Adobe nos espía

Pues sí, he observado que ahora en mi sistema corre un programa que se llama
y al interesarme que es me he encontrado esto:
pues nada a fastidiarse
Un saludo, Mateo

Hola, Mateo.
Creo que hay un poquito de paranoia en la idea de pensar que Adobe (o cualquiera otra de las grandes empresas que nos instalan programas similares) nos está espiando. En primer lugar, la existencia de tales programas no es ni tan oculta ni tan fácil de pasar desapercibida. En segundo lugar, dentro de lo que leo por allí parece haber consenso en que tales programitas no transmiten ninguna información específica sobre el usuario ni su computador. En tercero, exponerse a que se comprobara que efectivamente están extrayendo información personal, y almacenándola o, mucho peor, compartiéndola, sería exponerse también a un verdadero harakiri, tanto comercial como judicial.
Como si fuera poco, son muchos los simples privados que crean todos los días troyanos, gusanos, y toda clase de esos bichos, que sí son ocultos y difíciles de detectar, y que sí pueden extraer toda la información que quieran de tu equipo, y hasta tomar el control sobre él.
Si lees inglés, echa una mirada a este hilo u otros similares para que veas que la preocupación de los usuarios no va tanto por el lado de que los espíen:

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  • Pela segunda vez tenho um gravador de DVD danificado pelo Premiere 11!

    A gravação de mídias diretamente através do Premiere 11 é lenta e de resultado nem sempre positivo. Quando solicitamos a gravação da midia, nos é apresentado um tamanho de arquivo a ser gravado que requer a utilização de midias de maior capacidade (bem mais caras) e, após a gravação percebemos que o que foi gravado tem menor tamanho que o anunciado, e que poderíamos perfeitamente ter utilizado uma midia de menor capacidade. Além da sensação de ter perdido dinheiro, resta a impressão que poderíamos ter obtido um arquivo de melhor qualidade. Tudo isto seria facilmente resolvido, se a Adobe nos desse a opção de gravar os arquivos DVD e Bluray diretamente numa pasta do PC, e a partir daí valer-se de um dos vários softwares para gravação disponíveis no mercado (eu uso o Nero).

    Já vi alguns usuários reclamando disso, mas não sei se o problema foi resolvido, faça uma pesquisa aqui no fórum, talvez você encontre alguma resposta. Infelizmente estamos com poucos contribuidores no fórum de suporte do Thunderbird.

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  • Flash builder 4.7

    resulta que mi empresa ha intentado comprar Flash Builder 4.6 y Adobe nos ha obligado a comprar la versión 4.7 porque la 4.6 decían que no la vendían.
    Estoy teniendo un problema con la 4.7 de que la memoria utilizada por el  ejecutable empieza a crecer hasta colocarse aproximadamente en 1.2 gigas. Mi equipo tiene 4 gigas y estoy trabajando con Windows 7 de 64 bits por lo que estoy dentro de las especificaciones que la propia Adobe da ya que dice en su web que se necesitan 2 gigas.
    El tema es que en este link hablan del problema pero la solución y al parecer no es definitiva resulta que hay que asignarle 4 gigas de memoria. El post es de 2013, ¿Adobe no lo ha corregido desde 2013?
    ¿A alguien más le ocurre esto? Resulta que es imposible trabajar. Cuando el programa lleva unos 15 o 20 minutos corriendo crece de tamaño hasta los 1,2gigas y se vuelve super lento por lo que es imposible escribir, borrar, copiar, pegar, etc,etc.
    A ver si alguien de Adobe contesta.

    Dudo que lean tu mensaje, este es un Foro de Usuarios.
    Lo más efectivo es que te dirijas directamente, como usuario registrado al Soporte técnico de Adobe, por teléfono en tu pais.
    Si existe una solución a ese problema agradeceremos la compartas entonces en el Foro. Gracias.

  • Can't sign in to widget browser

    learning dreamweaver, trying to add widgets, downloaded air and widget browser, signed into exchange, widget I want to start w/should be in browser ... add wiget:
    Adobe exchange tab:
    Failed getting Widget Feed. Reload | Show More Information
    No joy on the reload, so, more information:
    Widget Feed Error
    Failed getting Widget Feed. Make sure you are connected
    to the internet.
    Unknown error.
    My Widgets Tab:
    You do not have any widgets saved in the My Widgets category. To add a widget, select a widget in Adobe Exchange view, and click the Add to My Widgets button.
    Well, obviously I have no exchange view so .... and widgets projects ... no nothing because IT WON'T LET ME SIGN IN!
    FIrst started with a log in error:
    Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL ( ... arugh! Oh, and look, it's doing this again, one or the othe, just the clock turnng or this error ...
    went to that addy and got:
    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
    and then code ... lots of it.
    So, tried a few things like adjusting firewall, clearing caches, restarting, switching from Safari to Firefox default ... etc. No joy.
    Working on iMac, OS X 6.6 (snowleopard), 100% strong on the network conection, was working in dreamweaver but can't connect using widget browser independently either.
    Anything obvious I am missing?

