Adjusting layout on missing Button

I am using ApplicationControlBar with a bunch of buttons.
Depending on some external conditions (app state), it should make some buttons invisible,
change their labels, etc.
When these buttons become invisible look like someone with missing teeth.  :-(
Is there a way to adjust other buttons positions so that it looks like one flow without any gaps ?
HBox or HGroup doesn't seem to solve that problem,
at least I didn't find how.
Please advise.
Sorry for a silly question.
(using Flex 4.5.1)

Oh, I dunno, things that animate with a little extra flair do catch peoples' eyes.
Since it looks like the light across the top is from an illumination source just above the button, nearly on the plane of the display, maybe the light should move down the button just slightly.  Do this by raising the light angle of the bevel and emboss a few degrees.
Make a drop shadow under both pushed and unpushed versions, but make the shadow less distant on the pushed version.
Bevel and emboss your text as well, so it looks engraved into the button.
Since it's gelatinous looking maybe it isn't hard candy but should distort (squish in) a tiny bit when pressed (e.g., spherize or liquify filter it to slightly distort its shape)?  Think "Dr. Scholl's Inserts" comfort while pushing THIS button.    I'm not sure about this last suggestion, though.  Distortion in just the right way may be difficult and may make the text softer.
Perhaps these can give you some ideas...   Click the buttons to see the animation.
Model 2, more squishy
Model 3, More rounded, bevel higher to start with, then reducing the bevel size slightly to make the button seem a little flatter when pressed.  Enhancements to text also.

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    Number one - that person has given you false information...the Apple store genius bar supports all Apple products whether in or out of warranty.  Checking is free, service on an out of warranty item is not free.
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    v_xsl := '<?xml version = ''1.0'' encoding = ''utf-8''?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
      <fo:region-body region-name="region-body" margin-top="54.0pt" margin-bottom="54.0pt"/>
      <fo:region-before region-name="region-header" extent="54.0pt"/>
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    If you still want the drop mark there also then there is this Extension at
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    551178 - FAQ ALV Layout
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    Hi nitramred,
    To start troubleshooting this issue where you are unable to adjust the volume after receiving a call, please go ahead and first force close all of the apps currently running on the device, and then reset it by following the steps in the articles below.
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    Take care,
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    I just had the same issue but only on one server using local profiles... I created a local admin account and it worked under that account.  Deleting and recreating my profile on the offending server has resolved the issue, although it was a headache
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    The missing button (and command in Timeline panel menu) has been reported in this forum numerous times. I am unaware of an explanation ever being provided, apart from some beta versions of CS6 lacking the feature. Someone reported that uninstalling and re-installing CS6 had magically provided the initially missing button to them.
    P.S. Your English is very good.

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