AIR webkit javascript/something(?) issue

I'm running into an issue running an application inside of AIR, testing with Spinr. I want to access Splunk, which has a web-based searching and administrative interface. I've been using http;// as a quick and dirty test base.
If I access the demo in Spinr ( ), which is AIR-based, there are multiple noteworthy (and obvious) limitations - after logging in, if you hit <enter> in the search bar (or click search) to search for any matching value, there's a timeline view and a scrolling effect that don't function.
If I access the same demo in Chrome 1.x or 2.x (which have earlier and later webkit versions) and Firefox (obviously entirely different), the same features work (others have also accessed them with Safari). They seem to be javascript related, perhaps deeper, thankfully I don't have that level of knowledge about how the application functions
I'm not sure if I should just report a bug or what, since I'm not sure what the issue actually is - but it seems specific to something in the AIR version of webkit, not webkit itself (given that Chrome's 1.x user agent reports an earlier version by number).
It seems there wasn't a webkit update between AIR 1.5.0 and 1.5.1, and I'm not sure when to expect the next one - that might resolve my issue without major additional effort.
Input welcome - a resource, more information, possible knowledge about what it could be so I could provide Splunk with more info to possibly develop a workaround...

We usually update WebKit in AIR for major releases. That's why there are no major differences (besides those mentioned in release notes - mostly bug fixes) between AIR 1.5 and AIR 1.5.1
There is a javascript error in that application that is preventing the timeline to load correctly under AIR 1.5.1 (it seems to work with AIR 1.1). That makes me think it may be a WebKit issue in the version that AIR 1.5.1 uses.
Next major AIR release is going to have a newer version of WebKit. Though I can't give you much details on when it's going to come out.
Best regards,
Dragos Georgita | Adobe AIR Engineering

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         var my = {};
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         my.result = a + b;
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    Again, I hope someone can help me out.

    Thanks for responding, Andy. I don't think I'm losing my namespace. That
    thought had crossed my mind, which is why (and I thought I put this in my
    original post) I tried putting a somple alert in the onclick event of the
    button in my "patron.htm" file... but that simple alert doesn't even work.
    Do you still think it's an issue with the namespace?

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    <a href=""
                onclick="javascript:air.navigateToURL(new air.URLRequest(''), 'AirTestWindow');return false;">New Tab</a>
            <br />
            <a href=""
                onclick="javascript:air.navigateToURL(new air.URLRequest(''), 'AirTestWindow');return false;">Same Tab</a>
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    if anyone has any ideas I could use a fresh pair of eyes,
    If I strip it and create a new basic client I can get the sandbox bridge to work and launch the internet explorer , but with this client it won't
    here is the code for my AIR app document
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Viper: Nuclear Edition</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../lib/css/viperapp-interface.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../lib/css/module-headers.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../lib/css/p7exp.css" />
            <script src="/AIRAliases.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../lib/js/scripts.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../lib/js/p7exp.js"></script>
            <script language="javascript">
    //This code is placed in the root document header
    //This function is written to run from the sandbox. It opens a url in an external browser
    function processURL(){
    var searchString =;
    // strip off the leading '?'
    searchString = searchString.substring(1);
    var nvPairs = searchString.split("&");
    for (i = 0; i < nvPairs.length; i++)
    var nvPair = nvPairs[i].split("=");
    var name = nvPair[0];
    var value = nvPair[1];
    function remoteLogin(){
    var searchString =;
    viperframe.location.href = ''+ searchString;
    function testRemote(){
    alert('this is working');
    function noLogin(){
    alert('Your login information was incorrect, please try again');
    //This code is placed in the root document header
    //This function is written to run from the sandbox. It opens a url in an external browser
    function openExternalURL(href) {
    var request = new air.URLRequest(href);
    try {
    catch (e) {
    var Exposed = new Object();
    // expose the trace() function.
                 Exposed.trace = function(str) {
    Exposed.openExternalURL = openExternalURL;
    Exposed.testRemote = testRemote;
    Exposed.noLogin = noLogin;
    function doLoad() {
    //Place the Exposed object on the parentSandboxBridge property of the ui frame's window object.
    var frame =  document.getElementById('viperframe').contentWindow.parentSandboxBridge = Exposed;
    // window.callMe = document.getElementById('viperFrame').contentWindow.childSandboxBridge.callMe;
    //var frame = document.getElementById('viperFrame').contentWindow.parentSandboxBridge = Exposed;
    <body onload="doLoad();" onresize="setIframeHeight('viperframe');" onfocus="setIframeHeight('viperframe');" bgcolor="#222222">
    <div id="headerToolBar">
    <div id="headerToolUser">
    <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">Logged in  <strong>
    <li><a href="login.html" target="_parent"><strong>Log Out</strong></a></li>
    <li><div id="windowTools"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="parent.minimizeWindow()"><img src="../../lib/img/headertoolbar/icon_minimizewindow.png" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="parent.maximizeWindow()"><img src="../../lib/img/headertoolbar/icon_expandwindow.png" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="parent.closeWindow()"><img src="../../lib/img/headertoolbar/icon_closewindow.png" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a><div class="clearfloat"></div></div></li>
    <div id="menuwrapper">
    <ul id="p7menubar">
    <li class="topnav"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="trigger2"><img src="../../lib/img/headertoolbar/toolbar_icon_sidebar_open.png" width="27" height="13" border="0" /></a></li>
    <li class="topnav"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="trigger">Plant: <strong>SNPP</strong></a>
    <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">Plant Selector</a></li>
    <li><em> </em></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">SNPP</a></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">BM</a></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:void(0);">SRNP</a></li>
    <li class="topnav"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="trigger">File</a>
    <li><a href="login.html" target="_blank">New Window</a></li>
    <li><em> </em></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:window.print();" onclick="window.print();">Print</a></li>
    <li><em> </em></li>
    <li><a href="login.html" target="_parent">Log Out</a></li>
    <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="parent.closeWindow();">Quit VIPER</a></li>
      <li class="topnav"><a href="" target="_blank" class="trigger">Help</a>
    <li><a href="login.html" target="_parent">Reset Connection</a></li>
    <li><em> </em></li>
    <li><a href="" target="_blank">Contact Support</a></li>
                                <li><a href="license.html" target="viperframe">View License</a></li>
    <div class="clearfloat"></div>
    <iframe src="" id="viperframe" name="viperframe" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%"></iframe>
    <!--<iframe name="viperFrame" id="viperFrame" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%"></iframe>-->

