Adobe allow reader to be default reader

There is a lot of discussion about whose fault it is that the .pdf file association can't keep default assoication.  I would like to know if Adobe will fix this?  I realize there is a possible beneifit to the company if we need to upgrade Adobe Pro to keep up with reader but my company is not going to do that - not an option.  Currently, everytime there is an update to the reader program or Acrobat - which by default happens automatically - the .pdf file association is jacked!  Then IT support has to connect to every computer and reset their .pdf file assocation so pdf file can be opened in a browswer or email - whatever.
So, if I can't keep my existing Acrobat Program and use the latest Adobe Reader then I need a new solution for our company.  In the end, doesn't matter whose fault it is, if Adobe can't write software that holds the configuration I will have to look for different software.

Yeah, that's what I said, makes sense if you want to sell more versions of Acrobat.  The thing is; the only piece that has changed in this equation is Adobe, not MS's OS. I have other graphical software that I use to read with one and edit with another, this is not a problem except with Adobe.  And again, the bottom line is, it doens't matter whose "fault" it is, Acrobat is not worth the what the latest version costs to our company and the cost to keep reader working has grown beyond it's worth as well.  Like you said, there are other solutions I was just looking to verify my conclusion.
I do appreciate the replies!!

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    thank you

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    The instructions on the Adobe site are out-of -date and do not apply to current versions of Firefox. Use the following instructions to install or update Adobe Flash.
    <u>'''Install/Update Adobe Flash Player for Firefox'''</u>: your ver. N/A; current ver. 10.0 r45
    See: '''[ Updating Flash]'''
    -'''<u>use Firefox to download</u>''' and <u>'''SAVE to your hard drive'''</u> (save to Desktop for easy access)
    -exit Firefox (File > Exit)
    -double-click on the Adobe Flash installer you just downloaded to install it
    -when the Flash installation is complete, start Firefox, and test the Flash installation here:
    *<u>'''NOTE: On Vista and Windows 7'''</u> you may need to run the plugin installer as Administrator by starting the installer via the right-click context menu if you do not get an UAC prompt to ask for permission to continue (i.e nothing seems to happen). See this:
    *'''<u>NOTE for IE:</u>''' Firefox and most other browsers use a Plugin. IE uses an ActiveX version of Flash. To install/update the IE ActiveX Adobe Flash Player, same instructions as above, except use IE to download the ActiveX Flash installer.
    Also see:
    [[How do I edit options to add Adobe to the list of allowed sites]]
    <u>'''''Other Issues''''': to correct security/stability issues</u>
    <u>'''Update Java'''</u>: your ver.; current ver. (<u>important security update 04-15-2010</u>)
    (Firefox 3.6 and above requires Java and above; see:
    ''(Windows users: Do the manual update; very easy.)''
    See: '''[ Updating Java]'''
    Do the update with Firefox closed.

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    When I open a PDF document I want Adobe Pro to open by default
    Adobe Acrobat Pro ?
    Uninstall Adobe Reader and repair the installation of Adobe Acrobat.

  • Error: "There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader..." What is .MST file??

    I get the following error message and I looked it up in the knowledge base, and there was a solution for fixing the error message. However, I have no idea what they are talking about. I have downloaded the Customization Wizard, but I have no clue what the following means:
    A) Create a new transform
    B) Open your previously created .mst file
    I went into the C Drive and opened Program Files. I found the Adobe folder, but I couldn't find an .mst file anywhere. Am I completely lost??? Below is the knowledge base solution:
    Error: "There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader..." when you view a PDF in a browser (Acrobat and Adobe Reader 8 on Windows)
    When you try to view a PDF in Internet Explorer, you see the error message, "There is a problem With Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Please exit Adobe Acrobat/Reader and try again." When you click OK to the error, the PDF opens outside of the browser.
    When you use the Adobe Customization Wizard to create a transform for Adobe Acrobat 8 or Adobe Reader 8, and you choose the option to "Make Acrobat the default viewer if both Acrobat and Reader are installed", or "Make Reader the default viewer if both Acrobat and Reader are installed", an error occurs if the computer does not have Acrobat or Reader already installed.
    Create a new transform and re-deploy Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    Start the Adobe Customization Wizard 8.
    Open your previously created .mst file.
    Under Installation Options, select "Installer will decide which product will be the default".
    Save the transform.
    Re-deploy Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    Additional Information
    When you create a transform in Adobe Customization Wizard 8, the installation options allow you to set the default viewer for PDF files. "Installer will decide which product will be the default" is the default setting and should be used when you are uncertain if the target machine has a version of Acrobat or Adobe Reader that won't be removed as part of the installation process. When installed silently using this option, Acrobat will always be configured as the default viewer.

