Address Geocoding

Does Oracle Maps support Address geocoding ? Can it be used with the Oracle Geocoder?

Yes u can, look at this pic:
For example:
SDO_KEYWORDARRAY('1350 Clay', 'San Francisco, CA'),
'*94109*', NULL, '*1350*', 'CLAY', 'ST', 'F', 'F', NULL, NULL, 'L',
.49, 23600696, '????#ENU??B281CP?', *2*, 'DEFAULT', -122.41522,
37.7930729, '????0101410??004?')
MATCHCODE 2 = street type not matched
Match on the exact house number of Clay St
Postal code filled in, street address completed
Read Spatial Developer's Guide .pdf (ch.11) for more information.

Similar Messages

  • Query on Address Resolution Feature

    Can I mark a location on the map using its postal address(street, city, country), instead of its latitude/longitude coordinates(which are unavailable)? Example, would it be possible to mark my home at the map based on the address?
    As, in docs, i can only see WGS 84(long/lat) coordinate system used.
    Also, would it be possible to do vice-versa, i.e, on a mouse click event on the map, Can I capture the address?

    You need to create the address geocoding data within Oracle database to enable such functionality.
    Another way is to use to the google geocoding service to get the coordinates and then project the returned point to Oracle maps.

  • MapViewer Geocoder URL

    I was using Map viewer URL provided by Oracle. We use these following two URL's
    Map viewer URL :
    Geocoder URL :
    Sometimes Map Viewer URL when tested , the connection says 'Specified URL Connection is not accessible'. Bcoz of this i could not able to display color theme on the map resulted in error saying Map Viewer URL not found.
    so later from someones help i understood tat it is for DEMO purpose so i installed OC4J and deployed mapviewer.ear file. i could able to bring up the mapviewer which i deployed.
    i have two doubts here.
    1) Do i need to have any database/schema that has all themes ,styles and other related map data in order to use it for the color theme map in ADF geographic components?
    2) what URL should i need to give for Geocoder URL?

    I'm not sure I understood the question. The answer below is based on the following assumptions that what you want do is:
    a) use ADF and ADF DVT components to develop your application.
    b) use a geocoder to convert street address (e.g. 500 oracle pkwy, redwood city, ca 94065) to Longitude, Latitude coordinates in order to display them on a map
    c) also show some color filled areas on a map where the areas, for example, are US States or US Counties.
    The question is can you use the two URLs, specified above, for the DVT GeoMap component to do this?
    Short answer: Yes.
    The correct theme name which uses state abbreviations to identify a state is map_states_abbrv. (i.e. abbrv instead of abbrev).
    I don't why it worked one day and then not the next. Quite possibly what occurred was a data update which removed the temporary theme name that existed.
    A few points of note:
    - If you persist the addresses in some (oracle) database it probably makes sense to store the Long/Lat values too.
    - the geocoder at elocation oracle com only has reference data for USA, Canada, and Western Europe.
    Now for the other questions. I'm assuming they are:
    1) what does mvdemo dataset contain? Only US state and county boundaries, location of some cities, and linear extent of some interstate highways. It does not have the reference data required for address geocoding.
    2) what does the Navteq sample dataset contain? See
    It has detailed street level data, and required reference tables for address geocoding, for San Francisco, CA only.
    3) If I do get reference data for geocoding what will it contain and how will updates be reflected or used?
    The reference, from Navteq at elast, contains street segments and valid address ranges and postal code, admin area info for those street segements. The Spatial geocoding algorithms use interpolation to determine the long/lat for a supplied address. If the reference data contains parcel level details (e.g Navteq Point Addresses or CoreLogic's ParcelPoint dataset) then it will simply lookup the address and long/lat. Any committed updates will be used in subsequent geocde queries/lookups.
    4) "I will be using complete postal address to locate in the map,so i believe i dont need to have individual geocoder apps deployed in my system OC4J where as it will be used only when we need to associate spatial locations (longitude and latitude coordinates) with postal addresses.correct me if i am wrong in this ?"
    A complete postal address has to be converted to longitude, latitude coordinates in order to display it on a map.
    Hope this helps.

