Adobe Slate

I am interested in Adobe Slate, but have two questions about it.  Is the product available for the desktop computers?  And does it collect any stats about how many people visit the "stories" or site?

Slate is a mobile product only and if and what data Adobe and Apple collect will be forever be their secret. I'm sure they have some anonymous usage statistics built in, but nothing the probably care to share with the rest of the world.

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    You will likely get better program help in a program forum
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    I've also noticed that crashes increase with hand-animations, especially with embedded sounds. I think the reason behind this is that Macromedia in its latter year or so started a trend that Adobe has continued: to emphasize the performance of objects created and managed through code over ones created and managed on the timeline.
    I find that version control is a great way to handle this. Even if you aren't set up to use a central repository and don't want to be, both Git and Subversion support local repositories that will give you revision points to go back to without copies all over the place. If that's too much overhead, Dropbox also keeps a revision history and I have heard/read that you can go back to previous versions you have stored there. However, I don't know the specific details of how it works.

  • InDesign hängt sich auf bei Animation / Workflow?

    iMac 27", Bj Ende 2012
    Prozessor  3,4 GHz Intel Core i7,
    Speicher  32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3,
    Grafikkarte  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB
    System:  OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)
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    ich habe für eine Präsentation eine animierte Anfangssequenz in InDesign CC gebastelt, die ich gerne anschließend in ein PDF integrieren möchte und die idealerweise auch so aufbereitet sein sollte, das sie auf mein iPad kopiert und dort auch zur Präsentation abgespielt werden kann!
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    Im InDesign hatte ich nach kurzer Zeit das Problem, dass sich das Programm ständig aufhängt, sobald ich eines der zu animierenden Elemente anklicke. InDesign kann dann nur noch durch "Programme sofort beenden" beendet werden!!!
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    Wovon das abhängt, dass es es manchmal doch funktioniert, weiss ich nicht.
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    Da ich die exportierte swf-Datei nachvertonen musste, sich das swf-Format in keinem mir bekannten Programm öffenen und bearbeiten ließ, habe ich es in meiner Not über ein ScreenCapture-Programm in mp4 gewandelt und dann anschließend in Photoshop nachvertont. Dadurch wurden allerdings die verwendeten und als Pfade exportierten Schriften ganz übel aufgepixelt!!!
    Gibt es einen Möglichkeit diese Animation mit CC-Apps sauber zu vertonen, die sauberen Pfad-Schriften zu erhalten, die Animation in ein PDF zu integrieren und das Endprodukt in ein Dateiformat zu bekommen, das ich auf meine iPad kopieren (womit???) und dort auch abspielen kann???!!!
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    Vielen Dank
    Sigi Dannecker

    Sorry für den Sarkasmus, aber schon wenn man deine Anforderungen liest, kann das nix werden. Du suchst nach der "eierlegenden Wollmichsau", gehst dabei aber vor, wie ein Chirurg mit der Kettensäge. Ja, in InDesign ist Animation rein ereignisbasiert - eben wie PowerPoint und es geht eben nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt. Man würde ja auch keine Kinofilme in PowerPoint animieren. Genau so macht es Null Sinn, mit Flash-Dateien rumzuhantieren oder groß was von interaktiven PDFs zu schwurbeln, wenn das ganze auch auf Mobilgeräten laufen soll, wo sowas von Haus aus schon nicht geht. Bestenfalls könntest du mit dem App Packager eine iOS-App oder ein interaktives ePub direkt aus ID erzeugen, aber das war's dann auch schon. Also um's mal auf den Punkt zu bringen: Der ganze Workflow ist Kacke. Bevor du noch mehr Zeit mit diesen Hacks verschwendest, würde ich mir mal 'ne klare Strategie zurechtlegen. Wenn eine klassische Videodatei als Output für alles reicht, dann ist natürlich After Effects oder Photoshop ganz klar vorn dabei, ansonsten müßte man schon mal Flash Pro, Edge Animate, Captivate bis hin zu iOS-spezifischen Apps wie Keynote oder das neue Adobe Slate ins Auge fassen. Auf jeden Fall wirst du in letzterem Fall nicht umhin kommen, spezifische Versionen für verschiedene plattformen zu erstellen. Auch wenn Adobe was anderes glauben machen will, ist das mit dem "universal Publishing!" nicht so einfach.

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    Herzlichen Dank für eine Hilfe

    Sorry für den Sarkasmus, aber schon wenn man deine Anforderungen liest, kann das nix werden. Du suchst nach der "eierlegenden Wollmichsau", gehst dabei aber vor, wie ein Chirurg mit der Kettensäge. Ja, in InDesign ist Animation rein ereignisbasiert - eben wie PowerPoint und es geht eben nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt. Man würde ja auch keine Kinofilme in PowerPoint animieren. Genau so macht es Null Sinn, mit Flash-Dateien rumzuhantieren oder groß was von interaktiven PDFs zu schwurbeln, wenn das ganze auch auf Mobilgeräten laufen soll, wo sowas von Haus aus schon nicht geht. Bestenfalls könntest du mit dem App Packager eine iOS-App oder ein interaktives ePub direkt aus ID erzeugen, aber das war's dann auch schon. Also um's mal auf den Punkt zu bringen: Der ganze Workflow ist Kacke. Bevor du noch mehr Zeit mit diesen Hacks verschwendest, würde ich mir mal 'ne klare Strategie zurechtlegen. Wenn eine klassische Videodatei als Output für alles reicht, dann ist natürlich After Effects oder Photoshop ganz klar vorn dabei, ansonsten müßte man schon mal Flash Pro, Edge Animate, Captivate bis hin zu iOS-spezifischen Apps wie Keynote oder das neue Adobe Slate ins Auge fassen. Auf jeden Fall wirst du in letzterem Fall nicht umhin kommen, spezifische Versionen für verschiedene plattformen zu erstellen. Auch wenn Adobe was anderes glauben machen will, ist das mit dem "universal Publishing!" nicht so einfach.

