Adding dropshadows to lower thirds?

How do I add drop shadows to text written by the Lower Third function? I don't see an option in the Controls tab. I'm working with a background that begs for it.

Motion tab > click the Drop Shadow checkbox
answered my own question! hehe

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  • Adding a lower Third

    I have used Premier CS5 at my school before and when I wanted to add a lower 3rd text on my video there were several templates that I could do this with.  However, on my copy of Premier there is nothing in the templates menu.  I was wondering if there was a site that I could download them from or any other way that I could find the templates, maybe in the installation files? 

    It sounds like the Functional Content was not loaded. Now, I do not know for sure, if the educational version (there are actually two, slightly different "educational" versions), ships with and installs the Functional Content. I think that John T. Smith knows all about what is included in each version, and especially the educational versions. Maybe he can instruct, whether something is omitted by the version.
    Otherwise, the IT department might have just chosen to not install that material, and I would check with them.
    In the meantime, one can recreate Lower Thirds, as they wish, with Titler. Then, you can Save that as a Template (PTRL format), for use in other Projects.
    I also create many in PS, but that means that they are PSD files (graphic images), and need to be edited in PS, as Titler will not edit those, but you can still do the background Lower Thirds, and then use Titler to add/change/edit Text (and Shapes, if necessary), as overlays.
    Good luck,

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    b Problem Solved
    I went to the Matrox forums and was directed to a thread there that was similar to the problem I was having. Here is an answer for anyone who is interested. It did have everything to do with the lower-third not being compatible with the Matrox project settings.
    I exported a Targa Image sequence out of Digital Juice. I then right-clicked on the first image in the sequence and went to Matrox AVI + Alpha which will create a Matrox Mpeg2 I-frame + Alpha compatible AVI file (I didn't even know this utility existed, but apparently it's installed with the Matrox drivers). When I created an AVI file from the image sequence, it imported right in to my Matrox Premiere project and didn't need to be rendered. It played back perfectly and didn't cause any problems with the footage underneath.
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    Oh well.

  • Bottom edge of border of lower third changes colour on render

    Adobe Pr Pro CS3 system
    I am not at my machine so please forgive if I haven't got the exact terminology correct, but the essence of my query does not change.
    I am doing some "lower thirds" (banners) in the titler for a DVD of a music concert. Basically I'm creating a rectanglar box filled with near-opacity black and adding text on top of this. The black rectanglar box has its left and right edges outside the screen area so are not relevant. However, I have added a coloured edge to the top of bottom of the "banner" (I think this is an outer stroke with size 3.0) The thing is, it looks fine on screen, but when the video is rendered, the lower edge of the box has changed colour. It was originally a yellow/gold (as the top still is) but the bottom is now a pinkier shade.
    Any thoughts. I will try to add a screen cap shortly in case it helps.
    Thanks in advance.

    The footage with lower third was rendered to a new AVI within Premiere and imported. The colour change then appears on whatever system is used to view it (even the new render on the timeline shows it), on screen, preview monitor, subsequent DVD burned from Encore, etc.

  • Professional Animated Lower Thirds, Transitions, and effect presets.

    I shoot and edit a lot of video and would like to know of some professional template HD animations I could get to spice these projects up a bit. Some are business projects, some personal like weddings and parties, some are live bands or music videos.
    Is there a company/site out there that has a great selection of these sorts of templates and/or even presets for fast/great effects? mostly I need animated templates for lower thirds, transitions, and intros...
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    I make graphic sequences from scratch for lwer 3rds in Premiere. Main tool being the title maker.
    I start with HD sequence I'll call Lwr_3rdBking. On this I'll compose motion and layering of solid graphic clips created with Premiere's title maker, photoshop, AE, In camera FX shots, whatever works. I use the Blend option in the opacity controls to create some neat looks.
    Then I'll nest the Lwr_3rdBking sequence, and use a 4 point garbage matt to draw a shape the size of a lower 3rd bar. Basically cropping the nested  Lwr_3rdBking sequence.
    Then I'll use the title maker to draw a lwer 3rd box over the cropped and matted Lwr_3rdBking. I take care to match the size neatly. I turn off the fill color of the box I just  made, the turn on inner stroke, set it to bevel and adjust the bevel gradient. Shadow could also be added.
    When I'm happy with the lower 3rd frame that I created with Title maker, I will lay it on top of the nested & cropped  Lwr_3rdBking sequence, The gives me a lower 3rd graphic that has motion within and is framed nicely.
    If I use it repeatedly, I just duplicated the original Lwr_3rdBking sequence in the project window, rename it for it's purpose. Then add whatever text to the each new Lwr_3rd sequence.
    It may seem laborious, but really once you settle on an initial design, the creation of subsequent title sequences is very speedy.
    Hope that helps.