    I had all the symptoms described here (i.e., Widget Browser on Mac not working, w/ errors indicated. But it would work on a PC, and it worked on another user account on same Mac).
    I tried so many "fixes" recommended by forum posts (many from Adobe -- thanks, esp. to Scott, but none of these worked): deleting prefs; deleting lots of stuff from Library folders/files; reinstalling AIR and Widget Browser; repairing permissions and dbl-checking and re-setting permissions on Library folder. . . .  Agh! What a drag! . ..
    Finally, I read this post:
    >>  I have solved the problem. I’ve  deleted al the Adobe cookies in Safari. And yes, all the widgets are  available in the Widget Browser.
    >>  Frans.
    YES! That worked for me too! Hooray!
    PLEASE ADOBE: get this news out! . . . It is VERY frustrating to spend SO much money with a company (for me, it's been thousands and thousands of dollars over a long career in graphic and web design), and, even within the first week of upgrading to CS 5.5 Design Premium, having absolutely NO corporate support.  . . . Geez! . . . Anyway, this is such a simple fix and I'm thankful to have the Widget Browser working. It really IS cool!
    - Dan

  • Réinstaller Elements 13 sur un nouvel ordinateur

    J'ai beau chercher sur le site d'Adobe (et dans ce forum), je ne trouve pas la réponse à cette question qui doit pourtant être un cas courant : comment transférer Elements 13 sur un nouvel ordinateur ?
    Mes questions :
    1. j'ai lu (quelque part ?) qu'une licence Elements permettait l'installation sur 2 ordinateurs personnels. Est-ce exact ou bien faut-il le désactiver sur l'ancien ordi ?
    2. j'ai gardé une copie du fichier d'installation lors de l'achat en ligne (qui était en fait un changement de version). Seulement Elements était alors utilisé dans un environnement Windows 7 (32 ou 64 bits ?) alors que le nouvel ordi est sous Windows 8.1 (64 bits) : est-ce le même fichier d'installation ?
    3. sinon, comment télécharger la bonne version sans repasser par la case "acheter" ? J'ai lu qu'il existait des versions d'évaluation, mais où les trouver, si c'est la solution?
    Merci pour toute aide dans ce domaine car je suis complètement bloqué à l'heure actuelle.

    Bonjour F,
    On a pourtant déjà répondu et sans doute plusieurs fois à cette question (2 installations) dans le forum. D'abord, on ne transfère pas un Programme sur un nouvel ordinateur (sauf lorsque c'est prévu comme lors d'un changement d'OS et à condition que les programmes soient compatibles. On l'installe.
    1.  C'est en tout cas vrai pour la suite CC et les CS. il est fort probable que ce soit le cas pour les Elements. On peut les installer mais pas les utiliser simultanément.
    Pour le reste, je t'assure que j'ai trouvé les infos rapidement et je ne suis pas un foudre de guerre
    2. Voir  Centre de compatibilité Windows : photoshop elements     
    3. Voir 2 mais si tu n'as plus la possibilité d'installer le logiciel complet d'avant  l’installation du logiciel d'upgrade, cela me semble bien compromis. Pour pouvoir installer un upgrade, il faut généralement mais pas toujours que la version précédente soit déjà installée.
    Voir ici les réponses à toutes les autresquestions que tu peux te poser
    et pour les versions d'évaluation
    Téléchargez une version d'essai gratuite ou achetez des produits Adobe | Téléchargements Adobe
    J'espère que ces quelques infos t'aideront à faire prendre la mayonnaise!

