Airport Express Bridge Woes

Bare with me...
I have 2 macs, one laptop and one desktop g5 with an airport card. about a year ago I moved the desktop to a remote part of the house where the signal drops off so I have been using the laptop only for online stuff. So I am attempting to use an airport express to extend the network using it as a brigdge to connect to a linksys G 2.4 GHz 54 Mbps Broadband Router which I believe i have done successfully as I have a greenlight on the express and am able to connect to the express via the laptop. But here are my issues. 1. although through airport utility the express shows a strong internet signal I cannot connect to the internet nor recieve mail. 2. The desktop is still not detecting the network even though it is well within range. I have tried all the usuals. Restarting everything and no difference. Is there somthing I am overlooking?
Thank you!

majanegra, Welcome to the discussion area!
More than likely you have the AirPort Express (AX) configured to join the wireless network as a wireless client. In this mode the AX's Ethernet port is NOT active.
The only time the AX's Ethernet port is active is when the AX is configured to use WDS to join a wireless network.
Unfortunately you must configure the base station providing the wireless network to use WDS also. Very few non-Apple base stations are compatible with Apple's WDS. If you have the Linksys WRT54G or WRT54GS (not latest versions v5) you might be able to get it to work.

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    How do i turn off airport express bridge?

    Only exception was that it went into bridge mode and I cannot configure an IP camera that was working prior.
    Bridge Mode is the correct setting for the AirPort Express since your "upgraded" Xfinity device is a modem/router or gateway device.
    So, you already have a router set up on the network. Bridge mode must be used on the AirPort Express to avoid having two devices both trying to act as routers on the network.
    That would create IP address conflicts and other problems like Double NAT.
    Since the Xfinity device is now your network router, you must configure the port settings for your camera on the Xfinity modem/router. The AirPort Express will simply pass through those settings since it is in Bridge Mode.
    You may need to check with Xfinity support on how to set up port forwarding if the owners guide does not cover that topic.

  • Can Airport Express bridge off another Airport Express?

    Hello All,
    Currently I have the current setup and working great for the most part.
    Aiport Extreme (Base) - Connected directly to my ISP Modem upstairs.
    Airport Express 1 (Bridge Mode) - Bridged to the Airport Extreme Base and placed midway hall upstairs
    Airport Express 2 (Bridge Mode) - Bridged to the Airport Extreme Base and placed downstairs
    Currently when I am out on my deck, I will receive 1 bar or no signal.. The signal that I do recieve is coming from one of the airport express.. 
    My question is, If I place a third additional Airport Express outside on my deck/patio will this daisy chain off the current AirPort Express that is already bridged to the Airport Extreme Base, or will it ONLY be able to bridge from the AirPort Extreme Base and not daisy chain from the AirPort Express? In other words, if I do not receive signal from the AirPort Extreme base on my deck/patio will this be of no use to extend the range?
    Many thanks in advance!

    My question is, If I place a third additional Airport Express outside on my deck/patio will this daisy chain off the current AirPort Express that is already bridged to the Airport Extreme Base
    Sorry, but no. Although the third AirPort will connect to the AirPort Express, it will "join"....not extend...the network. When an AirPort "joins" a network, it provides no additional wireless signal coverage.
    or will it ONLY be able to bridge from the AirPort Extreme Base
    Correct, if you want the additional AirPort Express to "extend" the network.  An "extending" device must connect directly to the main base station.....not to another device that is already extending the wireless signal.  The reason for this is that Apple's "extend" feature only allows a signal to be extended wirelessly one time....not two.
    if I do not receive signal from the AirPort Extreme base on my deck/patio will this be of no use to extend the range?
    Correct. But, if you located the additional Express somewhat closer to the AirPort Extreme, it might pick up enough of the signal to be able to extend it. Remember, an extending device can only extend the quality of signal that it receives.
    However, if you could run an Ethernet cable from the port on the current "extending" Express to the other Express that you want to add, you could configure the additional Express to 'create a wireless network" and effectively extend the network that way.

