Adding ship to in edpar and puma tables

i want to add the ship to #1001 to edpar and puma tables. sold to is #1000.where i have to add this Prod/QA/Dev.
Thanks in Advance.

Its related to IDOCS. Mean Idoc gets generated on these partners. If its a production issue , you can add it else you can do it quality and test it then move it to production.

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    Hi All,
    My customer would like to add around 5 fields to BKPF table and 6-7 fields to BSEG table. Can you all suggest me whether it would be a good idea to add any custom field to these tables ? I would like to mention that standard fields available in these tables will not be used for the requirements of the customer and he is insisting on adding custom fields. I need your expert advice on this matter.

    Hi Friend,
    Please do not add any custom fields in those tables.
    These two tables are pillar of accounting entries in SAP, if you want to push them then it is OK, otherwise find some other way.

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    Hello SDN!
    I need to fill some standart fields in CT_SHIPPING and CT_SALES tables (sorry, I don't know their real names, written names used commonly in BADI) for items. I've got a BADI for header (extends IF_EX_CRM_ISA_BASKET_HEAD) and item (extends IF_EX_CRM_ISA_BASKET_ITEM) with methods CHANGEHEAD_BEFORE_ORDER and CHANGEITEMS_BEFORE_ORDER correspondenly. In these methods I try to fill required fields. These fields filled OK for header, but when I tried to fill fields for item it still saved to header. In these tables REF_KIND sets 'B' for item, REF_GUID also sets properly... Can anybody give rules for filling these fields? What main fields (such as REF_KIND) must be set and which values must they have?
    version of subject is CRM 5.0 SP 11
    Help will be appreciated.
    Regards, Lev
    Edited by: Lev Kulaev on Sep 8, 2008 9:24 AM
    give a version of CRM and give more detailed description of problem

    Hello Lev,
    Yes, if you have a "fully loaded" order - I mean some good order that has all the business data (such as shipping, sales ord, schedline etc. available. Usually an order that has been created in CRM or downloaded from R/3 should do to understand the data structures.
    To start with, just give the Transaction Number as the onl;y input and execute. And read through the output - each set (ET_SHIPPING) etc you are interested in. The several GUID and REF_GUID and REF_KINDs can be better understood with an example than me providing the explanation and code.
    An equivalent counterpart to this report program is the CRM_ORDER_READ, which does the same thing but does not let you play with the maintain part. CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN program allows you to try the ipdate / change / maintain.
    Well here is the help text  for CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN
    <h5>Short text</h5>
    Test program for function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN
    This program replaces the missing option to execute a single test for the function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN.
    The usual single test function in transaction SE37 is not possible as sorted tables are used as import parameters. The module RS_COMPLEX_OBJECT_EDIT used from Basis for maintaining import parameters is only able to process standard tables.
    The report executes a test call of the function module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN and displays the result (the export parameters).
    In addition, it is possible to
    <li>Save the changed data on the database,
    <li>Delete the buffer afterwards,
    <li>And, by calling CRM_ORDER_READ, to read it again.
    <li>Specify the transaction number, the transaction GUID or the item GUID for changing an existing transaction.
    <li>Specify how many headers or items are to be created for creating new transactions or items.
    <li>Select "Subobject to be maintained" for the subobjects that you wish to change or enter.
    <li>After, enter "Maintain input values", and maintain the interface for CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. This means you make an entery for the IT_X_COM parameter for subobject X, and make the required entries in the CT_INPUT_FIELDS table.
    <li>If you wish to save and initialize after the change, specify this.
    <li>If the transaction should be re-read in the buffer afterwards, specify this.
    <h5>Standard Variants</h5>
    You can save your entries as a variant. All entered data is then stored under a GUID in the INDX table, and can be recovered again by calling this variant.
    The output parameter for CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN and, if necessary, for CRM_ORDER_SAVE, CRM_ORDER_INITIALIZE and CRM_ORDER_READ are issued.
    Easwar Ram

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    Kindly guide with Steps
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    Kindly guide with Steps
    And which approach will be good.

    no ans yet

  • How to save and retrieve table column values added via view enhancement

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    Second Approach: I create a new table/structure for my requirement and bind table column to these fields.
    What all changes I have to make to save and retrieve values from database table.
    Kindly guide with Steps
    And which approach will be good.
    Moderator message: please have a look in the dedicated "Web Dynpro ABAP" forum.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Feb 16, 2011 3:02 PM

    no ans yet

  • Use of Table EDPAR(EDI Partner Table)

