Advanced Copies of Steve's Book

Is the book currently available? Will there be a contest for a free copy?

My book, "Building Oracle XML Applications" will be published by O'Reilly and is due out in the October 2000 timeframe in time for Oracle Openworld 2000.
In the technical review copy that went out three weeks ago to the reviewers, it weighed in at almost 800 pages packed with XML, XSLT, Java, PL/SQL, interMedia Text, and XSQL Pages examples.
I wish I could say it were available today, but the best I can say is that feedback from reviewers is that it will be worth the wait. :-)
Hadn't thought about a contest...

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    Irobertdion wrote:
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    I used to be able to print multiple copies of the same picture on one page using iphoto. There was a customise button when you went through to print and it was there somewhere. I can't see it anymore - maybe since an upgrade.
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