After overclock my 990XA-GD55 motherboard dead?

Hello people. Need help to identify problem. I installed my new 990XA-GD55 with AMD FX-8150. Every part was installed correct and it's worked perfect after one my stupid overclock test... I used Control Center to overclock my computer. All settings i clocked max as possible in Control Center. After that i heared some burst sound somewhere in computeer and after that my computer show black screen. When i turn on my computer, no speaker sound, no other booting. After all bios, battery and other parts clear nothing happens.... What the part may be dead? I think that the my motherboard dead... And also, i can't turn off yet my computer, just unplug power cabel. But to turn on it's possible, but black screen and nothing happens more...  :(
My systems was:
AMD FX-8150
MSI 990XA-GD55
AC pro 13 cooler
A-Data 4gb 1866
ATX Power 350W
GF 8800GT
HDD and etc.

Quote from: bonehead2 on 05-August-12, 06:06:09
Hello again helpers. So, PSU is not dead, and with another friends 500W PSU everything are the same. The computer turns on, but black screen, no speaker sound, no boot, no nothing. All coolers work in all speed, case power leds do not shine and also can't turn off computer by the power button just need to unplug power cable. Seems my MOBO is really dead...   
Well, this is lesson for me is how to do something crazy but with a little response before I get my best results. Now it will be expensive for me to back to the start. Hope that the other HW parts are ok... Thanks all for the help.
hopefully the other parts are ok, just start by getting a new motherboard as like i originally said you more then likely blew out a VRM or 2 or a capacitor!
in the future don't go so extreme immediatly go 1 small step at a time while overclocking in small incliments and test for stability between! just be careful and monitor what the system is saying temprature wise!

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    Well what other mentioned works and I can swear by it is use the ClickBios II ( you can select after bringing up ControlCenter and right click on the upper right tab ).  There you can set the voltages with no limits, to a point.  Again as the previous post, watch your temps closely as you OC.  Generally 62C is the safe max temp (tech 65C but having a cushion doesn't hurt).  The voltage it self isn't the concern.  But be forwarned, High voltage will spike temps quickly with lack luster cooling equipment.  Guideline as such: Air max is 4.6ghz with great air cooling, 4.4ghz with moderate air.  Water nets 4.6 at low end to 5.4ghz with custom loops and 240+ thick radiators.
    If you use ClickBios II do not enter the normal bios before windows login, it will undo any voltage changes you made.  You can make the other changes in the regular bios first as I found some do not take with ClickBios II.

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    I have a FX 8150, and i know it can handle the 2133....Is there a step that I am skipping...I would be happy if I just ran it at 1866...
    I have never set timing before or Voltage...I have never tried to overclock....If it don't just have a simple tick for it...I am at a lost...Ram i am using is G.Skill F3-17000cl11-4gbxl----2 of 8 gbs....
    Sorry for my grammar and spellling...sometime my fingers type faster than my mind.....

    Sorry if I am being difficult......My board...990XA-GD55....Bought from Frys a week ago has Uefi Bios....I promise...It has one Click Bios...I will take a pic and post it for you once my camera charges........Trust me when I read up on this board..It is saying that it does not come with it....I have Click Bios II...Trust me......No matter what the link say...It is on my board..I have not updated the bios or anything, because I thought this was weird that every site i see says no uefi Bios......Cpuz reads it as 990XA-GD55(MS-7640) Bios AMI V22.2...........
    Trust me when i tell you- I wanted the deal frys had on the new Piledriver and board, but when we looked it up...The boards Bios was not updated to take that new cpu///////so I decided on this one, even though it did not have the uefi Bios....Than found out this board was not ready for the new i ended up taking the bulldozer 8150......But I will shut this computer down and take a pic for you....I am not complaining.......Just wondering why????and if I do--why there was not a download for it on windows like my other boards I have built....This is the 6th MSI Board I have built in the past 3 months....
    as for the Ram..I understand that the processor has a memory controler...I have a buldozer 8150....never faulted the board...I was just asking why it will not post on 1866....The board can take 1866 and under 2133 oc....But this will only run stable at 1600.....I can run 1866 but I have to tweek the settings...I hope that made sence...usually on my other boards..I can just tick the speed and the board will figure it out..I am running the same ram in this board ....z77ma-g45..and it had the setting for 2133........The issue when I tick 1866...this board will not post...I will have to just set the timing and voltage to run 2133...and that is not an issue...
    please understand...I have no issues with this board..I have no issues with this ram...I am looking for answers..The Bios has got me thinking ..I will take a pic and post for you..Thanks for your quick responce...
    update--I could not figure out how to get pics on this here is a photobucket....This is a pic of my bios...version e7640ams Version 2.22
    I can add more pics if there is something you need.....I am as confused as you--I have hunted everywhere to find somebody that has the same issue as me...I like the idea of it being updating the bios is not an option...I would hate to loose it.....Please if you are reading-please give me a confirmation if you have a board like this too---------Now that I proved I have it....why do i have it....and can i download the oneclick bios 2 for windows.....When I bought the board..It was wraped...never used...I was the first user..It came like this right out of the box.......