    Hi All,
    Here , what is the significance of providing external partner..
    I was under the impression that this will be used for Xref.
    For Eg, in our current Non-SAP to Non-SAP System , we use EDI for data transfer.
    Customer will send its Warehouse number and we will be having a xref for
    warehouse to Customer(At Vendor System)
    I am trying to apply the same logic in SAP. I am trying to assume that the warehouse is used as a cross reference.
    So, i tried to enter the External Partner as a warehouse number sent from the sender client and mapped it to existing customer in receiver client.
    But this is failing in EDI. Its telling that the
    "VKORG, VKTEW and SPART not setup for customer PMPO and CHINT"
    But, PMPO is my purchase organisation. So after that i thought that Purchase organisation need to be setup as an external partner.
    So i removed the warehouse setting and mapped purchasing organisation to the existing Customer in receiver.
    Now, i assumed that when ever i raise a PO for Purchase organisation PMPO, it should automatically pick up the customer set in EDPAR and create a Sales Order for that customer.
    Again , this is giving me the same error message.
    "VKORG, VKTEW and SPART not setup for customer PMPO and CHINT"
    So, i decided the setup a new customer with name PMPO and its working fine (means transaction is progressed)
    So, can you help to let me know what is the concept with EDPAR table and what need to setup.
    How can we maintain customer xref.

    Today is a day of questions for you, huh?
    In this question, I think you confuse things, because your question is about EDPAR, but the detail you discuss is for table EDSDC.  Let me answer by explaining both of these tables.
    Firstly, both EDSDC and EDPAR are used <b>for inbound sales processing only</b>.  They are not considered by the purchasing module of SAP.
    What you can do with EDPAR is map the customers external partner numbers (their plants/ship to addresses) to your own internal customer numbers in KNA1.  Thus if the customer calls its delivery address ABC, and you have a customer record for this ship to address of 123, then you can put the mapping in EDPAR.  This will be translated by the IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS FM when the idoc enters your system.  This prevents you having to "hard code" customer number mappings in your EDI translation software.
    With EDSDC, however, you are simply automatically allocating a sales area (sales org, distr. chan., division) to an incoming sales order from a customer.  You enter the internal SAP customer number, and the vendor number (the number by which the customer identifies your company) and then specify the sales area and the document type against which the sales order will be created.  Again, this is processed in the FM IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS. 
    I hope that the use of these two tables is clearer for you now.