  • [Flash] Tema remanido

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    La palabra "remanido", la busqu=E9 en el diccionario para
    estar seguro =
    de su significado y no la encuentro (tampoco remanir), pero
    estoy casi =
    seguro que se usa cuando uno quiere decir que se trata de un
    tema ya muy =
    conocido por todos.
    Bueno, el tema es Flash y Google. Estuve leyendo por ah=ED y
    vi que =
    Google hace algunas lecturas de los swf y que aconsejan que
    en vez de =
    llamar contacto.swf a una pel=EDcula, la nombremos =
    contacto_con_martinez_hnos.swf para introducir el nombre de
    la empresa =
    en las b=FAsquedas y otras t=E9cnicas m=E1s sofisticadas,
    pero mi =
    pregunta es la siguiente: =BFcu=E1l es la manera m=E1s
    r=E1pida y m=E1s =
    simple para que Google lea el texo de los swf?.=20
    Si pongo un documento en alg=FAn directorio con todo el texto
    que =
    contiene el sitio, =BFlo lee?, =BFsirve hacer eso?
    Muchas gracias.
    Content-Type: text/html;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6000.16640"
    <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>La palabra
    "remanido", la busqu=E9 =
    en el=20
    diccionario para estar seguro de su significado y no la
    encuentro =
    remanir), pero estoy casi seguro que se usa cuando uno quiere
    decir que =
    se trata=20
    de un tema ya muy conocido por
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Bueno, el tema
    es Flash y Google. =
    Estuve leyendo=20
    por ah=ED y vi que Google hace algunas lecturas de los swf y
    que =
    aconsejan que en=20
    vez de llamar contacto.swf a una pel=EDcula, la nombremos=20
    contacto_con_martinez_hnos.swf para introducir el nombre de
    la empresa =
    en las=20
    b=FAsquedas y otras t=E9cnicas m=E1s sofisticadas,
    pero mi pregunta =
    es la=20
    siguiente: =BFcu=E1l es la manera m=E1s r=E1pida y m=E1s
    simple para que =
    Google lea el=20
    texo de los swf?. </FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Si pongo un
    documento en alg=FAn =
    directorio con todo=20
    el texto que contiene el sitio, =BFlo lee?, =BFsirve hacer =
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Muchas =

    Gracias a todos por los datos.
    Una pregunta que ya me imagino la respuesta, pero quiero
    sacarme de dudas.
    Si pongo texto como comentario, Google no lo lee, ¿no?
    Pregunto porque una vez me parece haber visto un sitio donde
    el diseñador
    parecía explicarle a Google en un comentario, en la
    página principal, que
    ponía el código de esa manera (y allí copiaba
    todo el contenido del sitio),
    porque estaba hecho en Flash y bla, bla, bla. La verdad que
    me pareció
    graciosa la explicación, porque no me imagino a Google
    leyendo los descargos
    que hacen los diseñadores.
    "Joe Vega" <[email protected]> escribió en el
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hola a todos...
    > Con el tema Flash-Google encontre una solucion practica
    y sencilla, coloco
    > el swf en una capa encima de un html normal con toda la
    info que que
    > quiero que lea Google, incluso muchas veces dejo que el
    usuario vea ese
    > contenido mientras se carga el swf
    > (
    > El poner texto del mismo color del fondo esta
    penalizado, como una larga
    > lista de otros trucos, este metodo no se si entra dentro
    de lo que Google
    > entiende como ilicito, si es asi ya no me importa, con
    tanta caceria de
    > brujas ya no se puede ni diseñar ni navegar
    tranquilo, y lo que es peor,
    > el material realmente nocivo sigue proliferandose en la
    red por mas que
    > Google penalice los contenidos mal intencionados y los
    navegadores pongan
    > barritas amarillas que protegen pero tambien complica la
    navegacion de los
    > menos experimentados.
    > Salu2
    > Jº
    > Juan Muro escribió:
    >> Hola Germán:
    >> Nunca este tema estará muy manido porque Google
    cambia con frecuencia,
    >> (aunque en puro castellano jamás estará
    'remanido', palabro precioso pero
    >> poco latino para la ortodoxia de la RAE, la de
    Madrid, una de las 23
    >> academias que regulan el habla español).
    Así que creo que conviene
    >> detenerse en el par de puntos que panteas, porque
    son cosas diferentes:
    >> ÷ La primera es saber qué cosas
    exáctamente puede leer google ( y solo
    >> google, el resto de buscadores no leen nada) en el
    interior de nuestros
    >> swf.
    >> ÷ La segunda cosa es: ¿Podemos hacer algo
    más para facilitar a google el
    >> indexado de nuestras webs hechas en flash?.
    >> Para saber qué diablos puede leer el buscador
    en el inetrior de nuestros
    >> swfs, Adobe nos regala una preciosa herramienta
    antes llamada Swf2html,
    >> aunque ahora se llama de manera mucho más
    importante (cuánta gilipollez
    >> reina en el mundo del software) Flash Player
    Developer SDKs (Software
    >> Development Kits) que podrás descargar desde:
    >> Este es un software que se maneja desde DOS
    introduciendo la ruta del
    >> archivo a analizar. Nos permite ver el código
    de nuestra web que leerá
    >> google y así podemos saber que el spider
    googlebot puede analizar texto
    >> estático, enlaces y código en javascript,
    aunque como AS1 es un simil de
    >> javascript a veces se equivoca y extrae código
    purito actionscript. Sobre
    >> todo nos sirve para saber dónde podemos colocar
    el texto principal en el
    >> interior de nuestro swf para que sea captado por el
    >> Sin embargo dado que nuestro swf irá incrustado
    en un html también
    >> podemos usar el html para introducir los tag's,
    metas, keyboards, etc, en
    >> especial titulos, alts y texto descriptivo del mismo
    color que el fondo,
    >> aunque luego deberemos redirigir el swf si es que se
    le llama
    >> diréctamente.
    >> Son muy pocos los usuarios que van a buscar
    utilizando la coletilla
    >> filetype:swf detrás de su palabra de
    búsqueda, que es como se consigue
    >> que google nos ofrezca la información buscada y
    encontrada en el interior
    >> de un swf, así que de poco te servirá
    poner a tu archivo el nombre
    >> contacto_con_martinez_hnos.swf, y de nada ponerlo en
    un directorio
    >> especial.
    >> Lo que sí debes hacer es utilizar el archivo
    robots.txt y especificar qué
    >> swf's debe y no debe analizar googlebot.
    >> Este asunto no se acaba aquçi, pero es
    demasiado extenso para un solo
    >> post.
    >> Salu2
    >> `8¬]
    >> Juan Muro
    >> "german" <[email protected]> escribió en el
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> Es que debes quitarle el prefijo y buscar por
    >>> BIGOTE escribió:
    >>>> La palabra "remanido", la busqué en el
    diccionario para estar seguro de
    >>>> su significado y no la encuentro (tampoco
    remanir), pero estoy casi
    >>>> seguro que se usa cuando uno quiere decir
    que se trata de un tema ya
    >>>> muy conocido por todos.
    >>>> Bueno, el tema es Flash y Google. Estuve
    leyendo por ahí y vi que
    >>>> Google hace algunas lecturas de los swf y
    que aconsejan que en vez de
    >>>> llamar contacto.swf a una película, la
    >>>> contacto_con_martinez_hnos.swf para
    introducir el nombre de la empresa
    >>>> en las búsquedas y otras técnicas
    más sofisticadas, pero mi pregunta es
    >>>> la siguiente: ¿cuál es la manera
    más rápida y más simple para que
    >>>> Google lea el texo de los swf?.
    >>>> Si pongo un documento en algún
    directorio con todo el texto que
    >>>> contiene el sitio, ¿lo lee?,
    ¿sirve hacer eso?
    >>>> Muchas gracias.

