Airport Extreme utility not discovering base station

Strange problem since I upgraded to Leopard 10.5.5, my Airport Extreme Base Station is not being discovered by the Airport utility so that I can adjust the settings even when the network is connected.
I am having frequent drops outs of the connection and when I can finally get connected ie. right now, I can access the internet as normal and I am connected to my home network but the airport utility still won't discover the base station???? Lights are all green and all seems OK?
Can anyone help?

1. Repair Permissions - /Applications/Utilities/Disk Start Disk Utility, select your HD and click on Repair Permissions. When finished, quit Disk Utility and then restart your computer.
2. Reset PRAM - hold down Option-Command-P-R keys when starting until you hear the startup chime a 2nd time.
3. Safe Mode Startup - hold down the Shift-key at startup until you see the login screen. When logged-in, then go to System Preferences/Network/AirPort
- click on the 'Network Name:' roll-button, select 'Join Other Network...', enter 'Network Name and select the security type you are using, and finally, enter your Password and click 'Join'.
If ISP uses DHCP:
- click on 'Advanced', TCP/IP and confirm that 'Configure IPv4:' is set to 'Using DHCP', click 'OK'.
- click the 'Apply' button and exit System Preferences.
1. Turn power off to ISP modem and AirPort Base Station, and shutdown computer - leave power off for 10 minutes.
2. Turn on modem and wait for it to complete its test cycle. Then turn on the AirPort Base Station.
3. Turn on computer and select your wireless network using the AirPort status menu in the menu bar. Then check if AirPort Base Station appears in AirPort Utility.
4. If AirPort Base Station is not seen in AirPort Utility, quit AirPort Utility and turn AirPort Off using the AirPort status menu in the menu bar. Wait 30 seconds and turn the AirPort On again.
5. Check if AirPort Base Station appears in AirPort Utility.

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  • Airport Extreme Utility not recognizing base station; flashing amber light

    I'm using a PC with a Linksys PCI W54G PCI Adapter card. My Bellsouth DSL connection has worked fine using a direct ethernet connection. I'm now trying to setup a new Airport Extreme for wireless, but cannot get the utility to recognize the base station. The amber light flashes. I have tried resetting and rebooting. Still nothing. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Repair Permissions - /Applications/Utilities/Disk Start Disk Utility, select your HD and click on Repair Permissions. When finished, quit Disk Utility and then restart your computer.
    2. Reset PRAM - hold down Option-Command-P-R keys when starting until you hear the startup chime a 2nd time.
    3. Safe Mode Startup - hold down the Shift-key at startup until you see the login screen. When logged-in, then go to System Preferences/Network/AirPort
    - click on the 'Network Name:' roll-button, select 'Join Other Network...', enter 'Network Name and select the security type you are using, and finally, enter your Password and click 'Join'.
    If ISP uses DHCP:
    - click on 'Advanced', TCP/IP and confirm that 'Configure IPv4:' is set to 'Using DHCP', click 'OK'.
    - click the 'Apply' button and exit System Preferences.
    1. Turn power off to ISP modem and AirPort Base Station, and shutdown computer - leave power off for 10 minutes.
    2. Turn on modem and wait for it to complete its test cycle. Then turn on the AirPort Base Station.
    3. Turn on computer and select your wireless network using the AirPort status menu in the menu bar. Then check if AirPort Base Station appears in AirPort Utility.
    4. If AirPort Base Station is not seen in AirPort Utility, quit AirPort Utility and turn AirPort Off using the AirPort status menu in the menu bar. Wait 30 seconds and turn the AirPort On again.
    5. Check if AirPort Base Station appears in AirPort Utility.