  • Performance issue in BI due to direct query on BKPF and BSEG tables

    We had a requirement that FI document number fieldshould be extracted in BI.
    Following code was written which has the correct logic but performance is bad.
    It fetched just 100 records in more than 4-5 hrs.
    The reason is there was a direct qury written on BSEG and BKPF tables(without WHERE clause).
    Is there any way to improve this code like adding GJAHR field  in where clause? I dont want to change the logic.
    Following is the code:
    WHEN '0CO_OM_CCA_9'." Data Source
        TYPES:BEGIN OF ty_bkpf,
        belnr TYPE bkpf-belnr,
        xblnr TYPE bkpf-xblnr,
        bktxt TYPE bkpf-bktxt,
        awkey TYPE bkpf-awkey,
        bukrs TYPE bkpf-bukrs,
        gjahr TYPE bkpf-gjahr,
        AWTYP TYPE bkpf-AWTYP,
        END OF ty_bkpf.
        TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_bseg1,
        lifnr TYPE bseg-lifnr,
        belnr TYPE bseg-belnr,
        bukrs TYPE bseg-bukrs,
        gjahr TYPE bseg-gjahr,
        END OF ty_bseg1.
        DATA: it_bkpf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bkpf,
        wa_bkpf TYPE ty_bkpf,
        it_bseg1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bseg1,
        wa_bseg1 TYPE ty_bseg1,
        l_s_icctrcsta1 TYPE icctrcsta1.
        "Extract structure for Datasoure 0co_om_cca_9.
        DATA: l_awkey TYPE bkpf-awkey.
        DATA: l_gjahr1 TYPE gjahr.
        DATA: len TYPE i,
        l_cnt TYPE i.
        l_cnt = 10.
        tables : covp.
        data : ref_no(20).
        SELECT lifnr
        FROM bseg
        INTO TABLE it_bseg1.
        SELECT belnr
        FROM bkpf
        INTO TABLE it_bkpf.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          CLEAR: l_s_icctrcsta1,
          LOOP AT c_t_data INTO l_s_icctrcsta1.
            MOVE l_s_icctrcsta1-fiscper(4) TO l_gjahr1.
          WHERE belnr = l_s_icctrcsta1-belnr.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
              if COVP-AWORG is initial.
           concatenate l_s_icctrcsta1-refbn '%' into ref_no.
                  READ TABLE it_bkpf INTO wa_bkpf WITH KEY awkey(10) =
                  awtyp = COVP-AWTYP
                  gjahr = l_gjahr1.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              MOVE wa_bkpf-belnr TO l_s_icctrcsta1-zzbelnr.
              MOVE wa_bkpf-xblnr TO l_s_icctrcsta1-zzxblnr.
              MOVE wa_bkpf-bktxt TO l_s_icctrcsta1-zzbktxt.
              MODIFY c_t_data FROM l_s_icctrcsta1.
              READ TABLE it_bseg1 INTO wa_bseg1
              WITH KEY
              belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr
              bukrs = wa_bkpf-bukrs
              gjahr = wa_bkpf-gjahr.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                MOVE wa_bseg1-lifnr TO l_s_icctrcsta1-lifnr.
                MODIFY c_t_data FROM l_s_icctrcsta1.
                CLEAR: l_s_icctrcsta1,
                ELSE. " IF AWORG IS NOT BLANK -
                concatenate l_s_icctrcsta1-refbn COVP-AWORG into ref_no.
                READ TABLE it_bkpf INTO wa_bkpf WITH KEY awkey(20) =
                awtyp = COVP-AWTYP
                gjahr = l_gjahr1.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              MOVE wa_bkpf-belnr TO l_s_icctrcsta1-zzbelnr.
              MOVE wa_bkpf-xblnr TO l_s_icctrcsta1-zzxblnr.
              MOVE wa_bkpf-bktxt TO l_s_icctrcsta1-zzbktxt.
              MODIFY c_t_data FROM l_s_icctrcsta1.
              READ TABLE it_bseg1 INTO wa_bseg1
              WITH KEY
              belnr = wa_bkpf-belnr
              bukrs = wa_bkpf-bukrs
              gjahr = wa_bkpf-gjahr.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                MOVE wa_bseg1-lifnr TO l_s_icctrcsta1-lifnr.
                MODIFY c_t_data FROM l_s_icctrcsta1.
                CLEAR: l_s_icctrcsta1,
            CLEAR: l_s_icctrcsta1.
            CLEAR: COVP, REF_NO.

    Hello Amruta,
    I was just looking at your coding:
    LOOP AT c_t_data INTO l_s_icctrcsta1.
    MOVE l_s_icctrcsta1-fiscper(4) TO l_gjahr1.
    WHERE belnr = l_s_icctrcsta1-belnr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    if COVP-AWORG is initial.
    concatenate l_s_icctrcsta1-refbn '%' into ref_no.
    READ TABLE it_bkpf INTO wa_bkpf WITH KEY awkey(10) =
    awtyp = COVP-AWTYP
    gjahr = l_gjahr1.
    Here you are interested in those BKPF records that are related to the contents of c_t_data internal table.
    I guess that this table does not contain millions of entries. Am I right?
    If yes, the the first step would be to pre-select COVP entries:
    select BELNR AWORG AWTYP into lt_covp from COVP
    for all entries in c_t_data
    where belnr = c_t_data-belnr.
    sort lt_covp by belnr.
    Once having this data ready, you build an internal table for BKPF selection:
    LOOP AT c_t_data INTO l_s_icctrcsta1.
      clear ls_bkpf_sel.
      ls_bkpf_sel-awkey(10) = l_s_icctrcsta1-refbn.
      read table lt_covp with key belnr = l_s_icctrcsta1-belnr binary search.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        ls_bkpf_sel-awtyp = lt_covp-awtyp.
      ls_bkpf_sel-gjahr = l_s_icctrcsta1-fiscper(4).
      insert ls_bkpf_sel into table lt_bkpf_sel.
    Now you have all necessary info to read BKPF:
    FROM bkpf
    INTO TABLE it_bkpf
    for all entries in lt_bkpf_sel
      awkey = lt_bkpf_sel-awkey and
      awtyp = lt_bkpf_sel-awtype and
      gjahr = lt_bkpf_sel-gjahr.
    Then you can access BSEG with the bukrs, belnr and gjahr from the selected BKPF entries. This will be fast.
    Moreover I would even try to make a join on DB level. But first try this solution.

