Airport express used to extend Wi-Fi doesn't improve reception

My iPad, iPhone, and MacBook air typically only show one bar of Wi-Fi reception on the 2nd floor of our home and have problems staying connected to the home network. I added an Airport express to the 2nd floor and configured it successfully to join and extend (wirelessly) the existing Wi-Fi network (Linksys ES3400). The problem is that all of these devices still only show one bar of Wi-Fi reception on the 2nd floor of our home, even when they are right next to the AirPort Express. What am I missing?

How did you accomplish this? Normally, you cannot extend the network of a non-Apple router. Read the following from Bob Timmons:
The AEX will indeed function to extend the network if it connects using Ethernet in Bridge Mode and it is configured to create a wireless network using the same wireless network name and password as the LinkSys router network.
But, you really don't need to be concerned with the "jargon" here, since any of the AirPort Utility 6.x versions will literally take care of the setup automatically.
All that you need to do is enter the name of the network, assign a device name for the AirPort and password, and click Next.

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    The Linksys WRT54G and WRT54GS (not latest versions v5) are the only 2 known Linksys routers compatible with Apple's WDS.
    So if you are using one of those routers you should be able to do it.
    If you are using a different router it probably will not work.

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    What model is the TC?
    If you are extending the TC by wireless then the channel must be set on the TC not the Express.
    Go to the wireless tab of the airport utility and select wireless options. Channels are there.
    But if you have the new AC model the channel will not change for 5ghz.. you will not be able to adjust it even if you change the numbers..
    You really should use 2.4ghz for areas where signal is bad.. it is still much better than 5ghz.

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    No, Apple products will only wirelessly extend the signal from other Apple products.
    Another way of saying the same thing is that you must have two Apple AirPort routers if you want to extend the signal wirelessly.

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    You can do this, but as you might imagine, that is going to place even more of a load on the weakest link....the wireless "hop"......between your AirPort Extreme and the current AirPort Express.
    So, things will slow down even more. Whether or not that will be acceptable to your guests is open to question. Light browsing and email should be OK. Someone trying to download a large file is going to be waiting longer than they might consider normal.
    Things like this, you simply cannot predict in advance. Might be a good idea to understand the store's return policy if the new Express puts more of load on the network than is expected.

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    That article addresses installing AU 5.6 on a Mountain Lion system, not the ability to "wirelessly extend" an 802.11b/g - only Express. That ability is available for 802.11n - capable base stations only:
    Multiple Wi-Fi base station network types
    If you need to extend the range of your wireless network, which method should you use?
    For 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi base stations:
    Roaming Network (Recommended)
    Wirelessly Extended Network
    For 802.11g Wi-Fi base stations:
    Roaming Network (Recommended)
    Which of the above configurations applies to your network?

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    How can I set up an older airport express using the newest airport utilities?
    Unfortunately you can't, since Apple dropped support of the older AirPorts with AirPort Utility 6.x.
    Using some workarounds....not supported by might be able to download and install an older version of AirPort Utility that would allow you to administer the older AirPort.
    See this thread for more details and instructions:

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    Problem solved in seconds!
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    Check these discussions:
    Best bets to extend/boost signals from Airport and AP Extreme
    How to extend and Extreme network using Express

  • To configure Airport Express as an extender to Airport Extreme ?

    - I have an Airport Extreme , its been there for 2 years
    - I forgot the admin password to login to the airport extreme, but I remember
    the wireless password. I cannot rest it as I cannot loose the configuration.
    - Now yesterday I brought a new Airport Express to make this as an wireless
    extender to the current Airport Extreme wireless what I already have.
    1) While configuring this new Airport Express as an extender to my current wireless setup (Airport Extreme), does it need the ADMIN password of the airport extreme anywhere ?
    2) Will there be any difference in the wireless signal & strength in the below
    setup ?
    Airport Extreme <== connected through CAT6 network cable ==> Airport Express
    Airport Extreme <== connected wireless ==> Airport Express