  • Lat Long Shows Wrong Result In Business Catalyst

    Hi All,
    We created a custom map on BC where we use lat and long to point the place on the map. However, in the case of Long Island the result always goes to the middle of the sea. Any ideas on how to rectify this?

    Thanks Chris - We have created a custom map lat and longitude for the website and even put in our on lat long fields. It still shows it wrong
    The address is actually an island. As you can see below it is getting the right lat and longitude but showing up differently on the map.
      <script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher: "ur-e097dbc1-ed4c-c65a-3a1e-3f4ace568475", doNotHash: false, doNotCopy: false, hashAddressBar: false});</script>
            <script src=""></script>
          var geocoder;
          var map;
          function initialize() {
            geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
            var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-20.393926,148.873329);
            var mapOptions = {
              zoom: 15,
              center: latlng,
              mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
            map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions);
          function codeAddress(address) {
            geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
              if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
                var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                    map: map,
                    position: results[0].geometry.location
              } else {
                alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
            <script type="text/javascript">
    I agree with you that BC's mapping is quite off when it comes to addresses.
    BTW - the demo is great. Probably going to use it on our next maps project.

  • GeoCensus for PO Boxes

    I am finding that only a very small number of PO Boxes are being assigned latitude and longitude in GeoCensus processing at the address level.  I found note 1194969 - Where does GeoCensus assign to when the address is a PO Box? - ACE
    with this answer
    If a ZIP Code is assigned based on a PO Box, ACE attempts to assign the GeoCensus coordinates at the location of the actual Post Office.
    Is a  low percentage of assignment for PO Boxes the expected result, or is there a parameter in the .ace file that could improve the percentage?   I do not want latitude and longitude assigned at the centroid level.

    There is no setting that will improve the address level geocde results for a PO box.  The assignment is dependent on whether the geocode directories have the lat/long for a PO Box.  If you do not want centroid level geocodes for PO boxes the you might use a filter that blanks the lat. and long. fields when the address is a PO box and the geocode assignment level is Centroid.
    Another option you might try:  Get a list of all US post office addresses, and assign the address geocodes.  Then use that info in a search/replace table.  Compare the PO box zip codes to the search/replace table and return the lat/long.

  • Exception while Route Requests using un-geocoded addresses

    We are having the simple Street data with 301 NODES and 399 EDGES. We use the partition router procedure to make the PARTITION table. My query is if we are making a query for Routing Engine using un-geocoded addresses
    a.     What can I pass as street and lastline value? In street data I have only street name.
    b.     Am getting the Routing server Exception as
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <RouteServerException>[RSE-0206: Unexpected output format from Geocoder!!!]</RouteServerException>
    Can you help me out in this...? Where exactly the error is...
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Siva,
    Is there any option to send attachment in this Forum? Can you give your mail id...? I will send it to you... Now I’m just sending the Table structure and sample Data.
    And I have these two Queries also?
    1.     If we need to use un-geocoded address what are the steps to be followed
    2.     If we need to use geocoded address then what are all the steps to be followed.
    Here is the sample Records for NODE and EDGE
    NODE Table
    Sample Records for NODE table
    1|(2001, 8307, (2188960.66, 648363.592, ), , )|2
    2|(2001, 8307, (2189028.967, 647964.749, ), , )|2
    3|(2001, 8307, (2189230.556, 647707.982, ), , )|2
    4|(2001, 8307, (2189455.414, 648925.465, ), , )|2
    5|(2001, 8307, (2189561.739, 639546.905, ), , )|2
    6|(2001, 8307, (2189685.175, 643866.604, ), , )|2
    7|(2001, 8307, (2189711.672, 646828.068, ), , )|2
    8|(2001, 8307, (2189800.212, 643839.681, ), , )|2
    9|(2001, 8307, (2189819.514, 644169.93, ), , )|2
    10|(2001, 8307, (2189841.689, 648495.18, ), , )|2
    EDGE Table
    Sample Records for EDGE table
    1|50|57|2|2|10.5||(2002, 8307, , (1, 2, 1, , , , , , , ), (2191225.85, 649495.947, 2191525.681, 649506.262, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ))|Shady Lane
    2|69|73|2|2|10.5||(2002, 8307, , (1, 2, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), (2191934.235, 649451.044, 2192022.915, 649859.637, 2192120.978, 650151.819, , , , , , , , , , , , ))|Wilson's Mills
    3|57|69|2|2|10.5||(2002, 8307, , (1, 2, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , ), (2191525.681, 649506.262, 2191583.829, 649531.754, 2191934.235, 649451.044, , , , , , , , , , , , , ))|Shady Lane
    4|96|97|2|2|10.5||(2002, 8307, , (1, 2, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , ), (2193317.397, 649360.341, 2193348.534, 649693.946, , , , , , , , , , , , , ))|Hillcrest
    5|68|69|2|2|10.5||(2002, 8307, , (1, 2, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ), (2191918.389, 649325.733, 2191934.235, 649451.044, , , , , , , , , , , , ))|Wilson's Mills
    6|96|102|2|2|10.5||(2002, 8307, , (1, 2, 1, , , , , , , , , ), (2193317.397, 649360.341, 2193560.118, 649187.223, , , , , , , , , , , , ))|Poplar
    Thanks and Regards

