Aggregate Valuation

After I have the system propose aggregates, I only keep and fill the ones that are the best, based on the +++++ valuation.   I figured that was a reasonable methodology.
However after they are filled, the valuations drop, some even go to minuses.
Why would a valuation on an aggregate go from a +++++ on a proposal to several minuses after being filled?

The Valuation of an aggregate depends upon the summarization ratio. If the summarization ratio is more than 10, then the aggregate is considered good and varies in the no. of '+' values, otherwise it varies numbers of -ve values. The summarization ratio refers to the number of records which are summarized into one record in the aggregate.
When there are more than one aggregate on an Infocube, and some aggregates are subset of another, then the summarization ratio of smaller is calculated based on the records available in the bigger aggregate. In this case, summarization ratio can be less than the expected value, because the records are summarized out of already summarized ones in another aggregate.
So, in your case, it seems that you have more than one aggregates on the same infocube. So the valuations are being done relatively among them.

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    I haven't tried to check the ratio-calc manually, but I guess if you compare the fact tables between the cube and the agg, you will get something like the ratio displayed by BW...
    To get the number of records, go to SE16.
    For the cube, check for the two tables
    standard cube:
    add them or compress the cube and check only E-tabel
    custom cube:
    add them or compress the cube and check only E-tabel
    For the aggregate, you need the number like 100143. Check in SE16 for the tables
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    Aggregate valuation.
    "---" sign is the valuation of the aggregate. You can say -3 is the valuation of the aggregate design and usage. ++ means that its compression is good and access is also more (in effect, performance is good). If you check its compression ratio, it must be good. -- means the compression ratio is not so good and access is also not so good (performance is not so good).The more is the positives...more is useful the aggregate and more it satisfies the number of queries. The greater the number of minus signs, the worse the evaluation of the aggregate. The larger the number of plus signs, the better the evaluation of the aggregate.
    if "-----" then it means it just an overhead. Aggregate can potentially be deleted and "+++++" means Aggregate is potentially very useful.
    Use tool RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE in se38 to check for the corrupt aggregates
    If aggregates contain incorrect data, you must regenerate them.
    Note 646402 - Programs for checking aggregates (as of BW 3.0B SP15)

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    Support Issues
    1.     tRFC-
    Solution: Contact BASIS team and enquiring about RFC, transfer of I-docs Info, We can also check in BD87
    2. Delta Corruption
    Solution : Some times delta gets corrupted due to some reasons, we have to re-initialize our datasources
    3. Extra Charcters
    Solution : Maintain ALL_CAPITAL_PLUS_HEX in RSKC, RSALLOWEDCHAR in SE16,
    4. Transaction Log Full
    Solution : Contact BASIS team and ask them to clear the transaction log
    5. Wrong Date Format
    Solution : We have to identify the erroneous record and edit in PSA and upload again
    6. Conversion Exits
    Solution : Sometimes we get data into BW in a different format, If possible try to edit in source system and reload again
    7. DSO activation failed due to inconsistent requests in Database tables
    Solution : At times, we delete requests from DSoO/PSA/CUBE, but in the backend tables, requests will be still lying.
    We have to delete from the database tables
    8. Source System was not available
    Solution : When BASIS team carries out some maintenance activities, our source system will be under their usage.
    Ask them to make it free
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    Solution : Again RFC/IDOC problem, Contact BASIS
    11. Caller 70 missing
    Solution : We have to re- start our data load whenever the source system load is less
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    Solution : Check out the Aggregate valuation, If required we have to drop the existing ones, create a new one with High val

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    Hi Ramya,
    This is a vague question and its difficult to answer you particularly. Search Forum for Challenges in Developing and I can give you the challenges in Production Support.
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    Solution: Contact BASIS team and enquiring about RFC, transfer of I-docs Info, We can also check in BD87
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    Solution : Some times delta gets corrupted due to some reasons, we have to re-initialize our datasources
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    Solution : Maintain ALL_CAPITAL_PLUS_HEX in RSKC, RSALLOWEDCHAR in SE16,
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    Solution : Contact BASIS team and ask them to clear the transaction log
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    Solution : We have to identify the erroneous record and edit in PSA and upload again
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    You can use RSRT to compare query results with and without the aggregate.  Use the Execute & Debug option when you go to run your query. Then near the of the Debug options under Others, is an option to Display BW Statistics.  Tihs option will display the components of the run time time and how many rows were read and how many were transferred to the OLAP processor. 
    Near the top of the the Debug options is the option Do Not Use Aggregates, so you can run the same query using the aggregates and then again without the aggregates and compare the results.
    Couple of important items -
    This is only testing one particular execution with the inputs you provide.  If the query you are testing has many input prompts and many free characteristics, your users could be running the query in very different ways than your test.
    Your primary interest in this test is the DB time which should pretty strongly correlate with the number of rows selected (read). The total RSRT time shouldn't be worried about for evaluating impact of an aggregate because the front end time should generally be the same regardless of use of the aggregate, since it is a function of the time it takes to get the data to the client and formatted, which should be the same since you are moving the same data to the client with the aggregate and without the aggregate.
    RSRT also has the Debug option Display Run Schedule, which will providew the database optimziers Explain (Execution) Plan which you could also use to evalue the query's performance with and without the aggregate.
    Before starting, you should make sure the DB statistics for the base cube and the aggregate are current in order to provide a valid comparison.
    Also, when using RSRT, keep in mind, that if the query is against an Infocube that has data in both the E and F fact tables, two SQL queries really run, and RSRT will show two Explain plans if you have the Disaply Run Schedule option checked.  If the query is against the multiprovider, you will have SQL queries against each underlying Infoprovider and Explain Plans for each.