    I think you are headed down the wrong path. The Customization Wizard is what you use to push out Reader to several hundred computers. An MST is a package or transform file that is used to accomplish this task. Unless you are an IT person and are trying a deployment of Reader this solution does not fit your situation.

  • Can not "see" Adobe Acrobat Reader DC in Google Chrome Plugins?  Find in IE.

    Downloaded new version of Reader twice and still can not see it in Google Chrome plugsin. Windows 7 with latest version of Google Chrome?

    Hi C N,
    Going forward, the Adobe Reader plugin will not be supported in Chrome.  The Chromium team has decided to remove support for NPAPI plugins like Adobe Reader. Here's a blog post that describes their decision -
    On Windows, it is still possible to change the Chrome default PDF viewing behavior by configuring plugins (chrome://plugins).  When doing that Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is showing as an out of date version.  Enabling that configuration in current versions of Chrome will allow PDF files to open in the Adobe plugin, but that is not a supported configuration.
    On Mac, that configuration is not supported.  When doing that a message is shown that the EULA needs to be accepted before viewing, even if that is no longer required.
    To view PDF files in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, we recommend that you download the file in Chrome and open it from your desktop.

  • Adobe PDF Reader Add-on - IE11

    I work in a government organization and we are about the deploy IE11 to all of our machines. We've encountered an issue with how IE11 opens PDF. We want the PDF to open in IE11, and not open a separate Adobe Reader application. The fix we found so far was to disable the Adobe PDF Reader add-on, then re-enable. I also want to mention that we are pushing a group policy that does tweak a few settings. Here's what we are doing,
    Pop-up allow list (several websites)
    Prevent participation in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (enabled)
    Turn off pop-up management (disabled)
    Compatibility view
    Use Policy List of Internet Explorer 7 sites - Enabled
    Site to Zone Assignment List - Enabled
    Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls - Enabled
    Automatic prompting for file downloads - Enabled
    Logon option - Enabled
    Access data sources across domains - Enabled
    Would any of these cause an issue with the Adobe PDF reader add-on? (We are using Adobe Reader 11.0.09

    I am starting to believe this issue may be a registry entry in HKCU as I can get the add-on to work for longer periods of time if I remove the user's profile from the local PC and then have them log in to build a new profile...  the problem is that the add-on doesn't always continue to work, it just appears to work for a longer period of time before having to disable and enable the add-on again.
    As far as my install package goes, I created a transform file using the Adobe Customization Wizard with the following options:
    Personalization Options:
         Suppress display of EULA
    Installation Options:
         Make Reader the default PDF viewer
         Remove all versions
         Enable Optimization
         Enable Caching of installer files on local hard drive
         Run silently
         Prompt for reboot
    Files and Folders:
         Left default values
         Left default values
         Removed the Desktop shortcut
    Server Locations:
         Left default values
         Protected View Off
         Enhanced Security Disabled for both Standalone and Browser
         Added our SAN, intranet and domain name to the privileged locations
         Prevented users from adding trusted files/folders and trusted hosts
    Digital Signature:
         Left default values
    Webmail Profiles
         Prevent end users from configuring Webmail profile
    Online Services and Features
         Disable Product Updates
         Load trusted root certs from Adobe - Enable & Install silently
         Disable Help > Purchase Adobe Acrobat
         Disable Help > Digital Editions
         Disable Product Improvement Program
         Disable all Adobe online services based workflows and entry points
    File Attachments:
         Left default values
    Launch Other Applications:
         Left default values
    I then created a VB Script to run the msiexec and reference the .msi and .mst files.  I created the SCCM package and program and reference the VB Script.  The installation works and the modified settings are there, so I know the .mst file is being referenced as well.  I'm still working on finding a resolution and hopefully one of us comes up with something solid soon.