  • Tipografias escenciales

    necesito hacer una consulta sobre las tipografias que se instalan automaticamente durante la instalacion de acrobat 7,y el creative suite e illustrator 10
    cuales son las absolutamente necesarias para el funcionamiento correcto de las aplicaciones, ya que desearia borrar todas las demas para evitar conflictos con mis tipografias habituales, desde ya muchas gracias

    muchas gracias xacir, disculpa me olvide de decir que maquina y sistema operativo usaba.. :), G4 733, 640 ram disco rig 120 mb, sistema OSX 10.3.9
    y si, el manejo de tipos se ha vuelto engorroso en mac desde que no tenemos el atm, jejeje... a ver si la gente de adobe nos brinda una solucion de esas de nuevo, jeje..
    por ejemplo acabo de intalar mi sistema operativo y todas mis aplicaciones de nuevo (el update al 10.3.9 me descalabro la maquina) y estoy tratando de mantener todo ordenado de un principio, , como te decia antes, cuando instale el office 2004 se me lleno la carpeta de library /fonts de por lo menos 20 tipos horribles... de los que deje arial, verdana. tahoma, trebuchets y un par mas que segun lei son necesarias pa microsoft, al instalar el CS en la carpeta aplication suport se me instalaron unas cuantas tipografias tambien mas como las que te señalaba en el post anterior.. y aun a pesar de sacarlas todas menos la myriad pro, me seguia apareciendo dos versiones de courier y de symbol en el menu font del illustrator...??? de donde salieron???.... las rastree y estaban en las carpetas PDFL/ y Base en aplication support/adobe.. (los mismos paquetes de tipos repetidos...con fuentes que ademas ya tenia en el system del OSX)... las saque de ahi y ahora solo aparece una version en el menu ...por eso preguntaba si algo de esto era esencial para el funcionamiento del CS... hasta ahora parece funcionar todo ok.. pero queria confirmarlo...
    voy a probar con el suitcase, para la gestion de tipos.. habia tratado de evitar instalarlo y manejarme con los recursos ofrecidos por el sistema operativo pero al parecer funciona mejor qye el fontbook,
    muchisimas gracias por tu tiempo

  • My download fails at 42% i need help please

    my download keeps failing at 42% can anyone help

    you mean your installation fails at 42%?
    if so, check your task manager (win) or activity monitor (mac) for a hanging adobe process (esp an adobe help install).  terminate the process and installation should proceed.

