AIR ANE Notifications

Has anyone tried creating ANE notifications in Flash Pro CS5.5 yet? I'm doing it for android and ios.
other important info comes from:
I tried to follow the articles closely but i'm getting this error:
"VerifyError: Error #1014: Class com.adobe.ep.notifications::NotificationManager could not be found."
I've added the swc (the .ane file converted to a swc that came with the article's zip file) to my fla's "actionscript 3.0 settings" library path and set its "link type" to "external". Also, I did the AIR 3.0 overlay in Flash Pro but I don't think that really matters since Flash cannot compile it properly anyway.
Here is my code taken mostly from the article. (probably not the best! i'm no expert.)
package  {
          import flash.display.MovieClip;
          import flash.utils.Timer;
          import flash.display.StageAlign;
          import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
          import com.adobe.ep.notifications.NotificationManager;
          import com.adobe.ep.notifications.NotificationEvent;
          import com.adobe.ep.notifications.Notification;
          import com.adobe.ep.notifications.NotificationAlertPolicy;
          import com.adobe.ep.notifications.NotificationEvent;
          import com.adobe.ep.notifications.NotificationIconType;
          public class testANE extends MovieClip {
                    public var notificationManager:NotificationManager;
                    public var n:Notification;
                    // You can set this value to anything you want (and use various values)
                    // You can then pass this value into the notification manager to cancel notifications of a specified type
                    public const NOTIFICATION_CODE:String = "MY_CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION";
                    public var timedNotification:Timer;
                    public function testANE() {
                              // constructor code
                              stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                              stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                              if ( notificationManager.isSupported )//Not sure if this should be "NotificationManager.isSupported" instead
                                  trace("The notification native extension is not supported.");
                    //setup notification manager
                    protected function createManager():void
                                        notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
                                        n = new Notification();
                                        // This action label appears in two places on iOS: on the action button of the notification dialog, and on the unlock slider when the device is locked.
                                        n.actionLabel = "Open";// If unset, the iOS default will be used.
                                        n.alertPolicy = NotificationAlertPolicy.EACH_NOTIFICATION;// Allows you to contorl whether an alert is dispathed with each notification, or just the first notification.
                                        n.cancelOnSelect = true; // On Android, specifies whether the notification persists when the user taps it in the notification area
                                        // On Android and iOS "...the app will be brought to the foreground if it was in the background or launched if it had been shutdown.
                                        // On iOS, the way to perform the action of a notification manifests itself as a button
                                        // on the notification dialog that appears when a notification is fired and different
                                        // text on the unlock slider when the device is locked.
                                        // On Android, the way to perform an action is not visible, it is performed by selecting
                                        // the notification from the notification list (window shade)."
                                        n.hasAction = true;
                                        n.actionData = "customAction";
                                        // Allows you to set the Android notification icon
                                        n.iconType = NotificationIconType.MESSAGE;
                                        // On both Android and iOS, lets you set a number on the icon or application badge
                                        n.numberAnnotation = 0;
                                        // On Android, "ongoing" notifications aren't cleared with the clear button
                                        n.ongoing = false;
                                        // Android and iOS
                                        n.playSound = true;
                                        // On Android, alerts (sound and vibration) until acknowledged
                                        n.repeatAlertUntilAcknowledged = false;
                                        // Only configurable on Android
                                        n.vibrate = true;
                                        n.tickerText = "My Ticker Text";
                                        n.title = "My Title Text";
                                        n.body = "My Body Text"; 
                                        //user touches notification
                                        //start timer to send notification
                                        //setup buttons
                                        notify_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, notify_ClickHandler);
                                        cancel_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cancelNotification_clickHandler);
                    //user touches notification
                    private function onNotificationActionEvent(ne:NotificationEvent):void
                              trace("Notification action received. Type: " + ne.actionData);           
                    private function onNotificationStatusEvent(ne:NotificationEvent):void
                              trace("Notification status event received!");
                    //send notification
                    protected function notifyUser():void
                              // Dispatch the notification
                              // Note that the way popups work on iOS dictate that a pop-up window will only appear when the application is in the background.
                              // If the notification is dispatched and the app is running normally, you won't see a pop-up (but you will receive the event).
                              trace("air notification sent");  
                    //cancel notification
                    protected function cancelNotification_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                              if ( this.notificationManager )
                                        trace("Notification canceled.");
                                        trace("No notifications have been dispatched.");
                    //start timer notification
                    protected function startTimer():void{
                              timedNotification = new Timer(3000,1)
                              timedNotification.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, callNotifyUser);
                    //timer event
                    protected function callNotifyUser(event:TimerEvent):void{
                              timedNotification.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, callNotifyUser);
                    //button click handler
                    public function notify_ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
To finally bring this into the android emulator, I believe I need to create a working swf with no errors. But of course that is where I'm stuck!
If you look at the files provided for the vibration ANE they have included an actionscript library with the ANE zip files:
Is it possible this is missing from the files for Notifications?

