Adding SAP SC as dependency results in empty SC

I need to add the SC named SAPPCUI_GP to my track as I need to use some of its DCs as an API for our developments.
I have added it to the track data as dependent object, saved and re-imported, clicked the Update CMS button and finally updated the configuration on my NWDS.
The result is that I can see SAPPCUI_GP in the Active DCs but unlike the other SAP SCs (for example SAP-J2EE) I don't see any DCs under SAPPCUI_GP, it is simply empty.
Any idea why...?

Hi Slava,
There are no DCs listed under the Compartment sap.com_SAPPCUI_GP_1 and the number in "Total DCs" field is 0.
Hi Pascal,
No, I did not define this dependency in the SLD.
I went to Software components in the the SLD and located my SC.
I then went to the Dependencies tab and selected "Build time" in the drop down.
I see there the following in the "Prerequisite Software Components Versions" table: SAP JAVA TECH SERVICES 7.00, SAP J2EE ENGINE 7.00, EP BUILD TOOL 7.00, DI BUILD TOOL 7.00.
This means that SAPPCUI_GP is not there.
I then clicked on "Define Prerequisite Software Components Versions" button and searched for SC SAPPCUI_GP but the filter couldn't find anything....

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  • Adding Fields to People Search Results Page

    Working in SharePoint Online, I've been able to add a few fields to the People Search results page successfully:
    Office Locator
    Office Location
    Work Phone
    Mobile Phone
    Home Phone
    Work Email
    All of the above fields are working and display on the People search results page.
    I tried to add these and they simply do not display.  There is no error:
    University Email
    I set them up the same way.  I created the Property in the User Profile area.  I then populated the data for each user.  I then added the property as a Managed property (search schema) linked to the Crawled property from the People category.
    Made sure that they were query able, retrievable, searchable, etc.  Then I edited the People Search code and then I waited over the weekend for the search to pick them up.  I came into work this morning and they still do not display.  Here is
    my code, just in case I missed something.  Thanks.
    <html xmlns:mso="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:msdt="uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882">
    <title>UIF People Item with Work Phone</title>
    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
    <mso:TemplateHidden msdt:dt="string">0</mso:TemplateHidden>
    <mso:MasterPageDescription msdt:dt="string">Displays a result tailored for a person.</mso:MasterPageDescription>
    <mso:ContentTypeId msdt:dt="string">0x0101002039C03B61C64EC4A04F5361F385106603</mso:ContentTypeId>
    <mso:TargetControlType msdt:dt="string">;#SearchResults;#</mso:TargetControlType>
    <mso:HtmlDesignAssociated msdt:dt="string">1</mso:HtmlDesignAssociated>
    <mso:CrawlerXSLFile msdt:dt="string"></mso:CrawlerXSLFile>
    <mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'AboutMe':'AboutMe','AccountName':'AccountName','BaseOfficeLocation':'BaseOfficeLocation','Department':'Department','HitHighlightedProperties':'HitHighlightedProperties','Interests':'Interests','JobTitle':'JobTitle','Organization':'Organization','LastModifiedTime':'LastModifiedTime','Memberships':'Memberships','PastProjects':'PastProjects','Path':'Path','PictureURL':'PictureURL','PreferredName':'PreferredName','Responsibilities':'Responsibilities','Schools':'Schools','ServiceApplicationID':'ServiceApplicationID','SipAddress':'SipAddress','Skills':'Skills','UserProfile_GUID':'UserProfile_GUID','WorkEmail':'WorkEmail','UniversityEmail':'UniversityEmail','OfficeNumber':'OfficeNumber','OfficeLocator':'OfficeLocator','WorkPhone':'WorkPhone','MobilePhone':'MobilePhone','HomePhone':'HomePhone','Assistant':'Assistant','CalendarScheduling':'CalendarScheduling','WorkId':'WorkId','YomiDisplayName':'YomiDisplayName'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>
    <mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview msdt:dt="string"> Templates/Search/UIF_Item_Person.html, Conversion successful.</mso:HtmlDesignStatusAndPreview>
    <mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded msdt:dt="string">True</mso:HtmlDesignConversionSucceeded>
    <mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl msdt:dt="string"></mso:HtmlDesignPreviewUrl>
    <div id="Item_Person">
    if(!$isNull(ctx.CurrentItem) && !$isNull(ctx.ClientControl)){
    var id = ctx.ClientControl.get_nextUniqueId();
    var itemId = id + Srch.U.Ids.item;
    var hoverId = id + Srch.U.Ids.hover;
    $setResultItem(itemId, ctx.CurrentItem);
    var container_id = id + "_peopleContainer";
    var hhProps = Srch.U.createXMLDocument("<root>" + ctx.CurrentItem.HitHighlightedProperties + "</root>");
    var encodedPath = $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Path);
    var has_pn = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName);
    var has_sip = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress);
    var has_email = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var has_universityemail = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.UniversityEmail);
    var has_onumber = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber);
    var has_bolocation = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var has_olocator = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var has_wphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var has_mphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var has_hphone = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var has_assistant = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Assistant);
    var has_calendarscheduling = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.CalendarScheduling);
    var has_jt = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var has_dp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var has_org = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var has_abme = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe);
    var has_resp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities);
    var has_pp = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects);
    var has_ski = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills);
    var has_sch = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools);
    var has_int = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests);
    var has_vlm = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth);
    var has_vlw = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek);
    var has_query = !$isEmptyString(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou);
