Airport doesn't pick up my network

I am a college student, and our school has a public wireless network called HOYAS. Everytime I want to use it, it doesn't come up on the airport pulldown menu from the menu bar. Each time, I have to manually go to "Other..." and type in HOYAS. It wouldn't be such an annoyance except for the fact that everytime my computer goes to sleep and airport turns off I have to manually type in the network because it is what you use in viritually every building. Is there anyway to change a setting so that my computer recognizes the network?

Try the following...
Delete Preferred Network(s)
- System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
- In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
- Delete the network(s) you regularly use from the list
Delete AirPort Keychain Entries
- Launch the "Keychain Access" application located in Applications/Utilties.
- Click on the "Kind" filter at the top, and look for any "AirPort network password" entries...and delete them.
- Restart, or log out then back in.
Add Preferred Network(s)
- System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
- In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
- Add the preferred network(s) using the "+" button.
- Restart or log out then back in.

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    Thank you,

    Post a complete description of your system and we may be able to help.
    What sort of internet connection is it, DSL modem make model other, what sort of wireless system, AirPort Base Station model, how are your network components connected etc.

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    Yes. I'm having a very similar problem. I don't have TC, but I have a netgear wndr4000. I'm always bring my MBP out of sleep and having to manually select the 5GHz band. Even when I know it should. I have different SSID's on each band, and I have tried setting the priority order, but that has another set of problems. When I get a little farther away, it will hook to the 5GHz band at 54Mb, but the 2.4GHz will be at 130Mb at the same distance. I thought it would make some type of smart choice about it.
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    Be sure to push the one network you want to the top of the list - remove any others to help that selection take priority.
    System Preferences/Internet & Wireless...your existing Airport connection in the list on the left should be highlighted then hit the 'Advanced...' button - use the first tab on the left titled 'Airport' and take at look at the list of 'Preferred Networks:' - use the options as described to make changes, sort, delete, etc.

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    Markku Lepistö :
    it seems the original poster's OS is: 10.3.9. I think I have the same issue.
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    Guys, please check your Apps->Utilities->Console output. Are you getting this too?:
    "WirelessJoin unexpected status: 4".
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    have you made sure that the network setting in the system preferences is set up to use dhcp? if not i would try changing it so that it shows that it is getting its address by dhcp

  • Airport doesn't find network anymore

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    is it possible that i caught a virus?
    thanks for any help

    is it possible that i caught a virus?
    Not likely at all.
    One thing that can work, try this, please ignore the exact symptoms and connection and Hardware types, it's worked for many others than the stated...
    It's worked for WEP, WPA/WPA2, G3s, G4s, G5s, Desktop, and laptops.
    The Interface that connects to the Internet, needs to be drug to the top of Network>Show:>Network Port Configurations and checked ON.
    Does rebooting the Mac only fix it temporarily?
    Was the Mac going to Sleep before the disconnection?
    Next time it happens try one or both of these lines in Terminal...
    sudo ipconfig set en1 BOOTP;sudo ipconfig set en1 DHCP
    sudo ifconfig en1 down;sudo ifconfig en1 up

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    Reset the device:
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If that doesn't help, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
    If that doesn't help, tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings
    You will have to re enter the Wi-Fi password.
    If that doesn't help, try here >  iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

  • MBP doesn't pick up network at start up

    Have a new MacBook Pro.
    Lately, I've been loosing my network for some unknown reason. I have a Dlink wireless router and DSL modem connected to another computer, not the MBP, in my place, and all computers in my home(4 in total), except for the MBP pick up the network right away.. At first, the MBP found the network as soon as I powered up, no problem. But not any more. All my other computers pick up the network, without a problem.
    Now, whenever I power up, Airport is on, but the network can't be found. Or it is found, but I cannot connect to it.
    So I have to go through a lot of steps (diagnose, assist,etc), to get the my network up again, and I click and do so many things that I don't remember what I did at the end when I finally get the network up and running.
    This is a problem that has been happening only recently.
    When I first got the MBP about 4 months ago, everything worked just fine. Soon as I powered up, my MBP picked up my network.
    But now for some reason, everytime I power up, I have no network connection, and have to go hunting for it.
    I'm pretty sure it's not the router, because all my other computers pick up the network just fine. It's only the MBP i have a problem with.
    Any ideas what's wrong and how to fix?

    Thanks for the reply.
    I tried that, but it didn't work.
    That is, airport is still not seeing my network.
    Incidentally, in the Network pane,the only network on the list is my network, it is there, and the security is WEP. Not WPA personal as you mentioned.
    I deleted it using the minus, then brought it back using the plus, clicked Apply now, and nothing. Still no network, although it is there on the list.
    Any other suggestions?
    thank you again.

  • Airport Admin scan doesn't pick up  base station or Airport Express

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    In one network, Airport Admin run from the PC recognizes the base station and the express and allows the settings to be changed. In the other network, Airport Admin run from the PC scans and doesn't find anything. Running Airport Admin from a MacBook Pro finds everything and allows any setting to be modified.
    I'm trying to stream AirTunes from the PC through the Airport Extreme and can't do so because Airport Admin can't find the network. AirTunes works flawlessly from the MacBook.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    You may want to check the posts in the AirPort Extreme (802.11n) discussion area to see if a solution has been posted.

  • Airport doesn't automatically connect to my preferred network

    I had my hard drive replaced and ever since my airport doesn't automatically connect to my wifi network. I have specified my network as my preferred network in my system preferences.
    I need to re-connect to the network manually (ie: I need to select my network form the drop down list) each time I wake my computer up from sleep mode.
    How do I have my airport automatically connect??

    Go to System Preferences then select the Network icon.
    Select the airport adaptor then click advanced
    the first tab "Airport" has all your recent SSID's listed.
    Select the desired network and drag it to the top of the list and check the " Remember Networks this computers has joined."
    Apart from that the next best thing would be to removed all the networks from the list and add that network you wish to join to verify its configuration

  • AirPort doesn't work after Leopard install

    I have an iMac 20" 2GHz Core 2 Duo and my AirPort doesn't work. I reset my PRAM, erased the hard drive and installed a clean copy of Leopard after picking it up from the Retail store. I had exactly the same problem with 9A559 and the seed update and I ASSUMED it would be fixed by the time the final release is out. It doesn't detect any networks, even if i move the access point very close to the computer. I tried disabling all security on the access point. Tried changing channels. Tried resetting the access point to defaults and reconfiguring from scratch. Tried manually putting the SSID in on the iMac but none of it worked. The access point is a Linksys WAG54G with the latest firmware. If anyone can help me, please do because the AirPort is the ONLY way this computer can access the internet.

    Just to clarify my situation:
    Erase and install of Leopard
    Airport card is detected:
    Wireless Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x89)
    Wireless Card Locale: Worldwide
    Wireless Card Firmware Version: Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Current Wireless Network: wireless network not available
    No networks are available for selection, (i can normally see 4 or 5)
    System.log has:
    Oct 27 00:07:04 my-names-imac SystemUIServer95: Error: Apple80211Scan() error 16
    Oct 27 00:07:04 my-names-imac SystemUIServer95: Error: __performScan() failed, entering fail-save workaround..
    Oct 27 00:07:07 my-names-imac SystemUIServer95: Error: Apple80211Scan() error -6
    Oct 27 00:07:07 my-names-imac SystemUIServer95: Error: __performScan() failed (-6)
    Oct 27 00:07:14 my-names-imac SystemUIServer95: Error: Apple80211Scan() error -6
    I'm about two feet from my wireless router, none of the other (Tiger) computers have issues connecting to it.
    Anyone else see the Apple80211Scan entries?

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