  • Windows 7, Adobe XI Reader, Navigation Pane

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    I need to know a method that involves setting options available to a general user, not an administrator, and does not involve any kind of "scripting" or editing the registry (because I'm not an administrator).
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for this reply. Alas, this is something that I will need administrator rights to set up. However, if I ever install Adobe Reader XI on a home computer, this will be very helpful to me.
    I had actually seen this solution before.
    In Windows XP, I was able to go into Windows Explorer, choose Tools, and then choose Folder Options to get to a place where I could add this information to the Adobe Reader XI launch information. But in Windows 7, Folder Options is gone, replaced by something called Default Programs. Default Programs doesn't allow changing of launch information.
    In my Adobe Reader XI shortcut properties, there is a box called "Start In". I tried putting the line with the "navpanes" option there, but it was ignored.
    Also, on some programs, I can change the Maximized/Minimized/Normal property, but for Adobe Reader XI, it requires being an Administrator.
    I hope that Adobe will consider, in future releases, making the display or non-display of the Navigator Pain either a user preference option or something in which the most recent use is remembered.between sessions!
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Chrome - Adobe-Acrobat/Reader can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser.

    I can't view PDF files via Chrome (it works on Internet Explorer but I prefer Chrome)  -  the error below has arisen recently on Chrome, though I can't see what has changed.
    "Acrobat plug-in
    The Adobe-Acrobat/Reader that is running can not be used to view PDF files in a web browser. Please exit  Adobe Acrobat/Reader and exit your Web Browser and try again."
    I have looked through Forum articles on similar errors and have tried the following(text copied from other Forum entries)
    Repair Adobe Acrobat (from Acrobat)
    Repair Adobe Acrobat (from Control Panel
    Configure Acrobat  as a helper application: Choose Edit > Preferences., Select Internet on the left., Deselect Display PDF In Browser Using [Acrobat application], and then click OK.Quit Acrobat or Reader
    Create a registry item for Acrobat: with Regedit: If the registry item doesn't exist on the system, do the following: Go to Edit > New > Key and create the missing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Adobe\Acrobat\Exe.Go to Edit > New > String Value and name this key (Default).Select (Default), and then go to Edit > Modify. Type the Adobe Acrobat path in the "Value data" for your product.,restart your computer
    Repair the HKCR\AcroExch.Document registry key: Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AcroExch.Document., Right-click AcroExch.Document and select Delete; make sure that you have the correct key, and click Yes on any prompts, Right-click AcroExch.Document.7 and select Delete; make sure that you have the correct key, and click Yes on any prompts. Repair your Acrobat  installation
    None has solved the problem. However it still works ok with IE. But I want to stick with Chrome because I find IE is so slow!
    I am using Vista, with Adobe Acrobat standard 9.5.2 and Google Chrome version 23.0.1271.64 m which is marked on Chrome as 'up to date'
    Does anyone know why I might be getting this error on Chrome but not IE?

    I think I have discovered the answer to my own question!
    I have disabled Adobe Reader plug-in, and can now see PDFs in Chrome.
    (Steps: Chrome Menu, Settings option, Click Advanced Settings link, then Content Settings button, then select Disable Individual Plug-Ins, and a list of plug-ins is offered to enable or disable).
    I then get a different result depending on whether or not Chrome PDF viewer is enabled - with it enabled I see the PDF document in Chrome, or with it disabled then the option is offered to download it, but either way I can get it it via Chrome without having to run Internet explorer in another browser window.

  • Web Apps doesn't read Word, nor reads/edits Powerpoint, but allows read/edits Excel, Sharepoint 2010

