Agilent 4263B timeout error

I modified the Agilent 4263B Getting Started template to include three extra VIs (seen on bottom row of included image). I keep getting a timeout error (GPIB -213, request for measurement initiation ignored because another measurement was already in progress) at the initiate block, the rightmost block in the bottom line. What is causing this error and what can I do to fix it?
Go to Solution.

A bit of a guess, but if the :TRIG function is triggering a measurement then the error is probably correct in that a measurement is in progress and probably indicates that the READ MEAS function has enough intelligence to wait for the measurement to complete.
If what you are trying to do is to measure different parameters then you need to move your new block of code after the READ MEAS function, set the FREQ. and MEAS. and then call :TRIG again instead of the INIT function to trigger another measurement.
David Clark
CLA Design Ltd
Hampshire, England

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    Hi Bhasker
    Try setting idleTimeOut under connection element in server configuration file to a large value.

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    Column Name     ID     Pk     Null?     Data Type     Default     Histogram     Encryption Alg     Salt
    ID     1     1     N     NVARCHAR2 (32)          None          
    CALCNUMBER     2          N     NUMBER (10)          None          
    CURRENCYID     3          N     NVARCHAR2 (32)          Frequency          
    CALCTYPE     4          N     NUMBER (5)          Frequency          
    ESTIMATEDESCRIPTION     5          Y     NVARCHAR2 (200)          None          
    ESTIMATEGROUPDESCRIPTION     6          Y     NVARCHAR2 (200)          None          
    BALLASTBONUS     7          Y     NUMBER (12,2)          None          
    BALLASTBONUSCOMMPCT     8          Y     NUMBER (6,3)          None          
    ISESTIMATE     9          N     NUMBER (1)          None          
    ADDITIONALSTEAMVALUE     10          Y     NUMBER (8,4)          None          
    ISADDITIONALSTEAMPCT     11          Y     NUMBER (1)          None          
    ADDITIONALPORTVALUE     12          Y     NUMBER (8,4)          None          
    ISADDITIONALPORTPCT     13          Y     NUMBER (1)          None          
    CREATEDBY     14          N     NVARCHAR2 (32)          Frequency          
    CREATEDDATE     15          N     DATE          None          
    UPDATEDBY     16          Y     NVARCHAR2 (32)          None          
    UPDATEDDATE     17          Y     DATE          None          
    LUMPSUMCARGOCOST     18          Y     NUMBER (1)          None          
    BUNKERPRICEMETHOD     19          Y     VARCHAR2 (30 Byte)          None          
    INCCONTCALCRESULT     20          Y     NUMBER (1)          None          
    FINAL_EST     21          Y     NUMBER          None          
    SPOT_VOYAGE     22          Y     NUMBER (1)          None          
    ISRUNCOSTEDIT     23          Y     NUMBER (1)          None          
    Table doesnt have any index, except primary key index.
    Total Records
    Hope this input might sufficient to help me.

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    hi turbot,
    I had same problem of timeout error.just check if system Firewall is on or off if it is on then make it off and then run the program.i don't know how much this will help you,it helped me.
    Gaurav k
    CLD Certified !!!!!
    Do not forget to Mark solution and to give Kudo if problem is solved.

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    screen.png ‏32 KB

    Hey Miika
    What are the hardware you are using. These vi's only work with specific hardware and this may be why they are not functioning correctly. For example the Configure trigger3 vi only works with the following PCIe-1427, PCIe-1429, PCe-1430, PCIe-1433.
    Matthew Trott
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK

  • Timeout error while running Report

    Windows 2000
    Oracle Report builder 10g
    Oracle developer suite 10g
    when I had OLD computer i was able to run report more than 10 minutes. Now, I got NEW computer and i am getting TIMEOUT error while running report more than 10 minutes.
    Any clue?