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    I apologize for the multitude of questions and possibly incoherent order in which I wrote, but just trying to get as much pertinent info/process I went through as possible. Thanks in advance for any replies, and will be happy to give any extra info if needed!
    Board: MSI 990XA-GD55
    Bios: Version 22.2
    VGA:    XFX HD-687A-ZHFC Radeon HD 6870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready
    PSU:   APEVIA ATX-CB700W 700W ATX12V / EPS12V
    Intel AMD FX-4100 Zambezi 3.6GHz (3.8GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 95W Quad-Core Desktop Processor
    MEM: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1866 (PC3 14900) Desktop Memory Model F3-14900CL9D-
    HDD:  Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM001 2TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive
    COOLER: 2x140mm 4kRPM fans
    OS: Windows 7 64bit Ultimate
    EDIT: After looking through all the left over cases from items I purchased when building this comp, I realize I actually purchased 1866 DDR3, not 1600. But in looking at system properties here, it registers as 1600... But as I said before, I cannot access BIOS to adjust these values. Or maybe that is my problem in first place?

    I was wondering about a good voltage for this setup, I think these two are running at 1.6V to start with... So going lower voltage would be ideal then, hmm? Less heat, less power consumption, and you do not have to worry about a decrease in performance? Especially if the latencies are lower, correct?
    And I hate to say this, but I have had one of my first "noob" moments ever with this problem... It has been a few months since I took some compressed air to the mobo.. So went and bought some, blasted the heck outta the CPU/GPU/PSU, and the North/South bridges... Ran the same CPU stress test for twice as long, and it hovered at 41c, 42c was my max... *facepalm*. Before, it was even overclocking the CPU to 3.8GHz or so to work with the "data" it was running.. After compressed air, never really went above the 3.6 stock speed. I have never felt like such a goober!
    As for the BIOS, turns out the F lock solved the problem, as the delete key is somehow considered a function key for this keyboard I guess. Was able to get into the BIOS, do some tweaking and all. Still nice to know that these newer systems dont beep anymore, and where to start pressing the delete key, instead of mashing it from boot!
    Yet again, thanks for the tips, and this bit on memory/RAM is interesting, thank you for that input as well! I do not plan on upgrading the CPU any time soon, unless it is in a weakened state thanks to my neglect.. But I am still fuzzy on RAM details, so the mention of Latency/Voltage helped me in my upgrade search, thank you! If I am understanding it correctly, the 1866 will be future proofed, as well as having the ability for lower latencies compared to 1600? Does my system not go to 1866 because of the CPU or the mobo? As I thought the mobo supported up to 2133 OC.. So most likely the CPU, correct? I am looking at some Mushkin memory, if I get some 1866, I can lower its frequency to 1600, but decrease its latency in the process? ie getting some CL9, and lowering it to 1600 and CL8? How would I go about this, if you do not mind my asking? (If I understand correctly).
    Thanks again!
    EDIT: I brought up the msi control center, and see that my RAM is actually running at ~1.5V. How can I see the latencies it is running at? It is rated at CL9 at 1866..