    I'll keep this short and sweet. Hopefully some light can be shed on my scenario and a solution.
    I have a Server 2008 R2 with Sharepoint 2010 and Office Web Apps setup. The installations went off without a hitch, and I setup a Site Collection with several other children websites beneath it.
    Currently, the three different file types have three different kinds of  behaviors. These behaviors are assuming the user has full control of the document from AD/Sharepoint's point of view.
    Spreadsheets can be read in browser and edited in browser. Everything works fine here.
    Word documents cannot be read from browser, but they can be edited normally like one would expect. After sitting there for ~two minutes, it gives the error: "Word Web App cannot open this document because the server is still processing the document." 
    PowerPoint doesn't let any user read or edit any presentation. When trying to read, it says "Either network connectivity has been lost or the server is too busy to service your request. Check your network connection." when trying to edit, it says
    "PowerPoint web app encountered an error."
    Odd. =/ What bothers me is that the behaviors aren't consistent, they differ among all three. If it were the same I'd think connectivity or permissions issues. Ie, content db only allows read, thus all 3 services only have read permissions on the db, that
    sort of thing. To my understanding, during the installation the default pools/accounts were used("Sharepoint Web Services Default", "NT AUTHORITY\Network Service", etc).
    This is what I've tried so far:
    Back to square 1: Is it installed? Is it activated? Yes to both. It installed normally and it's activated in Site Collection(Site Col Admin -> Site Col Features -> OWA is active).
    Restarted the PP and Word viewing services. No change. (I tried deleting the service app and making a new one with the same name, no dice. Also tried making sure the Word Vieweing Svc App was under the existing application pool, entitled "Sharepoint
    Web Services Default". Even tried making a new application pool and having it under Predefined -> "Network Service", and trying other pools still got me nothing)
    Under Manage Service Connections (App Management-> Manage Web Apps), the Word Viewing Service, Excel Service application, and PowerPoint Service application proxy were all checked(among the other things checked). 
    (One thread I saw on Sharepoint Stack Exchange said trying to change browser file handilng from strict to permissive didn't work either.)
    What could be going on that's restricting those actions on Word/PP documents? Only potential thing that might be screwing things up is my SQL server that houses the content DB for my web app is on a different server than Sharepoint/OWA. I don't know what
    would be interfering however. Is there a different permission set for the different OWA services? How would I check what OWA is using to connect to the content DBs(and which ones are they using, along with what permissions they have vs what they should have)?
    Is there something I missed? Will uninstalling and reinstalling OWA help in any way(as long as I don't lose my documents!)?
    Anything to get me at least on the right track would be appreciated, thanks =)

    Anybody have any ideas at all? At this point I'm willing to try just about anything..

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader X Crashes

    I initially posted this in the wrong forum (I derped and posted this in Forms. ^^;) So I'm posting this here again...
    Hi there,
    I'm having an issue with Adobe Acrobat Reader X. It seems to crash all the time whenever I try to open a .pdf online. They seem to open just fine when not embedded in a browser, but thing is, I can't get them to open by themselves, in Reader, because when I try to save the link, my computer will save it as a webpage and not as a .pdf file. (Although this could have something to do with my online course which is where I am trying to open files from.)
    The page will open, briefly show itself, and then promptly crash. Many times an error message box will appear, but there will be nothing in it but a question mark and an OK button, as if Acrobat has no idea what's going on either. lol
    I've tried updating Acrobat, uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing works. I really need this program to work as I won't be able to view any of my online school work without it.
    Here are my computer's stats:
    Dell XPS 8300i5
    Processor: Intel Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
    RAM: 8 gigs
    System type: 64 bit
    Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 6450
    Thank you!
    P.S. I've tried scouring the forums to see if I could find an answer to this but perhaps I'm not looking in the right place or I'm entering in the wrong information, but I haven't founda anything.

    Actually you need to run the 32 bit version of IE, since there are no separate plugins for a 64 bit version.
    Could you also try manually deleting all the files/folders from the installation directory (it would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0 by default) EXCEPT for the "Setup Files" folder. Now try and repair the application from within the Control Panel (Programs and Features) and see if it resolves the issue.
    In the meanwhile, you could try the following workaround to circumvent the browser crash.
    1. Open Adobe Reader and goto Edit > Preferences
    2. In the Internet Pane, uncheck the option for "Display PDF in browser"
    3. Close all windows and try accessing any PDF in the browser. It will now ask you to save the file on your hard disk rather than opening it in the browser.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 printing problems.

