Airport Card Turns Itself Off (Macbook OS 10.5.8)

My girlfriend's Macbook has spontaneously begun turning off its airport extreme card. I can turn it back on, but it will only stay active for 30 seconds or so before it shuts itself off again. All of the network settings appear normal and I've tried a few basic troubleshooting things (like removing the battery and holding down the power button).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Tynan Granberg wrote:
My girlfriend's Macbook has spontaneously begun turning off its airport extreme card. I can turn it back on, but it will only stay active for 30 seconds or so before it shuts itself off again.
Welcome to Apple's discussion groups.
It might help to reset the connection settings on that Mac using these steps one at a time until it works again:
1) Use the AirPort menu bar item to turn AirPort off, then on again.
2) In the Network panel of System Preferences delete the AirPort item from the left column, then add it back.
3) In the same panel as (2), define a new location and see if you can make that work.
4) In the same panel, select the AirPort connection item, click the "Advanced" button, select the "TCP/IP" tab, then click "Renew DHCP Lease".
5) In the folder /Library/Preferences ( not <yourhomefolder>/Library/Preferences), move the folder SystemConfiguration onto the Desktop, then restart your computer. See if you can now make your AirPort connection work.
They may not help, but they'll only take a couple of minutes to try. Before you try these, note all your network settings, because the latter steps will destroy them.
If that doesn't help, I'd run the diagnostics that came with that Mac. If that still doesn't show you anything, I don't have any more suggestions.

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    Hi ..
    Follow the instructions for resetting the SMC >  Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) - Apple Support

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    I have this exact same issue and it was driving me crazy.  I found this post and it looks like it may have worked although its still early to tell (20min).
    hey i had this problem where the airport fan turned itself off and would not turn back on. i rang apple and they had me go to finder, macintosh HD, Library, preferences, and then drag the folder "system config" to the desktop. leaving it there i had to restart and see if airport returned to normal, it did so i had to put that folder into the trash. and it stays connected now...hope this helps, let me know

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    Here are some things to try:
    1. Be sure that Airport is at the top of the list in System Preferences > Network. And, be sure that your preferred network is at the top of the list in System Preferences > Network > Advanced.
    2. Go Finder > Your HD > Library > Preferences > SystemConfiguration.
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    3. Try creating a new location from System Preferences > Network and then deleting the older one.
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    5. Do a repair install of Sno. Just install Sno over Sno as though doing an upgrade installation. Do all the networking/internet tasks at the end of the installation if possible.
    Message was edited by: donv (The Ghost)

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    Thank you for the link.
    It's deliciously ironic that I'm typing this reply for the second time now because after composing it the first time, and failing to glance at the Airport connection icon first, I clicked "Post Message" and received "Safari cannot open the page because your computer isn't connected to the internet" and after refreshing the page lost what I had written (should have tried the back button first).
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    The Win 7 install didn't go well and is hung in some way. You should use boot camp assistant to remove the win partition and start over.
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    I am wondering if you may have some debris in the output port where the plug is not allowed to be fully inserted.  If not, take to an Apple store genius bar for a free evaluation.

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    To Apple Discussions!
    Suggest that you post over in the AirPort Express Forums. It's where the AP users hang out.
    "Now my new base station behaves very erratically."
    I would give Apple a call first.

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    Try to change your sim card.
    If you want to thank someone, just click on the blue star at the bottom of their post

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    Still, go to the Apple store when you get back. They are very responsive to issues (they might be very hush hush about telling you what it is, but they will do somehting about it).
    If there's one great thing about Apple is how they treat their customers. Go to the store and if they don't respond contact Customer Care (search Customer Care on the Apple website to get their number). I had issues with my iPod and they exchanged it two weeks after my warranty was over and then two moths later (that was the third time they had to fix my iPod). After the last time, the guy at the store gave me the number for Customer Care and they gave me a new iPod Video.
    The moral of the story is, don't worry if you 90 days are over, they will do something for you (maybe call customer care right way, rather than their help line).
    I am expiriencing the same issue with my MacBook. I am also abroad, so I'll have to wait until I get back to the States in two weeks. I do have the three year AppleCare program, so that's not an issue for me and I'll wait until I get back to the US, but I'd encourage you to contact them through other sources. Also, depending on where you are there might be a local store that will cover the warranty. I am in Venezuela and I know of one place that will honor my warranty here (I don't know if they are listed in the Apple website, but you might ask around and see if there are stores that carry apple, call them and see if they support the warranty or if they know who will).