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    liebe Community!
    lt. Apple kann man diese Generation von iMacs nicht als Zweitmonitor via Thunderbolt nutzen. Einen 21,5" Monitor bieten die auch nicht an. Gibt es eine Lösung? Oder tuascht jemand den 2010er mit 12 GB RAM 1TB HD gegen einen 21" oder 22" thunderbolt monitor?
    Mit freundlichen Grüssen
      Ottmar v. Poschinger

    Sorry für den Sarkasmus, aber schon wenn man deine Anforderungen liest, kann das nix werden. Du suchst nach der "eierlegenden Wollmichsau", gehst dabei aber vor, wie ein Chirurg mit der Kettensäge. Ja, in InDesign ist Animation rein ereignisbasiert - eben wie PowerPoint und es geht eben nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt. Man würde ja auch keine Kinofilme in PowerPoint animieren. Genau so macht es Null Sinn, mit Flash-Dateien rumzuhantieren oder groß was von interaktiven PDFs zu schwurbeln, wenn das ganze auch auf Mobilgeräten laufen soll, wo sowas von Haus aus schon nicht geht. Bestenfalls könntest du mit dem App Packager eine iOS-App oder ein interaktives ePub direkt aus ID erzeugen, aber das war's dann auch schon. Also um's mal auf den Punkt zu bringen: Der ganze Workflow ist Kacke. Bevor du noch mehr Zeit mit diesen Hacks verschwendest, würde ich mir mal 'ne klare Strategie zurechtlegen. Wenn eine klassische Videodatei als Output für alles reicht, dann ist natürlich After Effects oder Photoshop ganz klar vorn dabei, ansonsten müßte man schon mal Flash Pro, Edge Animate, Captivate bis hin zu iOS-spezifischen Apps wie Keynote oder das neue Adobe Slate ins Auge fassen. Auf jeden Fall wirst du in letzterem Fall nicht umhin kommen, spezifische Versionen für verschiedene plattformen zu erstellen. Auch wenn Adobe was anderes glauben machen will, ist das mit dem "universal Publishing!" nicht so einfach.

  • Keine animation abspielbar oder speicherbar...

    mein Problem bezieht sich auf:
    Windows 7
    Flash professional test version
    Ich habe eine einfache Animation erstellt, mit 6 Objekten, die sich gerade verschieben. Von Bild eins zu Bild 2 ein klasssicher Tween.
    Das Problem:
    -ich kann die Animation nur per Maus manuell testen, wenn ich über die Frames fahre. Enter oder Enter+STRG funktioniert nicht.
    -die gespeicherte SWF Datei ist nur ein starres Bild
    -Der Alpha Style für die ersten Bilder geht nicht, obwohl er aktiviert ist
    -eine rote Linie ist nur blau zu sehen, bei Doppelklick wird sie rot (in der unteren Ebene)
    Kann jemand helfen?

    Sorry für den Sarkasmus, aber schon wenn man deine Anforderungen liest, kann das nix werden. Du suchst nach der "eierlegenden Wollmichsau", gehst dabei aber vor, wie ein Chirurg mit der Kettensäge. Ja, in InDesign ist Animation rein ereignisbasiert - eben wie PowerPoint und es geht eben nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt. Man würde ja auch keine Kinofilme in PowerPoint animieren. Genau so macht es Null Sinn, mit Flash-Dateien rumzuhantieren oder groß was von interaktiven PDFs zu schwurbeln, wenn das ganze auch auf Mobilgeräten laufen soll, wo sowas von Haus aus schon nicht geht. Bestenfalls könntest du mit dem App Packager eine iOS-App oder ein interaktives ePub direkt aus ID erzeugen, aber das war's dann auch schon. Also um's mal auf den Punkt zu bringen: Der ganze Workflow ist Kacke. Bevor du noch mehr Zeit mit diesen Hacks verschwendest, würde ich mir mal 'ne klare Strategie zurechtlegen. Wenn eine klassische Videodatei als Output für alles reicht, dann ist natürlich After Effects oder Photoshop ganz klar vorn dabei, ansonsten müßte man schon mal Flash Pro, Edge Animate, Captivate bis hin zu iOS-spezifischen Apps wie Keynote oder das neue Adobe Slate ins Auge fassen. Auf jeden Fall wirst du in letzterem Fall nicht umhin kommen, spezifische Versionen für verschiedene plattformen zu erstellen. Auch wenn Adobe was anderes glauben machen will, ist das mit dem "universal Publishing!" nicht so einfach.

  • Why can't I install any adobe CS products after interrupted installation?

