Adobe Scripting/Presence Property

I am trying to use the "Hidden" property and it wont exclude the layout like I seem in the adobe examples, by "deleting and removing the space the object takes up. Any ideas why this isn't working?

I tried that, and wasn't able to do it.
This is an example of what I want to do, I have actually downloaded this form, and works great. But when I do it in my form or even a brand new form for testing, it wont work correctly.
Any other Ideas?

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    I'm trying to create a script that will allow me to set a certain number of layer markers at an even interval to mark out a song. Could someone help me troubleshoot this script? I've been working on it for ages now, and I'm about to snap. I've basically gone from HTML and CSS, to javascript and Adobe scripting in the past few hours, and I cannot figure this out for the life of me.
    I want to create a dialog with two fields, the number of markers to place, and the tempo of the song. Tempo is pretty simple, its just the number of beats per minute. The script is meant to start at a marker that I have already placed, and set a new marker at incrementing times. Its mainly to help me see what I'm trying to animate too, even if the beat is a little hard to pick up every once in a while.
    Also, is there a better way to do this? This script will help me in the long run because I will need to do this pretty often, but I'm wondering if there was something that I could not find online that would have saved me these hours of brain-jumbling?
    Thank you very much for any help you can offer.
        // Neo_Add_MultiMarkers.jsx
        //Adds multiple markers to the selected layer.
        // This script prompts for a certain number of layer markers to add to the selected audio layer,
        //and an optional "frames between" to set the number of frames that should be skipped before placing the next marker
        // It presents a UI with two text entry areas: a Markers box for the
        // number of markers to add and a Frames Between box for the number of frames to space between added markers.
        // When the user clicks the Add Markers button,
        // A button labeled "?" provides a brief explanation.
        function Neo_Add_MultiMarkers(thisObj)
            // set vars
            var scriptName = "Neoarx: Add Multiple Markers";
            var numberOfMarkers = "0";
            var tempo = "0";
            // This function is called when the Find All button is clicked.
            // It changes which layers are selected by deselecting layers that are not text layers
            // or do not contain the Find Text string. Only text layers containing the Find Text string
            // will remain selected.
            function onAddMarkers()
                // Start an undo group.  By using this with an endUndoGroup(), you
                // allow users to undo the whole script with one undo operation.
                app.beginUndoGroup("Add Multiple Markers");
                // Get the active composition.
                var activeItem = app.project.activeItem;
                if (activeItem != null && (activeItem instanceof CompItem)){
                    // Check each selected layer in the active composition.
                    var activeComp = activeItem;
                    var layers = activeComp.selectedLayers;
                    var markers ="marker");
                    //parse ints
                    numberOfMarkers = parseInt (numberOfMarkers);
                    tempo = parseInt (tempo);
                    // Show a message and return if there is no value specified in the Markers box.
                    if (numberOfMarkers < 1 || tempo < 1) {
                    alert("Each box can take only positive values over 1. The selection was not changed.", scriptName);
                    if (markers.numKeys < 1)
                    alert('Please set a marker where you would like me to begin.');
                    var beginTime = markers.keyTime( 1 );
                    var count = 1;
                    var currentTime = beginTime;
                    var addPer = tempo/60;
                    while(numberOfMarkers < count)
                    markers.setValueAtTime(currentTime, MarkerValue(count));
