Airport express and my university's ethernet wont connect?

i have the 2nd generation airport expess and I cannot establish connection between my university's ethernet and my airpot express.
The school i am studying at in in Beijing, China. DO you know how to fix the problem?

Hi. I just got my Express today, and the setup was really quick.
Now, the below is based on the fact that the Express was setup correctly. I just ran the Setup Assistant and it was all working. If you are having problems, you might try resetting the Express to factory settings, then run the Setup Assistant again.
Run your audio cables to an input of your stereo receiver. Usually, you'll have inputs for different devices, like CD, DVD, AUX, etc. Then simply select the input source while your receiver is on.
In iTunes, make sure you go to Preferences>Advanced>General, and make sure you check "Look for remote speakers." I also disable volume control. Then, you will see a small menu at the bottom of iTunes, which will allow you to choose your remote speakers.
That's really all there is to it. I was set up and running in a few minutes. I did test the different connections (WDS vs just a network connection for streaming). Both setups worked, but since I don't have any computers downstairs right now, I'm just doing a connection.

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    I recently purchased the Airport Express and plugged the SAME ethernet cable into it. Now my Laptop is no longer able to connect to the desktops or printers. The wirelss network works fine. I can get on the internet, just not connect to the other devices.
    Effectively, you created a second network (subnet) when you introduced the AirPort Express Base Station (AX) in the mix. When computers are on separate subnets they have trouble "seeing" each other.
    To resolve this, you just need to reconfigure the AX as a bridge.
    To set up the AirPort Express Base Station (AX) as a bridge, using the AirPort Admin Utility, connect your computer directly (using an Ethernet cable) to the Ethernet port of the AX, and then, make these settings:
    Network tab
    - Distribute IP addresses (unchecked)
    - Apply the new setting.

  • Airport Express and DNS Issues

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    Can anyone help me with that? Is it a Airport Express bug?
    Thanks for any help.

    Marcos Daruy wrote:
    Recently I bought a Airport Express and i have been using it connected to a ADSL modem (modem is using PPPoE). Before that i used to have a D-Link wireless router connected to the modem, with no issues. Airport Express is working as bridge mode.
    That suggests to me that you're expecting the "ADSL modem" to perform router functions. Is it capable of that? What is the brand and model of that modem? If the modem can't perform router functions, your Express shouldn't be in bridge mode.
    I was having trouble with my Macbook connecting some websites (with Windows computer it was ok), and I could solve it by adding DNS preferred addresses on System Preferences.
    If something on your LAN is performing proper DHCP functions, that "something" should provide your MacBook with usable DNS addresses without your having to declare them manually.

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    As long as the Ethernet cord leads to a router connected to the Internet, then yes, it will do all that.
    What you want to do is the reason a lot of people bring an Airport Express with them on trips. They plug it into the hotel room Ethernet port and bam, their laptops and phones have wireless Internet.
    If you don't already have a password on your Airport Express, now would be a good time to add one, especially if Internet usage is metered. Just to keep others from getting onto your network.

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    coloradoapple, Welcome to the discussion area!
    The Dual Ethernet (snow) AirPort base station (ABS) does not support WDS.
    Only the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) and AirPort Express (AX) support WDS.

  • HT4437 can i have more than one apple tv at different locations by ethernet on the same router  thinking of dumping the airport express and hard wiring an apple tv if this is possible

    can two apple tv's be used on the same network and router they would be in different locations one inside the house and one for an outside system?  may dump the airport express and go to ethernet wired direct to each apple tv from same router..   

    Welcome to the Apple Community da dad.
    Yes you can connect multiple Apple TV's by ethernet.
    What do you mean by outside.

  • Extending network with Airport Express and Airport Extreme (latest models) causes chaos on network

    Today I upgraded from my several year old Airport Extreme (3rd gen) and 2nd gen Airport Express to a new (what you'd buy on the shelf today) Airport Extreme and Airport Express.  All airports are updated with the latest firmware and I'm using windows 7 for configuration.
    The intention is to use the Airport Extreme as the main router, also serving wifi. And extend the network using the express. As such, the following has been done:
    The Airport Extreme is configured for automatic channel, and automatic radio mode. I tried to select 802.11n 5 ghz and 802.11 n 2.4 ghz only, but it won't take the changes. Additionally, it wont' accept me using only channel 6. Not sure why, but I digress. The airport extreme is not set to broadcast a separate name for the 5ghz network.
    The Airport Express is configured to use bridge mode, use an existing wireless network and is connected to my network on it's WAN port (the circle icon on the back) with ethernet. The password and wireless name used in configuration is the same as created initially on the Airport Extreme.
    Initially I did the configuration of both airports on my computer, connected by ethernet to ensure stable connectivity while I inputted settings. During this, they appeared to accept the changes fine. However, when I moved the airport express to it's destination (other side of my house), the entire network went crazy.
    Internet became slow, and often wouldn't load pages. This was on wired and wireless connections. When I attempted to administer the Airport in the Utility, they would not load, an error would occur. Also, at one point the Airport Extreme had renamed it self with a (2) at the end. Which was super odd. So far, the only solution has been to unplug the Airport Express and attempt to devise a solution.
    Anyone have any ideas? Of course, I will continue to tinker with this, but it seems realllly strange. The previous setup was also extended (granted, using wireless only, not ethernet > wireless) and worked fine, granted it was a smidge slow, but it worked.

