AddOns TimeOut

Hello Everybody, I have a problem with the addons installer,  i have 2 add ons for 2 diferent clients, i'm using inno setup to generate the installers, 1 add ons is for SBO2004 and the other is for SBO2005, the problem is, I generate with the same script the 2 add ons installers, but, the add ons for 2004 doesn'n Connect, it always say "Add Ons Instalar Timeout", first I thong, it doesn't connect 'cause i Generate the installer with the references of 2005, but i generate the installer in one PC without 2005, and nothing change.
when I Execute manually the exe of the AddOns, it works well, it connects by itself, so, I thing the problem is on  the installer.
if somebody has the solution, please, tell me how.
this is the script I'm using:
; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
;Fill the fields in brackets "<name>" with your values
;Copy this file to a folder
;Copy the AddOnInstallAPI.dll to same folder
;Copy the Interop.SAPbobsCOM.dll to same folder
;Copy the Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll to same folder
;Copy your AddOn Executable to same folder
;Copy all other files to include in the setup (Forms.srf, Readme.txt, website.url, ...)
;Set the 2nd parameter sent by B1
;AddOnInstallAPI.dll to execute the 3 Functions to 'communicate' with B1
Source: AddOnInstallAPI.dll; Flags: dontcopy;
;Exe AddOn File
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes.exe"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\PostInstal.exe"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SapGeneral.pdb"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SapGeneral.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SBOAddonReg.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SBOAddOnRegData.sld"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SSO_SAPbobsCOM.pdb"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SSO_SAPbobsCOM.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SSO_SAPbouiCOM.pdb"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\SSO_SAPbouiCOM.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\ssoControles.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\ssoEncrypt.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\ssoInfo.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\ssoinfo.eif"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\vssver.scc"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes.pdb"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\Add3Reg.exe"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\Add4Reg.exe"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\AddOnInstallAPI.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\AddOnRegDataGen.exe"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\BDComm.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\CalculaPerdida.pdb"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\CalculaPerdida.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\Generales.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\innosetup script.iss"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\Interop.SAPbobsCOM.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Mis Documentos\Visual Studio Projects\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\YaleAddOnsPorcentajes\bin\Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll"; DestDir: ""; Flags: ignoreversion
;Filename: "\website.url"; Section: "InternetShortcut"; Key: "URL"; String: ""
;This keys are used to uninstall
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Inforum"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\inforum\YalePorcentajes"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Inforum"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Inforum\YalePorcentajes"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Inforum\YalePorcentajes"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "InstallPath"; ValueData: ""
;Create icons on Group Programs
;Name: The specified item was not found.\Uninstall; Filename: \unins000.exe
;Link to website
;Name: The specified item was not found.\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,My Program}; Filename: "\website.url"
Name: en; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
;To select another language
;Name: pt; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\PortugueseStd.isl"
;To select another language
en.MyDescription=Yale Porcentajes
en.MyAppName=Yale Porcentajes
en.MyAppVerName=Yale Porcentajes 1.0.0 %1
;To select another language
;pt.MyAppVerName=Programa %1
//-Public Vars
CurrentLocation : string;
AddOnDir : string;
FinishedInstall : Boolean;
Uninstalling : Boolean;
//-External Functions (AddOnInstallAPI.dll)
function EndInstall: integer; external 'EndInstall@files:AddOnInstallAPI.dll stdcall';
function SetAddOnFolder(srcPath : string): integer; external 'SetAddOnFolder@files:AddOnInstallAPI.dll stdcall';
Function RestartNeeded :integer; external 'RestartNeeded@files:AddOnInstallAPI.dll stdcall delayload ';
//-Check if the application is installed;
//- if yes --> suggest to Remove
//- if no --> Install
function CheckInstalled(): boolean;
ResultCode: Integer;
result := False;
//-if find...
if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, '"Software\<yourcompany>\<AppName>','InstallPath', CurrentLocation) then
//-...Execute the uninstall to remove
Exec(CurrentLocation + '\unins000.exe', '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode)
result := True;
//-When Setup starts, get the parameters of B1
function PreparePaths() : Boolean;
position : integer;
aux : string;
ResultCode : Integer;
//-First Check if the application is installed
if CheckInstalled then
Result := False;
end else
//-If not yet installed, the 6th parameter has to be character "|" to be a valid call from B1
if pos('|', paramstr(6)) <> 0 then
aux := paramstr(6);
position := Pos('|', aux)
AddOnDir := Copy(aux,0, position - 1)
Result := True;
end else
//-The Setup just Runs if Called from B1
MsgBox('The Setup just can be run from Business One.', mbInformation, MB_OK)
Result := False;
function GetDefaultAddOnDir(Param : string): string;
//-Default Directory to Install the Add-On
result := AddOnDir;
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
result := PreparePaths;
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
Result := True;
case CurPageID of
wpSelectDir :
AddOnDir := ExpandConstant('');
wpFinished :
//-If All OK then
if FinishedInstall then
//-Send to B1 the Installation Folder and ...
SetAddOnFolder( ExpandConstant(''));
//-...indicates finish installing
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
if CurStep = ssPostInstall then
FinishedInstall := True;
Message was edited by: Rodmmy Ortiz