    I have tried running another command and it still doesn't run the external URL function, just if it runs my no login command via the sandbox bridge,
    and it is a simple command
    here is the javascript it is running on the nologin.
    function noLogin(){
    alert('Your login information was incorrect, please try again');
    if it runs that over the sandboxbridge it works , if it doesnt then it doesnt.
    Anyone have any ideas, and I missing something on my iframe  ?

  • AIR Webkit upgrade

    As you can see in the topic below, i'm totally stuck with AIR and Google Maps JS V3 embedded into my air application. 18724082?noredirect=1#18724082
    Can i just upgrade the webkit version used by AIR?
    Otherwise... are you planning to upgrade it? The current one was used by Safari in 2010!
    Thank you

    Hi Chris
    I am also desperate for an update to webkit.
    The current browser object is awful. To see how bad it is, just make a simple browser app and try surfing the web for 10 minutes. It's so bad that I'm going to have to use Chrome or Mozilla in my current project. I couldn't possibly release something to the public that uses the current flex browser object.
    Davide has kindly created a bug report and the link is:
    He posted it on StackOverflow. Unfortunately, I don't have voting privileges.
    Kind Regards,
    Adrian Smith

  • Solaris 10 Netscape, Java , (Javascript) JSObject  Issue.

    Hi all,
    I am migrating the source code from solaris 8 wtih CC compiler 4.2 to solaris 10 cc compiler 5.7 on x86 Machine. Most of Problems i got solution from C++ forum so i almost through. But while building one directory that contains some java Applets i got issues:-
    1. Since its using
    import netscape.javascript.JSObject; so it was not getting this JSObject on the latest Solaris 10 Machine. what i did i copied the /outils/netscape/solaris/java_301on solaris 10 Machine from solaris 7 Machine. then i build it again. every thing got build successfully and generated Input.class file but again it gave me following message
    Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    then i tried with -Xlint option and it again bounce me some errors.
    So question here is that on Solaris 10 is there any thing else that i can use for Java Script i.e JSObject if there is no netscape i.e whats the default browser mozillla or netscape. and why java_301 is used and what will happend if i try something else other than java_301. as it was using
    -classpath = /outils/netscape/solaris/java_301
    while doing javac compiling. and other thing i see is
    -classpath /usr/java/lib/
    but when i see version of java on solaris 10 there is no whats the use of this.??
    and when i used -Xlint it bounce error with not found.

