Agent state

Hi all!
When I connect to Interaction Center I can't select the state of the agent - ready or not (radio-buttons are disabled). At this time Contact Center Simulator write "Currently no agents are logged on to CSS"
How can I enable the agent?
Regards, Ivan.

Please review CRM: Contact Center Simulator Setup, which is in the top folder inthis blog Documentation for Interaction Center (IC) WebClient

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    Hi All,
    Would like to know if Cisco supervisor desktop can shows agent state as hold?
    Issue is that even if the Agent placed the customer on hold, Supervisor desktop will show the Agent in talking state, which will give wrong perception to supervisor
    IPCC Version: 7.0(1)
    CAD Version: 7.0
    CSD version: 7.0

    Hi San,
    Within CSD, the hold times are joined together with the average talk (Avg Talking) time of an agent.
    So the CSD display will not show when an agents has placed a call on hold
    You can find this information in the following document on page 30.
    Please let me know if this information has helped you.

  • CTIOS Client: Enabling Chat & Agent Stats

    Working with CTIOS client in a lab (8.5).  Have one agent and one supervisor (spv configured as spv of agent on team).  Two issues:
    1)  Chat: 
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         b) I CANNOT send a chat (or response) from the spv to the agent.  When I try, I get a message that the agent is not a spv of their team and they are
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    I have checked the registry settings for both the agent (agentchatlevel) and spv (supervisorchatlevel) and set both to Unrestricted.  After doing this, I did log out of the desktops and close and reopen, but did not cycle the CTIOS servers if that's required.  Or is it some other setting I'm missing?
    2) Agent Stats:
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    Thanks for your help and suggestions!

    No firewall David, but I figured out both problems.  Regarding poping the chat window, it's actually a beep, set here:
    The chat window can be configured to beep, every time a new message arrives. To make the Chat control beep every time a new message arrives, set the following registry key to a non-zero value.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\CTI Desktop\CtiOs\BeepOnMsgReceived
    If the registry key does not exist, or if its value is set to zero, the Chat control will not beep.
    Regarding the agent stats, I had to pull up another window to find them :-)
    Thanks for your input.

  • CTIOS Agent state

    Using Cisco CTIOS toolkit have Auto Answer with zone configured. Is it possible to move the agent State to Not ready after the wrapup is done? Then again agent make himself to ready status for next call?

    Hi Jayaprakash,
    Not sure if it is possible to move the agent to "not ready" after every wrapup.
    What is certainly feasible is to change the agent to NOT READY after every RONA (Ring On No Answer). This means that if the agent doesn't answer the call within a preconfigured number of seconds, his state will become NOT READY and the call will be requeued and transferred to the next available agent.
    There are several useful posts on this forum, below is one of them:
    Hope this was helpful,

  • Agent Desktop's agent state toggles between "ready" and "reserved

    Hello and thanks for all of your past help.  I have a user whos'e Agent Desktop's agent state toggles between "ready" and "reserved when no calls are coming in to he IP Phone 7941 or 7961.  Can anyone help?
    Thanks, Chet

    Is the agent's phone actually ringing at all? If not I suspect the IP IVR ports are unable to call the agent. UCCX tries to send a call to the agent so it sends the reserve event to the agent and then tries to send the call to the agent but is failing so it cancels the event flicking the agent back into ready. Perhaps check to make sure that the ports have an appropriate calling search space to call the agent extension. Maybe configure a phone the same as the IVR port and check to see if you can call the agent extension?

  • Agent States in ICM script

    I would like to know if the states of an agent such as Logged on and Ready can be checked in ICM scripting .
    We are developing a script which will check the agent state Logged on and then checks the agent state ready , only if these conditions are satisfied then the call will route to that particular agent.
    If agent is not logged on, then it will route to one skillgroup and if agent is logged on , but not available/ready then it will land to voice mail.
    The approach which i am following is to assign each agent with one particular skillgroup and check these states.
    Please let me know if any other approach can be followed .

