Adding field to resource

I'm trying to add a second set of approvers to an existing resource. The idea behind this is to create 2 levels of approvers - once the first set has approved, then the provisioning request will go out to the second set, etc.
I've created a field called 'approvers_b' in 'Resource Wizard Library' and now I have a second approvers multi-select field available from the 'Lighthouse Parameters' panel. However, when I select an approver and save the changes, nothing's actually being saved in the resource object.
I'm not even sure at this point if I'll be able to query these approvers during the approval process - I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
What am I missing?

To Overcome the issue,Change the reconciliation field mapping in the Reconciliation Field Mapping tab of the process definition so that Password=Identity .

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    Hi Clemence,
    Your post has quite little details, but as far as I understand, you want to add 4 resources on a task, each resource costing 500$ a day. Since it is not mentionned if it is generic resources (skill or role) or named resources, I'll assume that it is generic
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    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

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    Go to Global Parameters Definitaion in report painter, variable will be used only along with the field, just in global paramerters enter your desired field and click in next column, system will show you a pop up select your variable for that field...
    now its just done run the report and test it!
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    U can use following code to fill the list box
    write this code in PBO
    In layout editor please select listbox in dropdown attribute of input field and put some fctcode attribute
    TYPE-POOLS vrm.
      DATA values TYPE vrm_values WITH HEADER LINE.
      TABLES: <ur custom Database table>.
      clear values, values[].
      SELECT * FROM <ur custom Database table>.
        values-text = <TABLE FIELD TO DISPLAY IN DROPDOWN> .
        APPEND values.
          id              = '<SCREEN INPUT FIELD NAME>'
          values          = values[]
          id_illegal_name = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
    Also please define the following before accessing the listbox value
    data: <listbox input field name> type <table field name>,
            <inputfield name where text to display> type string  in top include
    In PAI, select the text from the table into <inputfield name where text to display>  depending on value selected which will be called when enter key is pressed or any vale is selected

  • Newly added field not getting displayed in ALV output

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    DATA: BEGIN OF it_salary OCCURS 0,
            pernr LIKE pa0000-pernr,
            ename LIKE pa0001-ename,
            rtext like lv_rtext, -
    added field
            waers LIKE pa0008-waers
          i_program_name         = driver
          i_internal_tabname     = 'IT_SALARY'
          i_client_never_display = 'X'
          i_inclname             = driver
          ct_fieldcat            = lv_fieldcat[]
          inconsistent_interface = 1
          program_error          = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
          i_callback_program      = driver
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          i_default               = 'X'
          i_save                  = 'A'
          is_variant              = lv_tmplt
          is_layout               = lv_ls_layout
         i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
          t_outtab                = it_salary
          program_error           = 1
          OTHERS                  = 2.
    The newly added field is not getting populated in the lv_fieldcat table. Tried running programs BALVBUFDEL,
    BCALV_BUFFER_DEL_SHARED then logging off and logging in but of no help.
    Please provide suggestion for this issue.
    Sridevi S

    Fieldcat is buffered - so use
    Since a while CL_GUI_ALV_GRID is available which does NOT need any fieldcat (is determined internally using RTTI). It is worth playing around whith this class if you have some time. This class is recommended for ALV Output by SAP (but no edit is possible - was never supported officially).
    A simple use would be:
    data: gt_output type standard table of (adjust!).
    *simple ALV output
    data go_alv type ref to cl_salv_table.
    data go_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions_list.
    data go_columns type ref to cl_salv_columns_table.
    data go_column type ref to cl_salv_column_table.
    *Exceprion handlig
    data: go_exception  type ref to cx_root,
          gv_errortext   type string.
    ** fill table gt_output ...
    ** ALV output
    if not gt_output is initial.
            call method cl_salv_table=>factory
                r_salv_table = go_alv
                t_table      = gt_output.
          catch cx_salv_msg into go_exception.
            gv_errortext = go_exception->get_text( ).
            message gv_errortext type 'A'.
    * enable all standard ALV functions
        go_functions =  go_alv->get_functions( ).
        go_functions->set_all( ).
    * hide MANDT
        go_columns = go_alv->get_columns( ).
        go_column ?=  go_columns->get_column( columnname = 'MANDT' ).
        go_column->set_technical( ).
        go_alv->display( ).
    Kind regards,

  • Added fields not appearing in the DSO transformations.

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    Please suggest me,

    Hi Jayapal,
    i dont know whether it would help can give a try on it.
    Instead of deleting the Transformation, just delete the mappings if any in the transformation.
    Goto DS->Fields Tab-->In the Column Template info Object. Try mapping corresponding IO with the Source IO.
    Then it will show a pop up give Copy . Activate the DS.
    Goto Info Provider>Select the Transformation> If it is active-->reactivate it by clicking the Pencil Icon with glass and click activate icon.
    If its not active, then reactivate it again by clicking the Pencil Icon with glass.
    Let me know if it Works... Cheers
    Edited by: shameer83in on Nov 20, 2009 12:10 PM

  • Data Loading to added fields in DSO.

