Airport card not configured?

Hello all, i have searched and searched and still can't find an answer to my questions. I am trying to setup airport express with my speakers (airtunes)... I have an airport extreme base station (802.11n) and it works just fine with my MBP and my wife's MB. When I start AirPort Setup assistant....
"In order to use the AirPort Setup Assistant your AirPort card must be enabled and AirPort needs to be turned on and set to use DHCP. Click OK if you would like to change these settings, or Skip if you would like to configure AirPort Base Stations using ethernet."
when I click OK, the following comes up:
"There was an error communicating with your AirPort card. Please make sure it is installed properly and try the AirPort Setup Assistant again."
I have Airport Disk Utility, Airport Utility, and Airport Admin Utility for Graphite and Snow - i think they came with the airport extreme. I tried to run the airport setup assistant on the macbook as well, but the same thing happened. please help, it would be so greatly appreciated.

When joining a wireless network, it is normal for the device that is joining (in this case your AX) to no longer be an available wireless network on the AirPort drop-down menu. However, both base stations should still be "seen" in the AirPort Utility after restarting the utility.
If this is not the case, then do another "factory default" reset on the AX, and then, try placing the AX near the AEBSn when setting it up to "Join an existing wireless network." Update the changes on the AX and then wait at least 5 minutes for it to restart. Once restarted, shutdown, and then, restart the AirPort Utility. Do you see both base stations now? If you do, go ahead and move the AX to it's desired final location downstairs. Again, wait at least 5 minutes for the AX to restart after you plug it back in.
If both base stations are still not visible in the AirPort Utility, and the AX's status light is flashing amber, then the problem might be related to Wi-Fi interference...
It is very possible that you may have some form of Wi-Fi interference in the immediate area that is preventing you from getting a good clean signal between the AEBSn & the AX.
I suggest you perform a simple site survey, using utilities like KisMAC, MacStumbler, iStumbler, or IPNetMonitorX to determine potential areas of interference...and then, try to either eliminate or significantly reduce them.

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    Use Software Update to update your OS to last version of Leopard.  Install all the other updates that goes along w/it.  Don't remember if any Airpport updates for Leopard.
    After the installations, repair permissions and restart your computer.
    Please post back your results.

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  • Airport card not showing up - more data

    Powerbook G4 FW800, now running 10.3.9 Update from post below.
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    Saabguy, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Don't start a new thread. This makes troubleshooting even more difficult because people that read this thread have no idea what was suggested in your other thread. Therefore you will get the same suggestions here that you got in "Airport Card not installed - sigh".
    The difference you are seeing has nothing to do with your problem.

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    No idea, but here is a thread on this very subject and many suggestions which have worked for some people:
    Good luck!

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    Not sure. What's strange is that the very same computer was picking up signals (not accessing them b/c they were all password protected), recognizing networks in the area at least, before I played with the other IP configuration settings. Now it picks up none. It shows that there are none in the area, even though I know that there are.
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    Thanks for any additional suggestions anyone can offer.

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    MAC PRO   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Self Installed Aiport Card

    Let's double-check your AirPort settings:
    To setup AirPort for High-Speed Cable Internet connectivity:
    System Preferences > Network > Show > Network Port Configurations
    - Verify that an AirPort option exists. If it does not, click "New" to create one. (Note: If you are unable to create an AirPort configuration, the AirPort card in your computer either doesn't exist or it is not recognized.)
    - Verify that AirPort is "On" (checked)
    - Verify that AirPort is at the top of the list. If it isn't, you can drag it to the top.
    Systems Preferences > Network > Show > AirPort
    AirPort tab
    - By default, join: Automatic
    TCP/IP tab
    - Configure IPv4: Using DHCP
    - Configure IPv6: Automatically or Off
    Proxies tab
    - Configure Proxies: Manually
    - Select a proxy server to configure: <All proxies should be unchecked unless you specifically require a proxy for Internet access.>
    - Exclude simple hostnames (unchecked)
    - Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains: <leave blank>
    - Use Passive FTP Mode (PASV) (checked)

  • Airport Card not connecting to existing network

    New to wireless and to these forums, although i have found them useful in the past this is my first posting.
    I have just installed a new airport extreme card into my imac, prior to this i installed the software.
    the airport card seems fine, the mac recognises it, it does not however see the wireless router. (netgear dg834pn). The router is configured ok as my laptop (Macbook Pro) and my wifes laptop (dell pc) work fine with it.
    how do i make the imac see the network?
    any help would be appreciated.

    ukdave, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Verify that the antenna wire is properly connected to the AirPort Extreme card. Compare you installation to the photos in KB 108039, Properly attaching the antenna on an AirPort Extreme Card.
    Also... is there any chance that you have installed an AirPort Extreme card from the US? The US cards only recognize channels 1-11. If your Netgear is using channels 12 or 13 try changing it to a channel between 1 and 11.