  • HELP: Computer Die after Overclock

    hi to all.
    i have a msi 865PE Neo2-P MotherBoard
    i have dowloaded last Msi Core Center and i have try to overclok my cpu.
    after overclock the system (windows xp pro) frozen
    i have wait for 15 minutes but nothing
    i have shutdown the computer and i have try to reboot but computer is die !!
    when i turn on the computer nothing appears.
    only the hard disk led is alwais on but system not start.
    i can't see nothig..
    is my computer dead ?
    please help me !!

    he means crappy
    un problema interrompente... non reggere... una roba di rifiuto picese
    an interrupting problem... not to steady... one of picese junk
    avete buon heatsink&fan ottenuto con colla termica applicata, anche che versione della prova 3200 166 o 200. che regola il FSB 100
    good heatsink&fan you have obtained with applied thermal glue, also that version of test 3200 166 or 200, that regulated FSB 100(safe mode)
    la latta inoltre ha ripristinato l'essere vivente vicino rimuove la alimentazione di rete e preme il pulsante di avvio per svuotare l'alimentazione del sistema, allora sposta indietro il ponticello di cmos di risistemazione per 10 secondi, allora di nuovo alla spina normale nell'alimentazione
    can also reset bios by remove main power and press start button to empty system power, then move reset cmos jumper for 10 seconds, then back to normal. plug back in power

  • 990XA-GD55 - USB bluetooth adapter becomes unrecognised if left plugged in

    Hello all, I just bought and set up my new MSI 990XA-GD55 (bios 11.2) with an AMD FX-4100 3.6 GHz and I'm having a really weird problem with my usb bluetooth adapter. If I plug it in after Windows 7 (Pro 64-bit) is loaded it's recognized, installs drivers, etc. and works fine, but if I leave it plugged in and restart the machine the next time Windows loads up it shows as unrecognized until I unplug it and reinsert.
    The same bluetooth adapter has been used on my old computer and worked fine attached to an internal usb header cable (which is what I'd like to do with this one). Any ideas?

    Quote from: Panther57 on 23-February-12, 06:27:58 Posting guide information, so we can help better.
    Did windows do an 'auto' driver install? You might need to go to the manufacturers website for the specific driver package. If only a generic driver is installed, it can make the bluetooth unit do what you are experiencing.
    AMD FX-4100 3.60GHz
    MSI 990XA-GD55, bios v22.2
    G.SKILL  (2 x 4GB) DDR3 F3-17000CL11D-8GBSR
    EVGA Nvidia Ge-Force 460 GTX 1 GB RAM
    Hitachi 2 TB SATA III, 5400rpm (GPT formatted)
    LG Blu-ray RW SATA
    Intel Wifi Link 1000 bgn (Mini Pci-E to Pci-e adapter)
    Corsair 600Watt PSU (+12V@40A)
    Windows 7 Professional sp1 x64
    It did do an auto driver install, but it's not just a generic driver. It shows up as an ASUS bluetooth adapter and it works when you plug it in while Windows is running, but when you restart with it plugged it it won't work anymore.
    Quote from: Henry on 23-February-12, 07:30:21
    Was that in a home built PC or something like a Dell or Sony?
    Home built
    Quote from: Fredrik on 23-February-12, 07:46:06
    Which is the oldest, the motherboard or the Windows installation?
    They're both the same age, this is a freshly built system. This was the first thing I noticed when I completed Windows setup.

  • 990XA-GD55 Msi Control Center Tempº Problem.

    Hi everyone, I've got a problem since I bought my motherboard 990XA-GD55 after I installed the Msi Control Center, I thought my cpu tempº was really low but after I installed some other programs that allow me to monitor the cpu tempº, it was diferent, exactly -10º .... I'm confused and I don't know which one I should trust, but I would root against Msi CC, check this Screenshot and tell me your opinions or solutions if you can!! Thanks for reading my post and I'll be waiting for your answers!

    Download HWiNFO and see what you get. It seems to be the best monitoring software.

  • I have a 990XA-GD55 With One Click Bios II-Am I alone?uefi?