    So here's the deal.
    For some stupid reason (don't ask why), I was installing CS6 during a hurricane. After full extraction, installer successfully initialized, but at 95%, there was a power outage. Upon restart, I attempted to uninstall whatever components had been installed to start with a clean slate. Unfortunately, the installation was interrupted just before installing the uninstaller. So...I had to force uninstall. In the process I also deleted a bunch of entries in the registry, and other files that were related or dependencies of CS6. Now in the process, I must have deleted something crucial to adobe installations in the WINDOWS system files, because now I can extract any creative suite related installation, but upon running the installer, I recieve this error:
    "Installer failed to initialize. This could be due to a missing file."
    Now I've tried everything under the sun. MD5 caches are identical to a pristine download, so no corruption of the files is evident, and I can install a copy of the file on another computer, so evidently it is fully functioning. I don't understand why it's stating there is a "missing file", when all the files required for installation (or so I was led to believe) were inside the directory where the download was extracted. I didn't realize Adobe installations draw upon windows files, but evidently i'm missing something special. I've fixed registry errors and checked the log. As far as I can tell, the FATAL error occurs when adobe installer fails to find a node in a specified directory, yet the log doesn't state the directory or filename so I can't properly investigate. I'm beginning to think the only way I can install CS anything is by reinstalling windows. Please, I require help from experts. Don't ask dumb questions. I'm an IT guy. I'm hoping adobe representatives will have more knowledge on the installation process than I do, recognize the error, or are more capable at disecting the error logs. I will copy and paste the numerous failed installation attempts from the PDapp log below. Please have a look. I need help!
    Beginning of error log:
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\resources\setup.xml
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Setup - Found 6 packages in setup manifest
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] Setup - Reboot is pending from earlier installation.
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id DB6A859D-6542-41CB-8C81-548894F5AF7B not installed on the system. Size required: 25586340
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 325EE915-3603-483C-9AB6-27FF2ACD9E15 not installed on the system. Size required: 3073908
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id EFAA097D-45E3-4C97-858D-B788D0286E68 not installed on the system. Size required: 27226128
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E04AF2FA-0DD0-41FE-A54C-D21B4281F578 not installed on the system. Size required: 4704944
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id B6250A29-6F83-4AC1-9FCB-55F5145666EF not installed on the system. Size required: 13118732
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 6723B986-6C15-498E-B5E9-68D769DF1A1C not installed on the system. Size required: 10974706
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id C7711F19-8ED8-47E8-B9E0-C4CC5AF99F85 not installed on the system. Size required: 10076785
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 104237697
    8/26/2012 19:42:46 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:14 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: 0
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\D6\D6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:15 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DECore\DECore.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:16 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\P6\P6.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:18 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx'
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - Validating package file: 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pima'
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertPackageUpdateList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:19 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS insertAppletRegInfoList.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS installPackage at file D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing package - D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: PDApp launched with command "C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\PDApp.exe" --media="D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe CS6" --appletID="DWA_UI" --appletVersion="2.0" --requiredSize=101794. Waiting for PDApp window to come
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.CommandLineParser - Parsing the command line provided. Number of command line arguments is 5
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - Loading Applet Switcher library: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\switcher\DWA_UI.dll
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [WARN] PDApp.AppletManager - Unable to get the applet switching info... Response is: 8
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp - Starting AsyncMessageProcessor
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AsyncMsgProcessor - AsyncMsgProcessor initialized...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AsyncMsgProcessor - AsyncMsgProcessor started. on thread id = 5572
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp - Detecting Applet Database Library file...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp - Fetching Applet registeration information...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - AppletManager initialize...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - Applet database path - C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\..
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - PIM library path - C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\AdobePIM.dll
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - Loading PIM library...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - Getting applet data from Applet database
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - All installed pakages version string (pim_getCurrentPackagesVersion) is D6:6.0.335.0|DECore:6.0.335.0|DWA:|LWA:|P6:6.0.335.0|PDApp:6.0.335.0|UWA: 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - Registering Applets...
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.WindowManager - Initializing native WindowManager
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.WindowManager - Creating window instance
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.WindowManager - Checking for appletID and appletVersion given in CommandLineOptions
    8/26/2012 19:43:20 [INFO] PDApp.WindowManager - Creating APE stage instance
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] PDApp.ExternalGateway - MessageHandler initialized...
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] PDApp.ExternalGateway - ExternalGateway initialized...
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] PDApp.ExternalGateway - NativeCommandHandler initialized...
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.199 [INFO] PDApp.StartupCommand Logging Level verbosity Set to  INFO
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.199 [INFO] PDApp.StartupCommand Processing the startup Command
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.199 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Starting Applet registeration...
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.199 [INFO] PDAPP.MainDisplayMediator Looking up for the Exact versioned applet for ID :DWA_UI
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.209 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading Applet: DWA_UI Version = 2.0
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.209 [INFO] PDApp.ZStringLoader PDAPP SWF - locale set to - en_US
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.219 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress0 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.219 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress65536 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress131072 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress196608 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress262144 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress327680 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress393216 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress458752 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress524288 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress589824 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress655360 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.229 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress720896 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress786432 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress851968 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress917504 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress983040 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress1048576 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress1114112 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress1179648 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress1245184 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.239 [INFO] PDAPP.AppletManager Loading progress1280455 out of 1280455
