Adding PayPal's WS doesn't work

When I try to add PayPal's sandbox Web Service to SJSC via the "Add Web Service" dialog, the Web Service's information is correctly displayed, but when I press the "Add" button, SJSC tells me: "Error occurred while creating the proxy!" This occurs even when I save the WSDL and pertinent XSD files to disk and try to load the Web Service from those.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:ns="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ebl="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" xmlns:cc="urn:ebay:apis:CoreComponentTypes" targetNamespace="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI">
          <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
               <import namespace="urn:ebay:apis:CoreComponentTypes" schemaLocation="CoreComponentTypes.xsd"/>
               <import namespace="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" schemaLocation="eBLBaseComponents.xsd"/>
               <!-- Custom Security header element-->
               <xs:element name="RequesterCredentials" type="ebl:CustomSecurityHeaderType"/>
               <!-- API Request/Responses -->
               <xs:element name="RefundTransactionRequest" type="ns:RefundTransactionRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="RefundTransactionResponse" type="ns:RefundTransactionResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="RefundTransactionReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:RefundTransactionRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="RefundTransactionRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                   <xs:element name="TransactionID" type="ebl:TransactionId"/>
                                   <xs:element name="RefundType" type="ebl:RefundPurposeTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Amount" type="cc:BasicAmountType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Memo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                    <xs:complexType name="RefundTransactionResponseType">
                              <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
               <xs:element name="GetTransactionDetailsRequest" type="ns:GetTransactionDetailsRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="GetTransactionDetailsResponse" type="ns:GetTransactionDetailsResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="GetTransactionDetailsReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:GetTransactionDetailsRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="GetTransactionDetailsRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                   <xs:element name="TransactionID" type="ebl:TransactionId"/>
               <xs:complexType name="GetTransactionDetailsResponseType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
                                   <xs:element ref="ebl:PaymentTransactionDetails"/>
               <xs:element name="BillUserRequest" type="ns:BillUserRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="BillUserResponse" type="ns:BillUserResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="BillUserReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:BillUserRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="BillUserRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                   <xs:element ref="ebl:MerchantPullPaymentDetails"/>
               <xs:complexType name="BillUserResponseType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
                                  <xs:element ref="ebl:BillUserResponseDetails"/>
               <xs:element name="TransactionSearchRequest" type="ns:TransactionSearchRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="TransactionSearchResponse" type="ns:TransactionSearchResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="TransactionSearchReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:TransactionSearchRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="TransactionSearchRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                   <xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Payer" type="ebl:EmailAddressType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Receiver" type="ebl:EmailAddressType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element ref="ebl:ReceiptID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="TransactionID" type="ebl:TransactionId" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="PayerName" type="ebl:PersonNameType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="AuctionItemNumber" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="InvoiceID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="TransactionClass" type="ebl:PaymentTransactionClassCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Amount" type="cc:BasicAmountType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>                                   
                                   <xs:element name="CurrencyCode" type="ebl:CurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Status" type="ebl:PaymentTransactionStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
               <xs:complexType name="TransactionSearchResponseType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
                                   <xs:element ref="ebl:PaymentTransactions" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
               <xs:element name="MassPayRequest" type="ns:MassPayRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="MassPayResponse" type="ns:MassPayResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="MassPayReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:MassPayRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="MassPayRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                  <xs:element name="EmailSubject" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                                   <xs:element name="MassPayItem" type="ns:MassPayRequestItemType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="250"/>
               <xs:complexType name="MassPayResponseType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
               <xs:complexType name="MassPayRequestItemType">
                              MassPayRequestItemType - Type declaration to be used by other schemas.
                              Request data from the mass pay request
                        <xs:element name="ReceiverEmail" type="ebl:EmailAddressType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
                         <xs:element name="Amount"        type="cc:BasicAmountType"  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                        <xs:element name="UniqueId"      type="xs:string"           minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
                        <xs:element name="Note"          type="xs:string"           minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
