern. Again use a black paint to paint where you don’t want paint. (Make this variable as you want the smoke to be varying opacity.)  Layer blend mode Multiply; opacity 15%.
    20. Turn on the visibility of the next smoke pattern…top one in stack. Again use black to paint where you don’t want the smoke. Set this layer’s blend mode to Multiply blend mode; opacity 1%.
    Fire is Gaseous...
    21. Make a composite of all layers by pressing ctrl + shift + alt + e if on PC. Use Cmd + shift + opt + e if on a Mac. Blur your composite image. I used 3 pixels. Set the blend mode to Normal; opacity 64%. Add a layer mask and fill it with black paint to hide the blur effect. Use the paint brush with white paint in the layer mask to blur any sharp edges and base of flames. Remember flame is gaseous.
    Above shows my layers for completed image. Notice the comp for clone layer is off. I did not need it after I did the clone to a blank layer to add some scorched cake around my son's fingers.

  • Need help with linking buttons

    Can anyone help me with this problem I have.
    I have a gfx which I have created 6 shapes and converted them into simple buttons. I have urls sat inside an xml file. How can I get the buttons to use the urls set from within the xml file?
    Also how can I change the current external photo that is being loaded to load the url from a setting in the same xml file.
    I hope you arnt as confused as I am right now.
    I have packaged up the flash file which includeds the xml aswell.
    If anyone could help me out with this I would be very greatful.
    Thanks All

    Remove the code from all btns, as below paste it on main timeline
    Also no need to load xml twice as dome in image container...
    give an instance name to the outer container of btns - menumv
    use following method to openURL, use same for all the btns..
    var myXML:XML;
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("links.xml"));
    myLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    function processXML(e:Event):void
    myXML = new XML(;
    menumv.carbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openURL);
    function openURL(e:MouseEvent):void
    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(;

  • Need help with adding the following to a program

    Modify the mortgage program to display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. The list would scroll off the screen, but use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list. Do not use a graphical user interface. Insert comments in the program to document the program.
    Currently I am working on adding the following line in bold but getting error expected ";" on line 27
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class Mortgage5
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Date currentDate = new Date(); //Date constructor
    DecimalFormat decimalPlaces = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.##");
    //declaring variables
    final double PRINCIPLE = 200000;
    final double INTEREST = .0575/12;
    final double TERM = 12*30;
    //declaring variables
    final double MONTHLY =PRINCIPLE*(INTEREST/(1-Math.pow(1+INTEREST, -TERM)));
    //displaying variables
    System.out.println("\t\t" + currentDate);
    System.out.println("\t\tPrinciple or Loan Amount: " + decimalPlaces.format(PRINCIPLE));
    System.out.println("\t\tInterest Rate: " + (INTEREST));
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Term of Loan (in months): " + (TERM));
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Monthly Payment is: " + decimalPlaces.format(MONTHLY));
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Balence - Your Payment is: " + decimalPlaces.format(PRINCIPLE*INTEREST*TERM)-MONTHLY));
    Any suggestions??? PLEASE

    Ok I figured out the issue now if someone can help me. I need to create a loop for the following:
    The list would scroll off the screen, but use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list.
    Here is the Program so far.
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class Mortgage5
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Date currentDate = new Date(); //Date constructor
    DecimalFormat decimalPlaces = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.##");
    //declaring variables
    final double PRINCIPLE = 200000;
    final double INTEREST = .0575/12;
    final double TERM = 12*30;
    //declaring variables
    final double MONTHLY =PRINCIPLE*(INTEREST/(1-Math.pow(1+INTEREST, -TERM)));
    //displaying variables
    System.out.println("\t\t" + currentDate);
    System.out.println("\t\tPrinciple or Loan Amount: " + decimalPlaces.format(PRINCIPLE));
    System.out.println("\t\tInterest Rate: " + (INTEREST));
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Term of Loan (in months): " + (TERM));
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Monthly Payment is: " + decimalPlaces.format(MONTHLY));
    System.out.println("\t\tThe Balence - Your Payment is: " + decimalPlaces.format(NEWBAL));

  • Need help with adding shadows to a shape (gradient mesh?...blur tool?)

    Hello. I'm an Illustrator novice, as you will be able to tell from my question. I'm somewhat familiar with the gradient mesh tool as well as the raster effects that Illustrator CS3 offers, but I can't figure out how to use them to do what I have to do.
    Here's my situation. I'm creating a logo design. It is a musical note with a flame coming off of it. I want to add the appearance of the shape having shadows (yellow for the light areas, and red for the shadowed areas).
    I can't get the gradient mesh tool to work because I'm assuming the shape is too complex. I understand that I could probably just create a bunch of different gradient mesh areas and just try to mesh them together, but is this necessary? ...and is chopping my shape into mulitple sections really the best method ? (it sure doesn't seem like the logical solution).
    Then I tried using Illustrators blur effects. I'm concerned to even use them for a logo design, because the "blur" effect is raster, and with a logo; it's probably not wise to use anything raster, correct? Anyway...i can't get it to work. I created a shape using the pen tool to replicate the shape of the shadow. When i blur it, the blur is visable outside the original logo shape. I don't know how to make it stop at the path edge. Does anyone know how?
    If anyone can please help me here, I would be more than grateful. I realize these questions probably stupid ones, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do this, despite reading tutorials and watching numerous youtube videos on the gradient mesh tool; I can't seem to figure out how to adapt it to my situation.
    Here is the image I created in Photoshop. I am trying to duplicate it in Illustrator CS3.