  • Lower third super "bug"?

    Don't know if there's a solution or if it's "just one of those things"...
    But I started a project in PPro CS2, with lower third graphics created in AE with an alpha channel so they're self-keying. I had them fade in at the same time a directional blur effect was fading out.
    I recently updated to PPro CS4. When I opened this project in CS4, the lower third fades in okay, but at the point the blur reaches 0, the entire graphic jumps down a few lines.
    I tried using a different type of blur, but it still jumps.
    I tried reinserting the lower third and adding the fade in and blur fresh - but it still happens. To make sure it wasn't just the monitoring, I exported the section and the jump is definitely there.
    It works okay without the blur, so I may have to settle for that.
    Any suggestions? I just thought - I'll try reimporting the graphic, and also double check the alpha channels settings are correct...

    There are a few bugs crawling around some of the filters in CS4 under certain conditions.  Try adding an opacity keyframe to the clips set to 100%.  it wont affect the effect, but this sometimes makes other filters behave.

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    What's the exact format of the video you're working with and the exact specification the sequence you're editing in?

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    Not sure if IMovie has this capability, and would sure appreciate the tips. Thanks.

    If you upgrade to iMovie 09, you could do this with the cutaway feature.
    You would create the lower third title in Photoshop or the like. Make the slide in the same dimensions as your iMovie project and the same aspect ratio. Set the lower third title exactly where you would want it on the frame. Use PNG not JPEG so you can make the only thing showing your title. Everything else in the frame should be alpha-channel transparent.
    Drag this over your video in iMovie 09 and select Cutaway.

  • How can I apply text position attributes (e.g. lower third) to more than one title at a time?

    How can I apply text position attributes (e.g. lower third) to more than one title at a time?

    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    In the case of this theoretical lower third to be applied to more than one title at a time
    a. Is there text in the lower third besides a graphic of some kind?
    b. Are all the titles to which this lower third is to be applied all together on the Timeline or scattered?
    If no text in lower third and titles all together, then, with text titles on Video 1 and lower third on Video 2, drag out the lower third to cover the length of the text titles on Video 1.
    I do not find "lower third" title files to be in the same category as certain effects where the Copy and "Paste Attributes" or "Paste Effects and Adjustments" lend themselves so well.
    Let us see what others have to say about all this. I will continue to experiment with what you seek and how you would prefer to get there. I am not optimistic but I will try.

  • New Best Practice for Titles and Lower Thirds?

    Hi everyone,
    In the days of overscanned CRT television broadcasts, the classic Title Safe restrictions and the use of larger, thicker fonts made a lot of sense. These practices are described in numerous references and forum posts.
    Nowadays, much video content will never be broadcast, CRTs are disappearing, and it's easy to post HD video on places like YouTube and Vimeo. As a result, we often see lower thirds and other text really close to the edge of the frame, as well as widespread use of thin (not bold) fonts. Even major broadcast networks are going in this direction.
    So my question is, what are the new standards? How would you define contemporary best practice?
    Thanks for your thoughtful replies!

    stuckfootage wrote:
    I wish I had a basket of green stars...
    Quoted for stonedposting.
    Bzzzz, crackle..."Discovery One, what is that object?
    Bzz bzz."Not sure, Houston, it looks like a basket...." bzzz
    Crackle...."A bas...zzz.. ket??"
    Bzzz. "My God, It's full of stars!" bzz...crackle.
    Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeep!

  • Video output size to use for a (horizontal) Lower Third.

    Hi. I would like to know what the video output size to use for a (horizontal) Lower Third. I will be very grateful for your help. Thanx in advance. Sam.

    Make it the same horizontal & vertical size as your video.  The upper 2/3 needs to be transparent.

  • How do I write a text below the Lower Third line, in Adobe Premiere Elements 12?