               <xs:element name="BAUpdateRequest" type="ns:BAUpdateRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="BAUpdateResponse" type="ns:BAUpdateResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="BillAgreementUpdateReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:BAUpdateRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="BAUpdateRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                   <xs:element name="MpID"    type="ebl:MerchantPullIDType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Custom"  type="xs:string"             minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Desc"    type="xs:string"             minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="MpStatus" type="ebl:MerchantPullStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
               <xs:complexType name="BAUpdateResponseType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
                                  <xs:element ref="ebl:BAUpdateResponseDetails"/>
               <xs:element name="AddressVerifyRequest" type="ns:AddressVerifyRequestType"/>
               <xs:element name="AddressVerifyResponse" type="ns:AddressVerifyResponseType"/>
               <xs:element name="AddressVerifyReq">
                              <xs:element ref="ns:AddressVerifyRequest"/>
               <xs:complexType name="AddressVerifyRequestType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractRequestType">
                                   <xs:element name="Email" type="ebl:EmailAddressType"  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Street" type="xs:string"  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="Zip" type="xs:string"  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
               <xs:complexType name="AddressVerifyResponseType">
                         <xs:extension base="ebl:AbstractResponseType">
                                   <xs:element name="ConfirmationCode" type="ebl:AddressStatusCodeType"  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="StreetMatch" type="ebl:MatchStatusCodeType"  minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="ZipMatch" type="ebl:MatchStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="CountryCode" type="ebl:CountryCodeType"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
                                   <xs:element name="PayPalToken" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     <wsdl:message name="RequesterCredentials">
          <wsdl:part name="RequesterCredentials" element="ns:RequesterCredentials"/>
     <wsdl:message name="RefundTransactionRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="RefundTransactionRequest" element="ns:RefundTransactionReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="RefundTransactionResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="RefundTransactionResponse" element="ns:RefundTransactionResponse"/>
     <wsdl:message name="GetTransactionDetailsRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="GetTransactionDetailsRequest" element="ns:GetTransactionDetailsReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="GetTransactionDetailsResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="GetTransactionDetailsResponse" element="ns:GetTransactionDetailsResponse"/>
     <wsdl:message name="BillUserRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="BillUserRequest" element="ns:BillUserReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="BillUserResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="BillUserResponse" element="ns:BillUserResponse"/>
     <wsdl:message name="TransactionSearchRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="TransactionSearchRequest" element="ns:TransactionSearchReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="TransactionSearchResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="TransactionSearchResponse" element="ns:TransactionSearchResponse"/>
     <wsdl:message name="MassPayRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="MassPayRequest" element="ns:MassPayReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="MassPayResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="MassPayResponse" element="ns:MassPayResponse"/>
     <wsdl:message name="BillAgreementUpdateRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="BillAgreementUpdateRequest" element="ns:BillAgreementUpdateReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="BAUpdateResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="body" element="ns:BAUpdateResponse"/>
     <wsdl:message name="AddressVerifyRequest">
          <wsdl:part name="AddressVerifyRequest" element="ns:AddressVerifyReq"/>
     <wsdl:message name="AddressVerifyResponse">
          <wsdl:part name="AddressVerifyResponse" element="ns:AddressVerifyResponse"/>
     <wsdl:portType name="PayPalAPIInterface">
          <wsdl:operation name="RefundTransaction">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:RefundTransactionRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:RefundTransactionResponse"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="GetTransactionDetails">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:GetTransactionDetailsRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:GetTransactionDetailsResponse"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="BillUser">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:BillUserRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:BillUserResponse"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="TransactionSearch">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:TransactionSearchRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:TransactionSearchResponse"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="MassPay">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:MassPayRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:MassPayResponse"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="BillAgreementUpdate">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:BillAgreementUpdateRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:BAUpdateResponse"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="AddressVerify">
               <wsdl:input message="ns:AddressVerifyRequest"/>
               <wsdl:output message="ns:AddressVerifyResponse"/>
     <wsdl:binding name="PayPalAPISoapBinding" type="ns:PayPalAPIInterface">
          <wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
          <wsdl:operation name="RefundTransaction">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="GetTransactionDetails">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="BillUser">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="TransactionSearch">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="MassPay">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="BillAgreementUpdate">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
          <wsdl:operation name="AddressVerify">
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:header use="literal" message="ns:RequesterCredentials" part="RequesterCredentials"/>
                    <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>
     <wsdl:service name="PayPalAPIInterfaceService">
          <wsdl:port binding="ns:PayPalAPISoapBinding" name="PayPalAPI">
               <wsdlsoap:address location=""/>