    var isSelfSrch = (has_vlm == true || has_vlw == true || has_query == true);
    var delimiter = "";
    var userPersonaId = $htmlEncode(id) + "_peopleUserPersona";
    var uSip = ctx.CurrentItem.SipAddress;
    var uEmail = ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail;
    var uName = ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName;
    var uPicUrl = ctx.CurrentItem.PictureURL;
    var hoverUrl = "~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_Person_HoverPanel.js";
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(container_id) =#_" class="ms-srch-people-outerContainer ms-srch-resultHover">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(itemId) =#_" name="Item" class="ms-srch-people-item" onmouseover="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Init', event, '_#=$scriptEncode(itemId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverId) =#_', '_#=$scriptEncode(hoverUrl) =#_');" onmouseout="EnsureScriptParams('SearchUI.js', 'HP.Hide');">
    <div id="_#= $htmlEncode(hoverId) =#_" class="ms-srch-hover-outerContainer"></div>
    <div id="UserPersonaContainer">
    <div id="UserPersona">
    <div id="_#= userPersonaId =#_"></div>
    <div id="UserInfoContainer">
    <div id="ContactInfo">
    <div id="NameField">
    var encodedName = (has_pn == true) ? $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.PreferredName) : $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.YomiDisplayName);
    var displayName = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "preferredname");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayName)) { displayName = encodedName }
    <div id="NameValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis ms-textLarge">
    <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= encodedPath =#_" title="_#= encodedName =#_">_#= displayName =#_</a>
    if(has_jt == true) {
    <div id="JobTitleField">
    var encodedJtitle = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.JobTitle);
    var displayJtitle = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "jobtitle");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayJtitle)) { displayJtitle = encodedJtitle }
    <div id="JobTitleValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedJtitle =#_"> _#= displayJtitle =#_ </div>
    if(has_dp == true) {
    <div id="DepartmentField">
    var encodedDept = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Department);
    var displayDept = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "department");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayDept)) { displayDept = encodedDept }
    <div id="DepartmentValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedDept =#_"> <b>_#= displayDept =#_</b> </div>
    if(has_org == true) {
    <div id="Organization">
    var encodedorg = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Organization);
    var displayorg = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Organization");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayorg)) { displayorg = encodedorg }
    <div id="OrganizationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedorg =#_"> _#= displayorg =#_ </div>
    if(has_olocator == true) {
    <div id="OfficeLocator">
    var encodedolocator = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator);
    var displayolocator = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "OfficeLocator");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayolocator)) { displayolocator = encodedolocator }
    <div id="OfficeLocatorValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedolocator =#_"> <b>Office Locator:</b> <a clicktype="Result" id="NameFieldLink" href="_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeLocator =#_">_#= ctx.CurrentItem.OfficeNumber =#_</a></div>
    if(has_bolocation == true) {
    <div id="OfficeBaseLocation">
    var encodedbolocation = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.BaseOfficeLocation);
    var displaybolocation = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "BaseOfficeLocation");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaybolocation)) { displaybolocation = encodedbolocation }
    <div id="BaseOfficeLocationValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedbolocation =#_"> <b>Office Location:</b> _#= displaybolocation =#_ </div>
    if(has_wphone == true) {
    <div id="WorkPhone">
    var encodedwphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkPhone);
    var displaywphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkPhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaywphone)) { displaywphone = encodedwphone }
    <div id="WorkPhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedwphone =#_"> <b>Office Phone:</b> _#= displaywphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_mphone == true) {
    <div id="MobilePhone">
    var encodedmphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.MobilePhone);
    var displaymphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "MobilePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaymphone)) { displaymphone = encodedmphone }
    <div id="MobilePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedmphone =#_"> <b>Mobile Phone:</b> _#= displaymphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_hphone == true) {
    <div id="HomePhone">
    var encodedhphone = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.HomePhone);
    var displayhphone = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "HomePhone");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayhphone)) { displayhphone = encodedhphone }
    <div id="HomePhoneValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedhphone =#_"> <b>Home Phone:</b> _#= displayhphone =#_ </div>
    if(has_email == true) {
    <div id="WorkEmail">
    var encodedemail = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.WorkEmail);
    var displayemail = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "WorkEmail");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayemail)) { displayemail = encodedemail }
    <div id="WorkEmailValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedemail =#_"> <b>Foundation Email:</b> _#= displayemail =#_ </div>
    if(has_universityemail == true) {
    <div id="UniversityEmail">
    var encodeduniversityemail = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.UniversityEmail);
    var displayuniversityemail = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "UniversityEmail");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayuniversityemail)) { displayuniversityemail = encodeduniversityemail }