  • Airport Utility fails to see Airport Extreme Only an Older Base Station no longer connected

    Very weird what's happened... earlier this morning there was a power failure (none of my 2 computers were ON, and they are plugged in thru UPS with power surge/outage capabilities).
    I turned my old Macbook Pro (2007) and everythign is fine. My Mac Pro (2008) is fine but it can't connect to the internet.
    I've resetted both the modem and the Airport Extreme Base Station.
    I've restarted and resetted the PRAM on my Mac Pro.
    I've tried many times to diagnose it/change settings/create new network with Network and Airport Utility to no avail.
    When I open Airport Utility on the Macbook Pro, it shows the Airport Extreme and it all looks fine... when I open Airport Utility on the Mac Pro, it only sees an old Snow/Graphite Base Station I haven't had plugged in in a log time. It doesn't see anything else.
    I've tried trashing the Airport Utility preferences as well... but still nothing. The Wif Fi icon shows a '!'. When I click on it, the pull down menu shows an "Alert: No Internet Connection", but it still shows my network  (and the neighbours' network) and it even has the check mark next to my network... ???
    I'm running 10.8.5 and Airport Utility 6.3.1.
    Please. Help.

    Just a quick update, spent 90 minutes on the phone with apple support today.  If I boot the mac in safe mode, the airport utility can see the base station.
    In the course of trouble shooting, a test account was created, but the airport utility had the same issue.  It proved that there isn't anything wrong with any of the hardware at the very least, and points to user level configuration problems (unfortunately, I was not able to sort that out with support).

  • Help! Airport Utility not finding base station

    Hi. I just bought a used Airport Extreme base station on ebay. It's the 4th generation model -- A1354, also known as MC340LL/A. The owner claimed it's in mint condition and working fine.
    I got it today. It looks like it's in good shape and I plugged my Ethernet cable into it, and the base station's light turned green as it's supposed to.
    I am using an IMac (circa late 2007) running Mavericks.
    The problem I'm having is that Airport Utility is not finding the base station. I don't know what's going wrong and I don't know how to solve the problem. I've reset the base station and I've unplugged it and plugged it back in with no luck.
    Last year, I used an older airport extreme base station, one of the saucer shaped ones, and it would show up when I ran Airport Utility (I had to use an older version of the Aiport Utility app). I decided to upgrade to a newer base station because the saucer-shaped one kept dropping its wifi network.
    Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about why Aiport Utility is not noticing the base station. The manual that came with the base station didn't instruct on how to solve such a problem.

    Okay, feel free to disregard. I reset the Airport Extreme a second time and that seemed to do the trick.

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    I've tried resetting the modem and the base station countless times. I've reconfigured using different ethernet cables. I've disconnected the base station for over 30 minutes before powering up again. I can get a connection when I connect my modem directly to the mini. I've tried using different LAN ports to connect the base station to the computer.
    What should I try next? It's a really simple setup, and all I'm trying to do is to connect to the internet.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I know you have tried a series of resets, but please try the following with your Mac Mini connected directly, using an Ethernet cable, to one of the LAN ports of your 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn), and the AEBSn's WAN port connected (via Ethernet) to the DSL modem.
    Try the following, in order, until the Mac Mini is able to access the Internet:
    1. If the modem has a reset switch, use it to reset the modem. Wait at least 5-10 minutes for the modem to initialize.
    2. Remove power from the modem. If it has a backup battery, remove this as well. Wait 5-10 minutes. Replace the battery, and add power back to the modem.
    3. Perform a complete power recycle of your network components as follows:
    Modem/Router Power Recycling - Quick
    o Power-off the modem, AEBSn, & computer(s); Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the modem; Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the AEBSn; Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the computer(s)
    If this fails to get the modem to "recognize" the Internet router, then try the "Full" version.
    Modem/Router Power ReCycling - Full
    o Power-off the modem, AEBSn, & computer(s). (Wait at least 30 minutes. If possible, leave the modem off overnight.)
    o Power-on the modem; Wait at least 15 minutes.
    o Power-on the AEBSn; Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the computer(s)
    4. Contact your ISP to have them perform a "modem reset."

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    Thanks guys for the quick response. However, (perhaps I'm an idiot) but the only thing that happened when I punched in the IP address you gave me into the browser was "could not find the server". No utility opened. I tried it in both Safari and Firefox to the same affect. Am I doing that right?
    iMac G4 1.33 ghz OSX.4.2

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    I've spent the last hour online trying to find out and am losing the will to live....
    I have an old white base station simply called Airport Base Station (there are 4 sockets on the back of it 1. Phone line 2. WAN ethernet 3. LAN ethernet 4. power supply)
    I want to configure it using my Windows machine as my old MAC has died.
    Hope someone can help.