  • Airport Express Bridge

    Please forgive me if this has already been covered. I did a search and tried some of the ideas but haven't had any luck. Here is my problem.
    I have a 2Wire wireless modem. My G5 Mac can access it in wireless or ethernet mode. I have a PC in another room of the house that has a standard non wireless ethernet card. I currently have an Airport Express that is not being used. I would like to use the AE to act as a bridge to the 2Wire modem so that the PC can get access to the internet via the AE's ethernet port. Can this be done. I've tried with not luck so far.

    - another Airport Express
    - an Airport Extreme base station
    The answer is no for virtually all third party wireless routers.
    - a Linksys WRT54G or WRT54GS (not latest versions v5)
    - a Belkin F5D7230-4 and F5D7231
    - one specific model from SMC (can't find model number right now)
    - one specific model from Buffalo
    - BT Voyager 2100
    For wireless routers not on this short list - not possible.
    In particular, it will not work with any WiFi routers from D-Link or Netgear.

  • Airport Express Bridge Mode Cutting Out?

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    I bought an Airport Express and plugged it in just to the power, no ethernet, and set it up to join a network
    The "join" setting on the Express will not provide more wireless coverage.
    Check the setting on the Express again using AirPort Utility - Manual Setup
    Click the Wireless tab just under the row of icons
    The setting for Wireless Mode needs to be "Extend a wireless network".
    "Join a wireless network" will not do what you want.

  • Roaming with Airport Express (bridging) between two Airport Extreme AP's

    I have two Airport Extreme base stations set up on a company LAN that provide wireless coverage for our very large facility. Both are set up with the same SSID and WPA settings and they are 5 channels apart, 1 and 6. We have a cart with a computer and it uses an Airport Express / WDS to allow wired Ethernet bridging to our LAN via the wireless. I can't seem to get the Airport Express to "roam" between the two access points, ie, when one AP's signal gets too weak I would expect that the Airport Express would switch to the stronger of the two AP's. Is this a correct assumption?
    In the AirPort utility when you set an Airport Express as a remote it only allows you to specify one "main" AP, so I don't know if this is why I can't seem to get it to roam between both AP's. Anyone have any experience / success doing this? Thanks for any information you can provide.
    Joe Jenkins

    if possible, it sounds like you need to configure a "roaming" network, not a WDS. Of course, I am assuming that all your base stations have access to your LAN via ethernet...
    - Configure each base station with the same network name and authentication/password.
    - Put each base station in bridge mode (unless you need 1 of them to distribute ip addresses).
    - Each base station needs to be on a different channel - and make sure they spread apart, like 3 and 11, as opposed to 3 and 4.
    Basically make sure they are configured exactly the same except for the wireless channel.
    Roaming should improve.

  • 2 Airport Express - Bridge Mode problems

    Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere but I've been searching and can't find a solution to the problem. 
    I have:
    MacBook Air running Mavericks and Airport Utility
    Old Airport Express set up to create a wireless network
    New Airport Express set up as bridged
    Our apartment is hardwired with LAN ports in the walls, so there is no need for a modem and there are no router conflicts etc. I'm aware of.
    Everything is fine with the Old AE as it's been for years.  When I connect the second AE which I want to set up in another room to extend the existing network it goes through all of the steps in the wizard OK but as soon as the second/bedroom AE completes setup and the light goes green the first AE in the living room drops out with orange flashing light and a "Conflicting DHCP Range" error.  I barely know what this is, let alone how to resolve it.  Whenever I find a community discussion I can find people talking about the same issue but no clear idea of how to resolve.
    Any help would be massively appreciated.

    Yeah fair comment, pretty remiss of me.
    There was actually nothing wrong, but I was connecting the second AE to a LAN port with a cable as well. I mistook the drawings on the apple site for cable connections and assumed they all required it.
    Just removed the Ethernet cable, ran set up again and was good to go.