    Welcome to the discussion area, johnpau2009!
    I have an Airport Extreme , its been there for 2 years
    Just to confirm which version you have, is your AirPort Extreme (AEBS) square shaped with rounded corners, or is it round and shaped like a flying saucer?
    I forgot the admin password to login to the airport extreme
    Push the reset button on the back of the AEBS for 1 second and give it 20-25 seconds to restart. You now have about 4 minutes to make changes. If you are asked for the admin or device password, try "public" (without the quotation marks)
    Click the Base Station tab below the row of icons to check then name of your AEBS and type in a new admin or device password. (Might be a good idea to write this down).
    Click the Wireless tab below the row of icons and look for an option with a check box to "Allow this network to be extended". Enter a check mark here.
    Write down the name of the wireless network you have established and the exact setting that you see for Wireless Security because you will need that information to configure the AirPort Express (AX) to provide additional wireless coverage
    Click Update at the lower right to save your changes and the AEBS will restart in 25-30 seconds and you should have a green light.
    Post back on your progress at this point.
    2) Will there be any difference in the wireless signal & strength in the below
    setup ?
    Connecting devices using ethernet cable connections is always the better way to go because this provides much better bandwidth (speed) for the wireless network and it allows you to place the AirPort Express in the location where it's really needed.
    Using wireless only to extend can work well if you have close to a line of sight relationship between the AEBS and AX. There's nothing wrong with trying this first to see if it will provide the performance you want if you're not anxious to pull ethernet cable through the house.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Airport Express can only extend network, not create new one. Why?

    I am sharing a flat with some friends. The shared broadband router is placed in the living room. To strengthen the signal and make it easier for me to manage, I bought an Airport Express, connected it to the shared router with an ethernet cable and set up a wireless network of my own in my room. It was working fine, until recently we renewed our broadband contract. The router had been replaced by a new one (I don't know why) and the network configration had been changed. Since then I was not able to use my own network. In the Airport Utility display, the light of Airport Express is green, but the light of Internet is yellow, and the status is disconnected. I tried to change various other configuration on the Airport Express, and all in vain. Until I switched the network mode from 'Create a new wireless network' to 'Extend a wireless network', the Internet connection was finally back online. But this merely extends the existing network and not what I want. Why this happens? Why my Airport Express can only extend a network, not create one?

    Here is the situation on my Airport Express.
    If I choose to extend the existing wireless network, the Airport Utility shows like this:
    If I set up a wireless network of my own, what I get in the Airport Utility is this:
    See my problems here? The Airport Express does not show anything in amble, but the Internet complains that there is no connection.
    This problem did not occur before the broadband was renewed and the rounter was replaced.

  • AirPort Express will not extend Wireless Network

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    In the cases where the AirPort base stations would be interconnected by Ethernet you want to configure then for a roaming network, NOT an extended network. Apple uses the term "extended" when the base stations use wireless connection. Regardless of naming convention the end results is pretty much the same.
    The link I provided should provide you with the necessary steps to set this type of network up.
    If you need additional help, please start a new post as the solution for you will be different than the OPs. Thx!

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    When the Express is configured to "extend" it is a wireless repeater.
    "Adding Wi-Fi base stations when it is unnecessary
    Speaks for itself
    can reduce Wi-Fi throughput because the Wi-Fi network will require more data management overhead."
    As will adding another computer, iPhone or any wireless device to the network, for that matter.
    FWIW, I have run 4 AirPort Expresses all setup to "extend" and noticed nothing except faster Internet browsing and download speeds throughout the house. can connect the AirPort Express to the AirPort Extreme using an Ethernet connection, that will provide better overall performance. That is the way any commercial network is designed, except on a much larger scale.

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    Thought the AX might have failed. However, the AX will connect to the AE network just fine. It just won't extend the network.
    Any ideas will be most appreciated.

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