    I wanted to add this.. I followed the guide here: to extend using ethernet, and the above is the result.
    I just tried re configuring in OS X Mavericks and got the same, odd, result.

  • Airport Express and BT Homehub - how can I get it to work?

    Hello, can someone help??
    I have an Airport Express and a MacBook. My only use for my Airport Express is purely to play ITunes music through my stereo via my MacBook wirelessly. Therefore I only require my Airport Express to join my current network.
    I recently changed my phone and broadband network provider from Talk Talk back to BT. My Airport Express worked fine when I was with Talk Talk, I was using a Belkin wireless router for my network connection which worked without any problems. When I got my Airport Express, it was easy to set up - it joined my Talk Talk network without a hitch.
    When my connection transferred to BT last week, I tried to connect up my Airport Express to my new BT Homehub. However when I went into Airport Utility my AX wasn't there. So, I read the guide on the Apple Support site and reset it to factory settings. This then seemed to make it 'appear' in Airport Utility, so I went through the process of setting it up as I did when I first bought it. When I got through to the final stage when it is 'Updated successfully and is now re-starting', the AX icon seems to disappear from the left hand side of the box and eventually I get an error message stating 'Airport Utility was unable to find your Apple wireless device after reinstating: The settings for this apple device have been successfully updated but there was a problem re-joining the wireless network or finding the apple wireless device. You may need to select your network from the airport menu and try again' (Incidentally, this last piece of advice doesn't work)... So, I am not sure what to do. I have tried changing the format of the WEP code I need to enter by adding " in front of the code as well as $ as is the suggestion on the Apple Support site...
    Is my AX faulty? Is my BT Homehub (The 'next generation of router' as BT call it) preventing my AX from joining my network?? If anyone can help I would appreciate it, I am not very clued up on these things.... :o)

    I have now managed to get AX working on my BT home hub. I took my second non-working unit back to Apple in Solihull and got them to test it in store. They agreed it wasn't working. They then tested another unit in store and that did work so I brought that home. It would be worth you doing the same as I got a 10% discount off my next purchase of anything at Apple for my troubles.
    I set my homehub security to None (from WEP - in homehub manager/advanced/wireless/security), plugged in my AX to homehub using an ethernet cable, then ran Airport utility and after a couple of runs it finally picked it up. I was able to set the configurations I wanted and 24 hours later it is still working. I set my homehub security settings back to WEP as soon as the AX was configured.
    I also installed airport utility on my son's windows laptop and that is now able to print wirelessly as well. So, finally a result.
    I would suggest you take your unit back to where you bought it from and get them to test it. If they offer you another one ask for a Mac genius
    to test it in store for you first. Also ask them to run through the installation procedure with you. Don't forget to ask for something for your troubles:)
    Hope that helps,

  • I have an Airport Express that I am trying to use connected by ethernet to my iMac G4 running Mac OS 10.4.11.  I need to update the Airport software in order to use security option WPA2 Personal.  I currently have Airport software v. 5.6.1.

    I have an Airport Express that I am trying to use connected by ethernet to my iMac G4 running Mac OS 10.4.11.  I need to update the Airport Express softwart in order to use security option WPA2 Personal to connect to the internet through my Airport Extreme.  I currently have Airport Express software version 5.6.1.  How can I update this software? (I can connect directly to my Airport Extreme by ethernet and download the update that way).  Is a later version of A E software available for download anywhere?   Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Download and install AirPort Utility 5.4.2 for Mac OS X 10.4.11 "Tiger" here:
    AirPort Utility 5.4.2
    Once installed, launch AirPort Utility. It will tell you if a firmware upgrade is available for your Express.

  • A Time Capsule, Airport Express and AT&T 2Wire walk into a bar...