  • Problem geocoding addresses in Puerto Rico

    We're using the Location REST API to geocode addresses and have run into some problems with addresses in Puerto Rico.
    This gives us
    A rooftop level lat/long in Kansas!
    I've tried a suggestion to replace US with PR and not include the adminDistrict (state) field by both omitting it completely from the URL and by using the "-" placeholder. Those attempts return zero results.
    How do we geocode Puerto Rican addresses?

    Actually that request returns a match for the US, not Kansas. It just happens that the location happens to be in Kansas. Personally I hate the structured address format as it is a bit too restrictive. I recommend instead turning your address into a single
    string query. This will make the geocoder parse your address for you and returns much better results. For instance, changing your request to this: 000765-9236, Puerto Rico&incl=queryParse&key=...
    This request returns two results in Puerto Rico.

  • Geocoding an address using Google web service

    Is it possible to access Google geocoding web service from an Oracle procedure? if yes, then can you please provide an example?
    I would like to provide an unformatted address as an input parameter and get the coordinates if the address is valid.
    Thank you,

    Hello M.R.,
    yes, that is possible.
    Here is an example i use myself:
    create or replace function getLatLon( p_address varchar2 ) return varchar2 is 
        l_http_req  utl_http.req; 
        l_http_resp utl_http.resp; 
        l_response long; 
        l_latlon long; 
        l_responsecode number;
        l_accuracy number;
        l_google_key varchar2(100 char) := 'Put_your_google_key_here';
        l_http_req := utl_http.begin_request( 
          url => '' || 
                 '?q=' || utl_url.escape( url=> p_address, url_charset=> 'utf-8' ) ||  -- address to geocode 
                 '&output=csv' ||                         -- simplest return type 
                 '&gl=DE' ||                                 -- set this to your own country code
                 '&key=' || l_google_key              -- Google API site key
        l_http_resp := utl_http.get_response( l_http_req ); 
        utl_http.read_text( l_http_resp, l_response ); 
        utl_http.end_response( l_http_resp ); 
        l_latlon := substr( l_response, instr( l_response, ',', 1, 2 ) + 1 ); 
        l_responsecode := substr(l_response,0,3);
        l_accuracy := substr(l_response,5,1);
        if l_responsecode = 200 and l_accuracy >= 8 then
          return l_latlon;
          return l_latlon;
        end if;
        when others then return null;
      end getLatLon;This code uses the older v2 of the google api, so you still need a google api key for it. But it shouldn't be to hard to change the code to use the newer v3 of the api.
    Hope this helps,

  • Oracle spatial geocoder

    what is this geocoder??
    how can i test that it is insatlled..
    i installed Oracle 10g spatial, now trying to insatll the routing engine. Here oracle saptial is coming as a basic system requirement.
    pls help me out...

