AE CS5 Time Remapping Keyframes missing

Does anyone know why the keyframes are not automatically inserted at the in and out points of a clip after selecting layer,time, time remapping? 

Keyframes aren't inserted at the In and Out points of the layer; they're inserted at the beginning and end of the layer.
Is that not what you're seeing?

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    When I apply the time remapping feature from the timeline, the clip either plays at the normal 100%speed and ignores the keyframes or it plays an altogehter different clip.
    I am editing HD footage 1920x1080 from a Sony Z1u captured via blackmagic intesity as motion jpeg.
    If I change the duration of the clip to 101% the keyframes are applied but the video is choppy and impossible to watch.
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    comp specs
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    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your post Harm.  It is good to see that you still troll the forums.  You have helped me several times in the past.
    Using the blackmagic card solves a couple of problems.  ( in theory)
    First it gives you a true 1920x1080 video capture instead of of the hdv space.
    Secondly the mjpg functions as an intermediate so that the processor does not have to decompress the footage from hdv on the fly, and it takes up less HD space than 8bit uncompressed would.
    In addition the BM card allows for HD monitoring on an external HD TV and surround sound system for 5.1 audio.
    I have discovered a workaround for the time issue, and that is to apply an affect to the clip and it forces premiere to render the clip and that seems to fix the time issue.
    The black magic website probably explains this better than I can.  But under CS3 which I moved from a few months ago, the combination really worked well.

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    Am I using the wrong sequence for editing? Or is there away to make the keyframes adjust accordingly when the footage is remapped.

    Nest the rotation then apply remaping...or vice versa  .

  • Keyframe irregularities with time remapping

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    My system:
    Adobe CC Premier Pro
    Macbook Pro mid 2012
    2.7 GHz Intel core i7
    Nividia GeForce GT 650M 1024MB
    OS X 10.8.5

    The workaround is to do your time remapping keyframes and then nest it into a new sequence. Then apply the opacity keyframes to the new sequence.

  • Keyframe spacing tweak in Time remap possible?

    I do a lot of time remap keyframe tweaking in AE, so i tend to zoom in all the way into the timeline.
    Is there a way to reduce the spacing in between the frames? Then i'll be able to display more frames onscreen. Thanks!

    I'm not sure what you're asking here. You can see more frames in the timeline by simply clicking on the left most icon at the bottom left of the time line zoom controller. A single click will show you twice the frames in your time line, The next click will show you five times the number of frames, the next will show you 10.  If you want to see more frame numbers displayed at the top of the timeline, then the answer is no. The frame numbering will go from every frame to every other frame, to every five frames.
    1   2   3   4
    2  4  6  8
    5  10  15  20
    and so on.
    If you want to have more frames in a second  then you can re-set the frame rate of your composition all the way up to 99 frames per second. This will not change the length of a movie in seconds in your timeline, but you'll be able to set keyframes to a higher degree of accuracy in time. In other words, if the video in the timeline is 10 seconds long when your comp is 24 fps it will still be 10 seconds long when the comp is 99 fps but you'll be able to set a keyframe at 1 second and another keyframe at 1.0101010 seconds instead of one at 1 second and the next one at 1..04166 seconds. Just make sure to change the frame rate back to your desired playback frame rate before you render.

  • Motion/opacity (still) not working when using Time Remapping

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    If you use Time Remapping in PPro, you can't use any of the other keyframing features, such as motion or opacity. If you do, the video simply disappears. Rendering won't help either. The only way to get Opacity to function is to superimpose a bar of black video on top of the clip (or any other color matte if you like it fancy) and have the Opacity on that clip work in reverse. How to get motion within such Time Remapped clips to work is still a bit of a mystery to me...
    Has anyone else found this tedious/annoying/irritating?
    So, dear Adobe, when can we expect a fix for this? Hopefully before CS6...
    Thanks much.

