Adding Components to a JPanel not working correctly

I'm trying to build a JFrame that contains a parent JPanel that will hold a JPanel used to display a message view, a vertical strut and a JPanel that holds VCR-like buttons to cycle through the messages.
My parent JPanel uses a BorderLayout and the Border is a TitledBorder which tells which product you are viewing (i.e., Message 1 of 5). I build the message JPanel, vertical strut and button JPanel and add them all in order to the parent JPanel which then gets added to the rootContentPane of the JFrame. All that appears is the parent JPanel's TitledBorder, the strut and the button JPanel. Using JSwat, I've been able to determine that the message JPanel has 0 for both its height and width after adding the message components to the JPanel.
I create the message JPanel with a BorderLayout and an OvalBorder as copied from Manning Press's Swing book (which works fine in other JFrames that I have built), then add other components as necessary to the individual messages (mostly items around the edges with a central display for the actual message). What I can't figure out is why the height and width of the message JPanel isn't growing as I add components.
I had previously used the same code to display a single message (minus the parent JPanel, strut and button JPanel) where I added the border panels (northPanel, eastPanel, southPanel and westPanel) created in createMsgPanel() directly to the contentPane and it worked perfectly, so I know that the code that adds the message works fine. Then, the requirements changed (go figure) and I had to display multiple messages from the same screen.
Here's what I've got:
public class Layout
             extends JFrame
             implements ActionListener
   private MissionData missionData;
   private JPanel messagePanel = null;
   private int index = 0;
   private int numMsgs = 0;
   private JPanel mainPanel = null;
   private JPanel buttonPanel = null;
   private TitledBorder titledBorder = null;
   Layout ()
   public Layout (MissionData msn)
      super ();
      missionData = msn;
      setSize (640, 640);
      setIconImage (new ImageIcon ("Icon.jpg").getImage());
      setTitle (((Message) (missionData.messages.elementAt(0))).name);
      numMsgs = missionData.messages.size();
      titledBorder = new TitledBorder (
                        new LineBorder (Color.BLACK),
                        "Message " + String.valueOf (index + 1) +
                        " of " + String.valueOf (numMsgs),
      mainPanel = new JPanel ();
      mainPanel.setLayout (new BorderLayout());
      mainPanel.setBorder (new CompoundBorder (titledBorder,
                                               new EmptyBorder (
                                                  new Insets (3, 3, 3, 3))));
      messagePanel = new JPanel();
      messagePanel.setLayout (new BorderLayout ());
      messagePanel.setBorder (new CompoundBorder (
                                 new EmptyBorder (50, 50, 50, 50),
                                 new OvalBorder (20, 20, Color.white)));
      messagePanel.setBackground (;
      createButtonPanel ();
      createMsgPanel ((Message) missionData.messages.elementAt (0));
      mainPanel.add (messagePanel);
      mainPanel.add (Box.createVerticalStrut (20));
      mainPanel.add (buttonPanel);
      Container mainContentPane = getContentPane();
      mainContentPane.add (mainPanel);
   private void createMsgPanel (Message msg)
      MessageType msgType = null;
      if (msg.getFunctionalAreaDesignator(0) == Message.GENERAL_INFO)
         if (msg.getMessageNumber(0) == 1)
            msgType = FREE_TEXT;
      else if (msg.getFunctionalAreaDesignator(0) == Message.SUPPORT)
         if (msg.getMessageNumber(0) == 33)
            msgType = CAS;
         else if (msg.getMessageNumber(0) == 34)
            msgType = OSR;
      // Setup NORTH Panel of Display
      JPanel northPanel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (2, 6));
      northPanel.setBackground (;
      northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>RECV</html>", false));
      if (msgType == CAS)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>PCLR</html>", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>MSN</html>", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>SAVE</html>", false));
      else if (msgType == OSR)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      else if (msgType == FREE_TEXT)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>ERASE</html>", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>BRDCST</html>", false));
      northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>SEND</html>", false));
      northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      if (msgType == CAS)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>CAS</html>", false));
      else if (msgType == OSR)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>OSR</html>", false));
      else if (msgType == FREE_TEXT)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>FTXT</html>", false));
      if (msgType == FREE_TEXT)
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>CAS</html>", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         northPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      messagePanel.add (northPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
      // Setup EAST Box of Display
      Box eastBox = new Box (BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
      if (msgType == CAS)
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>F<br>T<br>X<br>T</html>", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>O<br>S<br>R</html>", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>D<br>P<br>I<br>P</html>", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
      else if (msgType == FREE_TEXT)
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
      eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>W<br>L<br>C<br>O</html>", false));
      eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
      eastBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>C<br>N<br>T<br>C<br>O</html>",
      eastBox.add (Box.createGlue());
      messagePanel.add (eastBox, BorderLayout.EAST);
      // Setup SOUTH Panel of Display
      JPanel southPanel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (2, 5));
      southPanel.setBackground (;
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>ON</html>", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      if (msgType == CAS)
         southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>USE</html>", false));
         southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>RCALL</html>", false));
      else if ((msgType == OSR) || (msgType == FREE_TEXT))
         southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>MENU</html>", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>VMF</html>", false));
      if (msgType == CAS)
         southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>NETS</html>", false));
      else if ((msgType == OSR) || (msgType == FREE_TEXT))
         southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>CAS</html>", false));
      southPanel.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
      messagePanel.add (southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
      // Setup WEST Box of Display
      JTIMLabel incrLabel = null;
      JTIMLabel decrLabel = null;
      Box westBox = new Box (BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
      if (msgType == FREE_TEXT)
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("", false));
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>N<br>E<br>X<br>T</html>", false));
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>P<br>R<br>E<br>V</html>", false));
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>U<br>F<br>C</html>", false));
         westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
         if (msgType == CAS)
            westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>/\\</html>", false));
            westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
            westBox.add (new JTIMLabel ("<html>\\/</html>", false));
            westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
            incrLabel = new JTIMLabel ("<html>I<br>N<br>C<br>R</html>", false);
            westBox.add (incrLabel);
            westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
            decrLabel = new JTIMLabel ("<html>D<br>E<br>C<br>R</html>", false);
            westBox.add (decrLabel);
            westBox.add (Box.createGlue());
      messagePanel.add (westBox, BorderLayout.WEST);
      // Create CENTER Box to display message bodies
      GriddedPanel centerBox = new GriddedPanel ();
      centerBox.setBackground (;
      messagePanel.add (centerBox, BorderLayout.CENTER);
      if (msgType == CAS)
         new CASDisplay (msg, centerBox, incrLabel, decrLabel);
      else if (msgType == OSR)
         new OSRDisplay (msg, centerBox);
      else if (msgType == FREE_TEXT)
         new FreeTextDisplay (msg, centerBox);
   private void createButtonPanel ()
      // build the button panel
      buttonPanel = new JPanel ();
      buttonPanel.setLayout (new BoxLayout (buttonPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
      buttonPanel.setBorder (new LineBorder (Color.BLACK));
      // Create and add the buttons
      buttonPanel.add (createButton ("FIRST_BUTTON"));
      buttonPanel.add (createButton ("PREV_BUTTON"));
      buttonPanel.add (createButton ("NEXT_BUTTON"));
      buttonPanel.add (createButton ("LAST_BUTTON"));
   private JButton createButton (String buttonName)
      JButton button = new JButton ();
      button.addActionListener (this);
      button.setActionCommand (buttonName);
      Image image = null;
      String tooltip = "Press to go to the ";
      if (buttonName.equals ("FIRST_BUTTON"))
         image = new ImageIcon ("firstArrowIcon.gif").getImage();
         tooltip += "First";
      else if (buttonName.equals ("PREV_BUTTON"))
         image = new ImageIcon ("previousArrowIcon.gif").getImage();
         tooltip += "Previous";
      else if (buttonName.equals ("NEXT_BUTTON"))
         image = new ImageIcon ("nextArrowIcon.gif").getImage();
         tooltip += "Next";
      else if (buttonName.equals ("LAST_BUTTON"))
         image = new ImageIcon ("lastArrowIcon.gif").getImage();
         tooltip += "Last";
      tooltip += " message in the lst";
      button.setToolTipText (tooltip);
      button.setIcon (new ImageIcon (image.getScaledInstance (36, 36, Image.SCALE_FAST)));
      return button;
   public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
      if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("FIRST_BUTTON"))
         index = 0;
      else if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("PREV_BUTTON"))
         if (index > 0)
      else if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("NEXT_BUTTON"))
         if (index < numMsgs - 1)
      else if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("LAST_BUTTON"))
         index = numMsgs - 1;
      titledBorder.setTitle ("Message " + String.valueOf (index + 1) +
                             " of " + String.valueOf (numMsgs));
      createMsgPanel ((Message) missionData.messages.elementAt (index));
   private static class MessageType
                        extends EnumeratedType
                        implements Serializable
      final static long serialVersionUID = 1;
      protected MessageType (int value, String desc)
         super (value, desc);
   private static MessageType FREE_TEXT =
      new MessageType (0, "Free Text");
   private static MessageType CAS =
      new MessageType (1, "Call Accounting System");
   private static MessageType OSR =
      new MessageType (2, "Occupational Survey Report");

