Airport Express/Extreme Skipping

I recently added an Airport Express to my network. Annoyingly, since doing so, it skips, especially during the evening hours.
I've tried changing the channel of the Airport Extreme, which helps until the following day (I've tried all channels) and tried setting it to automatic.
The only thing that I could possible see correlating to the skipping is my wife coming home with her iPhone. But, that would put four devices on the wireless network.
1. My laptop
2. My iPhone.
3. Wife's iPhone.
4. Wireless printer (not physically connected to airport express).
To convey how annoying this is would require an icon of me taking a hammer to the express and extreme. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Pleeeeease post if you find any answers! I'm having the same problems.
I have itunes playing through 'multiple speakers' and in that list is 'computer' (the built-in speakers), an airport express (connected to speakers) and apple tv. And every so often (like once a minute or so?) the sound drops from the remote speakers. It keeps playing through the computer, the the airport express and apple tv go silent. It seems to come back, after anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.
It's supremely frustrating.
And I can't find any rhyme or reason to it. I never had this problem before I moved, and once I moved I switched ISPs, and had some massive network issues- but they've all be resolved. So I don't know if it's something with my network (though I'd think if it were a network problem it would simply "not work", not "work sometimes".) There have also been some airport updates and system updates too, so it's hard to pinpoint it.
But I'm glad I'm not alone, and any suggestions are MORE than welcome!

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    Airport express / extreme / Time Capsule Range
    Can anyone please tell me what is the approximate range of Apple Airport Products.
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    - - - Akshay k. (ACMT)

    The range is about 50 meters or 150 feet.....but this assumes that the AirPort is being used in a very large open space like a aircraft hangar.....with no obstructions in the signal path.
    Chances are, your home is laid out a bit differently, so without knowing a number of variable factors like.....
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    2) The actual construction type of the walls, ceilings, etc
    3) Heavy furniture, large mirrors, etc. in the signal path
    4 ) Other wireless networks around your home
    5) Other wireless devices like cordless phones, BlueTooth devices, etc.
    It would be impossible to tell you what the actual range might be in your home.
    In general, assuming normal modern home construction, you would not want the wireless signal to pass through more than 2 or 3 walls....since each wall will absorb on average about 15-25% of the wireless signal. A ceiling will absorb even more because of its thickness.

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    Should I buy airport express, extreme or time capsule?  I have my new Mac Pro. 2 iPhones, 2 iPads , and grandchildren who come with their devices.  I live in a two-level house.

    A Time Capsule is an AirPort Extreme with a built in hard drive to allow your Mac(s) to back up automatically, so it's a logical choice if you need a wireless router and back up capabilities for your Macs
    The AIrPort Extreme has a bit better antenna arrangement than an AirPort Express, so it would be a good choice for a two level house.
    Depending on the location of the "main" wireless router, you may find that you still need to add an extender or two in other parts of the house for full, fast wireless coverage. The AirPort Express is a good choice for this duty.
    To compare the 3 Apple devices, see this Apple support document:
           Compare Apple Wi-Fi base stations          AirPort Express    AirPort Extreme    Time Capsule    

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    The key to streaming is high and consistent bandwidth availability.

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    2.16Ghz 17" Macbook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   1.8GHz Power Mac G5

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    Of the two, only the 802.11n AirPort Express Base Station (AXn) would provide for a connection to speakers.
    Both the 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn) and the AXn are Internet wireless routers. Both support connecting a printer via either Ethernet or USB. Note; however, that the AirPorts can only share printers attached to their USB ports. Printers attached to their Ethernet ports would have to be Network-Ready. Meaning that they would need to provide their own means to provide sharing on the network.
    If your existing router is NOT another AirPort, then extending its range with either AirPort would, most likely, not work ... at least, not via a wireless connection. It may be possible to extend the wireless range if either AirPort could be connected back to this router by Ethernet.

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    K3vin, Welcome to the discussion area!
    See the thread "Who's on my network".