  • Adobe ESP 5210 incompatible with OSx 10.6.6

    I have a new printer Kodak ESP 5210.
    It prints text files, Jpegs etc. perfectly.
    I have Adobe Web Suite CS4 installed.
    I try to print PDFs, .PSD files and even .PDF files saved from Pages but I get a driver failed error.
    I have the latest Kodak drivers and firmware installed.
    Is there anything I can do to get the printer to print PDFs? Kodak are unable to help.
    This is the error received in the "Problem Report for Driver"
    Process: driver [8679]
    Path: /Library/Printers/Kodak/AiO_Printers/AiODriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/driver
    Identifier: driver
    Version: ??? (???)
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: cupsd [8597]
    Date/Time: 2011-01-14 09:12:25.789 +0000
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.6 (10J567)
    Report Version: 6
    Anonymous UUID: E6BA9CDD-CBC6-42D2-9587-C55A62E2FA61
    Exception Type: EXC_ARITHMETIC (SIGFPE)
    Exception Codes: EXCI386DIV (divide by zero)
    Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
    Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue:
    0 com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 0x0000000100009629 0x100000000 + 38441
    1 com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 0x000000010000c15b 0x100000000 + 49499
    2 com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 0x000000010000e044 0x100000000 + 57412
    3 com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 0x0000000100001e45 0x100000000 + 7749
    4 com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 0x00000001000016c5 0x100000000 + 5829
    5 com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 0x00000001000015e1 0x100000000 + 5601
    Thread 1: Dispatch queue:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858d916a kevent + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858db03d dispatch_mgrinvoke + 154
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858dad14 dispatch_queueinvoke + 185
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858da83e dispatch_workerthread2 + 252
    4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858da168 pthreadwqthread + 353
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858da005 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858fafca _semwaitsignal + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858fae59 nanosleep + 148
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858fadc3 usleep + 57
    3 0x00000001006eb5b3 CapturedSleep(int) + 87
    4 0x00000001006b328b AiOCleanupThread(void*) + 29
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858f9536 pthreadstart + 331
    6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858f93e9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858fafca _semwaitsignal + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858fae59 nanosleep + 148
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858fadc3 usleep + 57
    3 0x00000001006eb5b3 CapturedSleep(int) + 87
    4 0x0000000100719ac2 TigerPhysicalPrinterCUPS_WriteThread(void*) + 358
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858f9536 pthreadstart + 331
    6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff858f93e9 thread_start + 13
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
    rax: 0xffffffffffffffff rbx: 0x0000000000000002 rcx: 0x0000000000000000 rdx: 0x0000000000000000
    rdi: 0x00007fff709bca40 rsi: 0xffffffffffffffff rbp: 0x00007fff5fb53ef0 rsp: 0x00007fff5fb2bde0
    r8: 0x00007fff709bca40 r9: 0x0000000000000000 r10: 0x0000000000000400 r11: 0x0000000000000246
    r12: 0x00007fff5fb54660 r13: 0x0000000000000000 r14: 0x0000000000000001 r15: 0x0000000000000001
    rip: 0x0000000100009629 rfl: 0x0000000000010246 cr2: 0x000000010003a000
    Binary Images:
    0x100000000 - 0x10007afe3 +com.kodak.printer.aio.driver 5.4.5 ( <A6385081-BB00-8D36-3784-EFF47A54D814> /Library/Printers/Kodak/AiO_Printers/AiODriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/driver
    0x100136000 - 0x100143fff libcupsimage.2.dylib 2.3.0 (compatibility 2.0.0) <6DAB2796-0CC8-D363-498A-59C97D8324D3> /usr/lib/libcupsimage.2.dylib
    0x1006b1000 - 0x100746fe7 5.4.5 ( <FD36ACD8-EA39-A885-25FC-657C1836228E> /Library/Printers/Kodak/AiO_Printers/AIOIO.plugin/Contents/MacOS/AIOIO
    0x100798000 - 0x1007a2ff7 4.1.5 (4.1.5) <38E50A82-16FB-3C52-65C5-BC931BFA15F1> /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle/Co ntents/MacOS/IOUSBLib
    0x7fff5fc00000 - 0x7fff5fc3bdef dyld 132.1 (???) <B536F2F1-9DF1-3B6C-1C2C-9075EA219A06> /usr/lib/dyld
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    0x7fff89071000 - 0x7fff890c0fef 6.0 (6.0) <BD71B20B-C530-6D10-47A4-9838CF292911> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PasswordServer.framework/Versions/A/PasswordS erver
    0x7fffffe00000 - 0x7fffffe01fff libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <71E6D4C9-F945-6EC2-998C-D61AD590DAB6> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    E [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] The following messages were recorded from 14:04:22 to 14:07:00
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=50, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-unknown-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 12 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 12 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 31 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaDetect?"): responseLen=31, response='0098, OK, Media Detect Started;')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_GetLastPrinterResponseCode(responseCode=98)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 23 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | handleError(3524), class=2...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 45 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | ...0=handleError(3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 29 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 50 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | handleError(3502), class=2...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 45 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | ...0=handleError(3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=50, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-missing-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | handleError(3502), class=2...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 23 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | ...3524=handleError(3502)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | handleError(3524), class=2...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 45 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | ...0=handleError(3524)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Received 60 bytes of back-channel data!
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | Photo media: Quality=11
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | inputSize=4722x6780 pixels
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | ...RequestedPaperNum=-1: Page WxH=0x0 pixels, TxL margins=5.00x5.00 mm
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | Actual TLBR Margins={14.17, 14.17, 14.17, 14.17} pts.