    I have this same exact problem in CS6.
    It definitely has to do with time remapping. I have used Opacity keyframes EXTENSIVELY in this film I'm editing, and suddenly when I apply time remapping keyframes, I can't use opacity on them. Ouch!
    My solution was (In case someone Googles for a solution and finds this, like I did...)  to delete all effects and time remapping, apply the Opacity Keyframes FIRST and THEN add the time remapping last.
    Hope this helps.
    Message was edited by: aikembisd
    Added my work around.

  • CS3 project in CS5: time drift

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    Now that I'm having to revise some earlier projects created in CS3, I've noticed an odd problem: the project opens successfully in CS5 (after CS5 gives you the dialgue box where you can change the name etc) and it looks fine to the eye.
    However, on playback, each edited clip is slightly "out". The clips have the same duration and have the same place in the timeline, it's just that the in/out points of the clips have "slid".
    Can anyone suggest what might be causing this, and how I can correct it?

    Check that time remapping keyframes didn't get added to the clips in your sequence. I'm actually dealing with this right now, though in my case, it's just replacing footage in a CS5 edit with different footage. I'm trying to collect some data points on this, because it's an annoying bug.
    Just swivel down the Time Remapping property for each clip, and deactivate the stopwatch for each; any luck?

  • Repeated frames when time remapping AVCHD clips in AE

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    I haven't tested your theory yet Andrew but I did do this. In trying to track down exactly where these repeated frames are occurring. In AE I redid one clip that was repeating frames. I went frame by frame in AE and see no repeated frames. These changes should occur automatically in PP since the AE comp is still dynamically linked to my PP timeline. So I scrubbed the "source" (AE comp) file from the PP project panel frame by frame. And low and behold there are repeated frames, so it appears the problem is the handoff from AE to PP Sooooooo, ok I deleted the source file in the PP project panel and reimport it via dynamic link. Open the clip in the source monitor and yes...repeated frames at same point....recheck the comp in repeated frames. Delete the clip from PP project panel and this time import the clip directly instead of dynamic link.....repeated frames still there. So how about rendering the clip in AE the old fashion way then import to PP. AE Render Queue best settings - lossless.....blah blah blah. I ended up with an .avi file with no repeated frames. So to me the problem is the handoff between AE & PP. So rendering my AVCHD comps in AE first is my work around for now. Andrew...thanks! I will try your theory of converting the clip prior to the comp asap...right now I am trying to meet a deadline.

  • Time remapping issue

    I have a clip that I want to play at a regular speed and then slow down at the end. When I make keyframes and adjust them in the time remap menu box I am running into problems with it slowing down to the desired speed but then speeding up the last couple of frames. What gives?
    PS I have already watched Captain Mench's video....

    It's a difficult concept. Your clip is, say, 120 frames, four seconds long. If you change the frame rate to something else, all of those frame must still play. You can get around this at least two different ways. Place your clip in an empty sequence and make your adjustments. Copy and paste only the piece that you want back into your main sequence.
    Or you can place one additional time remap keyframe just a few frames before the end of the clip. This forces all of your unused frames to play between the second and final keyframe.

  • Time Remap Expression

    hi there
    I'm doing an Airport destination panel animation.
    I've got a Composition called 'Flip' with Time Remap enabled.Here takes place the whole 'fliping' animation. This comp has got a Text Layer with an expression applied to it.This expression cycles through this line of code=>
    letters = "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|-|.|/| ";
    So every 5th frame the next Nr./letter appears.Example=> Nr1 appears completely at frame 5,Nr4 at frame 20 and so on.Animation is 4 frames long.
    Now,it would be great to have Time Remap expressions that would do the following=>
    let's say i want to write the word CLOSED=>6 letters
    i now need 6 flip comps for this.Yes,i could now use Time remap keyframes to go to each letter of course.But in my project
    i'd have to do it 400 times or more.
    Is there any way to go to each letter>hold the letter for a specific time and switch to the next letter via expression?
    Letter: A;// for example
    SwitchToNext_letter; B;
    Switch_time:.5 seconds
    stop time;
    any help appreciated

    If one or more of your subcomps doesn't start at time zero as a layer in its parent comp, you have to compensate for that. It's tricky with multiple levels, but basically you end up with something like this:
    a=comp("Diane - AE Rig").layer("Body_CTL").effect("Mouth_Control")("Slider")
    framesToTime(a.valueAtTime(time + some_offset))