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.539 [INFO] Deployment.D6FlexApplication Application load complete. Initializing the application
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.539 [INFO] Deployment.ApplicationStartup Processing the application startup
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.539 [INFO] PDApp.ExternalGateway Recieved Applet Loading Completion
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.539 [INFO] Deployment.ApplicationStartup Communication Manager initialized. Loading ZString
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.539 [INFO] ZStringLoader Trying to load ZString for preferred locale - en_US
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.549 [INFO] ZStringLoader Locale set to - en_US
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.549 [INFO] Deployment.ApplicationStartup ZString initialized with locale: 'en_US'. Starting deployment workflow.
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.549 [INFO] Deployment.ApplicationStartup Font fallback applied is applicationFonts 'Lucida Grande, Segoe UI, Tahoma, _sans' inputControlFonts: 'Lucida Grande, Segoe UI, Tahoma, _sans'
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.549 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation Start fetching the payloads data
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] PDApp.AppletManager - Loading Applet - DWA_Native for WindowID - 1
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] DWANative - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] DWANative - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] DWANative - pdbOpenSession kCapsErrNotFound. Installer is running on a clean machine.
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.559 [INFO] DeploymentNativeApplet Media Signature found as {E8AD3069-9EB7-4BA8-8BFE-83F4E69355C0}
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.569 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation Summary file created for troubleshooting at path: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Temp\{034AF4A3-26C3-4228-A92D-3B2F7C46180C}\summary.htm
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] DWANative - OS INFOLIST ::
    MajorVerison :6
    MinorVersion :1
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] TokenGenerator64 - Build Version - 6.0.335.0
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] TokenGenerator64 - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 6
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [DEBUG] Utilities - ACF Path retreived :C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] TokenGenerator64 - token.xml is created succesfully
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] DWANative - drivePath retreived
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [INFO] DWANative - drivePath retreived
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] DeploymentNativeApplet Setting System statistics data...
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Extracting tokens for windows
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [AdobeProgramFiles] and value C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [AdobeCommon] and value C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [Utilities] and value C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [Common] and value C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [ProgramFiles] and value C:\Program Files (x86)
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [SharedApplicationData] and value C:\ProgramData
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [SharedDocuments] and value C:\Users\Public\Documents
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [FontsFolder] and value C:\Windows\Fonts
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [StartMenu] and value C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [System32Folder] and value C:\Windows\system32
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserDocuments] and value C:\Users\Daniel\Documents
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserRoamingAppData] and value C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserLocalAppData] and value C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserHome] and value C:\Users\Daniel
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserFavorites] and value C:\Users\Daniel\Favorites
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserPictures] and value C:\Users\Daniel\Pictures
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a token with name [UserTemplates] and value C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Extracting tokens for windows64
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [AdobeProgramFiles] and value D:\Program Files\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [AdobeCommon] and value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [Common] and value C:\Program Files\Common Files
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [ProgramFiles] and value D:\Program Files
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [SharedApplicationData] and value C:\ProgramData
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [SharedDocuments] and value C:\Users\Public\Documents
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [Utilities] and value C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [FontsFolder] and value C:\Windows\Fonts
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [StartMenu] and value C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.599 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [System32Folder] and value C:\Windows\system32
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [UserDocuments] and value C:\Users\Daniel\Documents
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [UserRoamingAppData] and value C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [UserLocalAppData] and value C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [UserFavorites] and value C:\Users\Daniel\Favorites
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [UserPictures] and value C:\Users\Daniel\Pictures
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] Deployment.DirectoryTokens Adding a win64 token with name [UserTemplates] and value C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] DeploymentNativeApplet Checking whether the media with signature '{E8AD3069-9EB7-4BA8-8BFE-83F4E69355C0}' has been run on this system
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Could not retrieve media signature from the arguments.
    8/26/2012 19:43:22.609 [INFO] DeploymentNativeApplet Fetching the setup manifest from media
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Bridge CS6 (64 Bit)({00496505-D56B-4B07-A8C5-70A0B4E689F7})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorVideoProfilesAE CS6({02EFB598-92AB-4DCB-A417-FE0FCBCD2266})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Dynamic Link Media Server({0377892E-FCAC-46EC-AA70-C6AC8A86A81F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Player for Embedding 3.201({046C2E05-C3C0-45AC-A6A3-D319F751E5CC})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Fireworks CS6_AdobeFireworks12en_USLanguagePack({05E1E278-7A8D-11E1-A0B9-FC0245DB7244})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86({08D2E121-7F6A-43EB-97FD-629B44903403})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe XMP Panels({093DEFC4-542D-4D0A-8162-0592055515F4})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK CS6({0C4E7429-E920-4125-980E-029A87AE0A4D})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorEU CS6({0E0AA043-65AC-4A20-AAD6-9B4C7667309B})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Fireworks CS6_AdobeFireworks12ja_JPLanguagePack({110F7FCE-7A8E-11E1-BB1D-CEBA0B96881F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Encore CS6_AdobeEncore6en_USLanguagePack({145F0B3B-2643-43A0-9BBC-ADAA51223F5F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Suite Shared Configuration CS5.5({152B1DA7-A342-4EAA-BD28-25DD7B74AB3C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 Japanese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-ja_JP({1837F64F-8388-4AA6-AABD-C608B4430715})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'SonicWrappers_ph({185F9795-9663-4F13-9EF9-307A282ADB5A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Flash Builder 4.6({1BF6648E-DFC9-4371-98B6-F6AD9358DF4F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Flash CS6_AdobeFlash12.0-en_USLanguagePack({1E621A15-CD9F-4543-B3F6-8032B3647A6A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Toolhints CS6({1EA52983-8EDD-1014-A956-E9729DA4AEEB})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Prelude CS6 Support({1EB907F5-3F33-4495-88E6-8B97B519291F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 Support({1F955A4A-F365-4379-AEE2-B7C83E1AA883})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Flash CS6_AdobeFlash12.0-ja_JPLanguagePack({23D3FD35-6497-4038-9CE3-6B79A4093013})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobePDFL x64 CS6({246C4B99-19F7-4475-9787-5FF8595B86D7})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)_AdobeIllustrator16en_GBLanguagePack_x64({26BF5EE3-8C29-46DA-BA87-D04DB7C84197})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorJA CS6({26F763C9-076F-473D-9A0E-4050C973737C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US_x64({29A80A19-9E35-455A-AF9D-B39AE5B3035D})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Hunspell Linguistics Plugin CS6 