    I created a post not to long ago asking for help with a situation. I bought a new Board 1 week ago. Board was Brand new, never opened...
    """This Board Is Not suppose to Have A Uefi Bios.....This Board is Not suppose to have One Click Bios II........"""""""""
    The only reason I bought the board---The company I went to purchase, Had a deal on another board with a Pile-driver Processor. I am the type that will read and read, till I know everything about an item before I purchase..Found out that most of the time, you can purchase a combo and find out that the bios has not been updated for the cpu. Only way to fix, buy an older or cheaper cpu and update. I talked to the salesman and come to find out ,the combos they were offering had the same issue..This board had the uefi Bios...I did not want to go threw the head ache, so I opted for a different board..I was told it had no uefi Bios...and I was fine with that, It was a better Board. But than I found out that it too, was not ready for the pile driver...But it was ready for the bulldozer. I have owned the same cpu before. So I purchase The bulldozer and this board-990xa-GD55....
    Brought it home-read up on it.....Read it did not have uefi bios...and that was fine...Built the unit top to btm.....Booted it up or hit the power button.....For some reason it took about 30-60 sec to come on. But once it did...I hit delete too get to bios..Guess what I seen--One Click Bios 2..That was weird but windows 7 all my drivers, all my updates...But I could not find the download for one click bios on the site or on the cd....and everywhere I read claimed that this board was not to have this bios. I even wrote a post here asking about the download...What I was told---This board does not have uefi Bios....So I responded with a pic of my bios and I have not heard back..
    I would like to hear from users just like me on this subject..Do you have the same Bios I have? It says One Click Bios II...I am not complaining...This board runs awesome and does everything I need it to do. I am very pleased. I wish I could get the download to have one click on my desktop..Like my other-boards...I am not a newbie to building, and I have had this bios on a few different computers. I would just like to hear, if you might have the same bios...and any issues you had when updating...I am scared to update the bios..I probably will not do it..I would hate to lose this feature.
    Thanks for reading and sorry about my Grammar and spelling....
    Update--I have been beating my head over this...I know MSI says we are not suppose to have this bios....But if you look up this in Google..
    Can't change CPU voltage on MSI 990xa-GD55 Mobo
    Look at the screenshot....That guy is using one Click Bios 2----tooo........
    I have a feeling that alot of people that buy these boards are new to this bios feature, and just don't know better...This is suppose to have the older version of Bios....Not one Click 2...Guy in this post as the same bios as me.....Maybe if enough of use tell these guys we have it--They will include a download for it on Windows...On my other boards...I have one click bios on the board and can access it in Windows with a simple download....Thanks MSI for this feature...But please hook us up with the download too.......I would use the download from another board-But I know I can wait till MSI offers....

    If you are reading this and you are like me. You came here for answers. From what the guys here are telling me and from what I have read. These boards are not advertised as having the bios. When I purchased this board I was told that this did not have it. Than in my other post I was told this did not have it. But after a long winded Post. The Msi Tech said these boards come with it and that this model does not support the One Click Bios 2, in windows, Like there other boards. To me that really makes no scene, But I don't make the boards. I am sure these guys can write a program to take advantage of this awesome feature. I did some more hunting and amd has nothing to do with it, so i am assuming it is just this chip-set. To me this really make no scene. But having this bios was Bonus. If you read online or any review-either the person writing the review really never used the board, or maybe he never tried the bios. But I found numerous reviews claiming this board was missing this uefi and it only came with traditional Bios. 'Makes You wonder".........But I am over it....If your wondering these board do come with the uefi Bios but not advertised..advertised as having the older traditional Bios. Hope they will come out with an update for the one click Bios feature in Windows out nice when you need to dbl check setting with out resetting your computer..
    As for Ram--I asked about using 2133....One the many Msi Boards I have used in the past. There boards have a feature That allows you to just tick what frequency you want to use and than it will set the timing for you. I understand that Your memory controller is in the chip...But this program is in the bios. On This board the Highest is 1866...But when pressing 1866, it will not run it stable. sometimes it wont even post. The ram I am using is g.skill 2133 and i have used it in tons of there other boards with no issues. I have even used it in another bulldozer set up at 2133, Different board....Ran well. This board Can use 2133 easy, but in order to do it you have to go in and set the timing and voltage...Not a big deal for those people that do it all the time. But I like the one click and go. Even though one of the ticks is 1866, this board will need anything over 1600 will need to be done manually. My original question was this board says it can take 2133oc...I am one of the few that know nothing about setting timing and voltage, But with this board I am learning...if any of you have this board and this ram.....f3-17000cl11-4gbxl........Let me know what you set yours on to run at 2133....I have already tried----
    11-11-11-31-41"1t and 2t" voltage 1.6.......and it does not run stable.....Maybe I just lucked on on my other board, but I do not own it no more to compare...I would like to hear how you got yours to run stable.......I don't need it.....I just want to do it...
    Thanks for reading and sorry about my spelling and grammar.....
    Google----990xa-gd55 Uefi Bios review--------

  • Powermac g4 500mhz agp "Is my motherboard Dead?"