  • Time remap not keyframing in Premiere Pro CC

    I'm trying to keyframe Time Remapping in Premiere Pro CC 7.0.1, following the Adobe TV Tutorial (which uses a version of CS6/CC previous to the July 2013 update) and am unable to add keyframes directly to the timeline or adjust speed keyframes in the Effects tab. Am I missing a newer technique?  I'm on a Mac Pro, OSX 10.8.3. with Nvidia Quadro 4000.  Thanks

    Ask in the Premiere forum.

  • Interlaced DV PAL flickering preview time remapping video in AP CS5

    Be faced with this problem, i was really surprised. I was working with HD 50p video and had no problem with slow motion. But yesterday i captured some old DV footage 25i and used time remapping to slow it. I saw surprisingly ugly flickering video in preview window!
    I exported it into file and it was perfectly OK, i made output to TV though IEEE1394 adaptor - smooth nice slow motion.
    But i cannot see this smoothness in preview window.
    Before i used CS3 Premiere, and there was no such problem.
    Finally, help me

    Why are you talking about quality ? Everything is pretty fine, except of one case -> preview window in Adobe Premiere CS5 and time remapping effect of DV PAL in it. It's flickering.
    I have read about this problem in some videoediting forums to... so i'm not alone.
    But you confirm that it is not Adobe Premiere internal problem ?
    by the way, what is OE ?

  • Premiere CS6 - keyframed scaling is not working with RED footage when Time Remapping is used

    My system is: Win7, Premiere CS6 (6.0.5), 12GB RAM, etc...
    My project settings:  I'm using 1080p RED timeline.
    Using 4K RED footage with "Scale to frame size" disabled after placing the clip on timeline.
    Under effects time remapping is set to 50%.
    Motion->Scale is keyframed from 50% to 100% to achieve zoom in effect while preserving image quality.
    Clip stays at 50% Scale ignoring the keyframes.
    Problem is present during preview and in the exported file. I tried with CUDA enabled and disabled and problem persists.
    If I turn off Time Remapping, then the clip responds to scaling keyframes.
    Is there any workouround or can this bug be fixed?

    This seems to work but I had to apply TR to the nested sequence and scaling to the original clip.
    Otherwise scaling operations are messed up.
    This situation reminds me of after effects and effects processing order.

  • Pixel Motion with time remap. Am I missing something?

    I have a 720p 59.94 fps clip of an rc quad flying. Ive time remapped it and applied Pixel Motion but the little quad chops very badly while the background is very smooth during the slowest part of the time remap.
    As a control measure, I did the same clip with only frame blending, no Pixel Motion, and the quad is smooth, however the whole scene isnt as clean as would be with Pixel Motion.
    Am I missing something?
    Heres the two clips; the 1st one is frame blending, the second is frame blending/Pixel Motion. Why does the subject(quad) skip badly?

    It's inherent in how the two two methods work differently - one favors large, contiguous areas, the other works better with only tiny motion differences. The problem is that when using pixel motion to the algorithm your copter doesn't move much. No motion, nothing to blend. You can always try the Timewarp effect and tweak its parameters, but short of masking the copter and combining the two you won't get a perfect result, either, most likely.

  • CS5.5 - Go to previous or next visible item in time ruler (keyframe, marker, work area beginning or

    Go to previous or next visible item in time ruler (keyframe, marker, work area beginning or end)
    J & K
    Does not work at all here.
    Perhaps I am misunderstanding the nature of this feature but from reading the text in the manual I would come to expect
    that hitting i.e. J&K - would go the next visible item in the ruler be that a Keyframe or Marker etc... However, when I hit K timeline takes me to the end of the composition and J to the beginning. And I have a lot of markers set.
    Any Ideas

    It works on layer markers and keyframes, but not comp markers. Furthermore, it will also not work, if index items have been scrolled out of view or are shy even if the property streams and their keyframes are otherwise visible. This has never been any different, but it's quite annoying.

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