x64({29DB26AB-81CE-41D6-B0C9-BE15E36C87C6})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'SonicWrappers_bl({2A075BB4-E976-4278-BF3F-E5C6945D84C0})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Icon Handler x64({2DAEE15D-8D47-1014-9FF6-ACA9093B5359})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_US({3071EDD7-EA5B-4CAC-B4D0-4D4D664154D1})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Language Files_AdobeInDesign8CommonLang-en_GB({308066E3-8D40-1014-B993-EF118FFB1E39})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Audition({30FD541D-3C9D-41C4-B240-A994EE4E0231})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Required Common Fonts Installation({311CDC89-AC18-4344-9EC9-0225328C73D3})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeIdeaPluginCS6-loc({319044AD-1B7E-4872-8E8A-D18D88C7E932})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core_x64({3289C0E8-78B9-47D4-98E5-F25BFF1CBED4})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Player for Embedding 3.3({354D20E6-A25F-4728-9DA6-C9003D8F2928})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS6({36682D68-3834-487E-BA49-DFA4AB0A2E32})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe SpeedGrade CS6({3D46121C-A0E6-4259-B7E0-5127C218A096})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Prelude CS6_AdobePrelude1ja_JPLanguagePack({3E3F8DDE-80ED-4F60-83D1-17A965C4F085})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorNA CS6({42C0738D-8D50-45B7-BC51-4BC609133E3A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS6({42CED1DA-1C36-45D2-88C0-C32DB6B82B49})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Prelude CS6_AdobePrelude1en_USLanguagePack({438F42BD-8A0D-4D39-A50B-08D6C58B6014})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Encore CS6({46251F95-B2F8-484A-9B5B-8C0E5A43A202})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeMotionPicture CS6({4758849A-8C03-4F90-A024-3D4C7A035B5A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe After Effects CS6({4817D846-700B-474E-A31B-80892B3E92E3})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorPhotoshop CS6({48623899-C152-457D-9B30-1F957332AC2F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'DPS Desktop Tools CS6({488DE6DF-6D55-1014-8588-B572E54263B5})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Flash CS6({4FAB339E-2132-434F-9376-9CD735E4C69C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorEU CS6({51C77DC1-5C75-4491-8645-A17CC33F5A36})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Camera Profiles Installer({539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobePDFL CS6({557F9FD3-EED8-43D7-AF29-0F19CA832728})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Language Files_AdobeInDesign8CommonLang-ja_JP({55D814FB-8D3F-1014-9CAE-A6C79F910A7A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Photoshop Camera Raw 7 (64 bit)({55F0AFED-606D-476A-A07A-134291002FBA})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AIR for Apple iOS Support Wrapper({59EBB3D9-AA2A-4068-AB48-75ED6879B5F9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'PDF Settings CS6({5C0D1B2E-2D70-48AB-9A0B-0E1E1CC084B1})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe SpeedGrade CS6_AdobeSpeedGrade6.0en_USLanguagePack({5D76C825-9827-4D93-813E-6C3754D504B1})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Required Common Fonts Installation x64({63594DD4-0241-422A-93A5-B6530040E1C7})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86({635FED5B-2C6D-49BE-87E6-7A6FCD22BC5A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AIR for Apple iOS support (FB)({674E5E7D-A6F8-49B4-A026-EB3922144B24})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Language Files_AdobeInDesign8CommonLang-en_US({6C98A8B6-8D40-1014-AE3E-EF3F5E8D39AE})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeTypeSupport CS5({6F3A624B-1B72-4081-96E8-23261F389C5C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeIdeaPluginCS6 x64({7483525E-26E8-4748-870D-1F064AB8AA83})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Hunspell Linguistics Plugin CS6({784B5277-7B8A-4058-8F5D-A146F8BA5F7B})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorVideoProfilesCS CS6({78E38D75-4D92-4F6E-B631-17A436BED680})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS6 x64({7CA3FAD4-7B82-473C-8207-5A283E90742A})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Encore CS6_AdobeEncore6ja_JPLanguagePack({7CAB9049-437E-432B-83AC-F69F450E5D52})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core({7D4E9D10-AED6-485D-A2B0-9A1DF1A55545})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'PDF Settings CS6({7E91BB17-16A1-42CE-9502-D6C98BE04920})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Recommended Common Fonts Installation x64({8085C16A-3148-40B4-BC8B-12ED59C9C478})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe SpeedGrade CS6_AdobeSpeedGrade6.0ja_JPLanguagePack({814AD7B2-0573-4E45-8480-9082D6E48DB9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Extension Manager CS6({83463106-DD1C-4FE5-A61C-DF6715472AD4})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe NPS Panel({8467887D-92F1-435C-B387-A7551B88EC70})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Suite Shared Configuration CS6({8706963D-5F48-47CC-998B-DAB70B089DB8})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core_AdobeIllustrator16en_USLanguagePack({8815EC0E-89C0-4EDB-ACD7-32DB5B67536D})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Dreamweaver CS6_AdobeDreamweaver12ja_JPLanguagePack({8E8021FF-7AA0-11E1-BF04-E98EE5274486})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Dreamweaver CS6_AdobeDreamweaver12en_USLanguagePack({8FDB26FC-7AA0-11E1-BF04-E25246635842})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 Core({9124DF4E-617D-486B-A970-8FA632244F24})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Language Files_AdobeInDesign8AppLang-en_GB({91E01984-8D3F-1014-B925-DFD46364B983})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.3({9254D539-549A-41DD-A7DA-251766F2B76F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86({92D58719-BBC1-4CC3-A08B-56C9E884CC2C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS6({94FEA41F-7345-429F-AA31-5C615F24CE29})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Bridge CS6({97BA0109-F6BE-4F50-8904-C19442D7216E})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe After Effects CS6 Support({98970962-1D70-43D4-B268-EDF57E451BA9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeCMaps x64 CS6({99290358-A784-4218-A7BA-954AE5F9207C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64)({99FE4191-AC6B-11E0-B602-00215AEA26C9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)_AdobeIllustrator16en_USLanguagePack_x64({9A63F173-0324-43F5-A0CA-75FF3ADE907B})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Audition_AdobeAudition5ja_JPLanguagePack({9A8D862B-995B-4A17-B78D-5F77F505F057})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86)({9AB0EFC0-AC6B-11E0-9E61-00215AEA26C9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)({9B78FAB0-AC6B-11E0-8EF3-00215AEA26C9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)({9C4AA28F-AC6B-11E0-8997-00215AEA26C9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)({9D2A060F-AC6B-11E0-8C00-00215AEA26C9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)({9D3BB9DA-1F59-4DCF-A0BB-691FA8EA2582})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)({9E0AF030-AC6B-11E0-8837-00215AEA26C9})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeTypeSupport CS6({A0F72081-99FB-4FFA-AE1A-62B5A656CAC1})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeIdeaPluginCS6({A269DDEC-5572-4032-AA26-3485A1620006})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 Japanese Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop13-ja_JP_x64({A276AA98-F93E-4F6C-933E-57604A29F2A1})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Dreamweaver CS6({A4ED5E53-7AA0-11E1-BF04-B2D4D4A5360E})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Audition_AdobeAudition5en_USLanguagePack({A7A95754-A63E-4052-8945-BBDC27009E7E})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Feature Set Files({A8560618-8D40-1014-ADF9-825EAE966C45})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Base Files({AA9DC298-8D46-1014-853D-9FC0306FBFCE})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Acrobat Professional({AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000005})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Acrobat Professional({AC76BA86-1041-0000-7760-000000000005})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorJA CS6({AD8A9ABD-0567-4489-8843-15A45760231B})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core_AdobeIllustrator16en_GBLanguagePack({B25DFA23-EC41-4B19-8BD4-1B042D68BF85})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeTypeSupport x64 CS6({B2D792AF-F407-4EFA-9A03-3F2A476146F6})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Microsoft_VC90_MFCLOC_x86({B6D38690-755E-4F40-A35A-23F8BC2B86AC})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Feature Set Files({B8CD128B-8D40-1014-B944-C86071713DAE})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Mini Bridge CS6({B98E0DCB-1A75-4394-9813-3A114AA3891D})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorNA CS6({BB66788C-4C4F-4EB0-B146-9178857DE287})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeCMaps CS5({BD0D6363-E961-410F-8BF4-ECD8795F3923})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe After Effects CS6_AdobeAfterEffects11ja_JPLanguagePack({BDE013E0-3CDD-4EA6-A9A8-6625CAF4B697})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser({C0C7DC90-C8DF-46DA-BA21-848889DAFD11})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Linguistics CS6 