That's all well and good, but I've had more times that not where
people want the entire program, not bits and pieces.Then you missed the whole point of that link.
We don't want to see bits and pieces of code. We want to see an executable program, but we want an executable program the demonstrates the incorrect behaviour without all the unnecessary code. 90% of the code you posted was not related to your problem. That is we what you do to some basic debugging and remove the parts of code that are not related to the problem so we can concentrate on the code that is related to the problem.

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    According to your description, seems the end-users can manually turn on\off the enterprise mode, If you don''t want this, you can disable the option.
    Computer(User) Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer\Let users turn on and use Enterprise Mode from the Tools menu option
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    TechNet Community Support

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      SORT t_newdso BY prod.
      READ TABLE t_newdso WITH KEY prodh4 = t_data-prod.
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        LOOP AT t_newdso.
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          t_data-material = t_newdso-material.
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        t_data-material = t_olddso-material.
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    Edited by: Matt on Sep 27, 2010 2:25 PM - added  tags

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    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
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    Kind Regards

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    left outer join vod d on c.VOD_ID=d.row_id
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    user9522927 wrote:
    Hi all,
    Below query is not working correctly. Please let me know, if you find the mistake
    siebel.s_vod b
    left outer join ISS_OBJ_DEF c on b.OBJECT_NUM=c.PAR_VOD_ID
    left outer join vod d on c.VOD_ID=d.row_id
    left outer join PROD_INT a on d.OBJECT_NUM=a.CFG_MODEL_ID
    left outer join PROD_INT_XM xm on a.row_id=xm.PAR_ROW_ID
    c.LAST_VERS = 0
    group by,b.vod_name having count(xm.ATTRIB_03) >=5I couldn't see through the internet what happend when you ran said query. How about helping us out by showing us the evidence that it "is not working correctly".
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  • Is prompted filter not working correctly with calculated items

    I am working on OBIEE and having problem problem linking 2 analisys with action link
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    1. Conto 1 Code
    2. Conto 1 Dsc (in RPD i set up the property Descritor ID of -> Conto 1 Code)
    3. Conto 2 Code
    4. Conto 2 Dsc (in RPD i set up the property Descritor ID of -> Conto 2 Code)
    5. Conto Detail
    and 1 measure on the fact table
    1. Revenue (defined on RPD as simple sum)
    On presentation layer i have the analisys:
    The First one using as Criteria: Conto 1 Dsc | Conto 2 Dsc | Revenue
    The layout is a table with sub-total on Conto 1 Dsc
    On Revenue i created an action link to the second analisys containing
    Criteria: Conto 1 Dsc | Conto 2 Dsc | Conto Detail | Revenue
    Filters: Conto 1 Code (is prompted) | Conto 2 Code (is prompted)
    This pair of analisys are working fine.
    Then i created a second pair of analisys as:
    Criteria: Conto 2 Dsc | Revenue
    Using Calculated group \ Items i created a numerous set of sub-totals
    On Revenue i created an action link to the second analisys containing
    Criteria: Conto 2 Dsc | Conto Detail | Revenue
    Filters: Conto 2 Code (is prompted)
    This pair of analisys are not working correctly. When i drill from first analisys to second one the Conto 2 Code filter is not used.
    Replacing in the second analisys Conto 2 Code (is prompted) with Conto 2 Dsc (is prompted) a filter is being generated on the drill but it's using the Conto 2 Code value and the analisys ends with no results.