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    Hi ,
      I want to convert all -
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    Check this..

  • Performance ISSUE related to AGGREGATE

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    Try this.
    "---" sign is the valuation of the aggregate. You can say -3 is the valuation of the aggregate design and usage. ++ means that its compression is good and access is also more (in effect, performance is good). If you check its compression ratio, it must be good. -- means the compression ratio is not so good and access is also not so good (performance is not so good).The more is the positives...more is useful the aggregate and more it satisfies the number of queries. The greater the number of minus signs, the worse the evaluation of the aggregate. The larger the number of plus signs, the better the evaluation of the aggregate.
    if "-----" then it means it just an overhead. Aggregate can potentially be deleted and "+++++" means Aggregate is potentially very useful.
    Run your query in RSRT and run the query in the debug mode. Select "Display Aggregates Found" and "Do not use cache" in the debug mode. This will tell you if it hit any aggregates while running. If it does not show any aggregates, you might want to redesign your aggregates for the query.
    use tool RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE in se38 to check for the corrupt aggregates
    If aggregates contain incorrect data, you must regenerate them.
    Note 646402 - Programs for checking aggregates (as of BW 3.0B SP15)
    Check   SE11 > table RSDDAGGRDIR . You can find the last callup in the table.
    Generate Report in RSRT
    Cube Performance
    /thread/785462 [original link is broken]

  • What is the meaning of +++++  in aggregates .

    HI Experts,
      What is the meaning of +++++  in aggregates .
    Thanks in advance .

    "---" sign is the valuation of the aggregate. You can say -3 is the valuation of the aggregate design and usage. ++ means that its compression is good and access is also more (in effect, performance is good). If you check its compression ratio, it must be good. -- means the compression ratio is not so good and access is also not so good (performance is not so good).The more is the positives...more is useful the aggregate and more it satisfies the number of queries. The greater the number of minus signs, the worse the evaluation of the aggregate. The larger the number of plus signs, the better the evaluation of the aggregate.
    if "-----" then it means it just an overhead. Aggregate can potentially be deleted and "+++++" means Aggregate is potentially very useful.

  • Large Aggregates

    Hello Experts,
    We have recieved an early watch report from SAP which has highlighted large aggregates for certain infocubes. When I check the aggregates, I noticed that they have high utilization indicated by the +++ in the valuation column.
    As large aggregates have a bearing on the ACR and Rollup, I am trying to find ways of creating new aggregates and deactivating the existing one.
    Currently the aggregates are built on certain navigation attributes = * but I find that most of the other characteristics from other dimensions are also present resulting in more records being inserted into aggregates. Currently most reports are designed to view sales data aggregated at navigational attributes of profit center. Would be OK if we have only the Sales as one dimension and the navigation attribute as another dimension in the aggrete?
    Could you please suggest the best ways to create aggregates.
    Thanks you,

    Large aggregates in the EWA ( Early Watch Alert ) usually refer to aggregates that have a high aggregation factor..
    By definition an aggregate should be smaller than the cube - but if the aggregate starts approaching the cube size then the purpose of the aggregate is defeated.
    The reason why SAp flags these is that you could possibly reduce your DB consumption by the aggregate is the size it equal to the cube because you will get a similar performance when you run the query from the cube.
    What you can do is :
    1. Run the query in RSRT and select "Display statistics " and "Do not use aggregates" in the execute and debug option
    2. Run the same with display statistics without checking the aggregates option
    compare the DB time for both the runs above and if there is an improvement  then use the aggregates else you can switch them off and still achieve similar performance. Also compress your cube if possible because Aggregates are usualy compressed leading to better performance...
    The EWA alert is just a warning and can be ignored if you find that the aggregates have to be there....