    As Fs says it depends on how you're running the report.
    If you're running via a server then you need to make the change on that server or amend the URL you are using to run the report to add the enginereponsetimeout parameter.
    You can amend this parameter on the server either by using the Application Server Control as I described in my last post or by directly editing the config file. This file will be called <reportservername>.conf and can be found in the oracle_home/reports/conf directory.
    In this file look for the engine tag and see if the engineResponseTimeOut property is set.
    <engine id="rwEng" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="4" minEngine="1" engLife="50" maxIdle="20" callbackTimeOut="90000" engineResponseTimeOut="5">
    This value is in minutes so increase to a time larger than that it takes to run the report.
    If instead you're running the report via Report Builder on your own PC then look for a file called rwbuilder.conf in the same location on your PC and make the same change as described above.
    If this property isn't in the file then the engine isn't supposed to time out at all so the problem may well be something different. But to discount it try setting to a large value like 30.

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    Crystal report server2008 (XI R2): CMC session timeout error
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    Patrick Raths

    Please post your query to the [Business Objects Enterprise Administration|BI Platform; forum. This forum is dedicated to development and deployment of .Net applications that connect and interact with BusinessObjects Enterprise, BusinessObjects Edge, or Crystal Reports Server. This includes the development of applications using the BusinessObjects Enterprise, Report Application Server, Report Engine, and Web Services SDKs.
    BTW., if thi is an important issue, I'd recommend creating a phone case.
    Edited by: Ludek Uher on Aug 11, 2010 1:58 PM

  • Getting timeout error while executing my report

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    I need to get data from a Ztable which is having more than 64 millions of records. That query itself is taking more than 20 min to execute. I have used package size while retrieving tha data but still taking same time to execute, Giving me the TIMEOUT error .
    Provide some suggetions to use different types of SELECT quries that can be used to improve the performance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi ,
    I am working as an abaper for Service Management module.
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    Thanks & regards,

  • Timeout error in ECC "INTERNAL.CLIENT_RECEIVE_FAILED Error while receiving by HTTP (error code: 402 , error text: ICM_HTTP_TIMEOUT)"

    Dear Experts,
    I am very critical situation due to this timeout error in ECC, please help me as much as you can. Go-live date is very near, but I am not getting any clue why this error is occurring. our ECC system is EHP 4, and PI is dual stack 7.4
    My scenario is synchronous ABAP proxy to HTTP_AAE. request is triggering from ECC via proxy and reaching to third party (bank) through PI, I am reviving the response back in PI from bank. But from PI to ECC the response is not reaching. So in ECC after the defined Timeout limit its getting timed out.
    I have tried everything by increasing the timeout in ECC more than 15 minutes in HTTP_TIMEOUT under SXMB_adm in ECC, but nothing worked, even if I am increasing for half an hour then also its getting timeout after half an hour.
    response from bank to PI is coming within 30 to 40 seconds, but PI is not sending the response back to ECC.
    This is classical scenario, and I have checked the trace via SXMB_Moni in PI as well as in ECC, in ECC its showing the timeout error, but in PI i did not see any trace for this error.
    I have read many thread on SCN for the same error, and everywhere it has been suggested to increase the timeout, and I have tired that, it didn't help me.
    All ABAP proxy configuration has been done as follows.
    RFC destinations in ECC
    G type destination to path "/sap/xi/engine?type=entry"
    G type destination SAP_PROXY_ESR to path "/rep"
    All the destination connection test is working fine.
    but i have a doubt on G type destination(AAE_XDJ) to path  "/sap/xi/engine?type=entry" which is returns the status code 500 with message "Empty HTTP request received", is it ok with 500 ?
    Configuration in ECC Integration Engine configuration is as follows
    How the message gets pushed to ECC from PI, once the message received in PI, I believe by G type RFC destination on path  "/sap/xi/engine?type=entry" , please clarify.
    How to trace this, if message is not getting pushed to ECC, I mean I have checked the trace in PI XSMB_MONI, but didn't get anything for this error. In ECC SXMB_moni only I am able to the timeout error.
    Please expert help me as soon as you can, this error really effecting me badly in front of management