    Try adding Conto 2 code to the first analysis and keep the filter on the second analysis as Conto 2 code is prompted.

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    Best - Khurram

    Sorry to disappoint, the structure of the tabbed panels is
    <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="TabbedPanels">
      <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 1</li>
        <li class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">Tab 2</li>
      <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 1</div>
        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent">Content 2</div>
    As soon as you change that structure, this widget (out-of-the-box) will not work.

  • IPhone 3Gs notes not working correctly

    I use notes app all the time on my iPhone and noticed today that it is not working correctly. When I make a new note it takes forever to save it, meaning the little indicator keeps spinning on top showing the iPhone is working. Then once it is saved if I close it and come back into it to add something more to the note, it saves it for a second and then deletes what I just added. What can I do to fix this? I have a 3Gs software version 4.0.1. Thanks

    I did the reset and it 'appears' to be working. I still need to test it more before I am convinced. The reason I say this is because it still takes an abnormally long time to save a new note. I simply type one word into the notepad and say 'done' and the indicator at the top spins for several minutes. The information is still in the note so maybe its working. I wonder why it takes that long? Is that typical? I dont recall if it was always like that or I just noticed it because the function was not working properly??

  • Search do not work correctly!?

    Hi! I I am using Search Criteria to search for data in DB. But Search do not work correctly.
    When I search using "Search in all fields:" then I can get needed info. But when I add some attributes and try to search then I get wrong results, see Search form:
    I want that, if I add attributes "Type of Genetic Resource" and "Regional Forest District" and enter data, then my search form searches for results that is combinated from these 2 added fields.
    My Search Criteria You can see:
    In Search Criteria I use Conjunction OR, I I change it to AND then above example works fine when I add 2 fields in advanced search, but then search using "Search in all fields:" DON'T work.
    Can anyone say where I am wrong, what I need to add or change in my Search criteria, so that all will work?
    If You do not understand something, or need more info, please let me know.
    Best regards, Debuger!

    Hi, Timo! Yes, I want to show results where 'type of resource' is correct and 'regional forrest...' is correct! Hope You understand me. If I use AND in Search criteria, see:
    Then when I enter data in SearchAllFields it finds nothing...
    SearchAllFields means that I search in all attributes for given value and show results.
    I found that using Match all or Match Any option works for my previous VC, see:
    How do You think, this is good solution? And maybe You know how to localize Match all or Match Any option?
    Best regards, Debuger!

  • My itunes is not working correctly. can i delete and reinstall without losing my music

    My itunes is not working correctly. can i delete and reinstall without losing   music?

    Hi there,
    You may find the article below helpful.
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    iTunes Store purchases or songs imported from CDs are saved in your My Music folder by default and are not deleted by removing iTunes. While it is highly unlikely that you will lose any contents of your iTunes Library when following these steps, it is always a good idea to ensure that your iTunes library is backed up. If you're unsure how to backup, see iTunes: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive.
    -Griff W.

  • Since I upgraded to Yosemite, my CS5 does not work correctly.

    Since I upgraded to Yosemite in October, my photoshop CS5 does not work correctly. When right clicking to change a brush size, the adjuster when moving to the right or left, either sticks or moves radically. As I set the size of the brush and move my cursor back to the image, the adjuster moves with the cursor.

    sharonfrombury wrote:
    Is there no contribution from Apple support community for this question yet?  I know there have been teething problems upgrading to Yosemite, but this loss of functionality is adding administrative workload that I can ill afford.  Come on Apple, some ray of light please.
    If you read the Terms of Use  you agreed to you would realize Apple does not read or participate in these user forums. All posts and responses are end users just like yourself. If you have feedback for Apple please  post it at Please do not expect to hear back from Apple, they read the feedback but do not reply.
    Also, the feature the feature of combining multiple PDF's into one document using the Preview app works perfectly.