                    currentTime = currentTime + addPer;
                    if (count==numberOfMarkers) {
        // Called when the Markers Text string is edited
            function onMarkersStringChanged()
                numberOfMarkers = this.text;
            // Called when the Frames Text string is edited
            function onFramesStringChanged()
                tempo = this.text;
            // Called when the "?" button is clicked
            function onShowHelp()
                alert(scriptName + ":\n" +
                "This script displays a palette with controls for adding a given number of markers starting at a pre-placed marker, each separated by an amount of time determined from the inputted Beats Per Minute (Tempo).\n" +
                "It is designed to mark out the even beat of a song for easier editing.\n" +
                "\n" +
                "Type the number of Markers you would like to add to the currently selected layer. Type the tempo of your song (beats per minute).\n" +           
                "\n" +
                "Note: This version of the script requires After Effects CS3 or later. It can be used as a dockable panel by placing the script in a ScriptUI Panels subfolder of the Scripts folder, and then choosing this script from the Window menu.\n", scriptName);
            // main:
            if (parseFloat(app.version) < 8)
                alert("This script requires After Effects CS3 or later.", scriptName);
                // Create and show a floating palette
                var my_palette = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window("palette", scriptName, undefined, {resizeable:true});
                if (my_palette != null)
                    var res =
                    "group { \
                        orientation:'column', alignment:['fill','fill'], alignChildren:['left','top'], spacing:5, margins:[0,0,0,0], \
                        markersRow: Group { \
                            alignment:['fill','top'], \
                            markersStr: StaticText { text:'Markers:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
                            markersEditText: EditText { text:'0', characters:10, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                        FramesRow: Group { \
                            alignment:['fill','top'], \
                            FramesStr: StaticText { text:'Tempo:', alignment:['left','center'] }, \
                            FramesEditText: EditText { text:'140', characters:10, alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                        cmds: Group { \
                            alignment:['fill','top'], \
                            addMarkersButton: Button { text:'Add Markers', alignment:['fill','center'] }, \
                            helpButton: Button { text:'?', alignment:['right','center'], preferredSize:[25,20] }, \
                    my_palette.margins = [10,10,10,10];
                    my_palette.grp = my_palette.add(res);
                    // Workaround to ensure the editext text color is black, even at darker UI brightness levels
                    var winGfx =;
                    var darkColorBrush = winGfx.newPen(winGfx.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0,0,0], 1);
           = darkColorBrush;
           = darkColorBrush;
                    my_palette.grp.markersRow.markersStr.preferredSize.width = my_palette.grp.FramesRow.FramesStr.preferredSize.width;
                    my_palette.grp.markersRow.markersEditText.onChange = my_palette.grp.markersRow.markersEditText.onChanging = onMarkersStringChanged;
                    my_palette.grp.FramesRow.FramesEditText.onChange = my_palette.grp.FramesRow.FramesEditText.onChanging = onFramesStringChanged;
                    my_palette.grp.cmds.addMarkersButton.onClick    = onAddMarkers;
                    my_palette.grp.cmds.helpButton.onClick    = onShowHelp;
                    my_palette.onResizing = my_palette.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();}
                    if (my_palette instanceof Window) {
                    } else {
                else {
                    alert("Could not open the user interface.", scriptName);