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    I have a DSO1 with 5 fields and DSO2 with 8fields.
    I want to load data to DSO2 from DSO1 for the added fields in DSO2 also for the records in DSO1.
    thanks in advance.
    with regards,
    KPS Moorthy.

    Hi Moorthy,
    What are the Fields u want to MAP to the DSO2 from DSO1.??
    Is it that u want to derive some filed from DSO1 to DSO2.!!!
    PL provide some more info

  • UDM_SUPERVISOR: Adding fields and data at customer item level

    I am having the same issue with newbie82_c; I need to populate the added fields in transaction UDM_SUPERVISOR.
    I know that the previous thread was tagged as answered already but the solution to the issue was not indicated in the thread.
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    Now I need these data to be displayed in the added fields in UDM_SUPERVISOR.
    What ABAP object/s is/are responsible for populating the process receivable details?
    Thank you in advance for the assistance.
    Edited by: JPLCaliuag on Dec 19, 2008 8:31 AM

    Hi K.R.Reddy,
    Can you kindly provide me with a working solution for this? I'm currently facing a similar issue for a similar BAPI (in my case it's BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CHANGE) and can't seem to update the custom fields in VBAK. I have put in necessary values in the EXTENSIONIN table as well as updated the UPDATEFLAG indicator to 'U' and although it says that the order is saved, it seems to overwrite the custom field with its original value.
    The custom field seems to get updated correctly when I use BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CREATE but when I make changes using BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CHANGE, it gets overwritten with the original value.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Newly added field in the data Source not getting populated

    Hello All,
    We have added few fields in the Data Source. The Data Source is based on the InfoSet. We have included the field in the Infoset and have updated the code to fetch the value for the newly added fields.
    When we perform the test extraction for this Data Source in RSA3, the newly added fields are not getting populdated with the value. In the system generated query's selection list, the newly added fields are not selected.
    Please let mw know how to get the newly added field selected in the system generated query of the infoset.

    As you said you have added the filed in Info Set. Have you included the same in data source? try if not.
    If you are trying to create a query in source system to check the data. I guess in R/3 (ECC) then you have to include the new field in slection critera (ther is an option available on top menu).
    I would suggest before creating any query go to RSO2 select the data source. Display the field structure and check if the filed is there or not. You maysee Infoset level data directly by data display from top menu. Try that optionas well to check.
    I hope it will help.

  • Adding field GAMNG ( Target Quantity )in the Data Source 2LIS_04_P_ARBPL

    We are adding field GAMNG ( Target Quantity ) in the Data Source 2LIS_04_P_ARBPL ( Work Center View from PP/PP-PI )
    The field GAMNG is available in the communication structure maintainace.
    The problem is- We are not able to drag & drap field GAMNG from the Communication structure LBWE. Getting the error - End phase  002 ***********************************************************
    Message no. D0322 ..
    We deleted Setup table , Meins field already exist in comm str.
    1. How we able to drag the field from the communication structure as getting the above error. We searched SDN & try to follow that method but not working.
    2. We can add the field in SE11 - Structure -Manually, then we have to write ABAP code.
    Kindly suggest correct answer.
    Edited by: sk kamaruzzaman on Dec 20, 2011 2:08 PM

    There could be a number of reasons why you are getting the error:
    1. Fields are not assigned to datatypes.
        - Check structure in SE11 and assign to datatypes.
    2. There are inactive appends in the extract structure.
        - Double-click one of the includes. You will get a new screen with the INCLUDE structure. Click the button append-structure. Check if the append is inactive.
    3. The appended structure is in a different development class from the one of the structure it is being appended to.
    Please review and apply the following notes carefully :
      766603  Activation problems with extract structures
      623411  LBWE: Gener. terminates with D0 322 (end phase 002)
      757923  LBWE: Generation terminates with D0 322 (end phase
      600708  D0 322: End phase 002
    It is not possible to enhance the datasource 2lis_04_MATNR with the field GAMNG (so its possible that its the same for 2LIS_04_P_ARBPL) because GAMNG has the reference field AMEIN, which has a STATE F (forbidden) in table TMCEXCFS .
    Check to see if this is the same on your system.

  • Adding fields in EDI output of Invoice List

    I am trying to find out what is a process of adding fields in EDI output of Invoice List...
    I mean that I need to add some extra fields to Invoice lists.
    The information I have is: name of Form, print program and output type.
    I guess I need to modify printing program, is it a correct way to go?
    Hope to avoid modifying of print form...
    Will reward,

    I did not work on invoice list EDI,but i have done invoice.
    First you need to look at segment,if you want to add new fileds in output,then you need to create segment at WE31 Transaction.
    now create idoc type based on invoice idoc type ( WE30) here you need to use ur segment.
    Idoc has function module
    outbound - FM will start IDOC_OUTBOUND_inv*
    Inbound  - FM will Start IDOC_INBOUND_INV*
    in the FM,you will have user exit ,populate ur fields in user exit.
    Configuration :
    1 create or maintain logical system - SALE
    2. Create RFC Destination - Sm59
    3. Create port - WE21 - ( EDI - Port is FILE)
    6.Maintain partner profile - WE20 ( Give all required details like message type,idoc type)
    IDOC Status - WE02 or WE05
    Status Record - WE47
    Change pointer - BD52
    Message type : WE81
    Assign message type to idoc WE82
    finally when you create invoice list and output type medium is 6 then output will go to other system as text file.
    Note : Please maintain message control in Partner profile.