    Hi Hareesh,
    I configured the scenario based on ICO, and again I received the same timeout error in ECC.
    I am really sick with this error, and I have raised the OSS message to SAP. Meanwhile I just want to double check my entire configuration with you. Please see the below configuration (for classical) for ABAP proxy to HTTP_AAE, and let me know if anything is wrong.
    Request structure (ECC->PI->Bank)
    <?xml version='1.0' ?>
    Response Structure (Bank->PI->ECC)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Comment>No Comment</Comment>
    ESR Configuration
    Please see the below screenshot for ESR config. I have created 4 data types, 4 message types, 2 Service interface (synchronous), 2 mapping and one operation mapping.
    I just want to clarify about selecting the Request and response message type in inbound and outbound service interface.
    <?xml version='1.0' ?>
    Response Structure (Bank->PI->ECC)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Comment>No Comment</Comment>
    ESR Configuration
    I have simply created 2 data types for requests(ECC->PI->Bank) and did one to one mapping. Similarly for response(Bank->PI->ECC) 2 data types, one to one mapping for this as well.
    But I just want to clarify about selecting the Request and response message type in inbound and outbound service interface. please explain me this for synchronous interface.
    Please see the below structure from ESR and inbound and Outbound service and let me know if the selection of Request and response message types is correct or not.
    OutBound service interface
    Inbound service interface

  • Timeout error while filling setup tables

    HI all
    I am getting timeout error while filling setup tables(OLI1BW).I clicked on execute button on hte screen.Its not scheduled as a background job.
    Going through threads i have come to know that to solve this issue
    1.BASIS team have to increase backgroung processses or memory it as a background job.
    When I went to Program->Executein the backgroundPrint background parameters window has popped up.
    What to do in there?I am afraid if I include parameters like printer name....what is it and how long is it going to print?
    Please let me know.

    thanks for the reply.
    it was set to LOCL only.
    But i have 3 options in the dropdown  windowsprinter :Send to onenote2007
                                      Microsoft XPS document writer
    WHich one to choose here?
    Edited by: harikag on Aug 10, 2011 8:47 AM

  • IRQ timeout error while executing the custom personality fpga in veristand

    I have gone through the below link and created a custom fpga code to write analog output and digital output through NI 9269 and NI 9472 card respectively.
    NI Veristand add on - fpga configuration editor.
    i was able to import the .fpgaconfig file in veristand system definition window.
    When i execute the code, i am getting IRQ timeout error. 
    Could any one help me how do i debug this error?
    i am interested to see how the veristand host code is executing it.

    Have you tried to simplify the FPGA code? If the issue is related to the VCE, you should post there :
    The developers of this tool will answer you.
    Posting the error message or the FPGA code will also help us

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    This has been reported as [ Bug #1060901]. If you have an account on Bugzilla, please consider voting for that issue.
    Several other people have sent in the same support request as you, noting this happened after they upgraded to version 31.1.
    The exact error message is: XXXX is not a valid e-mail address because it is not of the form user@host. You must correct it before sending the e-mail.
    '''This happens in Thunderbird 31.1.0 when your mailing list description includes several words separated by spaces.'''
    Although not ideal, these workarounds should let you use your mailing lists until a proper fix is implemented:
    * While composing an email open the address book and select the list you are trying to send to, highlight all the names in the list and drag them to the To: box. This uses your existing data without modifying it.
    * Replacing the blanks " " between the words in such lists' descriptions with an underscore "_". This requires modifying your mailing list(s) description(s).
    '''About automatic updates'''
    Automatic updates are the default in Windows.
    You can [ customize such behavior], however, it's under '''Tools > Options > Advanced > Update'''.
    My suggestion would be to set it to '''Check for updates, but let me choose wether to install them.''', specially if you depend on email for critical / important business or personal matters.

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    thank you

    Try downloading the offline installer from

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