    You should ask such questions over at AEnhancers. I had a quick look at your code but could not find anything obvious, so it may relate to where and when you execute certain functions and how they are nested, I just don't have the time to do a deeper study.

  • Presence Property for standard Email Submit Button

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to hide the presence of the standard Email Submit Button in Livecycle Designer?
    Example: User cannot access EmailSubmitButton1 until a valid date has been entered in to DateTime1 field.
    I have tried the presence property, with both a change event and exit event with no luck. I am assuming that since the standard Email Submit Button does not have a "click" event available, this task cannot be accomplished.
    Any assistance is welcome

    Hi Paul,
    You were correct, the mistake was on my part. I replaced the Button1 value in the script with the correct value "SubmitButton1".
    Thanks again for your assistance.
    Best Regards

  • I'm trying to switch my adobe script membership over to the unlimited app membership one I get it.

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    Do you mean Acrobat subscription by Script pro monthly ?
    Is unlimited app subscription referring to CC ?
    If that is the case, then you can use the Acrobat 11 pro present in CC & not use the acrobat subscription.
    Hope it helps you.


    I Can't find adobe script in creative cloud as part of my student subscription. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance.

    At present, you can only access your scripts from website.

  • Adobe script for rotation and position

    I am new to adobe script and actions (very new. like starting today, right now).
    First I just want to know if what I'm trying to do it even possible.
    Imagine a simple rectangle in photoshop.
    I have a table of angles and coordinates (could be an an excel file or any kind of text file). let's say 10 rows. column A = angles and columns B and C are x and y coordinates, respectively.
    I want to somehow have photoshop read this list, and make 10 layers that have the rectangle at the position and angle specified by each row of the table.
    then, I want a timeline with 10 frames, each one having only the appropriate, sequential layer visible.
    Is that possible?
    If so, does anyone have any suggestions. I've never written script in adobe, but do have some programming experience in other oldschool languages.
    and maybe a link that explain how to use the script once it's written?

    It is not so good to provide the first post in a thread one has started oneself. Edit: At least that’s my opinion on this issue.
    The Forum has been made worse recently in some regards, one of which makes it less easy to notice that the OP has posted a reply and not someone else.
    Anyways, maybe this helps.
    It uses and array or arrays of the basis of the transformation of the active layer.
    // 2014, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    var theLayer = smartify2010 (myDocument.activeLayer);
    var theW = theLayer.bounds[2] - theLayer.bounds[0];
    var theH = theLayer.bounds[3] - theLayer.bounds[1];
    var theCenter = [theLayer.bounds[0] + theW/2, theLayer.bounds[1] + theH/2];
    var theValues = [[0, 0, 15], [100, 100, 30], [300, 300, 45]];
    for (var m = 0; m < theValues.length; m++) {
    myDocument.activeLayer = theLayer;
    duplicateMoveRotateScale (theValues[m][0] - Number(theCenter[0]), theValues[m][1] - Number(theCenter[1]), 100, 100, theValues[m][2]);
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    ////// duplicate and transform layer //////
    function duplicateMoveRotateScale (theX, theY, theScaleX, theScaleY, theRotation) {
    // =======================================================
    var idTrnf = charIDToTypeID( "Trnf" );
        var desc10 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref6 = new ActionReference();
            var idLyr = charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref6.putEnumerated( idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc10.putReference( idnull, ref6 );
        var idFTcs = charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" );
        var idQCSt = charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" );
        var idQcsa = charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" );
        desc10.putEnumerated( idFTcs, idQCSt, idQcsa );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
            var desc11 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc11.putUnitDouble( idHrzn, idPxl, theX );
            var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc11.putUnitDouble( idVrtc, idPxl, theY );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
        desc10.putObject( idOfst, idOfst, desc11 );
        var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc10.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPrc, theScaleX );
        var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc10.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPrc, theScaleY );
        var idAngl = charIDToTypeID( "Angl" );
        var idAng = charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" );
        desc10.putUnitDouble( idAngl, idAng, theRotation );
        var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
        var idIntp = charIDToTypeID( "Intp" );
        var idbicubicAutomatic = stringIDToTypeID( "bicubicAutomatic" );
        desc10.putEnumerated( idIntr, idIntp, idbicubicAutomatic );
        var idCpy = charIDToTypeID( "Cpy " );
        desc10.putBoolean( idCpy, true );
    executeAction( idTrnf, desc10, DialogModes.NO );
    } catch (e) {}
    ////// function to smartify if not //////
    function smartify2010 (theLayer) {
    // make layers smart objects if they are not already;
      app.activeDocument.activeLayer = theLayer;
    // process pixel-layers and groups;
          if (theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.GRADIENTFILL" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.LAYER3D" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.NORMAL" ||
          theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.PATTERNFILL" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.SOLIDFILL" ||
          theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.TEXT" || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.VIDEO" || theLayer.typename == "LayerSet") {
      var id557 = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );
      var desc108 = new ActionDescriptor();
      var id558 = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
      var ref77 = new ActionReference();
      var id559 = charIDToTypeID( "Mn  " );
      var id560 = charIDToTypeID( "MnIt" );
      var id561 = stringIDToTypeID( "newPlacedLayer" );
      ref77.putEnumerated( id559, id560, id561 );
      desc108.putReference( id558, ref77 );
      executeAction( id557, desc108, DialogModes.NO )
      return app.activeDocument.activeLayer
      if (theLayer.kind == LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT || theLayer.kind == "LayerKind.VIDEO") {return theLayer};