    I am currently using Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 with the following information ,and I have problems printing in system configurations (I have an old Brother HL-1060 Laser printer)....
    When I use the following defaultprinting preferences, the pages come out blank when printing riffmci.pdf (That can be found on the net):
    - Resolution 600dpi
    - 1200x600dpi Support: Off.
    When I set the resolution to 1200dpi and 1200x600dpi Support to on the printing completes successfully. Is this a known issue with Adobe Acrobat Reader printing engine??
    Available Physical Memory: 148108 KB
    Available Virtual Memory: 1954156 KB
    BIOS Version: Award Medallion BIOS v6.0
    Default Browser: D:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
    Version: 6.00.2800.1106
    Creation Date: 2002/08/29
    Creation Time: 06:14:40
    Default Mail: Mozilla Thunderbird
    D:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\mozMapi32.dll
    Version: 0.8
    Creation Date: 2007/01/07
    Creation Time: 14:31:35
    Graphics Card: ASUS V9400-X V62.11
    Check: Not Supported
    Installed Acrobat:
    Installed Acrobat: D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
    Creation Date: 2007/05/11
    Creation Time: 03:06:38
    Locale: French (Canada)
    Name: ASUS V9400-X V62.11
    Resolution: 800 x 600 x 60
    Bits per pixel: 32
    OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
    OS Name: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
    OS Version: 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4
    Page File Space: 1537052 KB
    Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1 AuthenticAMD ~1813 Mhz
    System Name: HOLMES
    Temporary Directory: U:\temp\carl\
    Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
    Total Physical Memory: 1048032 KB
    Total Virtual Memory: 2097024 KB
    User Name: carl
    Windows Directory: D:\WINNT
    Installed plug-ins:
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\Accessibility.api
    Creation Date: 2007/05/11
    Creation Time: 02:37:28
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\AcroForm.api
    Creation Date: 2008/10/15
    Creation Time: 00:36:16
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\Annots.api
    Creation Date: 2008/10/15
    Creation Time: 00:34:34
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\Checkers.api
    Creation Date: 2007/05/11
    Creation Time: 02:37:42
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\DVA.api
    Creation Date: 2006/10/23
    Creation Time: 01:10:52
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\DigSig.api
    Creation Date: 2008/10/15
    Creation Time: 00:35:06
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\EScript.api
    Creation Date: 2008/10/15
    Creation Time: 00:36:58
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\EWH32.api
    Creation Date: 2008/10/15
    Creation Time: 00:35:48
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\HLS.api
    Creation Date: 2006/10/23
    Creation Time: 01:10:22
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\IA32.api
    Creation Date: 2008/10/15
    Creation Time: 00:35:22
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\ImageViewer.API
    Creation Date: 2006/10/23
    Creation Time: 01:10:36
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\MakeAccessible.api
    Creation Date: 2007/05/11
    Creation Time: 02:38:36
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\Multimedia.api
    Creation Date: 2007/05/11
    Creation Time: 02:39:30
    D:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\plug_ins\PDDom.api
    Creation Date: 2006/10/23

    I have the same problem!
    Adobe Reader 8.1.2
    Please help

  • Problem with adobe acrobat/reader

    I am having problems with adobe. I am trying to open an old bamk statment but I keep getting "there is a problem with adobe acrobat/reader. If it is running please exit and start again (103:103)
    Or it will say "Adobe reader has encountered a problem and needs to close"
    I am using windows xp IE8
    In my add/remove programs there is "adobe reader 9.5.3" and below that there is "adobe reader XI (11.0.03)
    I tried to repair or patch then restarted my computer but the same problem. I tried to remove them but they won't remove.
    PLEASE someone help me.
    Thank You in advance
    GOD Bless

    Yep it works. I think the reason I had the reader 11.0.03 was a few months ago I asked me to click for an upgrade. The one that I had was the one you gave me last year. I don't know how/why it didn't delete the older one, or maybe it was an offer from some other site. I just saw the word upgrade and figured it was suppose to. Funny thing is, The files I was having trouble to see last night, I was able to see them 2 days earlier and it didn't prevent me firm seeing them then, and I hadn't messed with the adobe for a few months. GO FIGURE!!
    While your here, do you happen to know of an excellent system tool cleaner I could get from amazon?? I got a desktop from Listia hew/used and before I get my stuff transferred from this one to my new one I want to get something that runs in the background to keep it running smooth, and this laptop I'm using is about 10 years old and getting sluggish. I've tried one or two that I bought online that offer free download then charge to fix it. So I once or twice bought the download clicked the fix, and it shows EVERYTHING is fixed. Then run another scan and there would be more things need fixing so would click fix again, run a third scan and still have more to fix. So I would have to call the place I bought it from to get my money back.
    I look on amazon and read peoples reviews but just can't decode which one to get. The ones that sound great are old versions. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg, just something that get old stuff off. There are so many programs on the add/remove but I don't want to take the chance to remove something only to find out I shouldn't have. Do you know what I mean?? All of them on web sites  and like on tv claim to be good but are really junk.
    I do surveys online to make extra money fixedincome due to sever RA in my back and focus groups online, to things get thick I don't want my computer to get bougged down
    So if you happen to have any suggestions please tell me. If your allowed to. Thanks again