  • "How to sum FKIMG in VBRK and VBRP Table with sample output

    Sir\Mam\Gurus ;
    I hardly found it difficult in resolving my program in getting the sum of FKIMG inside the VBRP and VBRK tables
    The scenario is that i have one Sales Order with multiple invoices . What i need to do is to sum up the fkimg or the quanitity of specific material regardless of how many invoices the material have in a particular SO
    Example I have Sales Order number 35678952 with
    3 invoices
    Invoice # 123 with material number mat1=12, mat2=5 , mat3=7
    345 with material number mat1=7, mat2=7
    678 with material number mat1=5, mat3=10
    Output shoud be
    salesorder# 35678952
    mat1 = 24
    mat2 = 12
    mat3 = 17
    Below is my Sample Codes:
    DATA : it_vbrp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa_vbrp_details,
    ls_vbrp_details TYPE wa_vbrp_details,
    ls_vbrp_details1 TYPE wa_vbrp_details,
    lsfinal_vbrp_details TYPE wa_vbrp_details,
    it2_vbrp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa2_vbrp_details,
    ls2_vbrp_details TYPE wa2_vbrp_details,
    it3_vbrp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa_vbrp_details,
    itfinal1_vbrp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa_vbrp_details,
    itfinal2_vbrp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa_vbrp_details,
    itfinal3_vbrp_details TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF wa_vbrp_details,
    ls3_vbrp_details TYPE wa_vbrp_details,
    rtime1 TYPE i,
    rtime2 TYPE i,
    rtime3 TYPE i,
    s_erdate type d,
    scr_erdat type d,
    s_erdate = scr_erdat.
    months = 1 " Negative to subtract from old date, positive to add
    olddate = s_erdate
    newdate = new_date.
    """ This is another way manual adding by days
    days = +30
    start_date = s_erdate
    result_date = new_date.
    result_date = ddate.
    REFRESH: it_vbrp_details.
    INTO TABLE it_vbrp_details
    FROM vbrp INNER JOIN vbrk ON vbrkvbeln EQ vbrpvbeln
    where vbeln eq gt_data-vbeln
    where vbrpaubel eq vbapvbeln
    WHERE vbrp~posnr GE ''
    AND vbrk~vbtyp EQ 'M'
    AND vbrk~fksto NE 'X'
    AND ( vbrperdat GE s_erdate OR vbrperdat LE new_date OR vbrp~erdat IN s_erdat ) " + JP 09 19 2011 Additional Optimization
    ORDER BY aubel aupos .
    ORDER BY aubel aupos matnr.
    """" This where i need your help Sir\Mam\Gurus
    it3_vbrp_details = it_vbrp_details.
    SORT it3_vbrp_details BY aubel matnr fkimg kzwi1 kzwi2 kzwi3 kzwi4 kzwi5 kzwi6 aupos vbeln
    mvgr1 mvgr2 mvgr3 mvgr4 mvgr5 knuma_pi knuma_ag mwsbp vkaus fkart belnr vbtyp kunag fksto.
    LOOP AT it3_vbrp_details INTO ls_vbrp_details.
    COLLECT ls_vbrp_details INTO itfinal1_vbrp_details.
    APPEND ls_vbrp_details TO it_vbrp_details.
    kzwi1,kzwi2,kzwi3 is also been sum up
    Sir the output is something like this
    Sales Ord# Material Qty KWIZ1 KWIZ2 KWIZ3 MGVR1 VBELN
    1234       Mat1     24  23.2  22    12           LastInvoice#
    1234       Mat2     12  20.0  21    15           LastInvoice#  
    1234       Mat3     37  22.0  22    16           LastInvoice#
    5432       Mat1     30  25.0  23    15           LastInvoice#
    5432       Mat2     24  22.0  24    23           LastInvoice#
    5432       Mat3     20  18.0  20    12           LastInvoice#
    Hope you can help me as i cant hardy sleep thinking of this ...
    I will really appreciate your great help..
    Thanks !
    I will really appreciate your great help..
    Thanks !
    Moderator message: duplicate post locked.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Sep 20, 2011 3:05 PM