I don't know inno very good, but I looks like you don't call the endinstall function, so SBO knows the installation has finished.

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    Hi All,
    In the "AddOn Manager" Screen, when i am clicking the "START" button to start my AddOn, after some time it is giving me a message "AddOn Query Timed Out" and setting the status as "Failed", though it has started my AddOn and its working without any problem, but since it has status "Failed" it keeps the "Stop" button disabled, hence i am unable to stop my addon.
    Immediate Response is needed.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Search the forum: this question has been answered many times. See Re: Reg . AddOn Timeout Message is comming but AddOn is still working.

  • AddOn Connection timeout

    Hi All,
    I m getting Addon Connection timeout error when connecting addon which is created with crystal reports.
    I am using single-sign on for connection to company, and using B1DE Addon installer to generate .ard and .exe file.
    (does firewall have any part in this? I am able to connect the addon made out of some UI API-DI API sample supplied with SDK.besides, the client has enough of RAM. the exe runs fine in debug mode.)
    thanks and regards,
    Binita Joshi
    Edited by: Binita  Joshi on Apr 29, 2008 1:53 PM
    also,while creating the addon,  I have given the maximum allowed installation and uninstallation time.

    the only time i had this issue "when the addon starting failed but it is anyway running" i passed the
    wrong string. use this c# sample to control your code.
        private void SetApplication() {
            //  Use an SboGuiApi object to establish connection
            //  with the SAP Business One application and return an
            //  initialized appliction object
            SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi SboGuiApi = null;
            string sConnectionString = null;
            SboGuiApi = new SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi();
            //  by following the steps specified above, the following
            //  statment should be suficient for either development or run mode
                sConnectionString = System.Convert.ToString(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue(1));
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("AddOn must start in SAP Business One");
                globals.AppendTextToFile("B1C_AddOn.log", "#" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now) + "# ERROR: AddOn must start in SAP Business One");
            //  connect to a running SBO Application       
                // If there's no active application the connection will fail
            { //  Connection failed
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No SAP Business One Application was found");
                globals.AppendTextToFile("B1C_AddOn.log", "#" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now) + "# ERROR: No SAP Business One Application was found");
            //  get an initialized application object
            globals.SBO_Application = SboGuiApi.GetApplication(-1);
    much luck

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    I am using a producer consumer loop with a queue and some interpolation to make up for the loss of data. 
    This is very hit and miss so I'm sure there's a proper / better way to do this!

    If you are using standard mode, then the read function should return any partial data, but will report an error out.
    You may want to look at the functions that you call after the TCP read. I think that the enqueue function will NOT enqueue data if there is an error in.
    There is a function you can use to clear TCP timeout errors. You could use this to allow you to enqueue partial data to your consumer loop.
    vi.lib\addons\internet\utils\tcputil.llb\No Time Out
    Note that it will be up to your consumer code to identify your 'frames' for proper decoding.
    Now is the right time to use %^<%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%3uZ>T
    If you don't hate time zones, you're not a real programmer.
    "You are what you don't automate"
    Inplaceness is synonymous with insidiousness