    This forum is about using Sun C++. Your question is about Java. You are more likely to get a helpful answer in java forum.
    Try the java forum:

  • Adobe Air on Mac: "Something Went Wrong Trying to Install This Application" Error

    I have been reading several posts on this, but nowhere can I find a solution.  Within the past few weeks, I receive this error any time I try to install a new AIR application:
    "Something Went Wrong Trying to Install This Application.  Please install the latest version of AIR from.."
    Then it gives me the download link.  I've tried reinstalling, but that doesn't fixt the issue.  I'm using OS X 10.6.3- is there ANY way to solve this?

    Hi Jason.  Can you post your install log here so we can take a look at what the problem may be?  To see the install log, Open "Console" to view logging.  Then copy and paste the log here.
    In the meantime, try to uninstall AIR before reinstalling AIR to see if that fixes the problem.
    Thank you!
    -Lisa Chao
    AIR QE

  • Consuming SOAP services from AIR/HTML (JavaScript).

    Hi All.
    I am trying to consume SOAP web services from an AIR/HTML application for a research on AIR I am doing for my company, and I am having very little success.
    I am creating JavaScript clients using apache's cxf wsdl2js utility.
    When I try to use the client to call any web service I've tried, I always get an 'error 500' response.
    The web services work fine if i call them from other clients.
    Before trying cxf generated clients I googled a lot to see if there was a more native way of doing these calls from AIR, but found nothing. I don't see anything in documentation or the web about it.
    Am I the only one trying this?
    Could this be a cross-domain issue? I'm certainly hoping AIR apps don't have this issue.
    Any pointers as to how to succesfully consume SOAP services from AIR is greatly appreciated.

    In Visual Basic, you can set Network Credentials like this (assuming that you first declare Public CallWebService001 As New <WebReference>):
            ' Create a new instance of CredentialCache.
            Dim mycredentialCache As Net.CredentialCache = New Net.CredentialCache()
            ' Create a new instance of NetworkCredential using the client
            ' credentials.
            Dim credentials As Net.NetworkCredential = New Net.NetworkCredential(<username>, <password>)
            ' Add the NetworkCredential to the CredentialCache.
            mycredentialCache.Add(New Uri(CallWebService001.Url), "Basic", credentials)
            ' Add the CredentialCache to the proxy class credentials.
            CallWebService001.Credentials = mycredentialCache

  • Adobe Air - HTML, Javascript and Threading

    I am developing an application using Adobe Air - HTML and
    Javascript. What I am trying to do is to implement threading in
    Javascript. I am using implementing threading in Javascript as per
    this Neil blog.
    Here. It clearly says that this threading works only in Firefox
    2.0 and I am trying to use this in with my Adobe Air, but when I
    try to refer a function , it gives me error saying "unable to find
    I was wondering if this is the best way to go for threading
    in Adobe Air HTML application or there is some other way also.

    Hi jjalan,
    The yield and generator functionality is only available in
    Firefox's javascript execution engine. When you are executing
    javascript in AIR, it is done by the webkit and squirrelfish. Take
    a look at
    If you can find a javascript library that works on safari /
    webkit, chances are high that it may work in AIR.
    Also, you can always do pseudo-threading via the age old

  • JavaScript Operator Issue Captivate 5

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    I am using JavaScript to send some custom variable data back to a Moodle LMS. Everything is going back okay but I'm having issues with the JavaScript window when using the "less than" comparison operator (<).
    I have tested this various ways and have managed to narrow down my issue to the operator in question. When trying to save the sample script below, with the less than operator, Captivate 5 returns an error saying "The script is incomplete" and does not save. If I change the operator to "==" (equal to) or ">" (greater than), it works fine.
    Is this a bug within Captivate 5? Would appreciate any help on this one.
    Note: This is a script that is executed from an Advanced Action, it is not executed from a button.
    Sample script used for testing:
    var objCP = document.Captivate;
    var session_time = objCP.cpEIGetValue('cpInfoElapsedTimeMS');
    var time_ms = session_time / 1000;
    var seconds = (time_ms % 60).toFixed(0);
    var minutes = ((time_ms % 3600) / 60).toFixed(0);
    var hours = (time_ms / 3600).toFixed(0);
    if (minutes < 10) {
    alert('less than');
    } else {
    alert('more than');
    if (total_score == 19) {
    Message was edited by: Tom Ireland
    I've managed to get round the issue by concatenating a zero to the minutes and hours variables, then using the slice() function to remove it if the total score is greater than 10. This still doesn't solve the issue with the operator so I would still like to understand what the answer may be.