    Alas, I'm sure this question has been asked before, but my reserach keeps turning up separate answers.  So I thought I'd turn to this forum for some advice.  Ultimately I'm seeks suggestions on various ways to configure my network to allow easy backups, connection two rooms, and wirelessly print from anywhere.
    I have a: 
    Time Capsule (dual band) - used for Time Machine backups
    Airport Express (older)
    and new 2Wire 3800HGV-B wireless modem/router from AT&T (for U-verse internet/TV)
    My room configuration is:
    Living room with TV, internet connected DVD player, and new AT&T 2Wire Wireless U-verse modem
    Home office with 2 desktop comptuers (no wireless cards) and a USB printer. 
    Two roaming laptops which move around the rest of the house
    The livingroom and the office can't be connected with a physical wire. 
    What I was hoping to do was setup my office with the Time Capsule in the office as a wired hub, and then use it as a wirelessly bridge to the 2Wire network.  But as I understand it, a Time Capsule can't be used as a bridge to a non-Apple product.  Please correct me if I'm wrong. 
    Alternately I could always get wireless cards for the desktop computers, but this leaves the printer.
    I've read suggesitons of people who have used their TC as the primary router, disabling wireless on their AT&T 2Wire, and hooking the two together with ethernet.  Others who just join the TC to the 2Wireness network.  But really what I'm seeking is a way to join the two rooms. 
    Any thoughts?  Am I asking the right questions or providing the right information?
    Much thanks,

    So I figured I'd go with an initial suggestion and attached my TC via ethernet to the 2Wire modem/router in my living room, and make the TC my primary wireless router.
    Good plan
    since both will be in the same room, I assume I need to disable wireless on the 2Wire
    What kind of configuration do I need to do on the TC, or do I just following the wizard and select 'Extend existing network'?
    You can follow the guided setup or I can give you a step by step manual setup. In either case, you will configure the TC to "Create a wireless network". 
    ("Extend" is only used if the TC connects using wireless will be using Ethernet from one of the LAN <-> ports on the 2-Wire to the WAN port (world icon) on the TC.
    The guided setup will normally sense that the TC is connected to another router and suggest that the TC be configured in Bridge Mode, which is the correct setting. Otherwise, select the Bridge Mode option when it is presented.
    Note....If you have a newer dual band TC, the Guest Network option cannot be enabled when the TC is configured in Bridge Mode. So, if you want a "Guest" network, maybe the 2-Wire could provide that service.
    Should I attach this (via ethernet) to the TC or the 2Wire?
    Pick a LAN <-> port on either one, your choice, whichever is easier
    What should the AT&T DVR be connected to?
    I'm not familiar with an AT&T DVR, but if it connects via Ethernet, you can connect to a LAN <-> port on either the 2-Wire or the TC
    For printing, my plan is to attach the printer through USB to the Airport Express and then connect that wirelessly to the TC network (though my first attempt at this failed to connect).
    Suggest that you get the TC up and working smoothly. Then tackle the Express.

  • My home network has an Airport Extreme w/Time Capsule as the base and then an Airport Express and a second Airport Extreme to reach different areas of the house.  Is there a way to use the second Airport Extreme for file storage on this network?

    My home network has an Airport Extreme w/Time Capsule as the base and then an Airport Express and a second Airport Extreme to reach different areas of the house.  Is there a way to use the second Airport Extreme for file storage on this network?  Network is administered through an iMac running OS X Yosemite 10.10.2.  Ideally, would like for the second Airport Extreme hard drive to appear on the list of devices in the Finder window.