  • Aggregates being used or not

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    1.  Use different parameters in ST03 to see the two important parameters aggregation ratio and records transferred to F/E to DB selected.
    2. --- sign is the valuation of the aggregate. You can say -3 is the valuation of the aggregate design and usage. ++ means that its compression is good and access is also more (in effect, performance is good). If you check its compression ratio, it must be good. -- means the compression ratio is not so good and access is also not so good (performance is not so good).The more is the positives...more is useful the aggregate and more it satisfies the number of queries. The greater the number of minus signs, the worse the evaluation of the aggregate. The larger the number of plus signs, the better the evaluation of the aggregate.
    if "-----" then it means it just an overhead. Aggregate can potentially be deleted and "+++++" means Aggregate is potentially very useful.
    3. Run your query in RSRT and run the query in the debug mode. Select "Display Aggregates Found" and "Do not use cache" in the debug mode. This will tell you if it hit any aggregates while running. If it does not show any aggregates, you might want to redesign your aggregates for the query.
    Also your query performance can depend upon criteria and since you have given selection only on one infoprovider...just check if you are selecting huge amount of data in the report
    Check for the query read mode in RSRT.(whether its A,X or H)..advisable read mode is X.
    4. Use RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE in se38 to check for the corrupt aggregates
    If aggregates contain incorrect data, you must regenerate them.
    Note 646402 - Programs for checking aggregates (as of BW 3.0B SP15)
    5. Check   SE11 > table RSDDAGGRDIR . You can find the last callup in the table (last used).
    6. Use the program SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS (Performance of BW infocubes) to see the aggregation ratio for the cube. If the cube does not appear in the list of this report, try to run RSRV checks on the cube and aggregates.
    Go to SE38 > Run the program SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS
    It will shown dimension Vs Fact tables Size in percent.If you mean speed of queries on a cube as performance metric of cube,measure query runtime.

  • Aggregates - Questions?!

    Hello Experts,
    My questions regarding to AGGREGATES are:
    In RSRT - Maintenance for Aggregate, I can see an Valuation of +++++ for an usage of 2357 however the aggregate in not switched on (it's red). I shall activate this aggregate? Correct?
    Shall I activate all the Aggregates with +++++ and an very high usage that are inactive (red)?
    I do have an Aggregate with an Valuation of +++++ but the usage is low (23). Shall I activate also this aggregate?
    If I have an Aggregate with a Valuation of + with an low usage, It's better the leave this aggregate inactive? Correct?
    Last question:
    If I have an Aggregate with a Valuation of + with a high usage, it's better to activate this aggregate? Correct?

    a) yes

  • Aggregate Usage

    Hi Guys,
    I had created an aggregate couple of days back.
    The roll up is happening every day. I can find also find when it was last used in the aggregate maintainence screen.
    However usage is displaying -ve. That means the aggregates is not effectively used. How can I use this effectively so that it will display the usage +ve.
    The aggregate and report granularity is exactly same then why the usage is not +ve.
    Please let me know.

    Can you be more precise ?
    On what cube have you created your agregate ? Standard (business content) or custom one ?
    How the agrregate is built. What characteristics it contain ?
    Did you use expert mode while creating it ? If yes - it's possible that it works very fast despite low valuation. Some of my aggregates that are low valuated works very fast (I used expert mode while creating it).
    Regards, Leszek  

  • Useless aggregates

    Hi All,
    I need to find the useless aggregates in my BW system and remove them(whole system).
    I know that, we can check the valuation and last used field in aggregate maintainence.
    However I want to know if there is any easy way to find useless aggregates and remove.
    Can I use some statistics data for this? if Yes please give me the details?

    Kindly check table RSDDAGGRDIR . Here aggregates where CALLS = 0 and AVGFACTREDUCE = 0 , are the ones not used .You can also check for last call and other information .
    AVGFACTREDUCE  defines the factor the number of aggregate records decreases in comparison to the InfoCube. So if there is no reduction , no use of having aggregates .

  • Index's on cubes or Aggregates on infoobjects

    Please tell me if it is possible to put index's on cubes; are they automatically added or is this something I put on them?
    I do not understand index's are they like aggregates?
    Need to find info that explains this.
    Thanks for the hlep.

    Indexes are quite different from aggregates.
    An Aggregate is a slice of a cube which helps the data retrival on a faster note when a query is executed on a cube. Basically it is kind of a snapshot of KPI's and Business Indicators (Chars) which will be displayed as the initial query run result.
    Index is a process which is inturn will reduce the query response time. While an object gets activated, the system automatically create primary indexes. Optionaly, you can create additional index called secondary indexes.Before loading data, it is advisable to delete the indexes and insert them back after the loading.
    Indexes act like pointers for quickly geting the Data.When u delete it will delete indexes and when u create it will create the indexes.
    When loading we delete Bcs during loading it has to look for existing Indexes and try to update so it will effect the Data load performence so we delete and create it will take less time when compared to updating the existing ones.
    There is one more issue we have to take care if u r having more than 50 million records this is not a good practice insteah we can delete and create during week end when they r no users.

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