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    When this happens the window content is shifted right and up, approx 10 and 5 pixels, respectively, and a border to be displayed around the full inside of the window area, overwriting existing contents, the border being thicker to the left and bottom, and thinnest to the top. This border disappears after about half a second and the content is shifted back to its original position.
    This bug has followed me since FF4 and only disabling the addon makes the glitch go away. wrote:
    ATA bus error means that data corruption occurred during transmission over ATA bus (SATA or PATA). This type of errors can be indicated by
    ICRC or ABRT error as described in the section called “ATA/ATAPI device error (non-NCQ / non-CHECK CONDITION)”.
    Controller-specific error completion with error information indicating transmission error.
    On some controllers, command timeout. In this case, there may be a mechanism to determine that the timeout is due to transmission error.
    Unknown/random errors, timeouts and all sorts of weirdities.
    As described above, transmission errors can cause wide variety of symptoms ranging from device ICRC error to random device lockup, and, for many cases, there is no way to tell if an error condition is due to transmission error or not; therefore, it's necessary to employ some kind of heuristic when dealing with errors and timeouts. For example, encountering repetitive ABRT errors for known supported command is likely to indicate ATA bus error.
    Once it's determined that ATA bus errors have possibly occurred, lowering ATA bus transmission speed is one of actions which may alleviate the problem.
    I'd also add; make sure you have good backups when ATA errors are frequent

  • Mod shows "Failed" in Addon Manager, but it works... what is wrong?

    I have two addons that are installed and working; but, the Addon Manager says they have Failed connecting.  Also, the Addons take ~15 seconds to connect, which seems a bit long to me.  I am including all my connection code.
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.VariantType
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction
    Imports System.Diagnostics
    Imports System.Collections
    Imports System.Windows
    Imports System.Windows.Forms.Application
    Imports SAPbouiCOM.BoTextStyle
    Imports SAPbouiCOM.BoFormMode
    Imports SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes
    Imports SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes
    Imports SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes
    Imports SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType
    Friend Class ABYMods
        Private WithEvents oApplication As SAPbouiCOM.Application
        Private WithEvents oCompany As SAPbobsCOM.Company
    #Region "Setup"
        Public Sub New()
            If Not SetConnectionContext() = 0 Then
                MsgBox("Failed setting a connection to DI API.")
                'End  ' Terminating the Add-On Application
                Exit Sub  ' Terminating the Add-On Application
            End If
            If ConnectToCompany() = False Then
                MsgBox("Failed connecting to company's database.")
                'End  ' Terminating the Add-On Application
                Exit Sub  ' Terminating the Add-On Application
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Shared Sub Main()
            Dim oABYMods As ABYMods
            oABYMods = New ABYMods
        End Sub
        Private Sub SetApplication()
            Dim SboGuiApi As SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
            Dim sConnectionString As String
                SboGuiApi = New SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi
                sConnectionString = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.GetValue(1)
                'sConnectionString = "0030002C0030002C00530041005000420044005F00440061007400650076002C0050004C006F006D0056004900490056"
                '// GetAddOnIdentifier() is a function to return a string with the
                '// appropriate identifier for the Addon.
                '// This will be required after 2005!  (We currently return a blank string.)
                SboGuiApi.AddonIdentifier = GetAddOnIdentifier()
                '// connect to a running SBO Application
                '// get an initialized application object
                oApplication = SboGuiApi.GetApplication()
                MessageBox.Show("No SAP Business One Application was found.")
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Function GetAddOnIdentifier() As String
            ' We will need to set this up before 2006 for our Addons to be recognized by the License Manager
            GetAddOnIdentifier = ""
        End Function
        Private Function SetConnectionContext() As Integer
            Dim sCookie As String
            Dim sConnectionContext As String
                ' Initialize the company object
                oCompany = New SAPbobsCOM.Company
                ' Acquire the connection context cookie from the DI API
                sCookie = oCompany.GetContextCookie
                ' Retrieve the connection context string from the UI API using the acquired cookie
                sConnectionContext = oApplication.Company.GetConnectionContext(sCookie)
                If oCompany.Connected Then
                End If
                ' Set the connection context information to the DI API
                SetConnectionContext = oCompany.SetSboLoginContext(sConnectionContext)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Function
        Private Function ConnectToCompany() As Boolean
            Dim counter As Integer
            counter = 0
                Do While oCompany.Connected = False
                    If oCompany.Connect <> 0 Then
                        counter = counter + 1
                        If counter > 10 Then
                            ConnectToCompany = False
                            Exit Do
                        End If
                        ' When using multiple AddOns, problems with each trying to connect at the same time have been found.
                        ' So, we try multiple times and wait 50ms more between each iteration.
                        Call System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(counter * 50)
                        ConnectToCompany = True
                    End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                MsgBox("oCompany.Connect failed in ConnectToCompany()")
            End Try
        End Function
    #End Region

