Adding echo/reverb instead of removing it

I want to add a trailing echo/reverb to the end of a retrospective narrative, one that fades away repeating the last syllable. Any tips?
Would like to stay in FCP instead of export/import thru Soundtrack Pro.

Extend the end of the clip and play with the echo delay time. Basically, experiment with the effect parameters until you get what you want. Might try adding some reverb using the different room presets as well.
You can also keyframe these effects to gain more control of how the come in and out.
Have Fun

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    Probably you will see the message “Starting database” associated with the message you posted above. This may occur when SQL Server Express Edition is installed on a computer and databases have the “Auto Close” option set “On” (by default is “On” on Express
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    Alberto Morillo

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    This is most likely going to be about the way the TV sound fills the room and the distance from the TV sound source to the Mic.
    Similar issues can appear with External Speakers for computers.
    A more directional mic may help.
    With Computer speakers you can point them in different directions, essentially away from the Mic with very little difference to the sound your ears pick up.
    In this case you are going to find it hard to balance the sound Output and the Mic pick up.
    I would consider using a USB headset (even if the TV is still the sound Output).
    9:52 PM Thursday; August 12, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Dr_Jezz wrote:
    Ahh - I see - that's a very British turn of phrase for a Hamburg address, I must say Spheric!
    Spent a portion of my formative years in the Commonwealth.

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    By the looks of it you'll need driver Uni Pack on=3&Product_Name=Li've%2&Product_ID=4857&modelnum ber=&driverlang=033&OS=0&drivertype=0&x=27&y=0 .
    Incidentally if you have an SB Li've (original) under XP and have installed the software off the CD you should de-instll this and the drivers as well as find and rename the file ctmm32.dll. The software on the CD (original) is for 95/98 only. For 2k and XP you will get problems.
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    Hope this helps,

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    Author:   [email protected]
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    Log Message:
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    Can someone with a bit more STP experience help me know how to do this? I'm sure it can be done easily — if only I could be shown how
    Very many thanks
    Message was edited by: Roy Close

    Thanks, Guys
    I've fiddled with different filters and improved it a bit, but this recording was only a sample/layout run on which to place my video/graphics for our Director to check before going to press, so I can run with this one for now and make sure I have my usual recording setup in place for the final
    Thanks and regards

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    See screen captures below.
    After the Save

    I opened a TAC case on this issue.
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    The fix is to use a forward slash in all file and URL paths.
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    There was nothing in the release notes about this.
    Heads up to all.

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    Just to make sure you didn't overlook the obvious (we all do it more often than we care to admit). Can you toggle the other services in the Sharing pane? Perhaps you just need to click on the padlock and authenticate before you can make changes.
    Second thing to try. Make sure System Preferences is not open. Look in the user's Home folder/Library/Caches. Find a cache item Delete this item. Log the user out and log back in. Now open System Preferences and see if you can make the changes.
    Third thing to try. Here are the items that get changed in the /etc/cups/cupds.conf file when you turn Printer Sharing OFF---
    line 55 becomes
    lines 453 and 454 become
    #Port 631
    line 581 becomes
    #BrowseAddress @LOCAL
    line 635 becomes
    BrowseInterval 0
    line 826 Allow From @LOCAL
    is deleted and the block from line 822 through 826 becomes
    <Location />
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny From All
    Allow From
    All these changes are taken from a modification of the default cupsd.conf as supplied with the version of CUPS Apple supplies with Tiger. The cupsd.conf that comes with version 1.2.x is most likely different. You will have to do some comparison and interpretation.
    Hope this helps.
    EDIT: Don't forget to recycle the cupsd whenever you make a change to the configuration file.
    sudo killall -HUP cupsd
    Mac Mini G4; B&W G3/300

  • Adding echo to audio in iMovie

    Is it possible to add an echo effect to the audio tracks in iMovie?

    Yes, sort of like a reverb effect?
    One way that comes to mind is to select the clip you want to add the echo. If you only want to apply it to part of the clip, then split the clip as needed to get a single clip with the one part you want to echo.
    Now select that clip and use the Extract Audio command. This command will create a copy of the audio in the clip, paste it on the timeline under the clip, and mute the audio in the original video clip. So right now there is no difference if you play the clip.
    To create your echo, simply un-mute the audio in the original video clip. Then grab the extracted audio below and drag it to shift it slightly. The more shift the more pronounced the echo. You can copy and paste the extracted audio if you need to create additional echos.
    Also keep in mind that the original video audio and the extracted audio are at 100% volume, so that clip will play at double volume. So you may need to go back in and 50% both clips or maybe the original clip at 80% and the extracted at 20% to make the echo faint. You get the idea. Goof around with it until you find something that works.
    Have fun,

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