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    If that's the case, I'd say call Apple for help processing a return. Can you find a credit card transaction showing the purchase? I get emails from the Apple store when I buy my iPods. I get a receipt at the store, PLUS I have them email me a copy. Good luck

  • Update: Video - Canon 6D turns itself off after a few shots with fully charged battery

    Update: I uploaded my video to youtube, please comment:
    TIA and pardon me for my English.
    I posted this originally at another forum, and somebody suggested me to post it here as well, to get more help.
    Long story short, I purchased a brand new Canon 6D from B&H on Oct 24th, 2013. From early december, the camera starts to shut itself off randomly and displaying empty battery. I found the camera constantly shuts itself off after 20 - 100 continuous shots with a FULLY charged battery (right off charger, showing 8.23V using multimeter, and showing 98% in battery info).
    The camera will just turn itself off in the middle of shooting, showing empty battery int the shoulder window. The solution is simple, open the battery door, then close it again, no need even to pull the battery.
    So, I contacted Canon support, sent the camera to the VA service facility, waiting for it be repaired. As an engineer myself, I understand things fail, and I thought this is such an easy issue to reproduce, anybody should be able to repro it.
    Couple of days later, I received a phone call to send my accessories in, no problem, debugging needs more info, that's normal. I sent my lens and stuff in. I unfortunately had to bear the cruel fact that I don't have a decent camera for the holiday, though I have a backup.
    After a long wait, on 12/28the, the accessories were delivered at 9:35am. At 10am, they called me, they were sending the camera back. No issue at all. I was like, have you tested AT ALL? They didn't care, sending the camera back regardless. 
    I received the camera on Jan 2nd, and saw the same issue on that day. Of course, it was NOT fixed at all.
    I googled really hard, somebody said he had similar issue but it was a defective battery, so I got a brand new Canon battery, unfortunately, the same issue pops up again.
    Ok, the only choice for me is to send it back again.  But this time I am totally amazed by Canon.
    I sent the camera in again with my lens and battery. Also, a video showing the issue on a standalone CF card (I know 6D does not take CF, just to put the video on it).
    Couples of days later, they called asking for accessories, I was like, what accessories, I don't have any more.
    Then the camera sit in their facility for a few days for nothing. All of sudden I received a phone call on Monday morning, said it is ready. The camera has no issue at all.
    I called, asked whether they have watched the video, they told me two technicians, including a senior one, was not able to upload the video to the computer. I was like, what the hell? why the heck you need to upload it to the computer, find a card reader, plug the card in, double click, how simple is that?
    I talked to the service manager over the phone, he told me that there is nothing he could do, if their technician said so. They have decided to send my camera back, NOT fixed, again. I esclated the issue again, but haven't heard anything back yet.
    Honestly, I am totally pissed, how stupid can they be? I included a letter with detailed steps on how to reproduce this issue. As an engineer myself, I know how easy to reproduce this issue. But what shocked me is that they don't even know or they didn't even bother to watch the video. In the same letter, I asked/begged them to contact me if they cannot reproduce the issue instead of just sending it back unfixed.
    Guys, any other ways to get their attention? I already filed a BBB complaint. For a brand new camera of 3 months old, it has been in Canon's repair shop for almost a month. Leave to say that I missed the most importand holiday season in the year. This is simply not acceptable.