    Hi Scott
    The code is correct
    The Addons take ~15 seconds to connect because your system has a little memory. Remember all addon take ~74MB
    In Addon Manager go in timeout, but after timeout your addon run
    Solution: if possible 1) use only 1 addon. 2)Run addon manually and not automatically only when necessary 3) don't run on PC other programs 4) add memory on your PC
    5 finally) We hope in <b>2005 addons use little memory</b>.
    Andrea Moschetto


    "no sap business one application was found the request lookup key was not found in any active activation context."
    Thans adva.
    Edited by: Rajkumar Gupta on May 28, 2009 2:36 PM

    Hi Rajkumar,
    Please search the forum for "request lookup key was not found in any active activation context".
    There are may threads discussing this and the "connection timeout" issues.
    Here is one such thread
    No SAP Business One Application was found

  • Installer Timeout error

    I have created an AddOn installer following the AddOnInstaller project. Everything goes allright when I create and install it, but when the AddOn must be started, gives me a timeout error. Which makes no sense, becouse the AddOn is executing (I can see it executing and it changes some forms as it should do).
    Any idea about what am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance,
    Ibai Peñ

    Hi Ibai
    I'm posting very slowly, I didn't see you second posting.
    I suppose you successfully created an *.ard-file using AddOnRegDataGen.exe, you pass the installation without any error.
    As far as I know, for an UI-Addon a valid license for the named user is required, which allows the user to run an addon. It also works with the 30-Day test version.
    When you login with this named user (and the addon is installed for this user/company), SBO will call your addon:
    x:\youraddonlocation\youaddon.exe theConnectionString
    You simply have to connect to the SBO Application using this supplied connection string like it's done in almost every SBO vb6 sample. After the connection is established, SBO should recognize the addon as connected (well, at least it does that for me).
    You checked wheter you connect using the supplied connection string? Maybe you mess it up somehow when parsing it as a command line argument or something?
    Message was edited by: Florian Zeller

  • AddOn Time Out Error

    Hi there,
    I am facing problem while starting AddOn. After successfully installation of Addon when i am going to start the addon it say addon time out. but addon is working properly. If my addon is working properly then why it is showing that addon connection timeout.
    anybody can help me.....

    Hi Vishnu,
    Thankx for replying me. I have given 150 seconds. Can you tell what is the use of  Estimate Installation/ uninstallation time in addon registration time. and error addon time is not giving at the time of installation. my installation is succes. when  i start my addon then it shows addon time. but my addon is working absolutly fine.
    I have tried this also. I have update insttime and uninstall time from backend (SARI Table) but still the problem persist.
    Message was edited by:
            Manish Chourasia

  • Imaqdx timeout

    I installed IMAQdx as an addon for Labview. I managed to make it run but I am getting a timeout error (error 1074360293).  The IMAQdx sign is placed in a while loop.  Images start being produced after about 15 cycles and only last for 3 cycles before producing the timeout error mentioned above. How can I fix this?
    Go to Solution.

    These are two attempts of the code. Thank you for your help
    PIV1.png ‏114 KB
    PIV2.png ‏111 KB

  • Is there any automatic bookmark-organizer addon for Firefox to organize my bookmarks?

    Is there any automatic bookmark-organizer addon for Firefox to organize my bookmarks? Because I have a lot of unorganized bookmarks, and it would take a long time to organize them, considering I now have too many and want to finally sort them... Like a sorter based off of keyword or most used or wikis or blogs or something would be cool. Or something based off of Firefox Internet Dashboard addon (use that as an organizer). Thanks for anyone's help!