  • Sonata font on MacOS - not working correctly

    I just downloaded and installed the Sonata Standard OpenType file via FontBook in MacOS 10.9.2. So far the font is not working correctly in either MS Word or Apple Keynote -- I get standard qwerty letters rather than musical notation. Anyone ideas on how to fix/troubleshoot?

    Hello RKmark,
    Thank you for going through the process of using those custom keyboard layouts. It was my pleasure to work on those some years ago.
    There is a reason why the placement of some characters on those custom layouts seems arbitrary: They were intended to replace the experience a user would have when using the same PostScript font, which was directly mapped to the characters available on the keyboard. Of course they could be re-arranged today – but that would mean opening a whole different project; and would probably question some of the semantics within Sonata.
    Back to your problem:
    I just tested the keyboard layout for Sonata, together with the Sonata OTF in InDesign, and I did not find any problems.
    Of course this does not help you. So let me just describe what I did:
    I copied the OTF file, to ~/Library/Fonts
    I copied SonataStd.keylayout to ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts
    Admittedly, in OSX Mavericks it is a bit more complicated to install a custom keyboard layout:
    In System Preferences, go to Keyboard and Input Sources.
    Click the + button at the bottom left, scroll down the list and select “Others”.
    In the list to the right, you will find a “SonataStd” keyboard layout, it has a grey icon. Click Add.
    After adding this layout, you will be taken back on the Input Sources screen. Check the box next to Show Input in menu in menu bar if it is not yet active.
    Back in InDesign, create a new text box, select SonataStd, and choose the SonataStd keyboard layout from the menu bar (marked by the flag of the country representing your keyboard).
    Now you can begin typing. I could type the sixteenth-note-rest on a US keyboard with alt-x.
    However, one thing I have observed:
    If you have set any custom keyboard shortcuts in InDesign that are using the alt-key; they might get in the way of typing some of the symbols.
    Which of the available symbols in Sonata are you missing in the custom keyboard layout? I tested them all, and could type everything.
    What sometimes happens is that the keyboard layout will switch back to default (US in my case), which then looks like the Sonata keyboard layout is not working.
    My personal opinion on this: The keyboard layouts are a nice idea for making glyphs accessible to users that don’t have a glyph palette, but they can be very confusing. They will interfere with the normal usage of the application and OS, since standard keyboard shortcuts will no longer work – simply because they rely on the standard keyboard layout of your system.
    Personally, I would use the glyph palette in most cases, simply because switching keyboard layouts back and fort would get to tedious for me.
    I hope this helps, let me know if you have any further questions.

  • Sorting not working correctly for date field in alv report

    Hi All,
    My report displays many rows also containing date type fields of bldat,budat .
    When I sort the report selecting field of type bldat budat the sorting is not correct for the year.
    Invoice doc dat
    If I use ascending then it is sorted as :
    Invoice doc dat
    Why the sorting is not working correct for year.(2010 records should have been first).
    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10.
    It is populated as wa_tab-bldat = bsak-bldat.
    Kindly suggest what can be done.

    The field wa_tab-bldat is of type char10
    Then what it does is correct.
    Refer to type will work

  • If statement within a view is not working correctly ?

    Hi all,
    maybe i am wrong but i think the if statement within a view is not working correctly. See code down below.
    I would like to use the Hallo World depending on the page attribute isFrame with or without all the neccessary html tags. Therefore i have embedded the htmlb tags in an if statement. But for any reason if isframe is initial it isn't working. It would be great if anybody could help me.
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <% if not isframe is initial. %>
      <htmlb:content design="design2003">
         <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
    <% endif. %>
    hallo world
    <% if not isframe is initial. %>
    <% endif. %>
    thanks in advance and best regards
    Matthias Hlubek