  • Airport express/extreme and iTunes configuration

    I recently purchased a Macbook Air 10.9.3, to replace my 7 year old white Macbook 10.6.8.  I connected the air to my home wireless network which was running through an Airport express (A1088).
    Recently I started having issues with the network (having to restart the airport frequently).  In an attempt to troubleshoot this, I reset the airport extreme.
    Bad idea.  After the reset, the Air would no longer find the airport Express "this version of airport utility doesn't support this base station".  I tried to use my old macbook (which has Airport utility 5.6.1) to configure it, but just couldn't get it right.  The more I messed around, the worse I think I made it.  I could get the airport and a network on the old macbook, but it wouldn't connect to the internet.
    So after I ran out of ideas, I bought a new Airport Express.  That solved the internet problem on my new MB Air, but I still can't get the internet on the old Macbook - even with the new Airport express - I've obviously stuffed up a setting somewhere.
    So, now that I had a redundant Airport express, I thought that I could use it to connect a speaker to for Airplay.
    I've done another factory reset on the old Airport express and attempted (using the old macbook) to configure it using the instructions here... how to use my airport express just to stream music, no interent
    Current situation is:
    - I have internet on the Macbook Air via a new Airport Express
    - I have no internet on the old Macbook 10.6.8 but it can see the old Airport express (and also the network running from the new Airport that's working on the new MB Air)
    - I have a speaker connected to the Airport Extreme, but neither Mac can see the speaker (I'm assuming that I'll see the name of Airport in the airplay drop down?
    What I want is
    - To be able to use the Airport Extreme for Airplay
    - to get internet back on the old Macbook (any suggestions for something that I might have missed?)
    Please be gentle, I am now confused and have found similar posts a bit too technical for me to understand or replicate.
    For Airplay - Do I need to connect the Airports to each other?  Or do I need to just find a way to configure the old Airport Extreme using my old Macbook, so that I will be able to see it from the new Air and then I will be able to see the speaker in iTunes?
    For the old Macbook that won't connect to the internet - I've tried the following:
    - matching the network settings that are working on the MB Air
    Nice basic instructions please!

    Additional information...
    When I try to match the network settings from the MB Air on the old MB it tells me that another computer is already using this IP address.  These are the settings currently on the MB Air that are working.
    These are the settings on the Airport Express..

  • HT1998 When will Apple release an new firmware update (7.6.5 or higher) for the Airport Express/Extreme?

    I am sure most of you know how terrible the 7.6.3 firmware for the airpot express/extreme is.  I was on the phone with Apple technical support and they had admitted there are issues with this lastest firmware and confirmed they are working on it.  I know how well Apple fixes their issues however it has been over 6 months and nothing.  Because of all these issues, I have had to roll back all my airport equipment to 7.6.1 mainly to use the Airplay feature. Is there any projection for a new update or is Apple just ignoring this issue!?

    What problem are you having exactly? I have updated  to 7.6.3 and AirPlay works just fine in fact better especially with iTunes. All my wireless devices show up  as soon as they are turned on or  in range.
    Not trying to predict anything here, but if the firmware update  IS defective software, Apple probably would've fixed it by now.

  • Airport express/extreme weirdness

    Hey, all.
    I have an AirPort Extreme as my main router. I have an airport express in a building next door that I am using to extend my wireless network. Has worked pretty well for a while now.
    Just switched internet providers, and my AirPort Extreme started blinking amber, but, weirdly, everything seemed to work fine.  But it bugged me that it's not green.  At one point in my search to fix this, I was given an onscreen prompt to switch from "DCHP AND NAT" to "Off (bridge mode" which I did and voila!  Green light on the AirPort Extreme.
    Happiness until it started noticing that my airport express started behaving badly!  First it linked to another airport express in the airport utility graph instead of linking directly to the AirPort Extreme like it had before. Then it just started only staying connected for about 10 minutes at a time, then blinking amber and dropping off the network.
    So I switched BACK to the original "DCHP AND NAT" setting and now everything is working fine again...except that my AirPort Extreme is blinking amber again!
    Any thoughts?  I guess I'm just worried that an amber blinking AirPort Extreme doesn't seem reliable, but at the same time, everything with my networks and internet seems to be working that way. Would love to hear any theories.  Thanks!