    Oracle*Pure Integrator and
    Oracle*Pure Name and Address

  • How to get digital signature for Google Map geocoding V3 in PL/SQL?

    Hi, Gurus:
        Could anyone provide me an example about how to generate digital signature for Google Maps service v3 in PL/SQL? We tried to upgrade our program using Google maps service from v2 to v3. We are using PL/SQl on background to send request to Google for geocoding. We found some sample code to register with digital signature, but none of them is based on PL/SQl. Notice I used Google business client ID "gme-XXX" and wallet.
    Google Maps API - more URL signing samples
    Here is my code for V2. I notice in order to get signature, I need to use HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
    procedure Get_Geocoding(P_s_Address in varchar2, P_s_Geocoding out varchar2, P_n_accuracy out number, P_b_success out boolean) is
      l_address varchar2(4000);
      l_url varchar2(32000);
      l_response varchar2(3200);
      n_first_comma number;
      n_second_comma number;
      n_level_length number;
      /* TODO implementation required */
      l_address := replace(l_address,' ','+');
      l_url := ''||l_address||'&'||'output=csv'||'&'||'client=gme-XXX';
    l_response := utl_http.request(l_url, APEX_APPLICATION.G_PROXY_SERVER, '/u02/app/oracle/admin/apexsb/wallet', 'XXXXXXXX');
      if n_level_length>0 then
      P_n_accuracy:=to_number(substr(l_response,n_first_comma+1, n_level_length));
      end if;
      --dbms_output.put_line('In function: l_response ='||l_response);
      if (P_s_Geocoding<>'0,0') then
      end if;

    Hi, guys:
        I tried to generate digital signature for Google map service
         Maps for Business: Generating Valid Signatures - YouTube
        Generating an HMAC-SHA-1 Signature Using Only PL/SQL
          OAuth and the PL/SQL | Data Warehouse in the Cloud
       but I got error message from Google:
    Unable to authenticate the request. Provided 'signature' is not valid for the provided client ID. Learn more:
       I think there is something wrong with my code to generate signature, as if I remove the part regarding client and signature, it will work, can anyone help me on this problem?
    /*Procedure Get_Geocoding is used to get geocoding with accuracy level for V3 business account, you can find Google map digital signature descrirption from
    if geocoding is 0,0, procedure returns false to indicate failure of get geocoding*/
    procedure Get_Geocoding2(P_s_Address in varchar2, P_s_Geocoding out varchar2, P_n_accuracy out number, P_b_success out boolean) is
      --private key for Google business account, this is provided by Google with client name.
      l_private_key_src varchar2(200):='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
      l_private_key_b64_alter varchar2(200):= translate(l_private_key_src,'-_','+/');
      l_private_key_bin raw(2000);
      l_client_name varchar2(100):='gme-xxx';
      l_signature_mac raw(2000);
      l_signature_b64 varchar2(200);
      l_signature_b64_alter_back varchar2(200);
      l_Google_service_domain varchar2(200):='';
      l_address varchar2(4000);
      l_url varchar2(32000);
      l_path varchar2(32000);
      l_response varchar2(32000);
      l_page UTL_HTTP.HTML_PIECES;
      n_actual_length number;
      json_obj json;
      json_tempobj json;
      jl_listOfValues json_list;
      json_geom_obj json;
      json_loc json;
      l_lat  VARCHAR2(40);
      l_lng  VARCHAR2(40);
      l_status VARCHAR2(255);
      json_accuracy json;
      --temp_string varchar2(10000);
      n_first_comma number;
      n_second_comma number;
      n_level_length number;
    /* TODO implementation required */
    l_private_key_bin := utl_encode.base64_decode(UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(l_private_key_b64_alter, 'AL32UTF8'));
    l_address := replace(l_address,' ','+');
    l_path := '/maps/api/geocode/json?address='||l_address||'&'||'sensor=true';
    l_signature_mac :=DBMS_CRYPTO.mac(UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(l_path, 'AL32UTF8'), DBMS_CRYPTO.hmac_sh1,l_private_key_bin);
    l_signature_b64:= UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(UTL_ENCODE.base64_encode(l_signature_mac));
    --get response from Google map service
    l_page:=utl_http.request_pieces( l_url, 99999);
    for i in 1..l_page.count loop
    end loop;
    --parse JSON result
    json_obj:=new json(l_response);
    l_status := json_ext.get_string(json_obj, 'status');
    IF l_status = 'OK' then
    jl_listOfValues := json_list(json_obj.get('results'));
    json_tempobj := json(jl_listOfValues.get(1));
    json_geom_obj := json(json_tempobj.get(3));
    json_loc := json_ext.get_json(json_geom_obj, 'location');
    l_lat := to_char(json_ext.get_number(json_loc, 'lat'));
    l_lng := to_char(json_ext.get_number(json_loc, 'lng'));
    case json_ext.get_string(json_geom_obj, 'location_type')
    when 'ROOFTOP' then P_n_accuracy:=9;
    when 'RANGE_INTERPOLATED' then P_n_accuracy:=7;
    when 'GEOMETRIC_CENTER' then P_n_accuracy:=5;
    else P_n_accuracy:=3;
    end case;
    end if;