      How you want to display the output?..
    If you want to display the output as mentioned below, then you have to use nested loop & dynamic field assignments to get result.
    Output column
    sales order     Mat1 Mat2 Mat3 ......
    1234               24    12     37
    Kindly let me know, if you have any questions

  • Adding a new field to a DB table

    I am working on 4.6C.
    The requirement is to add an extra field to a database table which already has data in it...
    Will this effect the system in any way...if I add a field with the data in the table.
    What precuations do i have to take before adding an extra field to a DB table.
    I was wondering what will happen when i need to transfer the TR.. Basically the data is there in Production and Quality and not in development... so it will not be a problem in development...
    I mean changing the structure of the table with data in it ... Is it Ok...
    Thanks & regards

    Hi Sam,
    you can add a new field to any database table if even
    if contains data in production, only thing to do is u just
    have create an append structure to that table and in that
    append structure just create the new field.
    NOTE : Naming Conventions as follows:
    For Append Structure e.g :
    In se11 enter Table Name and select change button.
    now select GOTO option in the menu bar and select APPEND STRUCTURE option.
    now the screen shows u an default name for ur append structure, so dont change the name
    just hit enter button and
    now enter the your new field name with two Z's infront of the field.
    e.g if ur field name is MATNR then enter ZZMATNR as ur field in the append structure.
    and now save and activate and also adjust in the DATABASE UTILITY.
    thanks & regards,
    CH Vamsi Bharath

  • Adding a new field to a Z table

    We have a Z table on which we have created a datasource. We have created a virtual cube on this datasource and queries are built on this cube. This setup is present on Dev, Quality and Prod environment.
    Now we have added a new field to the Z table in Dev. We will be creating a new Infoobject for this new field and will be adding it in the Virtual Infoprovider and also in the queries.
    1. Do we need to replicate the datasource so that newly added field is visible to the datasource? If no, is there any way?
    2. When I have to transport this to Quality and Prod, do I have to capture all the components and objects (Table,Datasoure,Virtual Cube Queries)? If no, what should I capture in the transport request?

    First, you have to regenerate the datasource in order to add the field:
    1) Log on to source system (where Z table is stored) and go to transaction RSA6.
    2) Select the root node and click Expand (icon with '+' sign).
    3) Search for your datasource (you can use the binoculars icon).
    4) Click on Change.
    5) Verify that the field appears on the list.  Make sure that "Hide field" and "Field only known on client exit" options are not marked for this field.
    6) Click on Save.
    7) Select "Datasource" -> "Generate" (CTRL+S) menu option.
    8) Use RSA3 transaction in order to verify the new field appears on test extractions.
    Then, to replicate the datasource in BI:
    1) Log on to SAP BI and go to RSA1 transaction.
    2) Go to "Modeling" -> "DataSources" section.
    3) Search for your datasource and right click on it.  Select "Replicate metadata" from context menu.
    4) Add the new InfoObject to the VirtualProvider.
    5) Update the transformation which joins the DataSource to the VirtualProvider.
    As far as transport requests are concerned, even though it requires more work, it is a good practice to group objects in different transport requests according to their type:
    In the source System (R3 for instance):
    1) One transport request with the table.
    2) One transport request with the datasource and its structure.
    In BI:
    1) One transport order with the datasource replica.
    2) One transport order with the new InfoObject(s).
    3) One transport order with the modified VirtualProvider.
    4) One transport order with the modified transformations from the datasource towards the VirtualProvider.
    5) One transport order with the Queries and their elements.
    I hope this helps you.