    My g4 was having a small problem everytime I started to use safari.,it would open then close..I could not get it to stay open..I would restart and then try again..same results..then after restarting second time the computer seems to be unable to complete the restart sequence..then all of a sudden DEAD..power seems ok,hardrive may have died, no big dead..tried different hd I have no display,chime,and I am unable to use the dvd-rom to load os back on...I do have a Red Light by the memory slots...and if I connect the dvd-rom drive to the motherboard it does not respond,but as soon as I disconnect the drive it opens and I am talking about the ide cable that attaches to the motherboard...any idea what is going on..cause I am out of ideas,is the motherboard Dead?

    I would look for a minimum of a 867MHz Quicksilver or a 933 MHz Quicksilver 2002 model.
    Both, besides being faster, have an L3 cache with the processor that the 733 machine doesn't.
    This cache really helps with video/graphic/game performance.
    The 2002 Quicksilvers (800, 933 and dual 1.0GHz) are more desirable than the first QS (733, 867, and dual 800) because they have native support for larger than 128GB hard drives.
    The 800MHz QS 2002 doesn't have the L3 cache, just like the 733MHz processor.
    Also, because the greater than 867MHz machines are able to run Leopard, they can use more modern software.
    Other than that, and CPU, the machines are all identical.
    As compared to the other machines that you have (G3 and G4) the 733 is a much better machine.
    It could really use the L3 cache, though.
    Only replacing the processor can provide that....
    BTW, I have 3 933MHz QS 2002 machines, and find it to be a very capable machine.
    My daughter uses one, and doesn't complain about online activities (video & games) like she did with a dual 500MHz Gigabit Ethernet.
    Another one is used as a media server for our family entertainment center, and is also very capable with the tasks that it performs.

  • 990XA GD55 Bios update Failed

    Hi, i have a MSI 990XA GD55 and recently  i've tried to update my BIOS from versión E7640vN1 to E7640vN2 and now my motherboard doesn't work.
    I just downloaded the E7640vN2 bios versión  from MSI web site and run on Windows 8 as shown in BIOS flash SOP and the process in Windows finished ok, then the MB reboot and i´ve faced with a black screen.
    I have no idea was wrong with it.
    What can i do?  Can i recovery my bios? Help please !!!!

    Figure 1: Error message
    The error displays when ...
    the update requires certain hardware or software that is not installed on your computer (examples: keyboard replaced with a non-HP keyboard or Microsoft .NET software is not installed),
    the computer does not meet a certain minimum hardware or software requirement (examples: 4 GB minimum memory, 200 MB free disk space, or .NET version 2.0 required and 1.0 is installed) .
    Usually, this error indicates the update is not needed for your computer and it should not be installed.

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    I used to run my V3 MIOPS as the boot drive on an AMD 890GX+SB850 chipset motherboard with an AMD Phenom II x4 840 cpu. Everything was perfect and the computer was snappy. Programs opened instantly and multitasking was effortless.
    Then I upgraded the motherboard to a MSI 990XA-GD55 (AMD 990X+SB950 chipset) and replaced the 840 with the 1090T. I secure erased the V3, cleared CMOS and did a fresh install of Windows 7. Immediately I experienced freezings. I was advised by a member on the OCZ Forums to change the AMD AHCI drivers to the generic MSAHCI drivers. This stopped the freezings and improved the 4K Read/Write performance tremendously.
    I don't get freezings anymore and the computer is 100% stable. But whenever I try to open a new program or multitask I experience a lot of hesitations, not freezings. It's like the system is waiting for a routine to complete before passing back control to the user. This makes my computer less than snappy. The hestitation is usually a very short instance when I open a program but could be a few seconds if I already have a lot of apps opened and I'm opening a new app.
    AMD does not have specific SB/AHCI drivers for the 9xx series chipsets. I'm wondering what I can do to return the computer back to the snappy performance I used to enjoy with my old system. I suspect that AMD's new 990X chipset is the culprit. Does MSI have any new (beta) BIOS/drivers I could try to bring back my computer to its past snappy performance?
    Thank you in advance for any response.