    Hi deepak,
    Before you route the call to the SkillGroup, you can have a IF Node to check the LoggedOn count and Available/Ready and route accordingly as you need.
    IF SkillGroup.LoggedOn=0 in Formula Editor
    Right branch connected to the SkillGroup you required
    Wrong branch connected to another IF node and if SkillGroup.READY=0 have the Right branch connected the Voicemail
    You can also accomplish this just by 1 IF Node using AND and OR operators
    Just have a look at Using Formulas section in the below Scripting and Media Routing Guide

  • ICD Agent State- Music On Hold

    Hi all,
    I deploy ICD script on my system.
    But i have some thing i need to do to optimize my system.
    I want:
    - All agent state is always ready.
    - When customer call and wait for agent to answear, they will hear music ( now they hear no thing )
    Thanks first, will vote 5* if you can help

    Hi HD,
    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Here is some additional information;
    Music On Hold
    From this good doc;
    You may install the Cisco CallManager Music On Hold Disk that **ships with your Cisco IP Telephony Applications Server, or you may download one of two following files via the web:
    ciscocm-MusicOnHold, which is a set of wav files providing the entire music selection from the disk
    ciscocm-MusicOnHoldSampler, which is a small set of files offering a sample of music available on the disk
    ** I just looked and these files can be found at the attached link with CCO Login (Right down towards the bottom of the page)**
    As far as your last question, maybe you are looking for the setting "Auto Available" for Agents. Check out Chapter 17- Page 15;
    Hope this helps!

  • Agent state as "Interrupted"

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    Thanks in Advance.

    Is the agent skilled in multiple skills and/or MRD's?  What is their AgentState in the other MRDs/skills?
    i.e. perhaps if they were active in an email, and got interrupted by a phone call in the Voice MRD?
    dunno for sure...  I searched our entire history of support cases, and didn't find a single match for "agentstate interrupted"

  • Agents state getting changed automatically from NotReady to Ready

    Agents state getting changed automatically from NotReady to Ready on random position during break time. Can some help me out?
    UCCE version 8.5 

    Hello Ahmad,
    Bug below describes a scenario where the agent is transitioned to the Ready state without manually changing it.
    Also effects 8.5.
    Save Bug
    UCCX: Agent Incorrectly Set To Ready After RNA On ICD Extension
    A Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX) agent may transition to the Ready state without manual intervention.
    This occurs when, while on a call on the personal line, the agent receives a consult transfer from another agent on the ICD line, does not answer this call and the call is disconnected by the calling agent. When processing this disconnect, the agent state is incorrectly transitioned to Ready even though the call is still in progress ...more
    Known Affected Releases: (2)
    8.5(1)SU2 | 8.0(2)SU4
    Known Fixed Releases: (1)
    Product: Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
    Hope this helps,
    Please rate helpful posts.

  • Work Ready/Work Not Read Agent state

    Hello all,
    I've got two environments with UCCE 7.2.7 and CTI OS 7.2.7 too; CTI OS registry configurations seem to be the same.
    I've a little problem with the Agent State after an inbound or outbound call.In both the environment I've an AgentDeskSetting with the following main properties:
    Ring No Answer: not configured
    Work mode on Incoming: Required
    Work mode on Outgoing: Required
    Wrap up time: 7200 seconds
    I launch the Cisco Agent Desktop, then log in an Agent, with the previous AgentDeskSetting, and I make an inbound call for the agent; the agent answers the call, talks about 10/15 secons and hangs up the call. At this point the agent, after wrap up data form, goes in work mode and has the Ready and Not Ready buttons available.
    In this condition of work mode, I go to see the Agent_Real_Time table: in the first of the two environments I read an AgentState value of 6 (WorkNotReady) while in the other one I can see an AgentState value of 5 (WorkReady). Why I have two different values? I'am wondering if I miss something: are there some configurations that I have not seen?
    Thanks a lot for help,

    I compared the values in the two registers and I seem to be substantially the same.
    I took the keys "Cisco System, Inc.\Ctios" and "Cisco System, Inc.\ICM\\CTIOS1".
    I just cannot understand why the two different behaviors...
    Any ideas?? Can I decide in which state will go the agent after the wrap-up time??
    Thanks a lot,

  • Webview Real Time Agent State issue

    We have UCCE 8.0(1) Environment, We have an issue in Webview like one single agent state is always TALKING even if he loggedout. We could see the Active-Skill-group is DEFAULT_5342. We tried that paticular extension unregister state still the same..
    We deleted that agent id in AW and still same. We checked for any event logs in CTI Server, there was no events, We have restarted the CTI Server, still the agent state showing as TALKING and the Duration is 360 hours. Does anyone have any suggestions

    In order to recover from this, you'll likely need to cycle the PG for the site (both sides stopped at the same time & brought up clean, or via an opctest: exit_opc).
    To perform true root cause analysis, you'd likely need to enable some tracing on the PG & get logs from when the processes restart clean, all the way until you see this 'ghost agent'.
    TAC could help you with the trace settings but I'd think "opctest: debug /agent" would be a good start.
    Good luck.