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaType='custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0'
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | PrintMode=28 (OMG), ConvLut=plain (CMYK), OPLQuality=4388, OPLSpeed=13
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | mOPLPlanes='CMYKp', mNumOPLColors=4
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | InputTblFullPathPtr='/Library/Printers/Kodak/AiOPrinters/AiODriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/input_AdobeRGBV55.bin'
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | outputTblFullPathPtr='/Library/Printers/Kodak/AiOPrinters/AiODriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/output_T3GV57.bin'
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] | buffer[1=>kRGBLineIndex]: size=2]=0x100213f50 to 0x100213f51
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Print file sent, waiting for printer to finish...
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] Ready to print.
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] End of messages
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] printer-state=3(idle)
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] printer-state-message="Ready to print."
    D [13/Jan/2011:14:07:00 +0000] [Job 2] printer-state-reasons=none
    E [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] The following messages were recorded from 09:12:13 to 09:12:33
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Leaving cupsgetparams()
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsprintpages(0x1869634, 0xa0236a78, 1)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsBitsPerPixel = 24, cupsWidth = 4722, cupsBytesPerLine = 14166, srcbytes = 14166
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsWidth = 4722, cupsHeight = 6780, cupsBytesPerLine = 14166
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsprintchunked - flip = 0, height = 6780
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | * 64-bit driver *
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsgetmatrix(0x1869634, 0x1ac0668)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cups->header.Duplex = 0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cups->page = 1
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsPPD = 0x1008400
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] width = 4722, height = 6780
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 600 600 ]
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] HWMargins = [ 14.170 14.170 14.180 14.180 ]
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] matrix = [ 8.333 0.000 0.000 -8.333 -118.083 6898.500 ]
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] || Driver Version= (33384 ms)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | -1=open('/tmp/ek_l0g')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | -1=createTmpFile('/tmp/aio.opl')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | -1=open('/tmp/spew_jbig')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsgetmatrix(0x1869634, 0x1ac0668)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cups->header.Duplex = 0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cups->page = 1
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsPPD = 0x1008400
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] width = 4722, height = 6780
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] PageSize = [ 595 842 ], HWResolution = [ 600 600 ]
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] HWMargins = [ 14.170 14.170 14.180 14.180 ]
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] matrix = [ 8.333 0.000 0.000 -8.333 -118.083 6898.500 ]
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0x10020b2a0=AiOPlugin_CreateContext()
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0 {plugin 0}=AiOPlugin_GetModelAndSerialNumberFromURI('usb://Eastman%20Kodak%20Company/KO DAK%20ESP%205200%20Series%20AiO?serial=W168377', modelType=5200, serial#='W168377')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=TJob::readCupsHeader(CUPS page 1):
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] |- CUPS Page Header2 (size=1796):
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaClass=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaColor=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaType=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | OutputType=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | PageSize=595x842, LB Margins=14x14, HWResolution=600x600
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | NumCopies=1, Collate=0, Duplex=0, Tumble=0, ManualFeed=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | {L,B,W-R,H-T} ImagingBoundingBox={14, 14, 580, 827}
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Orientation=0, MirrorPrint=0, NegativePrint=0, Jog=0, OutputFaceUp=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaPosition=0, MediaWeight=0, AdvanceDistance=0, AdvanceMedia=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | CutMedia=0, InsertSheet=0, LeadingEdge=0, Separations=0, TraySwitch=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Width=4722, Height=6780
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | BitsPerColor=8, BitsPerPixel=24, BytesPerLine=14166
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaType=0, ColorOrder=0, ColorSpace=1
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Compression=0, RowCount=0, RowFeed=0, RowStep=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] |- NumColors=3
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | BorderlessScalingFactor=0.00
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | (FP) PageSize=0.00x0.00 pts
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | (FP) {L,B,W-R,H-T} ImagingBoundingBox={0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00} pts
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MarkerType=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | RenderingIntent=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] |_ PageSizeName=''
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | PDDiagData::PDDiagData('')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] AiO: 530 bytes read from /Library/Caches/Kodak/driverdiagnosticdata.xml.
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | (SidesImaged is missing! Probably Adobe Reader.)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] |
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Copies=1, pages=1, NUp=1, Duplexing=1, Collated=1, ReverseOrder=1, SidesImaged=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Requested Paper WxH=0.00x0.00 pts, Page WxH=0.00x0.00 pts,
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | TLBR Margins={0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00} pts.