    Just want to give an update here.
    I've fixed the problem by combining the suggestions given by MSI Technical Support and the ppl who responded to this thread. Thank you.
    MSI Technical had given me a new BIOS to try but it didn't fix the problem straight away. I suspected it was because of the AMD drivers I had previously downloaded from AMD's site and already had installed. It seemed that the original AMD drivers did not work well with the 990XA-GD55 plus the Vertex 3.
    This is how I made it work. I left the motherboard BIOS at the newest version, ie. V22.2B6. I secure erased the V3 and unplugged it from the motherboard. Then I thoroughly cleared CMOS and took out the battery for 15 minutes.
    Put back everything together and loaded the optimal defaults in BIOS. Set SATA to AHCI and rebooted with the Win 7 installation disk. Performed a fresh install of Win 7 (as recommended by Bas) but only used the drivers in the MSI Install Disk that came with the motherboard.
    Now everything is faster, especially the 4K performance of the SSD. I don't know about the "hesitations" as I haven't used the computer long enough yet (just finished re-installing all my apps). But the computer is now just as snappy as before. And yes, I'm now on AMD_SATA and not on MSAHCI.
    My conclusion is that the drivers (Catalyst/SB/AHCI) available from the AMD site is not good for the motherboard but those provided by MSI are perfect (in my case at least).
    Thanks again to everyone for their help.

  • MSI 990XA-GD55 and Corsair Vengeance 1866mhz problem!

    I got MSI 990XA-GD55 and 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance 1866mhz but i tried everything to get it run at 1866mhz and i couldn't. It doesn't even run at 1600mhz. Only at 1333 or around 1500mhz. I set the timings manually but i doesn't work. Am i doing something wrong? Anyone can help me to figure out?

    Quote from: dyeladreash on 30-May-12, 19:27:53
    By saying memory controller, it's about CPU or mainboard?
    AMD cpu's from the phenom series support 1066/1266/1333/1600(usually only supports that with an overclock and 2 dimms installed) MHZ on the memory controler! only way you can get more frequancy is by overclocking the memory controler on the cpu to allow the increased frequancy on the dimms (most ram that says its 1866mhz is ment that its been tested overclocked at that speed but the chips will more then likely be 1600MHZ)!

  • 990XA-GD55 990X Chipset Heatsink EXTREMELY hot.

    My PC has started giving BSOD's, and when touching the heatsinks to see if anything is overheating, the 990X heatsink (the one Below the CPU) feels EXTREMELY hot, warm enough to burn a finger if held there for over a second. (65/70C ++ )
    CPU is at 45C, Mainboard itself at 32C, Graphics card at 36C (Whilst playing games)
    I wish I had a IR thermometer I could read the temperature with.
    Is it normal for them to go super duper hot? Could this be as a result of a BIOS setting regarding C1E or Phase control?
    The side of the case is open, and the PSU is sucking hot air out of the case causing circulation.
    Nothing is overclocked.
    AMD FX-4100
    MSI 990XA-GD55
    MSI 460GTX Cyclone
    Corsair Vengeance 1866mhz DDR3 (2x4GB)
    Corsair Force3 SSD
    Corsair TX650 PSU
    Creative X-Fi Platinum PCI-E
    Seagate 7200RPM SATA II (2X1TB)

    I like my computer to be silent, which it is.
    All the other components are fine.
    If there really is an issue with inadequate airflow (which I find hard to believe) why didn't MSI fit a fan ontop of the heatsink themselves?
    CPU cooler is the OEM one from AMD.
    No Intake fans, No exhaust fan. (System temperature is fine)
    The PSU sucks up all the warm air from the system and spits it out, which draws in fresh air into the case.
    I know this setup (With this fan arrangement) is fine, I have ran it for many years without any issues.
    Only part that seems to give an issue now is the 990X chipset heatsink. And only during heavy gaming for a prolonged time.
    On idle I estimate it to be around 50-55C
    Idle system temp is 29C. With the CPU at 40C.
    The four cores (According to CPUID Hardware monitor) are at around 15C each.
    SSD disk is sitting at 30C.
    GPU at 33C.
    Can anyone else with this board see if theirs is the same? I rather suspect that MSI made a mistake by not fitting a cooler on it from stock.
    Its also in a rather bizarre location, sandwiched right between the CPU and GFX card, with the RAM on one side and the huge heatsink to the left of the CPU on the other side.

Maybe you are looking for

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