    <div id="UniversityEmailValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodeduniversityemail =#_"> <b>University Email:</b> _#= displayuniversityemail =#_ </div>
    if(has_assistant == true) {
    <div id="Assistant">
    var encodedassistant = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.Assistant);
    var displayassistant = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "Assistant");
    if ($isEmptyString(displayassistant)) { displayassistant = encodedassistant }
    <div id="AssistantValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedassistant =#_"> <b>Assistant:</b> _#= displayassistant =#_ </div>
    if(has_calendarscheduling == true) {
    <div id="CalendarScheduling">
    var encodedcalendarscheduling = $htmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.CalendarScheduling);
    var displaycalendarscheduling = Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "CalendarScheduling");
    if ($isEmptyString(displaycalendarscheduling)) { displaycalendarscheduling = encodedcalendarscheduling }
    <div id="CalendarSchedulingValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis" title="_#= encodedcalendarscheduling =#_"> <b>Calendar/Scheduling:</b> _#= displaycalendarscheduling =#_ </div>
    if(has_resp == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true || has_sch == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoShort">
    if(has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "responsibilities", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Responsibilities, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="ResponsibilitiesValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Responsibilities) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SkillsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="PastProjectsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="InterestsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_sch == true){
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "schools", 3, delimiter);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Schools, 3, delimiter))}
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <div id="SchoolsValue" class="ms-srch-ellipsis">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Schools) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_abme == true || has_ski == true || has_pp == true || has_int == true) {
    <div id="MoreInfoLong">
    if(has_abme == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getSingleHHXMLNodeValue(hhProps, "aboutme"), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(ctx.CurrentItem.AboutMe, 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_ski == true && has_resp == true) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "skills", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Skills, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Skills) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_pp == true && (has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "pastprojects", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.PastProjects, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_PastProjects) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    } else if(has_int == true && (has_pp == true || has_ski == true || has_resp == true)) {
    var encodedVal = Srch.U.getTrimmedProcessedHHXMLString(Srch.U.getMultipleHHXMLNodeValues(hhProps, "interests", 3, delimiter), 125);
    if (Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) { encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.Interests, 3, delimiter), 125)) }
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_Interests) =#_ </span>
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(isSelfSrch == true) {
    <hr class="ms-srch-people-item-separator" />
    <div id="SelfSearchInfo">
    <div id="Heading">
    <a id="EditProfileLink" href="_#= $urlHtmlEncode(ctx.CurrentItem.EditProfileUrl) =#_"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_EditProfileLink) =#_ </a>
    <div id="Frequency">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency) =#_ </span>
    <ul id="FrequencyCard">
    <li id="MonthlyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsMonths_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastMonth));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    <li id="DailyViews">
    var encodedVal = (ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek == 1) ? $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Singular, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek)) :
    $htmlEncode(String.format(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchFrequency_ViewsWeeks_Plural, ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileViewsLastWeek));
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    if(has_query == true) {
    <div id="Keywords">
    <span id="FieldTitle" class="ms-soften"> _#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_SelfSearchKeywords) =#_ </span>
    var encodedVal = $htmlEncode(Srch.U.getTrimmedString(Srch.U.getUnEncodedMultiValuedResults(ctx.CurrentItem.ProfileQueriesFoundYou, 5, delimiter), 84));
    if (!Srch.U.e(encodedVal)) {
    _#= encodedVal =#_
    var lastModifiedTime = ctx.CurrentItem.LastModifiedTime;
    var encodedLastModifiedTimeId = $htmlEncode(id + "_lastModifiedTime");
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function()
    Srch.U.renderFriendlyTimeIntervalString(lastModifiedTime, encodedLastModifiedTimeId);
    <div id="LastModifiedTime">
    <span class="ms-textSmall">_#= $htmlEncode(Srch.Res.item_People_LastModified) =#_</span>
    <span id="_#= encodedLastModifiedTimeId =#_" class="ms-textSmall ms-srch-ellipsis"></span>
    AddPostRenderCallback(ctx, function(){
    EnsureScriptFunc("clienttemplates.js", "RenderUserFieldWorker", function() {
    var getUserPersona = function() {
    var renderCtx = new ContextInfo();
    renderCtx.Templates = {};
    renderCtx.Templates["Fields"] = {};
    var fieldSchemaData = { "PictureOnly":"1", "PictureSize": "Size_72px"};
    var listSchema = {"EffectivePresenceEnabled": "1", "PresenceAlt": Srch.Res.item_People_NoPresenceAvailable};
    var userData = {"title": uName, "email": uEmail, "picture": uPicUrl, "sip": uSip};
    var personaControlElement = document.getElementById(userPersonaId);
    if (!Srch.U.n(personaControlElement))
    personaControlElement.innerHTML = RenderUserFieldWorker(renderCtx, fieldSchemaData, userData, listSchema);
    if(typeof(ctx.EnqueueImnRequest) == "undefined") { ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = false; }
    if (ctx.EnqueueImnRequest == false) {
    ctx.ClientControl.add_oneTimeResultRendered(function(){ if (typeof(ProcessImn) != "undefined") { ProcessImn(); } });
    ctx.EnqueueImnRequest = true;