  • Adobe acrobat reader 9 problem saving forms and copying photos

    I used adobe acrobat reader 6 at
    work and I have a form that I save with new data. I am also able to copy text and photos using version 6.
    When I try to save edited forms and copy files from versiion 9 It wont allow me to do that.
    Is their any way that I can copy text, photos and save forms in Adobe version 9?
    When I try to save forms in version 9 it states that I am unable to save the form. When I try to copy text or photos it will not allow me to copy.

    Are you talking about Reader or Acrobat. These are two different programs and Reader definitely has restrictions. Reader used to be called Acrobat Reader before version 6, but that has been gone a long time. The change was likely because of the confusion between Acrobat and Reader. The problems you indicate are suggestive of Reader, not of Acrobat.

  • .PDF image's blacks look grey in Adobe Acrobat Reader

    I need to save my design as a CMYK .PDF file and I have created the image in Photoshop CS6 in RGB, changed the image mode to CMYK, for black used C:40 M:40 Y: 20 K:100, and when saved the file as a Photoshop .PDF- it opens in Adobe Acrobat Reader looking washed out and grey. I only used three colors (black, white, and red) and the black is the most noticeably greyed out. The red also looks slighty washed out. But the weird thing is- when I open the .PDF in Photoshop, all the colors look right.
    I've tried googling this and messing around in Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Reader all day and just can't come up with a solution.
    I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff so I'm really lost. I really need the file to be the right colors in .PDF. Please, can anyone help me?
    Below is a comaprison image of the design .PDF file opened in Photoshop versus opened up in Adobe Acrobat Reader:
    This is truly driving me crazy.

    Thanks Viking, I was hoping to get some suggestions on how to go about creating PDF's from OSX (Quartz) that will look acceptable in the "default" PDF reader of clients and colleagues. Most are likely to be some version of Adobe so I'm wondering what others do in this situation.
    I've tried using the PDF resident fonts and they still look quite "blocky and jagged" on Adobe Reader. They still print out fine - it's just the screen rendering in Adobe is sub-par.
    I've sent a version of the doc in Word to a colleague who printed it to PDF on his PC and it come back looking much better on my version of Adobe Reader and quite good in Preview. Admittedly the version I PDF'd in OSX looked better on Preview.
    So if you have a bunch of potential readers of PDF's what's the best approach to get them to render "acceptably" on screen? At this stage it would seem the solution is to NOT use a Quartz driven PDF tool (ie avoid any of the native Mac apps) and buy Adobe Acrobat or a Windows PC to produce PDF's from?
    I get the feeling I must be missing something basic here? I'm not looking for publishing quality output, just a PDF where the fonts dont look flaky when rendered onscreen outside a Quartz environment.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello, We're trying to create a view in our custom OrgChart, but a error message occurs: "The following view does not support groups..." Because of this, we couldn't create a view in any of our custom OrgChart. We have deleted the standar view in ord

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    this program is supposed to allow the user to input an integer. if the integer is positive, it's supposed to print out if the integer is divisible or not by 2,3, and 6. if integer is negative, it's supposed to print out if it is divisible or not by 5

  • Voucher not working

    I just signed up for your promotion code at. I received the email with the generated voucher code. My problem is when i try to redeem the code I receive this error :  Sorry, you have reached your monthly vou

  • Error IOS 8. Tested

    Dear Apple, I'm Rony from Perú, writing to inform about an error I found in my iphone 6. I've tried it in other iphone 5C and iphone 6 devices, and the error repeats. The error shows when I try to activate the ascending menu from a stand by status. T