  • Sections and Automatic Table of Contents

    Hello there,
    I have encountered a problem with InDesign while trying to make an automatic TOC for a journal I am working on. It has something to do with Sections.
    So I have a book with several indd files. The very first indd file is called "frontpages" which includes the cover page, the inside cover, the leaf page, then two facing pages for the table of contents, then followed by the last page (Letter from the Editor).
    This is followed by my second indd file called "newsbeats" which has 5 pages.
    Now, what I wanted to do was mark the frontpages' page numbers using lower case roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.) Of course I do not want to include the cover page and the inside cover, so I want to start (i) with the leaf page, (ii) and (iii) marks the table of contents pages, and finally (iv) for the Editor's Letter. I did this by starting a section at the leaf page, START PAGE NUMBERNG AT: 1, and selecting the (i, ii, iii...) option. It worked, while leavingboth the cover page and and the inside cover with markers (a) and (b), which I previously set (because I do not know how to just get rid of the page number...)
    Now, my book pages actually starts page (1) in the first page of the "newsbeats" document. So to do that, I made another section on the newsbeats first page, START PAGE NUMBERING AT: 1, and selected (1, 2, 3...). That works, too.
    So at the moment, I have 3 sections to my page numbers: 1) the lower case letters (a, b) section for the cover page and inside cover, respectively; 2) the roman numerals section (i, ii, iii...) for the leafpage, table of contents, and Editor Letter; and lastly, 3) the arabic letters (1, 2, 3...) starting from the newsbeats document all the way to the last page of the last indd of my book.
    Hope it is clear enough. Now here comes the problem:
    When I try to create an automatic Table of Contents, it correctly finds my chapters (i used the style for each journal article's title) and lists them. The problem is, the page numbers do not appear correctly. Instead, it shows "a" on EACH AND EVERY table of contents ENTRY. I tried some trial and error, and found out that the pages shown (a bunch of "a") is actually the COVER PAGE'S (a) page number....
    I tried for hours searching on topics like "Sections and Automatic TOC" or "How to selectively choose which pages to include in a TOC".. But I found none.
    Your help would be really appreciated. I can easily manually type the page numbers (my journal only has 9 articles), but I wanted to do this in a very systematic way, so it would be a lot easier if in any case, there are more than 9 articles for next year's publication.
    - Larry
    PS: I attached a file showing the generated table of contents (on the ii-iii page that I wanted it to appear on), with the frontpages page panel, which shows the page numbering as well. Also I included the Book Panel, so you see how the pages are set up.

    We definitely experienced the same issue. Seems like pages just get lost. This is the approach I took:
    On the groups main page we just added a link called 'View All Articles' wrapped in a h1 tag (to make it very big and visible to the user) using the following url:
    The resulting page will search for every article with a space in it and return the results. Still not the most elegant solution but it works. I'd like to implement it right into the xsl file but haven't found very much documentation to aid in this.

  • Logical and physical table - help

    How to solve problem to connect dimension ''persons'' twice on the same mesure. It has to be connected twice on two different foreign keys...

    I have natural physical connection with dimension ''persons'' with mesure. but i cannot duplicate table persons on physical layer two times, so I did it on business layer adding new logical column ''persons_diff'' and I connected that (with new foreign key) column with the same mesure ''on business layer'', but it doesn't give me expected results...
    Please help.

  • No Update FMIOI and KBLP tables with purchase order

    We have un serious problem : No Update FMIOI and KBLP tables with purchase order
    System :  SAP ERP 6.0 /7.0 - EHP 4
    Note 965633 was read.
    1) First case: The purchase order 4510000673 does not reduce the funds reservation.
    Purchase order 4510000673 should consume the funds reservation 1200000193 because all post of the PO charge the funds reservation 1200000193.But the consumption history of the funds reservation 1200000193 donu2019t show this consumption.
    In table FMIOI, we do not have lines with amount type 0200 (reduction) but whe have the lines with the post of PO with amount type (0100).  The Purchase order 4510000673 should consume the funds reservation 1200000193.
    In table KBLP, the fields are :
    Total amount (LC) - HWGES  = 53.409,40
    Amount used u2013 WTABB = 0,00
    Reduction amount u2013 HWABB = 0,00
    Open amount u2013 CWTFREE =    53.409,40
    Reduced amount u2013 WTABG = 0,00
    Reduced amount u2013HWABG = 0,00
    To solve the problem, we executed the transactions : FM4N et FMN5 and the program RFFMRC20 but no result.
    2) Second case : Delete a item of a purchase order does not release the budget
    The single item of the purchase order 4510000597 is deleted but in the display of consumption History of the funds reservation 1200000137, the amount of the purchase order is not to zero.
    To solve the problem, we executed the transactions : FM4N et FMN5 and the program RFFMRC20 but no result.
    Somebody already had a similar problem ?
    Thank you