  • AirPort Extreme + AirPort Express ≠ bridge to server

    Here's the dilemma: my office recently purchased a multifunction Toshiba printer, which must be accessed wirelessly to print, scan, etc. This is accomplished via a server (aka the "Fiery").
    Our LAN centers on an AirPort Extreme (802.11a/n - 802.11b/g/n), which provides our internet access via its ethernet connection to a cable modem. Originally we extended the network via a Cisco Linksys bridge, which recently was rendered useless by a power outage.
    Thinking that keeping everything within the Apple family would obviate some of the troubles we had to deal with when using the Cisco bridge, I added an AirPort Express, plugging it directly into the surge suppressor that protects the Fiery and the printer. The Express connects to the Fiery via ethernet.
    While both Extreme and Express were showing solid greens in AirPort Utility, and I had set up the Extreme to "create" the network and the Express to "extend" it, I still cannot connect to the printer from my Mac—the whole point of this exercise. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Hello Vernassoc. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    If your goal is to provide Ethernet connectivity to the printer using the 802.11n AirPort Express Base Station (AXn), you don't necessarily need to configure both base stations for an extended wireless network.
    Instead, you can configure the AXn as a ProxySTA. (Apple's term of a wireless Ethernet bridge.) As a ProxySTA, the AXn would "join" the wireless network created by the 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn) and have its Ethernet port enabled for wired clients.
    To activate ProxySTA, you must set up the Express to join a wireless network and then enable the Allow Ethernet Clients setting; both settings are located in the Wireless tab of AirPort Utility. The feature should work with any wireless network: a, b, g, or n; and 5GHz or 2.4GHz. (Note that the Express, which ships with firmware 7.3, must also be updated to firmware 7.3.1 for this feature to appear.)

  • Airport express bridge mode funktioniert nicht richtig

    Der AE lässt sich als Bridge zur Audio-Anlage leicht einrichten und funktioniert sofort, sowohl wenn er per LAN Kabel mit dem Router verbunden wird als auch per WLAN. Mein Problem ist, daß nach Neustart des Windows 8 Rechners der AE nicht mehr erkannt wird, auch das Airport Dienstprogramm findet ihn nicht. Man muss dann den AE resetten per Stromstecker rausziehen und wieder rein. Will ich aber nicht länger hinnehmen. Weiss hier jemand Rat?

    I bought an Airport Express and plugged it in just to the power, no ethernet, and set it up to join a network
    The "join" setting on the Express will not provide more wireless coverage.
    Check the setting on the Express again using AirPort Utility - Manual Setup
    Click the Wireless tab just under the row of icons
    The setting for Wireless Mode needs to be "Extend a wireless network".
    "Join a wireless network" will not do what you want.

  • Will the new Airport Express bridge to my Xbox and play AirTunes?

    I have a dual band AirPort Extreme and would like to purchase an Airport Express for my Xbox.  I'd like to connect the Express to my wifi network and use the Ethernet jack to get my Xbox onto the network.   I'd also like to stream AirTunes to my stereo at the same time.  Is this possible? Thanks!

    You might want to keep in mind that you will not have a "true" Ethernet connection here. The quality of the Ethernet connection will only be as good as the speed of the wireless "hop" between the AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express.
    In other words, since the Xbox connection depends on wireless, you may as well connect the Xbox using wireless....especially if your wireless signal is greater than normal "n" speeds of 130 Mbps.
    Remember, the Ethernet port on the Express is limited to 100 Mbps, so wireless may well be a faster connection than Ethernet to the Xbox.
    To realize the advantage of a "true" Ethernet connection to the network, you will need to connect an Ethernet cable from the Xbox to the AirPort Extreme....not the AirPort Express.

  • Airport Express bridge mode over WPA2 Enterprise?

    I have an Airport Extreme running WPA2 Enterprise with RADIUS on a Snow Leopard Server. Is it possible to have the Express join the WPA2 Enterprise network as an ethernet bridge? I can't seem to set it up. Something tells me this only works with WPA2 Personal?

    When you set up the APExtreme through Server Admin, it takes care of all the secret passwords and what-have-you. I did some digging on Apple's site, and it looks like the APExpress can only act as a bridge on WPA2 Personal networks and below. No worries; I am just temporarily running an engineer's SIP phone over wireless, so I brought an old Buffalo router I had kicking around at home into the office; set it up as a WPA2 Personal access point, and have him running off of that with the APExpress as the bridge. This is just a stopgap until I can get him a proper ethernet drop. Thanks for the help regardless.

