Admin privileges not working on installs

With a new internal HD, I have had to reinstall my OS10.4 and have been in the process of installing all my software. These are all programs I had previously installed without a glitch. I installed several things, then, suddenly, get errors, saying I do not have enough privilege for the operation. In case it matters, they are Adobe GoLive, Illustrator, LiveMotion, etc. I successfully, installed Photoshop and Acrobat before the problem arose.
I am set as administrator and am the only user on this machine. I have looked at all the articles I can find and should have the correct permissions. I used Disk Utility to verify and repair permissions. It says all is well, but still can't install.
Can anyone please help?

I had almost the exact same problem you are experiencing.
First, i ran the permissions verify then repair, i did that twice. Afterwards, I forced restarted finder then i could modify my own admin privlages.
Specifically for me, the problem was that I could not modify the root directory. I couldn't even add a folder or delete from the trash. The steps outlined above seemed to fix the problem.
I hope you have the same success I just had.

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    I had almost the exact same problem you are experiencing.
    First, i ran the permissions verify then repair, i did that twice. Afterwards, I forced restarted finder then i could modify my own admin privlages.
    Specifically for me, the problem was that I could not modify the root directory. I couldn't even add a folder or delete from the trash. The steps outlined above seemed to fix the problem.
    I hope you have the same success I just had.

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    Yes TeeKnows, try deleting it and download it again. After finished installation if still shows black screen delete it out off 'running apps' by double tapping the home button and swipe it off. If still shows black screen then try fully turning off your iPad (holding the sleep button) and turn back on again.
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    Try to login to system info page with administrator or j2ee_admin for java and dual stack respectively to check if the password is correct.
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    Check Note.941978.1 to see the possible cause of the issue and also the workaround for the same.

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    The log file is the oc4j log file in $SES_HOME/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_SEARCH/log. See more info here.
    Is this Windows? Before installation, you should have set up a loopback network adapter, as per the install guide. The setup would then have been immune to changes in IP address.
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    Hi Juliane,
    There are a lot of SAP Cryptographic libraries available from Service Marketplace, but it's tricky to find them:
    1. Login to the Service Marketplace
    2. Navigate to Software Downloads - > Installations and Upgrades
    3. In the download catalog find the link SAP Cryptographic Software
    4. Click the same link once again and in the popup window agree to the terms
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    There are just three different libraries for Microsoft Windows:
    1. SAP Cryptographic Library Microsoft Win32 for x86/IA32 3342 08/06/2010   
    2. SAP Cryptographic Library Microsoft Win64 for IA64 (Itanium) 3342 08/06/2010 
    3. SAP Cryptographic Library Microsoft Windows 2003 for x86_64 3342 08/06/2010 
    You probably need the first one
    Let us know if it helps
    Good luck

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    4. Restarted the server.
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    Are you using Boot Camp to attempt to install Windows?

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    Try disabling ALL software firewalls, antivirus software and any Proxy cache settings you have in your Web browsers
    Regards Simon
    NAS: TS-459 Pro - 3.6.1 Build0302T - 4 x 1TB Samsung HD103SJ : EXT4 - APC ES 700VA UPS
    QPKG: WordPress 3.4, TwonkyMedia 6.0.39 QPKG - Zenphoto1.4.2.1 [7802] - phpMyAdmin v3.3.10
    Network: Netgear DG834G V4.01.40 - DGTeam Rev. 0849 -> Cisco RV220W, Cisco SLM2008, Dlink DSM-520, Xbox360

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