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, Jim. I'll put all my checks into functions instead and call the function from the standard.js or my own.js file as you have suggested. It makes sense to do that. Assuming that Captivate is being a bit unpredictable relating to comparison operators, I can use the "less than" operator in my standard script without any issues.
    Good point regarding the console, it's such a pain to keep having to go through line-by-line to find out where the issue is. SCORM Cloud has been really helpful in determining what's happening with variable data too, I would recommend it if you don't use it already.
    If I remember rightly, you're the chap that runs, right? If so, unless you've done so already, it may be worth adding something to the tutorials or general JavaScript articles about my issue to save the frustration. Nightmare!!!!!
    Thanks again, Jim.

  • MacBook Air 13" 2011 Bluetooth Issues

    I recently upgraded from a MacBook late 2007 to a MacBook Air 13" 2011. Both systems were running Lion GM, and I transferred all my data from the old machine to new using the Migration Assistant that started on first boot on the new machine.
    I'm having some weird issues with Bluetooth. I have a Magic Mouse, and when I open the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, it shows a list of Devices and Types, but all the devices show the Hardware ID (MAC address) only, not the device name (even for others like Printers/Smartphones). If I add the mouse from here, it works fine, but in the Bluetooth menu under devices it shows the MAC address of the device only instead of Apple Wireless Mouse, and it does not give me any battery information, just an option to disconnect.
    The Bluetooth seems to have problems getting the names of any Bluetooth devices, and just shows everything by MAC address.
    If I open the Bluetooth preferences, and I choose the mouse and go to Update Services it then shows it as an Apple Wireless Mouse but I still can't get any battery info. Also, after the computer reboots or if I disconnect/reconnect the mouse it again shows using the Bluetooth MAC address only. The Update Name option seems to have no effect.
    Also, before doing the Update Services thing the computer doesn't even seem to know what type of device it is.

    Wow, same problem - brand new, 2011 13" MacBook Air and also used migration assistant.
    Here's what I see:
    (1) Bluetooth Preferences - check box on (and I'm able to uncheck it), Discoverable box is dimmed and not checkable.
    (2) Discoverable box can be "auto-checked" if bluetooth sharing is turned on, but the Discoverable checkbox still remains dimmed.
    (3) All Bluetooth paired items (when I can get them to be paired) show up as hex addresses only - no names.
    Called and talked with Apple Support - they suggested this:
    (1) reset PRAM and SMC - did that, no change
    (2) Then they suggested to create a new user and see if the bluetooth issues follow to the new user - they did.
    (3) So based on that, they suggested to boot (command-r) and re-install using the Recovery Option - I have not done that yet and I'm hesitant to do this because I believe that this will not fix the problem.
    Some things I did that they did not suggest:
    (1) Ran Repair Disk Permissions - no change.
    (2) moved /var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist to something else and then restarted "blued" - no change.
    For #2 - you'll need to do it this way - if you think this will make a difference:
    sudo mv -f /var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist /var/root/Library/Preferences/blued_bak.plist
    sudo killall blued
    this will create a new blued.plist file - do this to see that:
    sudo ls -l /var/root/Library/Preferences
    You should see your old backed up copy and the newly created one.
    Bob M

  • AIR HTML/JavaScript becomes Slower / Sleep with time

    This strange behavior is observed on the 2 applications I tryed.
    I've developped WikiDrop ( a really basic TextEditor for DropBox.
    - Build with Air 2.6
    - Use HTML/JS API
    - Used on Windows Vista
    The application is launch for a long time waiting on a given computer.
    Strange Behaviors:
    - After couple of hours, displaying the main window seems to "wake up" webkit like if it was sleeping. It hang a little bit, or si slow.
    - When editig few lines of text the TextArea seems to be "slow" it's not fluid like it could be on Chrome.
    => I do not setup complexe event handler.
    => I do not have listener or keystroke on TextArea.
    - Is there known memory leaks with HTML/JS API ?
    - Is there a Sleep/WakeUp mechanism on Adobe AIR ?
    - Is there setup/parameters to improve performances ?
    - Is there known issues about TextArea ? And workaround ?
    - May be conflicting application ? (I know Vista is bad)
    I've seens on this forum question about edition on large text file or many images but my use is really basic: only few lines of text. I got the same kind of issues with a little chat application. Text type in textarea for chat was sooo slow.
    Best Regards,

    Thank you for reporting this. The internal bug number for the issue is #2740755. The issue is currently under review and will be investigated by one of AIR team members.

Maybe you are looking for