@ brad5151:i hope you get notifications working! keep trying! but i'm afraid its missing code. for the vibration example, there is an additional swc (VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc) that comes with the ANE. but the notification ANE didn't come with an additional swc. there is a "com" folder, but it only has html help files in it. i think maybe its a mistake or something.
1. I wondered about this. But i`v change extension ane to swc and i imported this to fdt. And I have all classe in it. Imports are corect - without any error. But still I dont know is this corect solution.
@brad5151:changing my code to: public var notificationManager:NotificationManager= new NotificationManager(); as you suggested doesn't help. if you look at the vibration links above, he did the same thing i did. he didn't create a "new Vibration()" until after he tested that it "isSupported".
2. In VibrationActionScriptLibrary.swc You have Vibration class and in this class is "
public static function get isSupported() : Boolean;"  this is static method. You invoked to this method like this "Vibration.isSuporrted" (capital V). And You can do this without new vibration. Thats why in vibration extension is ok. But when you check class  NotificationManager  (com.adobe.ep.notifications)  isSupported method isnt static. You have check it like this "notificatin.isSuporrted. (small n)" When You have new declaration after if there is an error. 
@brad5151:anyway, i cannot build the project. i get this error now: "1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: NotificationEvent." if i cut out all references to NotificationEvent's, then i get the same error for NotificationManager and Notification.
Check my answer number 1
@brad5151: "i got the exact same error code as you when i published: "Error creating files. An Implementation for native extensions com.adobe.Vibration  required by the application  was not found  for the  target platform." - I have this error when I published it directly to my phone :/ Do not know why...
Still I didnt get notification working! I hope I find some time to "play" with it :]
I`m not an expert. I`m still learning. Maybe I`m mistaken (especially in changing ane to swc :] ). Sorry if I`m wrong.

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    Select "Order and Export" Tab
    You should see the selected project's "src" and "gen" paths and dependencies here.
    The order how they listed were first "src" and then "gen" path
    I switch them, so that "gen" folder is build before the "src"
    Thank you

    Hello, Alex
    I'm just creating an ANE to use the new service from Google Play Service
    My real problem is this:
    I caught the ANE using google play service in froyo version. And use another ANE AdMob using the latest version of google play service.
    By using and enjoying the two together in my project I have problem as there are conflicting library because I have two different versions of google play service, got the idea to update the ANE Game-Services. And put the dependencies google service only play one of them.
    ANE that started my whole problem was updating.
    I had this same error in native application (Android) and was simple to solve. I changed the "build path -> Order and Export" order of packets by placing the "gen" in primero and the "src" soon followed. But this change does not fit when I expoprto the jar to generate ANE.
    I ended up finding another that NEDs use google play latest service
    I saw in the documentation that it is using AIR SDK 4.0 and I'm using the AIR 3.6 SDK. I'll update my version and find out if that resolves the problem.
    Which version of AIR SDK are you using?
    Once I have news we report here
    Thanks for your help.
    Have a great day

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    <Edited by Host>

    I finally did it. In fact, if the DVD wasn't readable by OS X after the burning, he was readable by rEFIt on the superdrive. Me (OS X Lion 4 on a MacBook Air late 2011) and a friend (OS X Mountain Lion 1 on a MacBook Pro of 2008) did it this way :
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    Message was edited by: Subs_255

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    AIR applications cannot disable runtime updates. The decision
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    user needs to make. If the runtime is deployed within an intranet
    in a closed system, IT administrators can disable the runtime
    update. This can only be accomplished within a closed environment
    and only after an enterprise has accepted the Adobe AIR
    distribution agreement. You can obtain a redistribution agreement
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    I just downloaded the latest release of Flash Builder, the 4.6.
    I read in this Adobe's article, that with this version I can add "Notifications" to my apps.
    I tried to, but all my experiments failed.
    Here's a quick personal video illustrating all my steps, and coding errors, please, whatch it:
    (It's very, very short, just the time to write some lines of code)
    I think my error is simple to solve... but I'm a NewBie and I don't know very much this programming IDE.
    Thanks everybody for any help.
    Have a nice day
    I'm seeing now that my video's quality is very low... here's the code I wrote:
    // Here I want to declare my personal Notification Variable, as said in Adobe's Tutorial
    private var myNotification:NotificationManager;
      // I saw that NOTIFICATION MANGER does not exist in my code library... but I tried pasting Adobe's one...
      // as you can see from this video... the compiler gives me coding error..
      // CONCLUSION... WHAT CAN I DO ???
      // THANKS TO ALL !!!
      // Bye  :-)
    protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    // Here I'll paste Adobe's code to create a new Notification for my first Flash Builder Mobile App...
    // CODE...
    Thanks again