  • Script error property not found

    I have a script that get a list of choosen check boxes, it
    was working fine but now when i press the button that calls the
    script i get a error saying "script error property not found" then
    it lists the line i have put a * next to and says #hilite
    This is the top part of that script and to my knowlegde i
    have not chnaged any of it and it worked before but now it does
    not, i also use a script almost identical to this but use it for
    radiobuttons instead and the line is the same in that and that
    script works, can anybody tell me what as gone wrong?

    I suspect you have a cast member that uses one of the three
    names in the
    list and it is not a check box. It's probably before the
    actual checkbox
    member in the cast so it's finding it first.
    Craig Wollman
    Lingo Specialist
    Word of Mouth Productions
    "ajrobson" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:etn9j1$op2$[email protected]..
    >I have a script that get a list of choosen check boxes,
    it was working fine
    > now when i press the button that calls the script i get
    a error saying
    > "script
    > error property not found" then it lists the line i have
    put a * next to
    > and
    > says #hilite
    > This is the top part of that script and to my knowlegde
    i have not chnaged
    > any
    > of it and it worked before but now it does not, i also
    use a script almost
    > identical to this but use it for radiobuttons instead
    and the line is the
    > same
    > in that and that script works, can anybody tell me what
    as gone wrong?
    > global err
    > on CheckBoxState -- name of custom handler
    > TickedBoxes = [] -- a empty list will be filled where
    ever a checkbox is
    > ticked
    > CheckBoxNames = ["Dr no", "From russia with
    love","Casino royale" ]
    > repeat with i = 1 to 3 -- repeat for each checkbox
    > CurrentCheckbox = CheckBoxNames
    > ** if the hilite of member(CurrentCheckbox) then -- if
    > hilite
    > is true (checked)...
    > append(TickedBoxes,CurrentCheckbox )
    > end if
    > end repeat
    > return TickedBoxes
    > end

  • Learning Adobe Scripts Language

    Dear Friends,
    I would like to learn adobe scripting language. So I don't have exact root to learn.
    Please advise me which l can be start at the basic things and what is the language used in adobe script.
    Please let me know if some one have answer..
    Thanks in advance..

    You should take a look at this post in the Illustrator general forum…
    Much depends on what it is you want to script and your OS can make an impact too.

  • How do i use "postPrint" event on adobe script?

    I would like to know if my form was printed or not ON CRM.
    Is it posible to use the "postPrint" event on adobe scripting  ?
    and if i can run sap rfc fuction or tranzaction from the event ?
    thank you very much.

    you can call a web service from that event to communicate back to SAP that it has been printed. you just need to create one and publish it.

  • Where do I go to discuss Adobe scripting in general?

    I’m new to Adobe scripting, and I have questions about scripting in Photoshop,
    which I assume I can post here, 
    But I also have questions about scripting in general.  I ran across a post in the InDesign forum,
    where the response was “moved to the scripting forum.”  But that forum isn’t on the list of available forums.
    So where do I go to discuss Adobe scripting in general?

    you're welcome here in the forum, I'm sure you will get the correct answers to your questions. And only to complete, we here in the forum mainly are users like you and me.
    You will find all the Communities by clicking "Adobe Communities" on the top of the window. Please have a look at (see screenshot) and/or open "All communities"

