After upgrade, gnome keyboard layout wrong!

I've checked and my UK keyboard works properly on the virtual terminals, but within gnome, I appear to have a US keyboard layout. I've changed to UK keyboard in the gnome keyboard preferences and removed US keyboard (didnt have to do this before, I dont think) but I still have things like " and @ mixed up and no pound sign.
Where do I look?

Jefg60 wrote:
I've checked and my UK keyboard works properly on the virtual terminals, but within gnome, I appear to have a US keyboard layout. I've changed to UK keyboard in the gnome keyboard preferences and removed US keyboard (didnt have to do this before, I dont think) but I still have things like " and @ mixed up and no pound sign.
Where do I look?
Have you tried editing the keyboard language in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?

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    (**) Option "xkb_model" "evdev"
    (**) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: xkb_rules: "evdev"
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    If that doesn't work try pushing the Bluetooth sing in the top bar of your computer screen
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    bgodea wrote:I changed the Gnome keyboard layout to "104 key PC" and also tried changing my xorg.conf, but I still have the same problem. In non-graphical and KDE it works fine
    You also have to setup a valid layout for this kind of keyboard. That is done in the same dialog field. Then, what do you mean with "tried"? First off, if Gnome and X disagree about keyboard layout, Gnome complains loudly. Thus KDE is unilaterally setting the layout to something it likes. Check your Kconfig to find out what it is. Then find the section named InputDevice in /etc/X11/xorg.conf that looks something like this:
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    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
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    Change it to resemble this example, if it doesn't. Check if your ServerLayout actually uses this InputDevice. Finally, is there anything else we should know about your keyboard? Do you run XGL/AIGLX?
    Last edited by Captain Spaulding (2007-04-03 16:50:46)

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    Hi @ all,
    same problem here. On my MacBook Air the keyboard layout at the login-screen (FileVault 2) changed to US after the Update to 10.7.1. After I tried to change this back to the German one, my MacBook does net accept any way to enter my password any more.
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    bgodea wrote:I changed the Gnome keyboard layout to "104 key PC" and also tried changing my xorg.conf, but I still have the same problem. In non-graphical and KDE it works fine
    You also have to setup a valid layout for this kind of keyboard. That is done in the same dialog field. Then, what do you mean with "tried"? First off, if Gnome and X disagree about keyboard layout, Gnome complains loudly. Thus KDE is unilaterally setting the layout to something it likes. Check your Kconfig to find out what it is. Then find the section named InputDevice in /etc/X11/xorg.conf that looks something like this:
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    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbLayout" "us"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
    Change it to resemble this example, if it doesn't. Check if your ServerLayout actually uses this InputDevice. Finally, is there anything else we should know about your keyboard? Do you run XGL/AIGLX?
    Last edited by Captain Spaulding (2007-04-03 16:50:46)

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    I made a test in our testing environment, Windows 10 Technical Preview 9926 X64 English edition. After add the keyboard layout, such as Dvorak, we do need to restart the computer to let the setting come into effective.
    Therefore, please restart your computer for test.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Does anyone have any idea on what can be causing this?

    teletrabi wrote:for gdm >=2.28 you can adjust the keyboard layout in a dialog at the bottom of the login-screen.
    (this dialog appears, when the password field is active) ...this works for me
    Thanks a lot for the tip. This solved my problem. Also I checked the keyboard layout settings at system -> preference -> keyboard and it shows the right layout settings after restarting (not like in the past after gnome 2.28 update).

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    Here is my contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keyboard.conf:
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "Keyboard Defaults"
    MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
    Option "XkbLayout" "gb"
    Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be?
    Last edited by Morgy (2014-10-18 17:18:09)

    My situation showed an extra issue related to this change.
    After the upgrade I started getting two layouts (us,us) instead of just one (us).
    $ setxkbmap -query
    rules: evdev
    model: pc104
    layout: us,us
    variant: ,
    options: ctrl:nocaps
    That broke my variant setting, which was altgr-intl (set via /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf). I was able to manually set that to "altgr-intl,altgr-intl" (with setxkbmap), and that worked.
    After adding an input source as described above, of "English (international AltGr dead keys)", everything started working again for my purposes, without manually running setxkbmap, but I still have the extra layout:
    $ setxkbmap -query
    rules: evdev
    model: pc104
    layout: us,us
    variant: altgr-intl,
    options: ctrl:nocaps
    Does anyone know a current method for completely disabling GNOME's keyboard management?
    (I've tried several things from Google, but nothing seems to work for the current version).

  • Wrong keyboard layout after Mavericks update

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    Befor the update to Mavericks, the language was only german and this was fine for me.
    Maybe someone have a solution, because i don´t want the US Keyboard Layout at the Logon Screen...

    two things I can think off: 
    1. Check if you have set your keyboard in xorg.conf as described here: … S_keyboard
    2. Open dconf-editor, surf there to org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard
    I have Layout set to ['de\tnodeadkeys'] there.

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    There have been two discussion threads as far as I can see; none with a solution.
    "Fixing" the keyboard to a single one is not an option for polyglot people like us who actually need several keyboard layouts.
    I have fed back to Apple as recommended weeks ago, but to no avail so far.
    This persistent problem is driving all of us mad. Does no one on this list have any answers? Surely there's some setting somewhere that turned a perfectly well working system (10.9.3) into one that's costing us tens of minutes every single day (10.9.4)?
    Thanks in advance,

    There is a box that no one had mentioned...
    System Preferences---> Keyboard---> Input Source---> Uncheck the "Automatically switch to a document's input source. The input source is used until the document is closed."
    kafetzou... You may want to delete the Turkish keyboard so that the English is on top of the list. Then re-add the Turkish keyboard, this will make it under the English. Though I don't know if this will help your problem, or the box that I mentioned above.

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