    Ok.. gottcha
    The problem is network wise.. Yosemite is about equal to tin cans and string.. pathetic.
    Here is my usual set of instructions to get anything working on Yosemite.
    The best way to fix problems is a full factory reset of all the AE in the network.
    Factory reset universal
    Power off the AE.. ie pull the power cord or power off at the wall.. wait 10sec.. hold in the reset button.. be gentle.. power on again still holding in reset.. and keep holding it in for another 10sec. You may need some help as it is hard to both hold in reset and apply power. It will show success by rapidly blinking the front led. Release the reset.. and wait a couple of min for the AE to reset and come back with factory settings. If the front LED doesn’t blink rapidly you missed it and simply try again. The reset is fairly fragile in these.. press it so you feel it just click and no more.. I have seen people bend the lever or even break it. I use a toothpick as tool.
    Then redo the setup from the computer with Yosemite.
    1. Use very short names.. NOT APPLE RECOMMENDED names. No spaces and pure alphanumerics.
    eg AEgen5 and AEwifi for basestation and wireless respectively.
    Even better if the issue is more wireless use AE24ghz and AE5ghz with fixed channels as this also seems to help stop the nonsense.
    2. Use all passwords that also comply but can be a bit longer. ie 8-20 characters mixed case and numbers.. no non-alphanumerics.
    3. Ensure the AE always takes the same IP address.. this is not a problem for AE which is router.. it is a problem for AE which is bridged.. you will need to set static IP in the main router by dhcp reservations or use static IP in the AE which is tricky.
    4. Check your share name on the computer is not changing.. make sure it also complies with the above.. short no spaces and pure alphanumeric..
    5. Make sure IPv6 is set to link-local only in the computer. For example wireless open the network preferences, wireless and advanced / TCP/IP.. and fix the IPv6. to link-local only.
    6. Now mount the disk of the second AE in finder... manually.
    Use Go, Connect to Server and type in the AE ip address.
    Where you will replace that address with the actual address. The network resource should be discovered and then it will request the password.. type that in and make sure you tick to save it in your keychain.
    There is a lot more jiggery pokery you can try but the above is a good start.. if you find it still unreliable.. don't be surprised.
    Do as much as you want of the above... not all of it is necessary.. only if you want it reliable.. or as reliable as Yosemite in its current incarnation can manage.
    The most important thing is point 6.. mount the disk using direct IP address and not names.. dns in Yosemite is fatally flawed.
    See u-can-do-to-fix-it/

  • I was told at the Apple store that I could simply plug in ( electric power) the Airport Express and it would find my wireless network. I hoped to use it as a way to play music from my iphone. I do not use other Apple routers etc,

    The Airport Express is not finding my wireless network. I do not have any of the devices listed below. I have a Belkin wireless router. Can I still use Airport Express ( without plugging an ethernet cable into it) ? Any ideas for how to make it find my network ? It is sitting next to the wireless router-so is in range.
    If you already have a wireless network in your home and want to extend its range, AirPort Express can help. Just place it in range of your primary base station — an AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule, or another AirPort Express — and near the area where you want your wireless connection. Launch the easy-to-use AirPort Utility app on your iOS device or Mac, and you’re mere minutes away from long-range Wi-Fi enjoyment.

    Hi - you can do what you want to do with AirPlay from your iPhone - but unfortunately it is not as easy as the people in the Apple store told you - your first problem is that you have a non Apple router - you cannot extend a non Apple router wirelessly with the Express - you can only join the network and connect an ethernet device to it - you can however connect via ethernet and have it create a wireless network of its' own - you can set this up from your iPhone or the XP - but this is a complicated setup and would involve many different discussion areas of this forum - therefore I would suggest that you use your 90 days of support and consult directly with Apple to do this - go to this link -

  • I have bought a new airport express and using it with my macbook (iTunes 10.2.2). I have joined an existing network for internet in my home and with that i am trying to play the music via itunes but there is audio dropouts every 60 secs or so. any soln ?

    I have bought a new airport express and using it with my macbook (iTunes 10.2.2). I have joined an existing wireless network for internet in my home and with that i am trying to play the music via itunes but there is audio dropouts every 60 secs or so. I am using a set of speakers from kenwood connected to the airport express. The operating system on my macbook is mac os X 10.5.8. i am sure it is not a problem of streaming music online because i have even tried playing music which are stored in my macbook.
    Is there any problem with the setting in itunes or quicktime ? Kindly reply...... I am waiting for your valuable suggestion.
    Thank you a lot in advance.

    I am shocked to have found this same AX audio dropout problem starting TODAY, every few seconds the audio just drops for a couple seconds and then resumes:  Latest software versions of everything.  No iPad, iPhone or Touch.  Internet hardwired to D-Link DES1105 (1000baseT Switch) hardwired to new 80211N AX, AX optical to stereo, AX Wi-Fi internet to basic 1st-gen MacBook operating at 80211G, and an older 'G' AX extender at the far end of the house, away from all this.  The MacBook streaming iTunes is usually 12 feet from AX.  I've used this setup for years of trouble-free AirTunes / Airplay until today.  Today I also found 2 very reliable fixes and 1 way to force a dropout, but first, I read some posts and tried ALL following settings one-at-a-time and restored them ALL because NONE of them helped:  Turned off IPV6.  Streamed to multiple speakers 'Computer' and 'AX' (restored to just AX).  Turned off 'Ask to Join new (WiFi) Networks'.  Turned off Bluetooth (can't live without Magic Trackpad, so glad that wasn't it).  Here's my discoveries:  Lo and behold, each time I click the Airport icon in the Menu (you know it shows you've got 4 bars from AX) when the status switches to 'Looking for Networks' for a second it CAUSES the AX audio to drop out for a couple seconds (it never did that before today.)  iTunes still playing, streaming, AX laser still lit, but the 'PCM' light on stereo and the sound GOES OUT EVERY time I click the Airport icon in the menubar, just like the regular, annoying dropouts.  So, to reduce traffic I quit Safari (3 tabs, no streaming, just Gmail, Google, and Netflix browsing).  Lo and behold, the dropouts stopped altogether.  No other Web apps going (not iTunes Store, Genius, Ping, nothing), so I launched Chrome to the same 3 tabs and the dropouts HAVE NOT RETURNED.  That's right, not only did simply QUITTING SAFARI cure it, and Chrome doesn't contribute to it, but I can demonstrate it just by forcing my Airport to re-scan.  Works for me, written using Chrome.  The other reliable fix is to hardwire MacBook to the Switch.  This is obviously not ideal, but Airplay audio doesn't drop out over Ethernet.  Also, in all my tests, it made no difference whether iTunes did the streaming, or Airfoil did.