    According to your post, my understanding is that you have an issue about adding fields in people search results page.
    Per my knowledge, there is no issue in your steps, and the issue may be related to the search crawl in SharePoint online.
    For SharePoint server on-premise, we can start the search full crawl, however, for SharePoint online, we could not start the search full crawl manually.
    You can wait for some time to complete the search full crawl in SharePoint online, then check whether it works.
    As this is the forum for SharePoint server on-premise, I’m not familiar with the SharePoint online search crawl, for this issue, I recommend you can post a new question in the forum for Office 365/SharePoint online.
    More experts will assist you, then you will get more information relation to SharePoint Online.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error: The result is empty for XPath expression

    hi gurus
    Following is my input sample data to BPEL process.
    <Name>Music System</Name>
    <Name>Fog Light</Name>
    <Name>Neon Light Ring</Name>
    Here <ItemList> contains <Item>.
    And <Item> contains <Name>,<Id> & <Item> element itself.
    i have created proper XSD for this.
    But When i try to fetch any value then using Assign Activityits gives runtime following error.
    Error in evaluate from expression at line "36".The result is empty for the XPATH expression: /ns1:ItemList/ns1:Item/ns1:Name
    Any suggestion..?

    Here is my XSD.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
    elementFormDefault="qualified" >
    <xsd:element name="ItemList" type="ItemListType"/>
    <xsd:element name="Total" type="TotalType"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="ItemListType">
    <xsd:element name="Item" type="ItemType"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="ItemType">
    <xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="Id" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="Item" type="ItemType"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="TotalType">
    <xsd:element name="TotalPrice" type="xsd:double"/>

  • Result is empty error in XPath

    I am getting the following error coming from an "Assign" activity that copies from a child element of one variable (child of message type = M1) to another variable (which is of type element same as that of that child of M1).
    I am consistently getting the following error :
    "Error in evaluate <from> expression. The result is empty for the XPath expression .
    <<from element name>> "
    Does anyone know why ?