  • Adding field in webdynpro iView

          I want to add some extra field and column in existing webdynpro iView.Someone can help me to achieve it?

    I feel you need to have the webdynpro application source to add the extra field.
    However follow this thread and see if this helps: [7560379|Adding fields in requisition iview;

  • Adding field in substitution

    Price Group (KONDA) field is not available in PCASUB structure. So i have added field with .APPEND structure.
    But its not appearing in structure PCASUB where i will write the logic for prerequisites and substitution.
    So i am unable to proceed further.
      My requirement is based on Price Group, i have to display profit centres on sales order transactions.

    Hi Laxminarayan,
    I don't understand even after addition i.e. append structure you can not see the field in the table.
    make sure you append it correctly.
    go to se11 and type table PCASUB
    then go to append structure
    create new with customise namespace.
    add your fields there.
    I am sure you will able to see field there.

  • Adding field in pa30 screen urgent

    hi all,
    i am new to user exits.
    and my requirement is to add a field in screen for PA30 tcode screen.
    so how i can go for this .
    if anyone has added fields in any SAP standard screen
    then plz give me the doc regd that with screen shots if u have otherwise give me the steps.
    my mail id is- [email protected]
    plz i am looking urgently for it.
    i will award all ur efforts.

    Screen Exit
    Please remove the TDS-related input fields on the PO entry screen on the customer data tab  (PO line details).
    - TDS account
    - TDS cost code
    - TDS sub code
    1.     Goto Transaction Code Me21n
    Fill the following fields
    Give the input values in following fields from  ORGDATA TAB
    Purchasing org
    Purchasing group
    Company code
    Select Customer Data tab like following
    USER EXIT  : MM06E005 (Customer fields in purchasing document )
    &#61664;  Goto  : T.Code : SMOD
    &#61664;     Give the Enhacement Name : MM06E005
    &#61664;     Click on Display
    &#61664;     Click on Components Push Button
    &#61664;     Double click on function module EXIT_SAPMM06E_016( Export Data to Customer Subscreen for Purchasing document item)
    &#61664;     Double click on Include ZXM06O01.
    &#61664;     Insert the following coding in that include
    SET PARAMETER ID 'BUK' FIELD g_ekko-bukrs.
        IF screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-ISMSUBTITLE1'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Begin of insert CR336/BG1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        IF screen-name = 'G_EAN11'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    *<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< End of insert CR336/BG1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Begin of Changes for K896570/501411945 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    IF screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSACCOUNT'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    IF screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSCOST'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    IF screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSSUB'.
          screen-input = '0'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of Changes for K896570/501411945 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Begin of insert SM1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
        IF ( screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSACCOUNT'
          OR screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSCOST'
          OR screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSSUB'
          OR screen-name = 'TDS_TXT_1'
          OR screen-name = 'TDS_TXT_2'
          OR screen-name = 'TDS_TXT_3'
          OR screen-name = 'TDSACCOUNT-DESC'
          OR screen-name = 'TDSCOST-DESC'
          OR screen-name = 'TDSSUB-DESC'  ).
          IF g_ekko-bukrs(2) <> 'U6'.       "not a theatrical company
            screen-invisible = '1'.
            screen-input     = '0'.
          ELSEIF g_flag = 0.                "display only
            screen-invisible = '0'.
            screen-input     = '0'.
          ELSEIF g_flag = 1.                "change
            screen-invisible = '0'.
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Begin of Changes for K896570/501411945 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
           screen-input     = '1'.       "Fharook Syed
            screen-input     = '0'.        "Fharook Syed
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of Changes for K896570/501411945 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
          IF screen-name = 'EKPO_CI-TDSACCOUNT'.
            screen-required  = '1'.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
    *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of insert SM1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    &#61664; save & activate.
    &#61664; Repeat the above process in ME21N to see customer data fileds in CUSTOMER DATA tab
    After the above Modifications CUSTOMER DATA is   displaying like this

  • Adding field in the standard report

    Hi ,
    i have added the one field in the standard transaction VL06 , in the outboud deliveries report according to the Note 605460. I have to add the field in LIPOV structure.
    after adding that field(include structure), in output i am not getting that added field.
    please help me .
    ajay reddy

    Ajay reddy wrote:
    > hI,
    > i got the one more note to display added field in the report . (Note : 128154)
    > thanks for your tme
    > regards,
    > Ajay  reddy
    Hi Ajay,
    I have the same problem. I have added the field in the field catalog and the field in the final internal table also.
    But sometimes its displayed and sometime not.
    Looking forward for some help here.

Maybe you are looking for

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