x64({C41A769E-27ED-44F7-8A11-F2E32F538E05})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels({C5CA53A2-E722-4D76-B5AC-71522CC48AB3})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeColorCommonSetRGB CS6({C7B1C1B3-368D-4C32-A818-83F1554EB398})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Fireworks CS6({CA7C485C-7A89-11E1-B2C8-CD54B377BC52})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Support32({CB510A42-9CC2-4FD0-9DA6-0C8C333EF538})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Media Encoder CS6({CC006FD6-00EF-46FC-ACA0-7A28EFF44D20})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core_AdobeIllustrator16ja_JPLanguagePack({CC59DB03-F745-4207-962C-63D550E2E066})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Support({CDAC14AB-1424-4E9C-8515-EA89D7F37243})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0({CFA46C39-C539-4BE9-9364-495003C714AD})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Base Files({CFB770D7-8D43-1014-922B-CC2715FADE3F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Photoshop Camera Raw 7({CFC3110A-491C-4DBF-A97D-66C567600A2F})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS6_AdobePremierePro6.0en_USLanguagePack({D094CE41-D4F5-473E-8915-B1D026CB193E})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AIR for Apple iOS support (FP)({D2583A3E-399C-45D7-8AF1-FE5BAFC946CF})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeHelp({D38116C8-C472-4BB0-AD6F-0C1DD1320D1D})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe After Effects CS6_AdobeAfterEffects11en_USLanguagePack({D3E89C12-49DE-4A2C-9D24-1A8D704679D5})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Encore CS6 Support({DBCFA16A-59EC-4DAF-98D1-B4E2C2A9E7B4})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Linguistics CS6({DC00A3E1-9C61-4B11-8070-B592E68D2B3C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Premiere Pro CS6_AdobePremierePro6.0ja_JPLanguagePack({DCD039D1-1269-4366-99BD-63FBC4A0C712})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Recommended Common Fonts Installation({DE7C6FA1-AF75-48A8-B495-CFAD529BCC3D})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'DynamiclinkSupport({DE88AA40-6766-43D3-A755-8FC374B3D2C3})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Language Files_AdobeInDesign8AppLang-en_US({E04F4B94-8D3F-1014-BB29-98347AEBFF8C})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Prelude CS6({E0D1B182-6827-4AD8-9C1D-CFFD4314DFE4})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 International English Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop13-en_GB_x64({E42CAADF-4613-4257-B404-1FB8ECC18695})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Core (64 Bit)_AdobeIllustrator16ja_JPLanguagePack_x64({E5EE62C1-3B58-48A9-AFBC-4C15976C8490})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe After Effects CS6 Presets({E787BAD7-B750-4E1C-A149-965CF1DEE4AB})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'CS6 Master Collection({E8AD3069-9EB7-4BA8-8BFE-83F4E69355C0})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'AdobeCMaps CS6({E8B1DAAA-0B6B-44E6-A2D3-8E418EA0EA85})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe CSXS Extensions CS6({EB2A8CD4-B247-4810-A294-E3DB8EDC6060})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Icon Handler({EB5C092C-8D46-1014-A129-F57E0145A7FD})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS6({EFBC1075-F890-4293-A0D1-04BE66EE2AB3})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Media Encoder CS6 X64({F2F2F788-A17F-4CEC-A03C-DFB778E9D901})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Base Files2({F48E8FE8-8D40-1014-8129-D1C5ABFD087E})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Illustrator CS6 Support({F683ECF1-07EC-43CB-90B0-8F325A8C09C1})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe InDesign CS6 Application Language Files_AdobeInDesign8AppLang-ja_JP({FC5B6A15-8D3E-1014-8E22-FD25F2906565})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:22 [WARN] DWANative - Checking Reverse Dependency for payload 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 International English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop13-en_GB({FD50FA04-4759-494E-9D6D-4589FD80E484})' of '0' type. Found NULL PDB session
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.329 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation ********************************** Payload Adobe Code and Display Name Map Start **********************************
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {00496505-D56B-4B07-A8C5-70A0B4E689F7} Adobe Bridge CS6 (64 Bit)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {02EFB598-92AB-4DCB-A417-FE0FCBCD2266} Adobe Color Video Profiles AE CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {0377892E-FCAC-46EC-AA70-C6AC8A86A81F} Adobe Dynamic Link Media Server
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {046C2E05-C3C0-45AC-A6A3-D319F751E5CC} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.201
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {05E1E278-7A8D-11E1-A0B9-FC0245DB7244} Adobe Fireworks CS6 English (en_US) Language Pack
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {08D2E121-7F6A-43EB-97FD-629B44903403} Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {093DEFC4-542D-4D0A-8162-0592055515F4} Adobe XMP Panels
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {0C4E7429-E920-4125-980E-029A87AE0A4D} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {0E0AA043-65AC-4A20-AAD6-9B4C7667309B} Adobe Color EU Recommended Settings CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {110F7FCE-7A8E-11E1-BB1D-CEBA0B96881F} Adobe Fireworks CS6 Japanese Language Pack
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {145F0B3B-2643-43A0-9BBC-ADAA51223F5F} Adobe Encore CS6 LangPack (en_US)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {152B1DA7-A342-4EAA-BD28-25DD7B74AB3C} Suite Shared Configuration CS5.5
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {1837F64F-8388-4AA6-AABD-C608B4430715} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Japanese Language Pack
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {185F9795-9663-4F13-9EF9-307A282ADB5A} SonicWrappers_ph
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {1BF6648E-DFC9-4371-98B6-F6AD9358DF4F} Adobe Flash Builder 4.6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {1E621A15-CD9F-4543-B3F6-8032B3647A6A} Adobe Flash CS6 Payload LangPack (en_US)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {1EA52983-8EDD-1014-A956-E9729DA4AEEB} Adobe Toolhints CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {1EB907F5-3F33-4495-88E6-8B97B519291F} Adobe Prelude CS6 Support
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {1F955A4A-F365-4379-AEE2-B7C83E1AA883} Adobe Photoshop CS6 Support
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {23D3FD35-6497-4038-9CE3-6B79A4093013} Adobe Flash CS6 Payload LangPack (ja_JP)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {246C4B99-19F7-4475-9787-5FF8595B86D7} Adobe PDF Library Files x64 CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {26BF5EE3-8C29-46DA-BA87-D04DB7C84197} Adobe Illustrator CS6 LangPack_x64 (en_GB)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {26F763C9-076F-473D-9A0E-4050C973737C} Adobe Color JA Extra Settings CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {29A80A19-9E35-455A-AF9D-B39AE5B3035D} Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack_x64
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {29DB26AB-81CE-41D6-B0C9-BE15E36C87C6} Adobe Hunspell Linguistics Plugin CS6 x64
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {2A075BB4-E976-4278-BF3F-E5C6945D84C0} SonicWrappers_bl
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {2DAEE15D-8D47-1014-9FF6-ACA9093B5359} Adobe InDesign CS6 Icon Handler x64
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {3071EDD7-EA5B-4CAC-B4D0-4D4D664154D1} Adobe Photoshop CS6 English Language Pack
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {308066E3-8D40-1014-B993-EF118FFB1E39} Adobe InDesign CS6 Common Language Files (en_GB)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {30FD541D-3C9D-41C4-B240-A994EE4E0231} Adobe Audition CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {311CDC89-AC18-4344-9EC9-0225328C73D3} Adobe Fonts Required
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {319044AD-1B7E-4872-8E8A-D18D88C7E932} Localization Ideas Plugin CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {3289C0E8-78B9-47D4-98E5-F25BFF1CBED4} Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {354D20E6-A25F-4728-9DA6-C9003D8F2928} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.3
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {36682D68-3834-487E-BA49-DFA4AB0A2E32} Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {3D46121C-A0E6-4259-B7E0-5127C218A096} Adobe SpeedGrade CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {3E3F8DDE-80ED-4F60-83D1-17A965C4F085} Adobe Prelude CS6 LangPack (ja_JP)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {42C0738D-8D50-45B7-BC51-4BC609133E3A} Adobe Color NA Extra Settings CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {42CED1DA-1C36-45D2-88C0-C32DB6B82B49} Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {438F42BD-8A0D-4D39-A50B-08D6C58B6014} Adobe Prelude CS6 LangPack (en_US)
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {46251F95-B2F8-484A-9B5B-8C0E5A43A202} Adobe Encore CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {4758849A-8C03-4F90-A024-3D4C7A035B5A} Adobe MotionPicture Color Files CS6
    8/26/2012 19:43:23.339 [INFO] Deployment.FetchMediaInformation {4817D846-700B-474E-A3

