Adobe reader download questions

Why I can't to download Adobe Reader?

We don't know; you don't give us any details.
For Windows and Mac OS, download the installer from

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  • Adobe reader download problem on mac.  when i try to download reader it says i need adobe air.  when i try to download adobe air it says it's no longer available or supported.  i deleted the old air because i got a message saying i needed to delete it.

    adobe reader download problem on mac.  when i try to download reader it says i need adobe air.  when i try to download adobe air it says it's no longer available or supported.  i deleted the old air because i got a message saying i needed to delete it. what should i do?  my operating system is Mac 10.7.5

    You don't need Adobe AIR to download or install Adobe Reader.
    Try downloading the offline installer from

  • My adobe reader download will not accept my adobe pw?

    my adobe reader download will not accept my pw for adobe??

    What is your operating system?
    Can you post a screenshot of what you see:
    See also

  • Error message on Adobe reader download

    Can't download Adobe reader (although my system says I already have it).  Error message - The ordinal 701 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll.  How can I fix this?

    This isn't an Adobe problem.  It's an Internet Explorer issue: nd/2d368445-3395-4737-aef7-61d2f6e9c824

  • Adobe Reader Download Problems

    I can't download adobe reader.  A pop up says to close Adobe 8.1 and I have already deleted it. I have also restarted my computer and it still says 8.1 is open. What do I do?

    Welcome to Adobe Forums.
    Offline installer for Adobe Reader XI :

  • Why won't adobe reader download?

    I am running windows vista ultimate 32-bit operating system. I had adobe reader 10.1.13. While trying to open an important document, it said that I needed the latest adobe to open. I tried to update to 10.1.4, but it kept getting hung up on step 2.
    I finally uninstalled adobe and tried a new download of 10.1.4. But I still can't get past step 2. I have tried to download in both Chrome and IE9 without success. My active scripting is enabled in IE. I finally tried to download adobe XI, but that too failed. I restarted the computer in between each attempt. I had this problem updating updating adobe flash and last week someone provided a link that worked, but I cannot find such help for reader and am hoping someone can help me.
    I now have no reader at all and there is a very important, time sensitive document that I need to open from the state of IL. Can someone please help? Thank you.

    Use the offline installer from
    Note that Reader XI is not compatible with Vista; download/install Reader 10.1.4, then update it to 10.1.13.

  • PDF Viewer or Adobe Reader/QuickOffice Questions - PLEASE REPLY!

    Does the D Inc ship preinstalled with the "PDF Viewer" or Adobe Reader?
    Also, can you CREATE documents with Quickoffice, or does it only view doc/xls/ppt from attachments? I'm assuming you can also drag documents from the computer to the SD Card and view them on Quickoffice as well?

    The Dinc with 2.1 had a pdf viewer but it was removed from the 2.2 update. You can download the Adobe pdf reader application from the Market for free.
    I believe that the QuickOffice installed on the Dinc is for viewing files only. The full paid version of QuickOffice has more options and is available on the market.
    Yes you can drag and drop documents into the sd card and they will be viewable by the QuickOffice application.

  • Free adobe reader download

    what version of adobe reader do I need to download for windows 7?

    I'd say get the latest and greatest. i think that you'll get 10.1.something.
    Why? See

  • Why Does Adobe Reader download button  launch windows Media Player?

    I want to download an owners manual for my dishwasher. When I go to the mfg. site and locate the PDF file and click it to 'run' or 'save' (to desktop), Windows Media Player  launches. What's going on?? Please respond soon and thanks. Steve   Win 7, IE 10, Reader 11

    That sounds like your file association for .pdf files is hosed; you need to assign it to Adobe Reader instead of Media Player:

  • Can I delete previous Adobe Reader downloads when a new has been updated.

    Can I delete prvious downloads of Adobe Reader as my computer is so slow.

    As I understand things, if you uninstall previous versions of Reader in Windows, you can ruin the remaining one(s). I would suggest removing all versions of Reader and then doing a fresh install of the version you want to keep. But I have my doubts that having several versions of Reader can slow your computer very much.

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    Whenever I try to install an upgrade I get a message saying Adobe 7.0 is using the files please delete and try again.   But I have deleted the files and I can't read PDF forms now.  Any help would be appreciated.

    Assuming you mean Adobe Reader, you may want to try the following.
    Remove all traces of Reader (not only the program) from your system using the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. This is no longer supported by Microsoft because it can produce problems with Win 7, but you can still download it from from places like
    Then, download the Reader installer from
    and perform a clean install.

  • Why does it keep telling me that my security settings will not let the Adobe Reader download when I have them turned off?

    I try to update the Adobe Reader and it will not let me.  I have turned the Norton Security off and it still tells me that my security settings will not allow it to download.  What can I do?

    There's a little box that comes up on my computer after I try to update the Adobe Reader.  It says:  "Your current security settings will not allow this to download".  So I went into my Norton Security and disabled the antivirus program.  I don't even know if that was the "settings" that the message on my computer was meaning.  But what has happened is when I try to use the Adobe Reader XI that is on my computer, a little box comes up on my screen that says "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded" and I'm unable to get Adobe to work.

  • I need a fix for adobe reader download error

    The same error message has been popping up when I try to download the adobe pdf reader. Here is the image:
    I have tried every single fix that I have found in the discussions and forums. None have worked for me. Can someone please tell me if there is something new? Thank you.

    I did a Google search for tallation+of+assembly+component+{B708EB72-AA82-3EB7-8BB0-D845BA35C93D}.+hresult%3A+0x80070 422.&oq=error+1935.+an+error+occurred+during+the+installation+of+assembly+component+{B708E B72-AA82-3EB7-8BB0-D845BA35C93D}.+hresult%3A+0x80070422.
    This yields many results.  I did not look at them all, but the most promising one was that a potential Windows Update was still running in the background, e.g. updating .NET Framework or Visual C++ runtime.  Once the Windows Update was complete, the user could successfully install Adobe Reader.
    Can you check with the Task Manager (Processes tab) if some updates are going on (e.g. presence of MSIEXEC or such).

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    Could anyone please help me to download adobe reader as the download / installation page is still not working.  I am using Windows 7 o/s & firefox.  Thanks

    You can try the full offline installer from

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