    There are many. You must decide what is good for you.
    Go to the '''[ Mozilla Add-ons Web Page]''' {web link}
    (There’s a lot of good stuff here) and search for what you want.
    There is also;
    '''[ Bookmark Duplicate Cleaner]''' {web link}
    Scans for bookmark duplicates and allows you to delete them
    '''[ Bookmarks Checker - check for bad links]''' {web link}
    Check favorites for broken or bad links. It checks for bad links and
    displays a report if it finds something. Check for 404 links, timeout links.

  • How can I be sure that an AddOn is Running?

    Dear All,
    We develop a Usability Package that solve sever IT (and not only) legacy trouble. THis AddOn work fine and solve our customers problems.
    But I have to be sure that some user do not close AddOn during normal Session (if they are habilitate) or for thechical trouble AddOn do not go up during start.
    If user work without AddOn Up all addon data filter is not active and some problems can arrive.
    How can I be sure that an AddOn is Running?
    Is it possible to use Transaction Notification adding
         ADD    YOUR   CODE   HERE
    DECLARE @attivi integer
    select @attivi=count(*)
    from master.dbo.sysprocesses with (nolock)
    where db_name(dbid)=db_name() and hostname= host_name() and  program_name='XXX' and blocked= 0
    IF @attivi <= 0
        SET @error = 1122334455
        SET @error_message = N'AddOn XXX is Down.Please Restart your client'
    This code is acceptable for SAP AddOns certification Process ??
    Do you know some other and more simple/performant solution ??
    Maurizio Fratini
    SAI Srl

    Hi David,
    A correct answer, but not hit my mark.
    Several our customer are medium company with more that 40 clients working. Frequently employee are chenged and new entries with no experience in SBO start to work.
    The problem is that sometimes a client, also with experience, expecially if he is in a hurry to do sthg., do not read a little message from SBO. This message warn him that
    for .... f.e. insufficent memory ... or timeout .... or other reason .... , an AddOns do not start and a little window appear where he can choose to "Continue without this AddOn" and
    he reply with Yes.
    Another process that I have to check is the new user creation. How can I sure that my customer  IT Manager cusomuze the new user correclty and not forgot to set "Automatic"
    the startup of this AddOn?
    I thing that some Transaction Notification code rows can preserve me from my trouble.
    Do you agree with me?
    Just refer your consideration about contraindication .... performance, certificability, functionality,   etc ...

  • Unable to run addon

    i have created .ard file and registered in SAP application. but when i am trying to run my addon in add-on manager its giving error "Add-on connection timeout". kindly help me to solve this.

    Hi all......
    I got solution.
    When i got add-on connection time out error  . the below changes are did  befor build solutions.
    1. In source code change debug status to Release
    2. Project-Properties - commandline aurguments paste this key.
    now problem was solved.
    Thanks &Regards,
    Edited by: dns_sap on Jun 25, 2009 11:26 AM

  • Adobe cloud tries to load addon which I have deleted in Extension manager

    when Adobe Cloud starts it tries to load an application (Edge FX lite) that I have deleted in Adobe Extension Manager cc. I get the error message ' unable to install the addon EdgeFX lite  error 603. How do I stop this?
    Also in Adobe Exchange in 'My Stuff'  there are showing addons which I have removed in Adobe extension Manager cc which I would like to be removed from this listing as I will never use them, but if I right click to uninstall I fail to get rid of them.

    Apologies, without making the assumption that you are signed in
    1) Go to
    2) In the top right hand corner select sign in and enter your Adobe ID and password
    3) Once logged in, on the center of the screen at the left hand side, select the link 'All your purchases and shared items'
    4) You will then be taken to a page that is the equivalent of your My Stuff panel.
    5) You can then install individual add-ons/extensions.
    Kind regards,

  • Sso session timeout per partner application

    I was just wondering if it is possible to configure SSO session timeouts per partner application? I'm looking to log out users of a particular application after 15 minutes, but don't want this change to affect any of my other SSO enabled applications. Is this possible?

    I do not think so, you can not specify specail parameter for one application in SSO.
    Why because SSO is one component (within your Infra) through which you logon different apps.
    Another solution may be it will expensive is that you 'll need to use different infra for this specific application.

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