The WSDL is incorrect. JAX-RPC can parse it correctly but generating Java source is another story.
I get "missing "soapAction" attribute" messages when I run it through SOAPScope. The wsdl:soapoperation tags are supposed to have soapAction attributes according to the SOAP 1.1 spec:
"SOAP 1.1 messages being sent over HTTP is indicated by the "transport" attribute on soap:binding extensions having a value of "". All SOAP 1.1 messages over HTTP must contain an HTTP header called "soapAction". The value for this header is specified in the "soapAction" attribute on the soap:operation for every wsdl:operation in the wsdl:binding. The soap:operation must be present for each operation and the "soapAction" attribute must be present and contain the appropriate value for the "soapAction" HTTP header. Either the "soapAction" attribute was missing or the soap:operation was missing for the wsdl:operation in question."
I'm trying to work with the JAX-RPC folks to get better reporting out of the tools used in Creator so you'd see these kinds of messages in the results window.

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    If you add it by button, there is no problem. The error print is:
    Number of buttons before: 1
    Button adding
    Number of buttons after: 2
    But if you just wait, then the error print is:
    Number of buttons before: 1
    Button adding
    and no button is added. In fact, the error printing after the adding isn't performed either.
    I'd like to ask if there is some solution for this because I'd love to do some changes by schedulers. Thx
    Edited by: 876949 on 14.8.2011 9:09
    Edited by: 876949 on 14.8.2011 9:11

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    Edit: So I finally got around it. In the end, I won't use dynamic adding as intended. It's working and that's important.
    Edited by: 876949 on 14.8.2011 12:48
    Edited by: 876949 on 15.8.2011 5:21

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  • Paypal White Paper setup not working

    I have followed all the steps in the paypal white paper setup for APEX. However, I'm getting this error message that I simply cannot figure out:
    ORA-29273: HTTP request failed ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1029 ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure
    This doesn't make much sense to me since our certificate works fine. The application is here:
    I know for sure that wallet_path and wallet_pwd are correct. I took all the API data straight from paypal.
    Another user experienced similar problems with google checkout. He added the google and google sandbox certificates to his wallet, and it was all fine and dandy. I've added paypal and paypal sandbox certificates to my wallet, and I'm still at the same place.
    Please help!

    I am NOT positive that happened, but it seems to me there was a thread a while back and it's sticking in my head that somehow something changed on the paypal end...
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • [SOLVED]Xorg 1.8 doesn't work