    Here's Adobe's article I missed to link:
    And the video I made:

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    Thanks very much,
    Amir Steklov and Dorit Leshnick

    Before I was also searched a lot to find good  add network and also Admob.
    Finally we done successfull integration using..  working fine in all IOS devices. not yet released to Apple app store c/
    You can check our add setups using Air ANE's for our android game ExpressTrain. ch_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImFpci50aW11enNvbHV0aW9ucy5leHByZXNzdHJhaW4iXQ..
    you no need to buyAdobe Air ANE's everything is free but all u need to do is googling,
    hope this will help.
    Message was edited by: vamsibalu

  • DO I NEED AIR 3.2?

    I am updating (adding to) the below posting -- it's been 4 days since posting it and I'm puzzled why no one has responded to it. 
    It appears that Chris and/or others have responded to other posts since my posting.  Was what I was asking below unclear?
    I am confused by the reference indicating that AIR is part of the OS and, as such, downloading Air 3.2 is unnecessary.  Again -- my basic hypothesis is that since I have an earlier version of AIR installed, and no OS upates have changed that version to AIR 3.2, is the statement that AIR is part of the OS inaccurate?  If so, is it logical that I should download and install AIR 3.2 to have the latest version on my system? 
    Finally, are all these other posts about problems installing AIR something I should seriously be concerned with or are they just a minority experience, with most AIR installations successful?  (I would think that Chris, as an Adobe employee, would have credible comment on that.)
    Looking for some support, please!  Thanks!
    I have Windows 7 Home Premium (with Service Pack 1) on a Dell XPS 8300.  Air was preinstalled on my machine by Dell on 8/17.2011.
    So about half a year later I discover Air 3.2 is available for downloading and installation.  I've received no automatic prompts regarding installing it.  But nonetheless, upon a cursory overview of online information I've decided that Air is worth having, and, yeah -- why not go with the latest version?
    But -- on an Adobe web page ( it says, "Note: Adobe AIR is part of the operating system and part of the operating system update, and thus a separate download is not required."
    Huh?  (Then why haven't numerous Windows 7 updates since delivery of my pc shown an upwards revision of the version of Air in my system?)
    Then -- adding to my confusion and general sense of caution -- I see nuerous posts regarding difficulties with installing Air.
    Adobe's "Chris" seems like a good guy -- wanna help me out, please?!  Bottom line -- should I download and install Air 3.2?  Or, if pros and cons get too dicey, am I at least able to if I want the latest version?

    Sorry I hadn't gotten to your post yet.  I'm behind and still going through posts from a week and a half ago
    AIR isn't required for your operating system unless you use an application that depends on it.  Think of AIR like you would Java.  It's a platform/runtime for other applications to be built on.  If you don't use any application that was built with AIR (or Java) then there is no need for it to be installed.
    If you do have an AIR application installed that requires AIR, I would definitely recommend updating to the latest version just to make sure you have all of the security updates that we've provided.  You can do this by visiting and downloading the latest version, which is 3.2.  Updating your OS will not update the AIR runtime.  You can also get updates by actually launching your AIR based applications.  AIR will notice that it's out of date and prompt you to install and update to the latest version.
    Since you haven't received any AIR update notifications, this leads me to believe you aren't actually using any AIR applications.
    You can always start the AIR uninstall process, if AIR applications are installed you'll get a dialog letting you know which applicaiton's will be affected.  You can choose to continue to uninstall or cancel at that point.
    Hopefully this makes sense.

  • Notification Center Missing?

    After a visit to the Apple Store in Tokyo with this MacBook , I came home and reinstalled OSX and upgraded other stuff. During this time I discovered that the Notification Center which I have on my iMac is missing from the Air. The icon is missing from the System Preferences. So, I really don't want to go thru a reinstall again, it's time consuming, but is there a way to get the Notification Center or do I just write it off as a missed opportunity? Ideas?  Thanx.

    As I can see, you are using OS X Lion on your MacBook Air, and Notification Center is a OS X Mountain Lion feature.
    As it looks like you have already purchased OS X Mountain Lion, just open App Store on the MacBook Air, go to Purchases tab, and download OS X Mountain Lion. While it's downloading, make a backup of your data with Time Machine and/or Carbon Copy Cloner, and check that your applications are supported >
    When the download finishes, the OS X installer will appear, so follow the steps

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