Adobe CS6 Licensing & Activation file locations

We use Vmware Horizon Mirage to keep our images up to date and are running into an issue with CS6 activations. Basically with Mirage we can make changes to a Base layer then push those changes to our machines, but we found a couple of years ago with CS4 that this "updating" process would strip out the licensing and activation every time we updated the base layer. So after tons and tons of digging we found the folder (c:\ProgramData\FLEXnet) and registry entry(Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\10.0\AdobeViewer) that we needed to tell Mirage not to mess with and this fixed the issue for CS4. So now that we've moved to CS6 we are having the same issues and need to find the coordinating folders and files, I've looked in the usual areas but I'm assuming it's completely different since Adobe changed their activation processes up(which suck by the way). Would anyone happen to know these off the top of your head?

Oh I see,
The window looks so similar to other activation windows, I had only ever seen the DPS login for CS5 which was in the Panel.
Be good for this window to have some text that relates to DPS. Maybe Sign in to DPS or you must sign in with an Adobe ID to use the Digital Publishing Suite and the Folio Builder.

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    please follow the below mentioned steps to fix the issue
    If you are using Windows Machine please try these steps
    1. Open run and type drivers and enter.
    2. Look for etc folder.
    3. Inside etc folder you will get hosts file please open it using notepad. if you find any entries follow this to fix the hosts files.
    Restart the Computer to complete the fix.
    Try installing the Software. It should work fine.
    For Mac
    1.Click Go
    2. Go to Folder-type /etc
    3. Open hosts file and if entries are there then delete all entries which says Adobe in it then save it.
    4. Try installing the software again and it should work.
    If you are not able to save the Hosts file after making changes please make a copy of hosts file on the desktop then make the required changes and replace with the one in etc folder. It will ask to authenticate and click replace to complete.

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    CS6 perpetual Mac is version 13.0.6 Windows is version Subscription cloud version is 13.1.2.  If you have a cloud subscription and a perpetual licence you would not be able to have both version install at the same time on same machine. What does your Creative Cloud desktop application show and if you start CS6 if the flash screen shows or you can get to menu Help>About Photoshop what version i shown 13.0.6  or or 13.1.2?

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    Message was edited by: Brett N

    The preference files are created when you successfully launch Photoshop, they are not created by the installation process. Since you have not done that yet, you do not have these files.
    You cannot simply backup the files in the application and restore them to a new computer. You have to run the installer, part of the installation process will lock the application to that specific computer, the files will not work on another computer. You can download the installation files from and install from there.

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    Hi Alberto Pomares,
    Please refer the KB Doc :

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    Thanks in advance
    Lorne R.

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