    I've done this multiple times and it produces essentially the same message, but there is a mention that a restart is pending. This is also strange because this is definitely not the case. First time I used CScleaner it took a while and was obviously busy correcting something. However now when I select clean all, it simply dumps anopther massive log file into AppData and says cleaning completed successfully. Now I just ran it again, so would you like me to post the more recent log file?

  • Error 1311....source file not found Adobe Acrobat 8.2.0

    I have Vista. I keep getting installing boxes and error messages:
    Error 1311. Source file not found: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Setup Files\{AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000003}\Data
    Verify file exists and that you can access it.
    I cannot find that file in the set up, so it's obviously missing. I have tried uninstalling, but still get the error messages, even though the Reader is working on my's just so annoying as I am constantly cancelling installation and cancellation boxes. Can I install this file?
    Message was edited by: Woodlandia36

    "I tried to uninstall Adobe Creative Master Suite CS3. It hasn't  uninstalled completely and has left traces of it still being on my  system."
    You could always "wipe the slate" clean.
    Any and all Adobe folders would be manually deleted. (Shift+Delete to remove them from the hard drive, not send to the recycle bin)
    Click Start and Run. Type regedit and hit enter.
    Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE          delete all Adobe Folders (not just the keys, the whole folders - click once and hit Delete)
    Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE           do the same
    Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Change the value for the AllocateCDRoms entry to 0. (Right click and select Modify - type 0 and hit enter)
    Exit the Registry Editor.
    You should not see this error anymore
    Note: I only recommend this because you indicate that you have already attempted removing the entire creative suite. This will render it unfunctional if you do it. If you aren't comfortable with editing your registry, disregard these steps.

  • Dreamweaver and BC which version is best and how do I start a fresh clean slate?

    To all Adobe Gurus who are willing to help,
    I have had Creative Cloud for over a year and I have nothing to show for it. Mainly because I am overwhelmed with what to do. I went to school for design some time ago. I used Dreamweaver when it was still owned by Macromedia. I have had a hard time integrating back after so many years and this is all new to me. I have watched countless of tutorial videos both on here and I am lost. I can not find the answers I need?
    I need to get help on building an e-commerce site. I used Muse first for design, then I was told that DW works best.
    Which one? Seems I only can get something going on DWCS6 or DWCC,  but not DWCC14'
    However, when I did start a site with DW CC,  I was prompted to import an entire site with the GET STARTED video that you use as beginners for BC, but I accidentally hit cancel.
    Now, the site manager can see the name of the site. But I want to start a fresh new slate? Is it as easy as just deleting the local root folders? Do I need to uninstall and reinstall?
    Nothing has gone remotely except for a template that is sitting still on the admin side of Business Catalyst.
    I do like DW CC 14' newest features with the PSD comp and such. WOAH. But can I design a website and still integrate BC into it or how does it all work?
    Can I start all over? Delete what I started and start fresh?
    **Running MAC OS X latest version. I just want to know if I can start all over? Or which version of Dreamweaver should I use in order to get the best results?
    Thank you kindly for reading and lending a hand. I sincerely would appreciate any leads or answers to these questions.

    The template for ePub is for Pages 09 as are the instructions on that particular web page.
    Have you tried looking in the Help  for Pages 5?  Here is the link to that particular subject when searching for ePub.
    You have the option to get to the online help in Pages 5 Help menu.
    If you have Pages 09 I suggest you use that app for your ePubs.