  • Creating a bridge with airport extreme (base) and airport express

    i am having trouble creating a bridge with airport extreme (base) and airport express. i got the airport express to connect to my network. Airtunes sees it fine. i have an iMac (running Tiger) connected to the airport express via ethernet which i was hoping to get internet on (the iMac doesn't not have built in wireless and i had a spare airport express). now the airport express is no longer visible to the airport setup assistant on that iMac. but, like i mentioned, Airtunes is working fine, and the light is green.
    i'm new to the wireless stuff. i am sure i just missed a step. how do i get the iMac to connect to the internet via my airport express bridging to my airport extreme wireless network?
    your help is appreciated.

    You can do this with the equipment you have. Configure the AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) to act as a WDS main base station and configure the AirPort Express (AX) to act as a WDS remote base station. That will allow you to use the Ethernet port on the AX.
    Unfortunately WDS also causes the available wireless bandwidth to be cut in half.

  • Bridge Airport Extreme to Airport Express (primary)

    This may be a sort of silly question since most people use their Airport Extreme as the primary router and the Airport Express bridged but right now I am wondering if it is possible to have my Airport Express hooked up to the DSL line, etc. and have this picked up by the Airport Extreme to be a secondary router.
    The reason I am doing this is because there is no phone jack beside my desk where I have several hard drives and a printer to be attached to the Airport Extreme and accessed wirelessly. Therefore, I want to put the Airport Express just across the room to be the only thing plugged in so that I don't have a printer/hard drives just randomly in the middle of the room.
    Can someone tell me if this is possible and if so, if it will affect my internet performance as well as the power in terms of distance of the Airport Extreme?

    Yes that is possible. It doesn't matter which one is the main base station and which one is the remote base station.

  • Arris Cable Modem + Airport Express = double NAT = weird resolution

    I have a cable modem (Arris TM402P/110), which (theoretically) is a modem only, to which I have connected Airport Express. I was getting a yellow light and a double NAT signal from Airport. And, my daughter's PC was getting bumped off the connection intermittently.  When switching to "bridge" mode on Airport, the problem is resolved, and we are all accessing the Wi-Fi (iMac, 3 iphones, and 2 androids), and the light is now green on the router. How is this happening, if there's no router in my cable modem?  Does this make sense to anyone?
    Doesn't airport express "bridge" mean that the Airport Express router function is nullified?
    Is there something connected to my system functioning as a router otherwise, and I don't know it?!  Nothing else is plugged into the modem except the Airport!

    If your client devices are all able to connect, it would appear the Arris TM402P/110 is in fact functioning as a router.
    The documentation seems to imply as much, in that it states you can connect two or more computers directly to its LAN port:
    To connect two or more computers to the Ethernet port, you will need a hub or broadband router
    If it were strictly a modem, connecting a hub to it would not work.
    Wittymermaid wrote:
    Doesn't airport express "bridge" mean that the Airport Express router function is nullified?
    Yes. The documentation does not describe how to disable the Arris's router.
    This is an old modem. While searching for your answer I determined that it does not support IPv6, which could be a problem in the future.

  • Dying Airport Express?  Can see network, but can't connect

    I have an airport express bridged from my time capsule using wired ethernet. No problem with the TC. The AE will show up in the list of available networks (separate name) but I often can't connect to it using my iPhone. In Airport Utility I can't see it, either. The light is green, however.
    If I unplug it and replug it, it works again, however, and can be seen by Airport Utility, my iPhone, and laptop. It had been working brilliantly for a year set up this way, and I've had it for 3+ years with no real issues.
    Is this a dying AEx or are there other things I should look into.

    Yes, if I set "Security" to "None," the G4 can connect. But I set it up after I found my next-door neighbor's shared files folder listed on my network this morning. He's an OK guy, but it made me aware of how vulnerable my network is.
    My firmware is version 9.52. I've prowled the Apple site looking for an indication of whether that's the latest, but couldn't find one. My "Software Update" says everything's up-to-date.

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