    The short answer: your example is <b>NOT</b> going to work. The long answer will probably 5 pages to describe. So first let me rewrite the example so that it could work, and then give a short version of the long answer. Do not be disappointed if it is not totally clear. It is rather complicated. (See the nice form of IF statements that are possible since 620.)
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <% if isframe is <b>NOT</b> initial. %>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
        hallo world
    <% else. %>
      hallo world
    <% endif. %>
    So why does your example not work? Let us start with a simple tag:
      <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
    Now, for each tag, we have effectively the opening part (<htmlb:page>), an optional body, and then the closing part (</htmlb:page>). We are now at the level of the BSP runtime processing one tag. What the runtime does not know, is whether the tag wants to process its body or not. Each tag can decide dynamically at runtime whether the body should be processed. So the BSP compiler generates the following code:
      DATA: tag TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_page.
      CREATE OBJECT tag.
      tag->title = 'Top Level Navigation view'.
      tag->DO_AT_END( ).
    You should actually just debug your BSP code at ABAP level, and then you will immediately see all of this. Now, let us mix in your example with our code generation. First you simplified example:
    <% if isframe is NOT initial. %>
      <htmlb:page title = "Top Level Navigation view">
    <% endif. %>
    <% if isframe is NOT initial. %>
    <% endif. %>
    And then with our generated code. Look specifically at how the IF/ENDIF blocks suddenly match!
    if isframe is NOT initial.
      DATA: tag TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_page.
      CREATE OBJECT tag.
      tag->title = 'Top Level Navigation view'.
    if isframe is NOT initial.
      tag->DO_AT_END( ).
    You can see that your ENDIF statements are closing IF blocks generated by the BSP compiler. Such a nesting will not work. This is a very short form of the problem, there are a number of variations, and different types of the same problem.
    The only way to solve this problem, is probably to put the body into a page fragment and include it like I did above with the duplicate HelloWorld strings. But this duplicates source code. Better is to put body onto a view, that can be processed as required.

  • ** Filtering is not working correctly in ALV (REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY)

    Hi Friends,
    We have one Z report that output is displayed in ALV. We are using the standard FM 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. 
    We have requirement to remove leading zeros for the field like Material Number (MATNR), Equipment Number (EQUNR) etc. We did the changes by applying the field catalog properties as below.
    lw_fieldcat-lzero = space.
    lw_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
    After this, the MATNR and EQUNR is displayed correctly in the ALV. (Leading zeros are suppressed). But, when we do filter for these fields, in the filter window it displays all the values with leading zeros.
    1. We don't understand why it is showing in the Filter widow with all leading zeros. All it shows all the records instead of unique items.
    Later on, we removed the above fieldcat coding. Then, we have called the CONVERSION_EXIT routines (in the domain) for the fields to remove leading zeros.
    Now, the MATNR and EQUNR is displayed correctly (without leading zeros) in ALV. When we do filter, it is also doing filtering correctly. But, when we do filter which have EQUNR having long values (after zero suppression), it is not working correctly. i.e no items are displayed in the ALV.
    Not only for this items. If we filter character columns which have long text, it is not filtering correctly.
    2. It is not able to understand why the filtering is not working for long items. But in the standard report, the filtering is working correctly.
    We are using SAP ECC 6.0.
    Friends, can you clarify the about doubts. It is surprising for me.
    Kind regards,
    Jegathees P.
    Our customer is asked to remove the leading zeros for the numeric field

    Hi Clemens Li
    I agreed on your point. When we define the Internal table the type for element EQUNR & QUMNR , we are referring the SAP data element for EQUNR, QMNUM field.
    Our doubt is even though we refer the standard data element, in the ALV display, it shows with leading zeros and also it creates problems in the filtering and in the filter window all values instead of unique nos.
    Hi Abhii
    I have given below the fieldcat coding.
    Friends, can you kindly clarify the above said problems. Since we use SAP ECC 6.0 any notes or patches apply is required. ( this is the basic functionality in ALV, that is my doubt).
        wls_fieldcat-col_pos   = wpv_pos.
        wls_fieldcat-fieldname = wpv_champ.
        wls_fieldcat-tabname   = wlc_tabname.
      wls_fieldcat-seltext_s = wls_fieldcat-seltext_m
        wls_fieldcat-seltext_l = wpv_libelle.
        wls_fieldcat-ddictxt   = 'L'.
        wls_fieldcat-no_out    = wv_no_out.
        APPEND wls_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
    Kind regards,
    Jegathees P.

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