  • Adobe Reader 9.4.6 has taken out my printer drivers

    On 12/14/11 I was on my Windows 7 based system when i was sent a pop up window query asking me if I wanted to upgrade to Adobe Reader 9.4.6 I had an earlier version and I get prompts of this nature all the time, so I said yes. Download was protracted, taking 10-15 min. Afterwards I found I could not print documents from any of the other programs I had on that machine, my control panel lists no printers hooked up (like it disabled all the drivers) and attempts to add a driver through the Windows System Wizard just hang up. Any others had this problem? Is this a malware infestation of some kind? The McAfee Security Center software that came with the machine (a recondtioned Dell) hasn't given me any alarms. The program as downloaded takes up 144 MB.

    Oddly, it sort of sounds like app behavior under Mac OS X Lion.  Lion has a feature called Resume that puts an app that is launched into the state it was in when it last quit.  So, if certain documents were open when it last quit, those documents would "resume" (re-open automatically) the next time the app is launched.
    Now, your profile info says you have a PowerPC iMac running Leopard (and you are posting the "iMac (PPC)" forum), so this should not apply.  But maybe you are running Lion on a newer Mac and your profile info is old.  Or maybe Adobe Reader has been updated to have a restore open documents feature.  In that case, if you accidentally selected all in a folder full of many PDF files and opened them all, and then you quit Reader in that state, that "state" may have been saved for the next time you launched Reader. By closing each document manually, and then quitting Reader, you changed the state when last quit to having no open documents.
    If this happens again (in any app), these commands may be useful to know:
    There is usually a Close command under the File menu (in the Menu Bar).  If you press the Option key, that command changes to Close All.  So if an app unintentionally opens a very large number of windows (and it is not locked up as a result), you can give the Close All command instead of manually closing each window.
    In Lion, if you press (and hold) the Shift key while launching an app, the app launches with a "clean slate" (ignoring the state when it last quit).  I don't know if that would have worked in your case, but it would have been worth a try.  Sorry I did not think of it before; I did not see the possible connection to the Resume feature.

  • How to speed up export in Adobe Premiere CC

    Can somebody talk me thru the basics of exporting media in Adobe Premiere CC? I have a one-hour movie with some lighting effects applied. I can't believe how long it takes to export. The quickest combination I could find was exporting to Quicktime and using HD 720p YouTube preset and it looks like 3 hours 28 minutes.  Other combinations look like they'll take all night? Is that normal? I used to use Final Cut Pro and it was much faster.
    Any tips appreciated.

    That wasn't criticism of your equipment ... just stating what is reality in dealing with the current slate of Adobe vid programs. What they're designed to run on, what they can run on ... and what to expect. Your computer specs aren't particularly blazing for mid-2014. And though it irritated the Hades out of me, as my last machine had a Radeon card that was awesome for say, Lightroom and other stills programs ... their coding is really designed for the Cuda stuff included only in the nVidia cards, so the blame programs don't hardly look at a Radeon's GPU no matter how hot it is for say, gaming & other video-intensive things. Yeah, irritated the heck out of my builder, who's a gamer par extraordinaire, and LOVES the awesome things a number of the AMD cards can do particularly as a price-check against comparable nVidia cards.
    So ... you wanna play in this pool, you build according to this pool's rules.
    PrPro, Ae, and Sg are pretty much designed for major work, and ... have their quirks, including some things that some major-pro's find lacking. When other things are pretty much awesome. There's been a lot of folks leaving Final Cut to come to the Adobe things lately. Some types of projects probably still do better in FC, some in PrPro. Whichever works is what you need to use. I love the interface between PrPro & Speedgrade. For most of what I do, slick as ice.
    My one actual digression with your last post ... I don't think there's necessarily a dearth of information by Adobe and others on these programs ... it's that the information that's there by THE HOUR in vids & tutorials and all seems more based on what one CAN do with the programs rather than a simple, direct & forthright HOW to do something. There's always steps & gotcha's that are missed, none of the Adobe vids ever seems exactly what I need for what I'm doing, and lynda-dot-com is where I pretty much go for figuring stuff out. And here. Stupefyingly complex? Oh, yea ... it's interesting to see the comments here every week or two where a major participant explains how to do something, and another Biggie goes ...:" woa! ... I didn't know that could be handled through that set of options, I've always done that through here with 10 additional steps."
    Yeah ... documentation could be um ... slightly? ... improved.

  • When I open an encryted pdf file in my Hp  Slate 7 voice Tab it was unable to open the pdf file.Tje same file was opening with other pdf reader software.Kindly Help.

    When I open an encryted pdf file in my Hp  Slate 7 voice Tab it was unable to open the pdf file.Tje same file was opening with other pdf reader software.Kindly Help.
    [spam link removed]

    Could you please send the pdf to [email protected] so that we may investigate the issue?
    Adobe Reader Team

  • Adobe Reader 9.4 has started to open all my PDF documents continuously

    Recently, every time I open Adobe Reader, or click on a PDF document on file to open it, Reader starts opening all PDF documents on file continuously until I get a message saying there are too many open documents to open any more.  The only way out appears to be use of force quit.
    Have I picked up some kind of virus, or is there just a setting that I need to change?

    Oddly, it sort of sounds like app behavior under Mac OS X Lion.  Lion has a feature called Resume that puts an app that is launched into the state it was in when it last quit.  So, if certain documents were open when it last quit, those documents would "resume" (re-open automatically) the next time the app is launched.
    Now, your profile info says you have a PowerPC iMac running Leopard (and you are posting the "iMac (PPC)" forum), so this should not apply.  But maybe you are running Lion on a newer Mac and your profile info is old.  Or maybe Adobe Reader has been updated to have a restore open documents feature.  In that case, if you accidentally selected all in a folder full of many PDF files and opened them all, and then you quit Reader in that state, that "state" may have been saved for the next time you launched Reader. By closing each document manually, and then quitting Reader, you changed the state when last quit to having no open documents.
    If this happens again (in any app), these commands may be useful to know:
    There is usually a Close command under the File menu (in the Menu Bar).  If you press the Option key, that command changes to Close All.  So if an app unintentionally opens a very large number of windows (and it is not locked up as a result), you can give the Close All command instead of manually closing each window.
    In Lion, if you press (and hold) the Shift key while launching an app, the app launches with a "clean slate" (ignoring the state when it last quit).  I don't know if that would have worked in your case, but it would have been worth a try.  Sorry I did not think of it before; I did not see the possible connection to the Resume feature.

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