  • How do I install a new airport express and link a second airport express to extend the network of the first airport express?

    I currently have a linksys wireless router attached to the Internet.  I have an A1264 Airport Express connected by Ethernet to the linksys router.  I have two network names, one for each wireless network.
    I purchased a new A1392 Airport Express to replace the linksys router and join to the A1264 Airport Express, and I want to have one network name as a result.
    How do I do this?  I realize that I have to reconfigure the A1264 device so that it is an extension of the A1392 device.

    You have a fairly complicated set up, so I suggest that it would make sense to tackle things in stages, testing each stage as  you go, before proceding to the next stage.
    Stage 1 would be setting up the A1392 first to the cable modem, and then making sure that everything is working correctly on the A1392 Express
    Stage 2 would be adding the Netgear switch and testing each port with a laptop connected via Ethernet to make sure that everything is operational on the switch
    Stage 3 would be connecting the A1264 Express and testing to make sure that it is extending the network correctly
    Stage 4 would be adding other Ethernet devices to the Netgear switch and testing each one at a time before adding the next device. There is some question about whether an iOS device can print to an Ethernet connected printer....even if the printer is AirPrint compatible. You may need to connect the HP using wireless...not gain full AirPrint functionality, or use another application that will allow printing like Printopia or Print Central using the Ethernet connection on the HP.
    Stage 5 would be adding the printer to the A1264 AirPort Express.
    You do not mention how the printer will connect to the A1264 Express, but I assume that it will be USB from your description.  Most printers will work, but you really will not know if your printer will work until you try.
    Remember that only printing will be supported at the USB port of the Express. If you have an all-in-one type device, scan, maintenance, and other advanced features will not be operational whent the device is connected to the AirPort Express.
    If you want to print from an iOS device like an iPad or iPhone, plan to add additonal software like Printopia or Print Central to possibly allow this function. There are no guarantees here as far as the iOS devices.

  • Airport Express and WPA2 on Linksys E3000 Router

    I'm running MS Windows Vista. I have a Linksys E3000 router and an Airport Express both with updated firmware.
    I have segregated my wireless network: My Xbox is on the N-speed band by itself and everything else, including my iPhone 4, is on the g-speed band.
    My wireless network works with full Internet access but I can't connect my Airport Express to it. I need help connecting my AE to my existing wireless network so I can stream iTunes music from my PC to the AE.
    According to this link: "When joining an existing wireless network, AirPort Express supports only WPA-Personal. WPA2 requires a Mac computer with an AirPort Extreme Card and Mac OS X v10.3 or later"
    So I went to my router settings and set up my g-speed band for "WPA-Personal." But when I do that, my g-speed band ceases to work. I cannot connect my iPhone 4 to it and my iPhone has no trouble connecting when the security is set for "WPA2-Personal".
    The Aiport Utility (v 5.5.1) will not detect the AE wirelessly. When I connect the AE via ethernet to the router, I can configure it with Aiport Utility and it will stream iTunes music over the wireline network but then when I disconnect it, I can't detect it wirelessly. I've tried using the setup wizard and the manual setup. I've also reset the AE to it's factory settings and started again with no luck.
    I've spent hours trying different settings and I am not sure how to proceed. Please provide any feedback you may have.
    Message was edited by: DroidDreamer

    Most likely you entered the password a year ago when you first set up the AirPort Express (AX) and you checked the option to store the password in your keychain. If you do that, the Mac will never ask you for the password again.
    Open Keychain Access and see if you have an item with the name of your wireless network.

Maybe you are looking for