  • Adobe Widget browser "Google Map" Search box for address

    First of all I would like to thank Zizzer Zazzer for this google map. I ts really very helpful for the website. I was wondering if this is possible to add text search box for the address in google map? I was trying my self and tried with geocode with no success.If any one of you know about this then plz let me know. Here is my code
    <input type="text" id="search_address" value="" size="98"/>
    <button onclick="search();">Search</button>
      <div id="mapCanvas" style="width:100%; height:100%; min-width:300px; min-height:300px"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // initialize the google Maps 
         function initializeGoogleMap() {
      // set latitude and longitude to center the map around
      var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(37.77,
      // set up the default options
      var myOptions = {
        zoom: 8,
        center: latlng,
        navigationControl: true,
         {style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.DEFAULT,
        position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT },
        mapTypeControl: true,
         {style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT,
        position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT },
        scaleControl: true,
         scaleControlOptions: {
              position: google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
        draggable: true,
        disableDoubleClickZoom: false,
        keyboardShortcuts: true
      var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("mapCanvas"), myOptions);
      if (true) {
       var trafficLayer = new google.maps.TrafficLayer();
      if (true) {
       var bikeLayer = new google.maps.BicyclingLayer();
      if (true) {
       addMarker(map,37.7715,-122.4,"We are here");
       window.onload = initializeGoogleMap();
      // Add a marker to the map at specified latitude and longitude with tooltip
      function addMarker(map,lat,long,titleText) {
        var markerLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,long);
       var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: markerLatlng,
            map: map,
            title:"We are here",
       icon: ""});  
      var addressField = document.getElementById('search_address');
    var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
    function search() {
            {'address': addressField.value}, 
            function(results, status) { 
                if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { 
                    var loc = results[0].geometry.location;
                    // use, loc.lng()
                else {
                    alert("Not found: " + status); 

    Come on guys....!!Any one here to answer or any one knows about it?

  • I Can't make the Geocoder handle Canadian Postal Code properly

    Hi !
    Does any one out there was able to approprietly setup Oracle Geocoder to properly return canadian postal code for a specific address in a dense urban area ?
    In Canada, a single street segment can have two different post codes when located in dense urban areas such as Montreal. One on the left and one the right... so one for odds number and one for even numbers.
    I don't see how to acheive this in the actual Oracle Geocoder table structure.
    I see two solutions to my problem. In order to appropriatly return a canadian post code for a specific address, Oracle would need to
    (1) have the GC_ROAD_SEGMENT_CA table have a L_POSTAL_CODE AND A R_POSTAL_CODE field. Thus returning the good postal code knowing if the house_number is odd or even.
    (2) have the GC_ADDRESS_POINT table have a POSTAL_CODE field allowing to directly return the postal code associated with an address.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated !!

    subscriber :=$_agent('sender', '[email protected]', NULL);
    should be
    subscriber :=$_agent('reciver', '[email protected]', NULL);
    With your enqueue code the message is being made available for any default subscribers. As it stands the message will be propagated to the target queue and made available for the consumer sender.
    So if you change your dequeue code to
    dequeue_options.consumer_name := 'SENDER';
    it will consume the message that has been propagated.