    Hello Fabian
    There are two known notes dealing with missing update on reference Earmarked Funds, I am listing them for future references:
    1376800  Earmarked funds: Incorrect open amount         
    1438487  RFFMRC20: Missing KBLE records are ignored     
    These notes correct some errors within the Standard.
    However, in your scenario, problem has to do with an incorrect execution of a Commit work inside a customer user-exit. After elimination of this commit work, new Po's are working correctly.
    Remaining task is the correction of old PO's. Manual correction via small changes with ME22N (for instance, adding a '.' to the line item text/s) will force the correct update and fix your database
    If you agree, we can close this thread (?)
    Kind regards

  • Runtime error when inserting rows in hrp1018 and hrt1018 tables

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to insert row in hrp1018 and hrt1018 tables.These tables are interlinked.So, I have used FM 'RH_INSERT_INFTY'. The exact code which I have used is as follows.
    << Please post only the relevant portion of the code >>
    The runtime error which is coming is as follows:
    Error analysis
        An internal error in the database interface occurred during access to
        the data of table "HRT1018 ".
        The situation points to an internal error in the SAP software
        or to an incorrect status of the respective work process.
        For further analysis the SAP system log should be examined
        (transaction SM21).
        For a precise analysis of the error, you should supply
        documents with as many details as possible.
    Please let me know why this error is coming.I am not able to find out mistake in the FM and form used in the code.
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jun 9, 2009 1:31 PM

    I am adding the code once again.Please let me know why the error is coming up.
    lv_mproj = 'BLDNG'.
      wa_p1018-mandt = sy-mandt.
      wa_p1018-otype = '9M'.
      wa_p1018-objid = '50009650'.
      wa_p1018-begda = '20090608'.
      wa_p1018-endda = '99991231'.
      wa_p1018-infty = '1018'.
      wa_p1018-plvar = '01'.
      wa_p1018-otype = '9M'.
      wa_p1018-istat = '1'.
      append wa_p1018 to it_p1018.
      repid = sy-repid.
    *Updating hrp1018 and hrt1018 tables
        FCODE                     = 'INSE'
        VTASK                     = 'D'
         AUTHY                    = ' '
          REPID                   =  repid
          FORM                    = 'FILL_TABS'
          INNNN                   = it_p1018
       NO_AUTHORIZATION          = 1
       ERROR_DURING_INSERT       = 2
       REPID_FORM_INITIAL        = 3
       CORR_EXIT                 = 4
       BEGDA_GREATER_ENDDA       = 5
       OTHERS                    = 6
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
            TYPE                             = SY-MSGTY
            CL                               = sy-msgid
            NUMBER                           = SY-MSGNO
      PAR1                             = ' '
      PAR2                             = ' '
      PAR3                             = ' '
      PAR4                             = ' '
      LOG_NO                           = ' '
      LOG_MSG_NO                       = ' '
           BAPIRETURN                        = return_rec
      ONLY_2_CHAR_FOR_MESSAGE_ID       = 1
      OTHERS                           = 2
        IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
            lv_mproj = text-011
                      ii_return = return_rec.
                      CONCATENATE                  ii_return-type '-' ii_return-message
                      INTO lv_err_msg SEPARATED BY SPACE.
       FORM fill_tabs TABLES ins_tab
                   USING ins_set ins_index.
      DATA : BEGIN OF set.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE wplog.
      DATA : END   OF set.
      DATA: BEGIN OF h_pt1018.             "to initialize INS_TAB
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE pt1018.
      DATA: END OF h_pt1018.
      REFRESH ins_tab.
      set = ins_set.
      CASE set-infty.
        WHEN '1018'.
          h_pt1018-posnr = lv_mproj.
          h_pt1018-prozt = '100.00'.
          IF NOT ( h_pt1018 IS INITIAL ).
            CLEAR ins_tab.
            ins_tab+36(8) = lv_mproj. "h_pt1018.
            ins_tab+134(5) = '100.00'.
            APPEND ins_tab.

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