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaType=1 (auto), Quality=8, Mirror=0, GrayScale=0, Poster=1, UseDryTime=0, DryTime=2, InputTray=1, enhancedPhotoMode=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 14 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 14 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 32 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_OpenCUPSConnection('usb://Eastman%20Kodak%20Company/KODAK%20ESP%205 200%20Series%20AiO?serial=W168377')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 25 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 25 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 48 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 21 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 21 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 353 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 21 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 21 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 512 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 171 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 20 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 20 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 512 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 96 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 23 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 23 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 38 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 22 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 22 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 512 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 512 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 237 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(ifDuplexerInstalled=0, colorInkVersion=0, blackInkVersion=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Rotate=0
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | NumCachePageEntries=12, NumCupsPagesCached=2, NumJbigPagesCached=2
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | buffer[0=>kCupsPageCache]: size=288]=0x10021ab10 to 0x10021ac2f
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | TOPL::TOPL(-1)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerWarning=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Page 1
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 12 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 12 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 30 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_LockPrinter()
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_StartPrintJob()
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] ! Event=StartOfJob;
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 17 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 17 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 21 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 21 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] ! MediaSize=customsize0.00mmx0.00mm;
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 36 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 36 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] ! MediaInputTrayCheck=Main;
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 25 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 25 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 50 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=50, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-unknown-0-0-0-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 12 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 12 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 31 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaDetect?"): responseLen=31, response='0098, OK, Media Detect Started;')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_GetLastPrinterResponseCode(responseCode=98)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 60 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 60 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 60 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 60 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 60 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=60, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-deviceunavailable-0-0-0-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 44 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 52 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Wrote 16 bytes of print data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Read 54 bytes of back-channel data...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] sh: /bin/ps: Operation not permitted
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=getInfoRecord(printerError=0)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | 0=AiOPlugin_QueryPrinter("MediaTypeStatus?": responseLen=54, response='MediaTypeStatus=custom-media-type-og0-plain-1-paper-0')
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | inputSize=4722x6780 pixels
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | ...RequestedPaperNum=-1: Page WxH=0x0 pixels, TxL margins=5.00x5.00 mm
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | Actual TLBR Margins={14.17, 14.17, 14.17, 14.17} pts.
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | MediaType='custom-media-type-og0-plain-1-paper-0'
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | PrintMode=2 (PN), ConvLut=photo (CMYKP), OPLQuality=4352, OPLSpeed=3
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | mOPLPlanes='CMYKtKp', mNumOPLColors=5
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | InputTblFullPathPtr='/Library/Printers/Kodak/AiOPrinters/AiODriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/input_AdobeRGB_KPTV55.bin'
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | outputTblFullPathPtr='/Library/Printers/Kodak/AiOPrinters/AiODriver.bundle/Contents/Resources/output_PNV59.bin'
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] | buffer[1=>kRGBLineIndex]: size=2]=0x100218120 to 0x100218121
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Sent 668 bytes...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Force the read thread to exit...
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] Got USB return aborted during read
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] End of messages
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] printer-state=3(idle)
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] printer-state-message="/Library/Printers/Kodak/AiO_Printers/AiODriver.bundle/Co ntents/MacOS/driver failed"
    D [14/Jan/2011:09:12:33 +0000] [Job 2] printer-state-reasons=none
    Model: iMac10,1, BootROM IM101.00CC.B00, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.53f13
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4670, ATI Radeon HD 4670, PCIe, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairportwireless_card_type_airportextreme (0x168C, 0x8F), Atheros 9280:
    Bluetooth: Version 2.3.8f7, 2 service, 19 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: ST31000528ASQ, 931.51 GB
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GA11N
    USB Device: USB to Serial-ATA bridge, 0x059b (Iomega Corporation), 0x0577, 0x24100000
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8502, 0x24400000
    USB Device: KODAK ESP 5200 Series AiO, 0x040a (Kodak Co.), 0x4041, 0x26200000
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26500000
    USB Device: MTE-450, 0x056a (WACOM Co., Ltd.), 0x0065, 0x06400000
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8215, 0x06110000
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000