  • Address from gps coordinates

    I would like to know how I can get the address from gps coordinates.
    Example: I have this coordinates:
    latitude=41.889373 ,
    and I want to receive an answer like this: "Rome, It, Via Nazionale"
    How do I do this?
    P.S. I don't have lbs platform

    I would suggest trying to find a web service which does this - this goes the other way:
    Good Luck

  • Need information about some address fields in DQXI

    I need to know the 'Content type' and 'Data field name' of the following address fields in DQXi
    1. Alley
    3. HouseNumber
    4. HouseSuffix
    5. Lane
    6. Pob Line
    7. PobNumber
    8. Section
    9. PrefectureCode
    11.Mail Stop
    12. Postal Code Extension
    13. GeoCode
    14. Outside CityFlag

    Hello Smitha,
    Please post this query to the [Enterprise Information Management|Data Services and Data Quality; forum.
    That forum is dedicated to topics related to Data Integration (Data Integrator, Data Federator, Text Analysis for Data Integrator, Rapid Marts, and Integration for PeopleSoft Enterprise), Data Quality (Data Quality and Data Insight), and Metadata Management.
    The forum is monitored by qualified technicians and you will get a faster response there.
    Also, all BO Enterprise Information Management queries remain in one place and thus can be easily searched in one place.
    Thanks a lot,

  • Reverse geocoding suggestions data invisible for filename templates and plugins

    Reverse geocoding are amazing, saves me a lot of work, but filename template I use seems don't work well with that feature.
    With file naming scheme like this: "Country-City-Sequence # (001)" the result is "--001.jpg" instead of "France-Paris-001.jpg" and I have to confirm address for hundreds photos manually to see country and city information in filename.
    Same situation in jf PicasaWeb plugin, when using caption scheme like this: "{Country}. {City}. {YYYY}. {Caption}." the result is ". . 2012. Example caption." instead of "France. Paris. 2012. Example caption."
    It is possible for Lightroom to use address suggestions in this situations whenever address fields are empty?
    Most important for me is to plugins see the address suggestions like normal (hard) data if address fields are empty.

    Reverse geocoding are amazing, saves me a lot of work, but filename template I use seems don't work well with that feature.
    With file naming scheme like this: "Country-City-Sequence # (001)" the result is "--001.jpg" instead of "France-Paris-001.jpg" and I have to confirm address for hundreds photos manually to see country and city information in filename.
    On the face of it, Lr4's implementation of reverse geocoding is excellent, and it is when dealing with images taken at the same location. However, its handling of mixed locations is painful. In my case I use Jeffrey Friedl's plugin. It fully integrates with the Map module and allows you to reverse geocode without the limitations your currently experiencing. Very likely not what you wnated to read, but it does provided a painless solution to the problem you've identified.
    Jeffrey's plugin can be downloaed from

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    I just upgraded jdk1.1.8 with swing 1.1.1 to Java1.4. The isEditing method doesn't work on Java1.4. When I edit a cell in the JTable and click a button , the value of the last edited cell is lost. I was able to catch the edited value by calling isEdi

  • Cash flow analysis

    Hi experts,                   My clients are not satisfied with cash flow in standard reports. they require reports like      Supplier Name     PO No     Date     Part No.     Qty     Account payable till Date      Payable for current receipt     Sch

  • Iphoto no fullscreen icon. and does autosave work for you all?

    Hello all! I just updated to Lion today. I am a little confused because I thought iphoto is supposed to have fullscreen option now? There's no fullscreen icon on the top right corner for me. I have a 2009 macbook pro. Is it because it's too old? Anot

  • When trying to install Firefox in my laptop (Win 7) I recieve a message that says File is corrupt and I cant install it

    I have a Samsung laptop with Windows 7. I tried to install Firefox several times and every time keeps coming this message "File is corrupt", not letting me open it. Plus, I have the Norton antivirus and I don´t know if this is a problem caused by Win