    "The camera usually shuts itself off after 20-100 continuous shot, ..."
    By this you mean your are in continuous drive? You just hold the shutter release down until it stops shooting?
    "... the shoulder LCD shows a ..."
    What is the "shoulder" LCD?
    Sorry for the extra questions but I am trying to understand exactly what you are going through and why Canon said it is OK.
    Canon did not say it was all right if it is not.
    You are, also saying, if you use the camera, just for a single snap shot, say several in a session, it is OK? Right?
    It only shuts down when on continuous drive or video?
    EOS 1Ds Mk III, EOS 1D Mk IV EF 50mm f1.2 L, EF 24-70mm f2.8 L,
    EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II, Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 EX APO
    Photoshop CS6, ACR 8.7, Lightroom 5.7

  • Turning itself off, resetting time to 2008 and won't charge...only in the last 2 days -what's happened????

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    P.S. when it plugs into the computer, it doesn't always Sync- it thinks it's unplugged too fast for itunes to recognize it.
    The phone also crashes ALL the time (even with the application for the phone settings- I have only basic apps). My itunes crashes a lot too, but I've re-installed and all that- I think the phone is crashing it.

  • IMac turned itself off and won't fully turn back on

    My iMac turned itself off this morning; all I was doing was typing, nothing intensive. It wouldn't turn back on.
    I first got a wired keyboard and mouse and tried resetting the SMC. No success.
    Next I took out and put back in the RAM (and it was unplugged). After repeatedly pressing the power button, I got a single beep out of it. I personally don't think it was high enough of a pitch, but I read that it might've been because the computer didn't read any RAM.
    I might've again taken the RAM out, this time also unplugged. After more repeated pressing, the fans came on, but then dead again.
    The third time, the fans came on and half of the dong played, but it was cut off.
    The forth time the dong fully played, but a second after, it turned off again.
    All of these times involved unplugging the computer for a few seconds and then repeatedly pressing the power button; I might've taken the RAM out all of the times too, but I don't remember now.
    Two or so weeks ago, I did have a kernal panic while I was editing in iPhoto, and I believe it's the first for my iMac. About a month and a half ago I had a graphics problem where using exposé to show all windows caused the whole screen to become jagged 'shards' of colour (it reminded me of broken pieces of glass). While a restart fixed both of these problems, the graphic problems are not new for this iMac (though I had never had the shard effect before).
    Two more little things that I'm unsure if they're related: last night, it turned itself on from sleep, but it does this every other night, so I don't think last night's special; and every time I got it to turn on, I felt that I had to give the power button just a short burst of force, as if holding it for even half a second wouldn't get it to turn on.
    Does this sound like the logic board, or less expensively, the power supply? Since it attempts to come on here and there but gets cut off, what does that say with respect to the logic board?
    The computer turned one year in August 08, and there's no AppleCare. Even though the warranty's gone, would Apple have any negative view if I opened it up to get my HDD? I can get the screen off with three house suction cups; my HDD was last backed up four days ago, and of course, I had just typed about 3000 words for a story I'm working on between last night and this morning.
    And lastly, if I make an appointment with the Apple Store (two hours from here...) and they want to take it in, will they take out my HDD right there and give it to me if I don't take it out? Four days is so tremendous in this situation. I will not part with my HDD.

    Perhaps. While I guess they're certified, I still trust Apple the most. Also, if it is a logic board problem, and it is widespread, hopefully this could be free. I don't know how a reseller would handle such a situation. I just want a file off my HDD!
    I can confirm that it never really powers on unless it's been unplugged for at least a few seconds. So far, the longer it's been unplugged, the longer it stayed on. There were hours between the times I almost got into my account, and then the login window.
    I again switched the MacBook and iMac's RAM, but doing this makes a senseless result. The MB's light simply stays on (no fans or screen, but when I turn it off, I do hear it 'de-whir'), and the iMac just quickly turns on and then off, as it has been after a 5-30 second unplugging session.
    I guess this is the rebellion of a Revision A machine.

Maybe you are looking for