  • Adobe Form - Object property for FormCalc/Javascript

    Hi All
    I'm learning to use Adobe Form - FormCalc/Javascript - In some of the examples that I have seen fofar
    the codes (FormCalc/Javascript) used a qualified name of an object property for setting value i.e.
    In FormCalc:
    DateTimeField1.rawValue = num2date(date(), DateFmt(3))
    In Javascript:
    this.rawValue = xfa.layout.pageCount();
    pantsWaist.border.edge.color.value = "255,0,0";
    pantsLength.presence = "hidden"
    Could someone please tell me how/where I can get the property list that available for an object ?
    (i.e. rawValue, presence, value etc...) I can't see on the Form builder (sorry for such a novice question - but as I said I am very new)
    Points will be rewarded for any reply -

    Hi Liem,
    Whenever u press a "." after any oject say $ in FormCalc, or this in Javascript u will find relative properties that u can set at that time for the mentioned object.
    try this, place a Text field, select that and go to script editor, select language FormCalc:
    write $. and u will find a dropdown that'll show u possible list of properties u can change.
    Similarly, if u try this with "this." in JavaScript another dropdown will show u possible list of properties that u can change.
    Hope this helps

  • Adobe Pro 9 Property Bar issue - No Current Selection

    I'm using AP9 Extended. For some reason when I click on Ctrl + E the Property Bar will not display. I get a "No current selection" on one of the bars that are activated. It appears that the only way I can get the Property Bar to display is by highlighting text within a text box that I've created. Once the text is highlighted the Property Bar will display and provide the opportunity to modify text but it will not remain active when I load another .pdf and I have to repeat this "manual process".
    Question: Did Adobe make it this way or is it a glitch?
    I never had this problem with Adobe Pro 7 or 8.
    I'm using XP Home SP3.

    I'm not sure if it applies to you, but when I have two (or more) copies of acrobat open I too get "no current selection" & greyed out problems
    it also seems to lead to the "invalid annotation object" problems

  • Default Locale won't carry over to Adobe Acrobat Language Property

    Repost from . I have the same problem and have searched everywhere.  Any suggestions?
    In LiveCycle Designer ES, you can set the default "Form locale" under "Defaults" on the File Properties page.  This is essentially the default language for the form.  The problem comes when you generate a pdf from the form.  Regardless of this setting, if you view the Advanced tab under the pdf's document properties, the field "Language" under Reading Options is blank, and greyed out - you cannot change it.  This is the field Adobe uses to check for accessibility- if it is blank it gives an error message upon an accessibility check reading "the form lacks a language specification".  I have searched all over this forum and all over the web trying to figure out how to correct this with no luck.

    Hi LBarton,
    Have solved this issue? I have exactly same issue with PDF generated using Livecycle Designer ES2. Adobe documentation says following:
    In LiveCycle Designer, setting the primary language is accomplished by setting the Locale property of
    the form and the Locale property for the top-level subform. To identify changes to the primary
    language, change the Locale property for any object that uses a language other than the form’s
    To set the Locale property of a form:
    1. Choose File > Form Properties and select the Default tab
    2. Select the appropriate language for the Form Locale (see Figure 17)
    3. Click OK
    But this doesn't work. Let me know your experience.

  • How can I add adobe air file property information

    the AIR application executable (file properties) does not include any information from the AIR description file (application.xml).
    Is it possible to compile an AIR application with file property information?
    Thank you for your help.

    Flash is not supported on the iPad - and as Adobe have announced that they are stopping development on all mobile versions of it, it probably never will be.
    Browser apps such as Skyfire, iSwifter, Puffin and Photon 'work' on some sites, but judging by their reviews not all sites. Also some websites, especially news/media sites, have their own apps in the App Store.

  • Overflow in SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe - Scripting problem

    Dear Colleagues,
    in SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe i have to avoid or do a page break. How can i get the overflow information to use
    this in a script written in java script or form calc?
    Can somebody help me.
    Kind Regards
    Christian Peters

    Please follow the below links, hope this might help you.
    Page Break in adobe forms
    conditional Page break in Adobe forms.
    Adobe Forms - Page Break via a Conditional Break

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