    That message usually occurs when you point to a non-existing child. When you're using child nodes, you'll have to make sure you're pointing to the right node, for example by using [position() = bpws.getVariableData('idx'), or using an XSLT with a 'for each'.
    Post the variable definition and the assign here, if  you need more input.

  • The result is empty for the XPath expression

    Hi friends
    Please, could anyone help-me with this issue? My BPEL process was working yesterday and stoped today...
    I think I´m facing a namespace problem.
    If I start my process using BPEL Console, filling the "HTML form" option, all works ok.
    If my process is started by a call from another bpel process, my XPath query gives me an error, but the 2 received messages are "almost" egual:
    Using BPEL Console:
    <part name="message" >
    <RejectedMessage ns1:BatchId="" ns1:PrimaryKey="" ns1:RejectionId="invalid_msg_processName_token1_token2_token3" ns1:BatchInfo="" >
    Started by another BPEL Process:
    <part name="message" >
    <RejectedMessage RejectionId="INVALID_MSG_BatchTest_Read_20060418_101233_0463" BatchId="" BatchInfo="" PrimaryKey="" >
    <MessagePayload> AgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIE1aIEpBSVJPUyAg MDYwMzA4MTAwMQ0K </MessagePayload>
    <RejectionReason> ORABPEL-11008</RejectionReason>
    XPath Query:
    In the first case, it works.
    In the second case, it raises a "The result is empty for the XPath expression" error.
    As you can see, this process is used as a "Rejection Handler" process: It implements the interface defined in RejectionMessage.wsdl
    Could you help me?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi All
    I find a workaround to the problem. I´m almost sure it is a bug in BPEL.
    As you can see on my previous post, the diferences between the two messages is that the attributes have qualified names on one message and unqualified names on the other: ns1:BatchId, ns1:PrimaryKey...
    The schema definition for this message (JCAErrorHandling.xsd) define that attribute names MUST be qualified (attributeFormDefault="qualified"). The problem is that the File Adapter sends the message with unqualified attribute names!!
    So I edited JCAErrorHandling.xsd (<ORACLE_HOME>\integration\orabpel\system\xmllib\jca) file, changing it to attributeFormDefault="unqualified".
    The correct solution is to fix File Adapter to send the message with qualified names, so I´m opening a Service Request at Oracle Metalink.

  • Namespace problem The result is empty for the XPath expression

    I have a problem with BPEL namespaces. The webservice that my BPEL process is using has changed namespaces (i.e. the java code package names changed and therefore the namespaces associated with the packages.)
    Before there was only one namespace associated with this web services; now there are multiple namespaces.
    I have changed the namespaces in my .bpel file; however I get the result is empty for XPath expression:
    Any help appreciated...:(

    hey b-o-s-t-o-n,
    have your verified that the namespace import is correct, and with the right prefix
    you xpath contains 2 namespace prefixes
    so check the bpel file and maybe the wsdl that has been generated (that inclused the plnk extensions for your external service)
    this is the most common issue ..
    hth clemens

  • Assigning JMS message in BPEL: The result is empty for the XPath expression

    My project, an Oracle BPEL 11g project, is reading an XML payload from a JMS queue. I would like to transform the message and assign the elements of the messages to other variables. But when I am doing that in the "assign" step, it raises an error: Error in evaluate <from> expression at line "63". The result is empty for the XPath expression : "/ns2:publishProject/payload/Message".
    Even though I can see the message payload in the Audit with all the values.
    To me it looks like a name space issue, but I could not find out how to correct it. Any hint will be a big help. Please let me know if you want to check the .xsd for the message.