    Thanks Steve and Jet. I've spent the lasts 2 hours calling around to different print shops in hope that I can maybe trade labor for insight into their printing process. Problem is there seems to be a lack of 4 color offset printing companies who also offer spot colors. I really wish I had the money to take a class, but when I do, I will. I just contacted a few freelance designers who seem to have a lot of print work in their portfolios. Maybe they can teach me a thing or two, and in return I can drop them a few bucks or help them with something.
    Jet, you've got me very concerned here. What do you mean by "It's not just a matter of selecting colors; it's also a matter of selecting the number of inks necessary to render them in the various reproduction methods in which the mark will be used"? Are you just stating the importance in using swatch books (Pantone)?
    You mention the importance of a design being rendered in different forms (apparel, signs, promotional items..). So how should I go about doing this? Lets say a client wants a "mark" printed on all of the things you stated. Is it my duty to find out what printer they will be using before I submit design files to them? Is it the job of the designer to contact the print shop and get their profiles for different prints (glossy paper prints, matte paper prints, t-shirt printing, vehicle graphic printing)? This is all very time consuming, so should there not be extra charges when dealing with setting up different print settings for particular print jobs?
    I've read the blogs of some successful logo designers. David Airey for example just submits his logo design to his client in eps form I believe (plus any requests). Should he be submitting a separate file for each intended use, or is this the job of the client and printer to work out?
    You've got me extremely worried that I am going to really deal someone a bad hand here. As far as I know, this hasn't happened yet; but I'm glad you have me concerned. The sad part is that I do have a 2 year degree in graphic design and I didn't learn one thing about printing and it's association with color. The little I have learned is from the internet. I've checked out Amazon(dot)com for a good book on learning about color and print, but there seems to be a lack of recently written books (with reviews) regarding the subject. Can you recommend any?
    I started doing freelance work because people would ask me to design a t-shirt for them, or a flyer for their small business. So I did. Now I have more people requesting my services. It's hard to turn down the money, especially in these times. But at the same time, I don't want to cause major headaches for anyone either. Until recently, I had no idea the complexity of the design to print process. Just 3 days ago, I purchased a monitor calibration device and my first set of Pantone guides. They should arrive shortly. I know, don't laugh.
    My lack of knowledge regarding this whole thing has really got me questioning what I am doing. I figured all i really needed to know in Illustrator was to use the pen tool, since my use of Illustrator has been strictly for shaping logos.
    There are just so many questions I have, and all can't be answered through a google search. I really don't like wasting your time with my ignorance, but I do appreciate your assistance. It takes some time for my little brain to absorb all of this, but I have been reading all I can from the endless tutorials and forum discussions available on the web. The problem I've found is that alongside the large amount of great info on the web, there is seemingly an equal amount of contradictory or partially inaccurate info as well. which only confuses me more. For example, most people say to design in cmyk for print (300dpi higher or vector). A rep from Pantone told me to create my designs using Pantones color swatch groups. Why would I want to start in Pantone? Don't all of their colors cost extra money (spot colors require a new printer plate and ink to be set up). Starting in cmyk seems like a more logical approach. Is he just trying to sell me Pantone?
    Sorry for my redundant question regarding the concern for non-single colored paths not being able to join. You obviously answered my question with your example.
    For your time, I would like to show my appreciation. If you wouldn't' mind leaving your paypal address, I can send ya a couple/few bucks. Books are great, but they can't answer all questions. Forums like this one are really very helpful and a great learning tool. I do realize I have to continue educating myself as much as possible. I'm not going to give up, that's for sure.
    So, do you work for Adobe, or are you a graphic designer? Do you have a website with tutorials or a book I can buy lol?
    It would be great to be able to see a walkthrough in the design process of a successful designer and the proper methods of designing for different forms of print.

  • Need Help with Advanced Button Actions

    I am a brand new Captivate 5 user and I have created a image button that I want to have a double action. When the user clicks on the image button, I want it to SHOW a new button AND SHOW another image. I used the Advanced Actions but it does not work when I preview project.  Help!

    Hello and welcome to the forum,
    Did you assign the advanced action to the image button as Success action? And the new button + the image have to be on the same slide, but with the status Invisible. You can not show hidden objects that are sitting on another slide then the slide with the advanced action.
    If you want to have more information about advanced actions, I do blog a lot about them. Here is the link to my blog:

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