    Hello, I've just upgraded to linux-firmware and the newest, which doesn't work.
    Xorg.0.log tells me:
    [ 934.318]
    X.Org X Server 1.8.1
    Release Date: 2010-05-11
    [ 934.322] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
    [ 934.323] Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.33-ARCH x86_64
    [ 934.325] Current Operating System: Linux staerseus 2.6.34-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 19 00:07:49 CEST 2010 x86_64
    [ 934.326] Kernel command line: root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/727c4683-ee4c-4b32-8a59-370264cb7d9f ro i915.modeset=1 init=/sbin/bootchartd
    [ 934.327] Build Date: 26 May 2010 07:50:07PM
    [ 934.329]
    [ 934.330] Current version of pixman: 0.18.2
    [ 934.331] Before reporting problems, check
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    [ 934.334] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    [ 934.338] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Jun 21 10:15:38 2010
    [ 934.340] (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
    [ 934.341] (==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"
    [ 934.343] (==) No Layout section. Using the first Screen section.
    [ 934.343] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
    [ 934.343] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
    [ 934.343] (**) | |-->Monitor "<default monitor>"
    [ 934.343] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
    Using a default monitor configuration.
    [ 934.343] (==) Automatically adding devices
    [ 934.343] (==) Automatically enabling devices
    [ 934.343] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist.
    [ 934.343] Entry deleted from font path.
    [ 934.343] (==) FontPath set to:
    [ 934.343] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
    [ 934.343] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
    If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
    [ 934.343] (II) Loader magic: 0x7ce880
    [ 934.343] (II) Module ABI versions:
    [ 934.343] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
    [ 934.343] X.Org Video Driver: 7.0
    [ 934.343] X.Org XInput driver : 9.0
    [ 934.343] X.Org Server Extension : 3.0
    [ 934.352] (--) PCI:*(0:0:2:0) 8086:2a42:1734:113f Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller rev 7, Mem @ 0xf2400000/4194304, 0xd0000000/268435456, I/O @ 0x00001800/8
    [ 934.352] (--) PCI: (0:0:2:1) 8086:2a43:1734:113f Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller rev 7, Mem @ 0xf2100000/1048576
    [ 934.352] (II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
    [ 934.352] (II) LoadModule: "extmod"
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 934.352] (II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.352] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.352] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 934.352] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension DPMS
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XVideo
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading extension X-Resource
    [ 934.352] (II) LoadModule: "dbe"
    [ 934.352] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 934.352] (II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.353] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
    [ 934.353] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 934.353] (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (==) AIGLX enabled
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension GLX
    [ 934.353] (II) LoadModule: "record"
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 934.353] (II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.13.0
    [ 934.353] Module class: X.Org Server Extension
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension RECORD
    [ 934.353] (II) LoadModule: "dri"
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 934.353] (II) Module dri: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.353] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.0.0
    [ 934.353] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.353] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
    [ 934.354] (II) LoadModule: "dri2"
    [ 934.354] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
    [ 934.354] (II) Module dri2: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.354] compiled for 1.8.1, module version = 1.2.0
    [ 934.354] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 3.0
    [ 934.354] (II) Loading extension DRI2
    [ 934.354] (==) Matched intel as autoconfigured driver 0
    [ 934.354] (==) Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 1
    [ 934.354] (==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 2
    [ 934.354] (==) Assigned the driver to the xf86ConfigLayout
    [ 934.354] (II) LoadModule: "intel"
    [ 934.354] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    [ 934.354] (II) Module intel: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
    [ 934.354] compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 2.11.0
    [ 934.354] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
    [ 934.354] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
    [ 934.354] (EE) module ABI major version (6) doesn't match the server's version (7)
    [ 934.356] (II) UnloadModule: "intel"
    [ 934.356] (II) Unloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
    [ 934.356] (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
    [ 934.357] (II) LoadModule: "vesa"
    [ 934.357] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module vesa
    [ 934.357] (II) UnloadModule: "vesa"
    [ 934.357] (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 934.359] (II) LoadModule: "fbdev"
    [ 934.359] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module fbdev
    [ 934.359] (II) UnloadModule: "fbdev"
    [ 934.359] (EE) Failed to load module "fbdev" (module does not exist, 0)
    [ 934.360] (EE) No drivers available.
    [ 934.362]
    Fatal server error:
    [ 934.364] no screens found
    [ 934.365]
    Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
    for help.
    [ 934.370] Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.
    [ 934.372]
    What does the problem with modules mean? Archlinux was warning me, that "in future releases /etc/modprobe.d/ will be ignored, but it is the same file as /etc/modprobe.d/framebuffer_blacklist.conf.
    I don't understand, why it cannot find any screens (I use a laptop screen)
    I tried to start with and without xorg.conf, which is:
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Intel X4500MHD"
    Driver "intel"
    VendorName "Intel Corporation"
    BoardName "Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller"
    BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
    Option "DRI" "true"
    Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
    The graphic driver I use is xf86-video-intel-newest from archstuff, but it is the same version as xf86-video-intel.
    I am not sure if I provided all needed info, but I hope so. Thank you for your help.SOLVED
    Last edited by Staerseus (2010-06-21 09:18:03)

    Use the arch version.   It is actually built against the xorg version that you are using...  here is the relevant section of your log:
    [ 934.354] (EE) module ABI major version (6) doesn't match the server's version (7)

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