    I publish a JMS message to a topic in one BPEL process and have another BPEL process read from the topic and start the flow. The problem I have is that the first process is writing fine to the topic, but the second process seems to be reading twice. I am seeing two instances of the second process in em.
    Can anyone help? I am using JDev

  • [svn] 1307: modules: added support for automatically adding " use namespace X", depending on the -target-player value

    Revision: 1307
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-04-18 16:28:33 -0700 (Fri, 18 Apr 2008)
    Log Message:
    modules: added support for automatically adding "use namespace X", depending on the -target-player value
    * similar to how we add "use namespace AS3"
    * symmetric with ASC's -use feature, however we don't have equivalent commandline support yet
    Bugs: n/a
    QA: Nothing in particular, except for testing the new functionality of -target-player (email me about this)
    Doc: Maybe: If we doc about "use namespace AS3" being added to all Flex compiles, we may want to talk about this.
    Reviewers: Pete and Erik
    Modified Paths:

    Thanks for your attention.
    In the above logs, higher resolutions seems to be detected on both screens, hence my surprise :
    [ 391.631] (II) intel(0): Printing probed modes for output LVDS1
    [ 391.631] (II) intel(0): Modeline "1600x900"x60.0 110.00 1600 1664 1706 2010 900 903 906 912 -hsync -vsync (54.7 kHz eP)
    [ 391.897] (II) intel(0): Printing probed modes for output HDMI1
    [ 391.897] (II) intel(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x59.9 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz eP)
    If it can help here is also my current xrandr output (after having called it manually to use the preferred resolution of each screen)
    itanguy ~ $ xrandr
    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 8192 x 8192
    LVDS1 connected 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 309mm x 174mm
    1600x900 60.0*+ 40.0
    1024x768 60.0
    800x600 60.3 56.2
    640x480 59.9
    VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    HDMI1 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 434mm x 270mm
    1680x1050 59.9*+
    1280x1024 75.0 60.0
    1152x864 75.0
    1024x768 75.1 60.0
    800x600 75.0 60.3
    640x480 75.0 60.0
    720x400 70.1
    DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    HDMI3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    DP3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
    If needed, I may reboot and provide xrandr output after boot (it will be 1024x768), or could other logs help you ? Please ask...

  • Xjc  "results in empty target" error

    Hi everybody.
    I'm trying to complile the following very simple xsd with the xjb below. I keep getting "XPath evaluation of "/xsd:schema" results in empty target node".
    Any idea? Thanks in advance, Agostino
    xsd (just relevant part):
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">   
        <xsd:element name="myroot">
                    <xsd:element name="int01" type="xsd:int" />
    xjb (just relevant part):
    <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb=""
      <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="SQ.xsd" node="/xsd:schema">
        <jaxb:bindings node="//xsd:element[@name='int01']">Edited by: agostino75 on Aug 24, 2010 2:01 PM

    i think, when you use the Microsoft JAVA-VM, this error Message appears.
    If you use the SUN JAVA VM this message doesnt pop up.
    Try to install (if you havent done already) to install the SUN Java. If you already have the Installation activate under Internet-Options of Internet Explorer.
    Best Regards

  • Adding *SAP Gui Scripting* in windows 2003

    we r devloped some z programs, and it is displayed properly in client desktp (XP). But it is not displyed properly in (OS) Windows 2003 server.
    So i added SAP Gui Scripting through Gui instalation and it displyed ok. But at same time my SAP Logon pad will hide from my desktop.
    So again i installed my SAP gui with
    1. SAP Gui Suite
    2. R/3 Add-on
    3. General Add-on
    Again same problem that is not visible when i am adding SAP Gui Scripting saplogon pad will automatically hide from my desktop.
    GUI version 7.10
    What could be resons?
    Edited by: manoj nayak on Apr 6, 2010 9:51 AM
    Edited by: manoj nayak on Apr 6, 2010 10:18 AM

    Can u give more information how to troubleshot this one?
    And why after install (add) of SAP GUI SCRIPT SAP logon pad will automatically remove from desktop?
    The system cannot find the file specified.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\sapgui\wwi\wwilabel.exe
    Any idea?

  • SAPGUI iview from SAP Portal = create new session  results in empty screen

    we use ep700 sp10 and sapgui 6.40 compilation 5 . we have a sapgui iview which starts the login to the R/3 system and shows the user menu with some transactions.
    if the user now creates a new session  with the buttom "create new session" in the sapgui screen he gets a new but empty session  ==> i expected , that he gets the normal sap entry screen with the user and sap menu.
    does anybody now how to get that ?
    many thanks hannes toefferl

    Go to the file .../irj/root/WEB-INF/portal/portalapps/
    In this file, change -wp=true to -wp=false and also Workplace=true to Workplace=false.
    Restart the portal for the change to take effect.
    Hope this helps.
    PS: Reward points for helpful answers.