    The range is about 50 meters or 150 feet.....but this assumes that the AirPort is being used in a very large open space like a aircraft hangar.....with no obstructions in the signal path.
    Chances are, your home is laid out a bit differently, so without knowing a number of variable factors like.....
    1) How many walls there will be in the signal path between wireless devices
    2) The actual construction type of the walls, ceilings, etc
    3) Heavy furniture, large mirrors, etc. in the signal path
    4 ) Other wireless networks around your home
    5) Other wireless devices like cordless phones, BlueTooth devices, etc.
    It would be impossible to tell you what the actual range might be in your home.
    In general, assuming normal modern home construction, you would not want the wireless signal to pass through more than 2 or 3 walls....since each wall will absorb on average about 15-25% of the wireless signal. A ceiling will absorb even more because of its thickness.

  • Airport express/extreme performance

    I am going to buy either an airport extreme or airport express. It will be used only for Internet access for my ipad.
    I did a google search and found a lot of information on the airport extreme, and it should meet my needs fine. Because of cost and portability, I would prefer the airport express, but I have not been been able to find anything on it, especially as to performance (e.g. how well it penetrates walls in a house).
    Does anyone know of any reviews or other performance information on the airport express?
    BTW, the airport will be connected to my Verizon Fios Actiontec router. I will disable the wifi radio in the Actiontec. Also, I will probably buy direct from Apple refurbished.

    I happened to notice that the technical specifications for the airpot extreme on the apple site indicate that the "wireless protocols" are "IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n". In contrast, the corresponding technical specifications for the airport express are shown as "Draft 802.11n" and "802.11a/b/g". A footnote to the airport express but not the airport extreme technical specifications indicates that:
    The AirPort Express Base Station is based on an IEEE 802.11n draft specification and is compatible with IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, and IEEE 802.11g.
    I looked at the pertinenet wikipedia page, and it contained the following:
    802.11n is a recent amendment which improves upon the previous 802.11 standards by adding multiple-input multiple-output antennas (MIMO) and many other newer features. The IEEE has approved the amendment and it was published in October 2009.[9][10] Prior to the final ratification, enterprises were already migrating to 802.11n networks based on the Wi-Fi Alliance's certification of products conforming to a 2007 draft of the 802.11n proposal.
    So, it appears that the airport express has not been updated. Does this make a difference in performance or compatbility with my iPad? I really don't want to overthink this issue, but the reason I am buying an airport device is to solve problems I am having with my verizon fios actiontec wireless router, and I do want to solve the problem.

  • Airport express\extreme problems

    i hooked up my new airport extreme and it is working... but now im trying to set up my airport express and it wont work... can i join the two together?

    I believe I have it figured out ...
    Just havent moved my xbox upstairs yet to see if the eth connection works or not ..
    But that doc that everyone references us to is old. The whole auto configure stuff is not there.
    For both the Base and AX i used manual mode to configure
    So i configured it as a WDS.
    Some quick notes thrown together from memory-
    Make a note of your MAC address of your AX and Base stations (known as the Airport ID)
    Make a note of your network name from your base
    Pick a channel for your wireless from your base - ie 11 make a note of it
    Go into you base - change your type to participate in WDS network.
    Click on your WDS tab, make it a main type
    Click on allow wireless clients
    That next box where it asks for a client or something - click that + sign.
    Plug in the MAC address of your AX - give it name - hit ok and update -
    When it comes up you will notice the status of the base is yellow - it should be because there are no WDS relays connected ..
    Now with your AX plugged into the wall .. click your network icon and join the other network that is the name of your AX Apple something -
    Once you are connected to that network and you see it in airport utility - highlight the AX and click manual configure -
    Type change it to participate in WDS network
    Channel - use the same channel that your base uses
    Network name - type in the same name as the network name as the bases network name
    WEP - 128 - (if you used wep) - type in the password - the password that u used when you set up your bases wep
    go to the WDS tab - type - network relay
    Base station - click the + sign and enter in the the MAC address of your base
    and use the ol bridge only mode - so ip addresses are dished out from the base ..
    click update ..
    Then once it restarts both the base and the AX should have green lights ..
    Think thats about it - if anyone has any input if i did anything wrong please let me know -

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