  • After Security Update 2010-001: Airport Card Not Detected

    Currently running OS X 10.5.8 on a Mid 2009 MacBook Pro.
    Here's the issue. When I boot up the machine and click the AirPort drop down it tells me that there is no airport card detected. Under system profiler it says the same thing. If I boot to a 10.6 Mac OS Install DVD and open system profiler, the AirPort card is detected. This occurred after a reboot prompted by the Security Update 2010-001.
    So far I have repaired permissions and repaired disk. No fix.
    I reset the PRAM/NVRAM and SMC. No fix.
    I booted to an OS X image on an external drive. No fix.
    I cannot boot to the Apple Hardware Test (D at startup) because my company requires PGP disk encryption. I could decrypt but this would take at least 6 hours (not counting re-encrypting afterwards).
    I tried replacing the extensions. No fix.
    There were no firmware updates applied or any other major OS updates.
    Anyone have anything else I can attempt?

    anyone else see that??
    Yes, Already covered in full here. Strange but no problem.

  • I have been using my macbookpro for the past 2 years and suddenly yesterday it stopped connecting to wifi and keeps sayin airport card not installed...pls help

    I have been using my macbookpro for last 2 years and suddenly yesterday it's not connecting to wifi nd keeps saying no airport card can I fix this?

    Does the iOS device connect to other networks?
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Old Airport card not recognizing Apple Airport Router.

    Hello there,
    I've just been given an old G4 (digital audio) to use for university and after doing some research brought an old Airport card off of ebay.
    After putting into the relevant slot and plugging it in, it started to recognize all of my neighbor's networks, but not my own which is run from an Apple Router!
    I also have a faster G4 iBook which uses the airport extreme card and it can find it no problem?
    Is it a lost cause trying to get such an old card trying to find the router? I'd rather avoid having to 'borrow' my neighbor's connection if I can help it.

    Hi duane,
    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    My airport base station has just been reset and is currently using the default channel (which i believe is 2) and the airport card still is refusing to notice it.

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    I have AirPort turned on, and AirPort and "automatic" and "DHCP"selected in Network preferences, and i have the little icon with the gray bars in the top menu bar, but the lines are always gray, even when everyone around me is getting wireless just fine.
    I don't know if this matters, but i don't have a base station or anything at home - i only got wireless to use at cafes, etc, or on university campus where they have wireless. at home i just have a free dialup service, so i use a modem.
    Also, i'm really confused reading these posts - everyone's talking about "naming" networks, and passwords, and IP addresses, but the apple guy said that once the card is in and AirPort is on, it should just "pick up" whatever network is available. is that true?
    if it's working, does the "name" of the random, supposedly "open" and available network in the cafe/hotel/school building just magically "appear" on the menu? Or do i have to do something or configure something each time to set it up? i just really don't understand and no one seems to be able to help. and i just spent a lot of money on this card. can anyone please help???!!?!?
    I even opened it up again and checked to make sure the little cable was clicked firmly into the card, and it sure looked like it was.

    Double check that the antenna cable is FULLY seated into its socket on the Airport card - doing this properly takes a fair bit of force.
    If your Mac's Airport interface is working properly, indeed all you need to do is click on the Airport menu item. A list of all in-range wireless networks will be shown, and you can simply click (to connect) on the name of the network you wish to join. Just like magic!

  • AirPort card not working ... mostly

    This is one that has me a bit stumped. I have a G3 iBook with the original airport card installed. Yesterday, it stopped recognizing any wireless networks in the local area (I have one graphite ABS and one AirPort Express, plus there are one or two other wireless network around here I can normally at least see). My other portable (PowerBook G4 12") sees all these networks fine. I re-seated the card in the iBook, to no avail. I assumed it had conked out and started researching replacement cards (quite spendy, as you probably know).
    Just today, my iBook started recognizing wireless nets again ... briefly. For about five or ten minutes, I saw a few networks and actually was able to access the WAN. After then, though, it's back to not working at all. Has this happened to anyone? Was it the last, final gasp of my venerable airport card? Or if this has happened to you, did you find that it was another problem entirely?
    Thanks for any help.
    iBook G3   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I had gotten frustrated with the random behavior and posted a question about the possibility of an USB dongle wireless solution for the Mac. Duane answered me and gave me a very helpful suggestion - that I consider Ethernet Wireless Adapters, and even mentioned a couple of brands - just in case you may consider that route. I have copied his responses to me, below:
    Thank you,
    Re: Is there a USB Wireless Dongle or card for a Mac?
    Posted: Mar 24, 2006 5:33 PM in response to: Gino La Pointe
    An alternative to USB wireless adapters is Ethernet wireless adapters. Those require no drivers and therefore will work with any Ethernet device regardless of OS.
    Re: Is there a USB Wireless Dongle or card for a Mac?
    Posted: Mar 25, 2006 11:14 AM in response to: Gino La Pointe
    Examples of Ethernet wireless adapters are the Linksys WET11 and Linksys WET54G. There are many more.

Maybe you are looking for

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