  • Problem while adding SAP Netweaver 7.3 As Java in Solution Manager 7.1

    Hi All,
    We are facing strange problem while configuring managed system- SAP Netweaver 7.3 As Java in Solution manager 7.1 SP3. We added this system in SLD of solution manager and synchronized it with LMDB. As a result this As Java system is present under Technical systems in SMSY. Now we are assigning Product system to it with Landscape verification tool. But the problem is when we try to save after assigning Product version as SAP Netweaver and Product as SAP Netweaver 7.3. It always gives below error:
    Fatal error trying to update Technical System (UPDATE_TSYSTEMS). Update could not be executed. 
    Product instance 54 not found
    Product instance number error keep on changing depend upon what usage i select like ADS 7.3, Application Server Java 7.3 etc.
    Please suggest if someone has faced this issue.

    Hi Sunny,
    You can refer to my first blog on this topic:
    #sapadmin:: How to assign Product System in SOLMAN 7.1 & How LMDB, SLD, SMSY and Landscape Verification  work in SOLMAN7.1
    Try to select only one product instance in LMDB and saved. After that, you can add more product instance in SMSY.
    Hope it helps.
    Nicholas Chang

  • Submit by Email results in empty XML

    Hi all,
    I created a simple Adobe Form with Tx. SFP, added "Submit by Email" button and when I execute it from SFP and click on the button, the attached XML is empty (no info typed in the PDF, only tags).
    Already installed the license. What am I missing?
    When I create the exact same PDF using Adobe LiveCycle Designer outside SAP, works OK.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Andrés,
    I think you have this issue because you use an ABAP-based interface for your form. Only when you use an xml-based interface, the entries are in the xml included when you use the email-button.
    When you need the abap-based interface, then you have to attach not the xml but the complete pdf to the email.

  • dependency on ABAP for Eclipse install.

    I downloaded "SAP ABAP IN ECLIPSE 2.24 JUNO" from  I have already resolved one "Cannot satisfy dependency" error by downloading  EMF Query from and adding the  Now I am getting a different "Cannot satisfy dependency" error:
    Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: ABAP Core Development Tools 2.24.3 ( 2.24.3) Missing requirement: Data Preview Services 1.5.0 ( 1.5.0) requires 'bundle [3.0.3,4.0.0)' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency: From: ABAP Core Development Tools 2.24.3 ( 2.24.3) To: [1.5.0] Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Data Preview 1.5.0 ( 1.5.0) To: [1.5.0]
    I cannot find any information concerning on the Internet.  I don't know how to resolve this error.  Does anyone know what I need to download and install so that my installation can continue?

    Hello Felix,
    The new Version 2.24.4 installation did the trick.  I was able to complete the installation.
    FYI - The new 2.24.4 installation revealed a dependency on ''.  I tried the installation with version 0.10.2 of Graphiti and still received errors.  I also tried again with 0.10.0 of Graphiti and still had errors.  However, the 2.24.0 installation did work with version 0.9.2 of Graphiti installed.  I don't know if this is an intended dependecy on an older version or not.
    Thank you for your assistance.

  • Adding reel name to TCR results in a long render

    I spent a little time yesterday trying to tweak the Timecode Reader FXScript that comes with Final Cut 6 to add the reel name to the burn-in.
    It seems like this should be a simple thing, since there's apparently an FXScript function for just that purpose (GetReelName). But merely adding a call to GetReelName in my FXScript and applying it to a clip in my timeline results in an orange "unlimited RT" bar, and a long and incredibly annoying render on output.
    The source clip is HDV 1080p24, and the timeline is ProRes 422 at 1920x1080, same frame rate.
    Is this something y'all have seen before? I'm aware that there are a few plugins out there that will do a burn-in of timecode plus reel name and even other information, but what I want most is one that will work in real time like the built-in TCR does.

    Unfortunately, how a plugin/generator gets classified as RT is a result of in-house testing at Apple and no user defined plugins/generators qualify -

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