  • CTIOS 7.5.9 Agent Stats

    I'm seeing some strange values for some of the agent stats using the ctios agent desktop.
    On the pg, i have edited registry keys to display the following stats:
    According to the 7.5 ctios user guide ... session is defined as the time since the agent logged in... however, these counters do not reset when the agent logs out and back in again. An agent can log out at the end of a day, log back in the next day and still see stats > 0 for these 2 headings.
    Is anyone aware of a change in ctios 7.5.9 that could cause this? Perhaps we are looking at a bug. We can recreate it on the customer site, and in our lab.
    Edit: LoggedOnTimeSession does reset itself when the agent logs out and back in again ... looks increasing like a bug.

    This is a confirmed bug in 7.5.9
    CSCtj84524    AgentOutCallsSession and AgentOutCallsTalkTimeSession are not resetting
    AgentOutCallsSession and AgentOutCallsTalkTimeSession are not resetting
    once the agent logged out.
    Conditions: ICM 7.5(9)
    Fix expected in ICM 7.5(10) due OCT 2011

  • CUIC 8.5 Thresholds on Agent State

    Hi guys,
    I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can configure CUIC 8.5 with thresholds for duration spent in a particular agent state. To do this ideally you would need to construct a threshold which looks at 2 columns:
    AgentState in the Agent_Real_Time table to indicate the current agent state
    For duration you need to do a datediff between DateTimeLastStateChange and the current datetime from Agent_Real_Time
    But since the thresholding doesn't let you do conditional formatting (for this example lets say we want AgentState go yellow if AgentState=Ready and duration > 30) I'm a little stuck here on a way to directly do this.
    The only ways I can see how to do this is by either having a single column for the time in each state which only populates when the agent is in that state
    ie in the SQL for the report definition you would define a column for current time in ready as:
    CurrTimeInReady = Case AgentState When 3 then DateDiff(ss,GETDATE(),DateTimeLastStateChange) ELSE '' END
    Then you could create thresholds for each of the CurrTimeInStateX columns except this creates a bunch of columns in the report cluttering it up.
    Or the only other option I could see would require you to hardcode in the thresholds to the stat itself and have a separate column to base the thresholds off ie have a "applythreshold" column and in the SQL of the report you have a big Case definition of the column like:
    applythreshold = Case AgentState
                                            When 3 then Case
                                                                     WHEN (DateDiff(ss,GETDATE(),DateTimeLastStateChange)>30 THEN 'Yes'
                                                                     ELSE 'No' END)
                                           ELSE 'No'
    Then you apply thresholds to that applythreshold column based on if it's set to Yes or No but that is pretty convoluted and also the thresholds are hardcoded into the SQL.
    Has anyone been able to successfully do this? I tend to come up against this a fair bit when replacing Avaya CMS since Avaya reporting the thresholds are built in to allow time in X state do Y.

    Hi Nathan
    Did you manage to solve this?  I've come up against the same issue.

  • Agent state after change

    I've got a custom-written wallboard to monitor agents and traffic real-time. When I change a competance level or remove a skill, the agent's records are no longer available in the AgentStateDetail table. Because of this, the agent's status is unknown until there is a change (a new entry in AgentStateDetail is created). Is there a way around this?

    I can't speak about the database, but if you're using a http trigger with a script behind to get agent states, you should always get the appropriate information. Our own agent state display uses that approach and it works quite well (we coupled it with a jtapi based app that monitors phone states and requests the agent state when the phone state changes)

  • Agent state after priority change

    I've got a custom-written wallboard to monitor agents and traffic real-time. When I change a competance level or remove a skill, the agent's records are no longer available in the AgentStateDetail table. Because of this, the agent's status is unknown until there is a change (a new entry in AgentStateDetail is created). Is there a way around this?

    I can't speak about the database, but if you're using a http trigger with a script behind to get agent states, you should always get the appropriate information. Our own agent state display uses that approach and it works quite well (we coupled it with a jtapi based app that monitors phone states and requests the agent state when the phone state changes)

  • Query on CTIOS Agent states:

    In an IPCC Enterprise, when does the Agent become available?
    What is the difference between Agent Ready state and Agent Available.

    enum Value
    Numeric Value
    The agent has logged on to the ACD. It does not necessarily indicate that the agent is ready to accept calls.
    The agent has logged out of the ACD and cannot accept any additional calls.
    The agent is unavailable for any call work.
    The agent is ready to accept a call.
    The agent is currently talking on a call (inbound, outbound, or inside).
    The agent is performing after call work, but will not be ready to receive a call when completed.
    The agent is performing after call work, and will be ready to receive a call when completed.
    The agent is busy performing a task associated with another active SkillGroup.
    The agent is reserved for a call that will arrive at the ACD shortly.
    The agent state is currently unknown.
    The agent currently has all calls on hold.
    From the CTIOS Developers Guide.

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