    grrd wrote:
    I have an iMac G6, 3.06 GHz Intel Core Duo, 4GB Memory 1067 Mhz RAM, I think that is not bad..
    Better than mine. I have a 2.66 GHz iMac Intel, 4 GB.
    I just did a few steps working in Photoshop on a very small file, and it stops working and says: "Could not complete the Export command because there is not enough memory (RAM)"
    I've just been working with several files ranging from 100 kB to 36.7 MB in size. No problems.
    That is one of the messages. Other times it says there are too many windows open (even when I am just working on one file..)
    Photoshop scratch disk could be a good hint.. only, where do I find it?
    Photoshop/Preferences/Plug-ins & Scratch Disk. The default scratch disk is the boot disk.
    Where do I allocate RAM to Photoshop?
    Photoshop/Preferences/Memory & Image Cache. The default is to allocate a maximum of 70% of physical RAM to Photoshop. If this is set too low then Photoshop will complain that it's out of RAM. If it's set too high, then Photoshop will complain when other apps grab RAM that it wants.
    Thanks a lot!
    Message was edited by: grrd
    Message was edited by: grrd

  • Hi, trying to reinstall my adobe photoshop and premier on computer the adobe download does not recognise the serial nos that i have that are in my adobe account.thanks,gem

    trying to reinstall my adobe photoshop and premier on computer the adobe download does not recognise the serial nos that i have that are in my adobe account.thanks,gem

    Here are a couple links that might help
    Error "The serial number is not valid for this product" | Creative Suite
    Creative Cloud applications ask for serial number
    And try using this cleaner
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6

  • Can I delete the NOS folder containing the adobe get plus stuff?

    I downloaded Flash player 10 version from the adobe site. Along with that program being installed another program was installed (ADOBE Get Plus?). It contains an exe file helperSvc.exe along with something about "getPlus+". I deleted this program. Will it effect the functioninga nd security of Flash Player 10 version I notice if I download flash player 10 when I'm at a website that requires flash player, example, I get the flash player 10 version but with out the NOS folder and all the get plus stuff. So if I download flash player 10 version from adobe and then delete the NOS folder/getPlus program, will all be ok?

    By deleting it doesn't it leave stuff behind that causes me to get an error? ( getPlus+ Error  16236.203.235)

  • Adobe CS6 master Collection disks purchased with serial Nos and used for 18months ok but now I get told "Your Trial has expired" I was never aware it was a trial? purchase was from reseller Adobe ID registers serial No but it is now described as i

    adobe CS6 master Collection disks purchased with serial Nos and used for 18months ok but now I get told "Your Trial has expired" I was never aware it was a trial? purchase was from reseller Adobe ID registers serial No but it is now described as invalid. What is going on?

    Issues related to serial numbers and registration can never be handled on a public forum as this one is.
    Please either call Customer Service for your region, or use web chat (link below). When using the link below, enter a product name and an issue. Ignore the provided links, and choose something like "Still have a problem?" and you'll get a link to web chat:
    Contact Customer Care

  • When I am in safari, esp, hotmail, I get the twirling rainbow circle and a message: A script in this movie is causing adobe flash player 10 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. do you wnat to abort script?

    When I am in Safari, esp my hotmail account, I get the twirling rainbow circle
    and a message that says -" A script in this movie is causing Adobe Flash Player 10 to run slowly.
    If it continues, to run your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort script?"
    Not sure what to do.

    Just click No.

  • Difficulty viewing the Adobe training videos, esp the eSeminars

    I apologize for posting this here- it might not be the right place. But I am so frustrated and don't know where to ask for help.
    1. I am trying to watch the eSeminars from Allen Partridge.
    2. I am logged into Adobe, and I am logged into Acrobat Connect.
    3. When I try to view the eSeminars:
        • Audio is echoed in Firefox and is thus entirely garbled.
        • In Safari, the audio plays fine.
        • As the seminar plays, I begin to lose sync with audio and images. for example, 30 minutes into the seminar, things are so out of syncI just have to quit.
        • If I pause, the visuals stop progressing, and I am left looking at a single slide as the audio and content continues.
    Please please, what is going on? what can I do to watch these videos? Where should I ask these questions?
    It is ironic to have such troublesome technical issues when trying to watch these Seminars that are about delivering web based training! I have been struggling with this for weeks, and have spent more time trying to watch these Seminars than actually watching them! Please help!!!
    Here is an example of the link I follow that leads me to all of these problems:

    Hello xg. Thanks for posting about the difficulty. I occasionally have heard this from a few others. Could you possibly share your system details with me allenp (at) adobe (dot) com.
    It doesn't seem to affect most people with Firefox, but those whom it has affected report that same kind of behavior. Specifically could you let me know the following;
    Operating System:
    Browser version(s):
    How are you connecting? (Bandwidth):
    Any details of the issue - eg. other applications open, secondary browsers used for access etc.
    Thanks in advance for helping. I'll pass the problem details along to the Connect team.

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