    How do I write a text below the Lower Third line, in Adobe Premiere Elements 12?

    Ruth Schreiber
    To what Premiere Elements 12 title template (lower 3rd type) are you referring?
    It is not clear what you want to do.
    a. Are you able to double click the template to open it in the program's Titler?
    b. Can you select the present text with the Selection Tool to move it to custom locations?
    c. Can you edit the existing text in the template?
    The following uses the Aquarium lower 3rd template...where do you want to write text in the template?
    We will be looking forward to your follow up.

  • Exporting Lower Thirds from AE CC 12.2 to be used in Premiere

    hi everyone,
    I'm currently in the trial versions of adobe AE and Premiere for Mac.  I'm stuck...trying to troubleshoot whether AE or/and Premiere is not properly set up.
    I have dug up so many youtube tutorials and forum posts on how to export lower thirds with alpha channel from AE...  and everyone has the same solution,
    Here is my lower third on AE, as you can see it is transparent:
    Export using the following settings as everyone has taught:
    Import into Premiere, I layer it over my footage and it just doesn't show it is not there.
    Yet, the footage preview shows the lower third, but my preview doesn't...
    Anyone know what is wrong? 
    I downloaded a free web-based sample lower thirds quicktime (Created with: Adobe After Effects CS5.5 10.5 Windows 64)
    to test if all lower thirds don't work...sample works perfect...  therefore, I conclude that it has to be that my mac AE is exporting in a format that Premiere can't show properly.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!  Thanks

    Rome-mulus wrote:
    Anyone else have any ideas?
    Just one: what are the dimensions of your Premiere Pro sequence?
    You have rendered at 1280x720 from After Effects. If your Premiere Pro sequence is smaller, such as 720x480, the problem would be that your lower-thirds graphic is offscreen due to the difference in frame sizes. If this is the case, you can scale the lower-thirds clip in Premiere Pro to the smaller size.

  • How to get a photo inside the little box in the "Lower Third" Sports Theme?

    In iMovie '11, in the Sports theme, in the Text page titled "Lower Third," how can I get a picture of a person inside that little box? That sports theme comes up/shows up at the box "Set Theme": Sports. They are all a fluorescent blue, very nice for name tags if I could get faces/pictures inside those boxes.
    Important: Under :Windows" (in control panel) there is an option to click SPORTS EDITOR. I tried working with that. I tried to put a picture in one of those boxes, but the experiment failed.
    Any ideas?
    Message was edited by: Lorna from Hawaii

    Lorna from Hawaii wrote:
    ... there is an option to click SPORTS EDITOR. ... I tried to put a picture in one of those boxes, but the experiment failed.
    just drag'n drop from Finder any (... 'any' : shouldn't be a 16MBit monster-sized pic, just a small one, look at the aspect ratio) jpeg into it.
    so, what exactly failed?

  • Problem with lower third template & modifying the text...

    I'm doing a top 10 type video, & I downloaded this lower third template & I had never used AE before; I figured out how to duplicate it multiple times through the video where appropriate... but when I modify the text on one template it does the same thing to all of them. How do I make them all separate?

    Ok, think about what you have done to change the text for moment. You drilled down to a pre-comp or nested comp that contains a text layer. This makes perfect sense. Unfortunately that text pre-comp is also nested in a pre-comp. This means you need to find each of these pre-comps in your project panel and duplicate them there, open the duplicates and then change the text in the duplicates, then replace the original nested comps in the main comp.
    I have another observation on your workflow. You've put a bunch of shots and transitions in a single comp which, in effect, tells me that you are using AE as a NLE (editing app). What I would have done is to put every one of your shots that you want to add titles to in a separate comp to simplify each comp. I'd then edit them in a NLE....
    The other way I would do this project is to make a comp that is just the needed titles, one comp for each tltle overlay, render the titles with alpha channels, then bring the titles and the original footage into a NLE to edit and add titles.
    Building extremely complex compositions with multiple shots in a single comp is usually not a very good idea, even for folks like me that have been doing AE for 20 years. AE is perfect at making shots, lousy at editing sequences so always, and I mean always, try to figure out how you can simplify your project to it's basic elements and build a comp on that. I've had 5 second animations with over a hundred layers, but I've never put 10 or 20 video clips in AE in a single comp and tried to create a sequence.

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