    Geoff, welcome to the discussions area.
    A model number of the AirPort Extreme would really help us help you here and minimize the chances of providing the wrong information to you.
    It's usually on the back or on the bottom of the device. Something like A1034 maybe?
    If you can't find the model number, you could take a chance with AirPort Utility 7.4.2 for Windows. No guarantees here, I'm afraid, but it won't take long to try.
    Both the Windows Firewall and/or anti-virus software on a PC may try to block the connection from AirPort Utility to your device, so you may need to go into the applications to "allow" the connection or temporarily disable the applications until you can configure the AirPort Extreme.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Airport utility does not support base station? Help!

    I cannot get base station light to turn green. Blinking amber. I upgraded to a new Verizon modem and since then the base station does not work. What can I do?

    Make sure the new Verizon Modem is not also a WiFi Router, if it is then that may be your issue.  If it is indeed just a Modem then your Ethernet Connection should work and your base station should be working.  You said "Airport Utility does not support base station".  Don't know what you meant by that.  Do you have an Airport Extreme, Airport Express or a Airport TC as a Base Station?  If yes, you should be able to set up your Network via Airport Utility.  If the Verizon Modem is only a Modem then unplug the power from your Airport Base Station, then unplug the Power from your Verizon Modem for at least 1-minute.  Plug the Modem back in and give it a moment or so, then make sure you do have an Ethernet cable going from your Verizon provided Modem to your WAN port on your Airport Base Station.  Now power up your Airport Base Station and go to your Airport Utility.  Find the Base Station and click on Edit...  Make sure your Network Name is correct, your Password is Correct, your Security method is correct (example:  WPA2 Personal).  If all correct see if your blinking Amber light is now Solid Green. 

  • Airport extreme can not be recognized?, Airport extreme can not be recognized?, Airport extreme can not be recognized?

    My Airport Extreme Station (4th Generation) is all of a sudden not recogized by the Airport Utility Software. I rebooted the Airport Extreme device a few times, disconnected it completely, and did it set it back to the factory default setting. No recognition. I tried configurating it with all my devices; IPhone 4S, IPad, MacBookPro and new iMac. Always the same message, even though I have internet access through the Airport default Wifi-ID. So the the Airport device works properly. Just no access for configuration, Does anyone has an advice to get back into the Airport Set-up through the Airport Utility program? Thank you.

    Hello loving-truth,
    I understand that your Airport Extreme is not being recognized in AirPort Utility, however you are able to access the internet via the Wi-Fi signal. We can give the steps in the following article a shot:
    AirPort base station not seen or "An unexpected error occurred" appears in AirPort Utility 6.3
    Matt M.

  • IMac could not  'find'  base station. (Previously working)

    Today I found that my iMac (20" Core 2 Duo with built in Airport card) was not talking to my Airport Extreme 802.11n base station.
    The base station had a green light and was talking OK with another machine upstairs so there was nothing wrong with the internet connection (or the cable broadband router) or the base station.
    I re-booted the iMac but still no connection. I scanned for base stations from the Airport utility. Nothing found.
    So I did the factory reset on the base station and scanned again and this time it 'found' it. Set up the network (passwords etc) from scratch and everthing working OK.
    Except now it would not talk to the PC upstairs. Checked on the Airport utility to see what channel was in use and found it had defaulted to 13. No problem. I changed it to 6 (our normal channel) and waited for the base station to reboot. Base station re-booted fine (green light) and PC upstairs connected. Good.
    BUT. Now could not find base station from iMac again!
    So I went through the whole process again, once to make sure the fault was repeatable and once again to set a new channel to 10.
    Now everything works great again. Everything talking to everything else (including iMac and upstairs PC) but using channel 10 now instead of the old channel 6.
    I dont know why this fault should suddenly happen. Why a channel that has had no problems since install (months ago) should suddenly not work.
    The only thing different was the big Software Security download from Apple yesterday morning. But the network was OK for hours after that and there was no Airport software upgrades today (that I know of) and the base station is still on version 7.1.1.
    (One other strange thing I noticed. When running iStumbler after all this, I could see my network and the usual three other nearby networks near my home BUT they were all also now on channel 10 or 11 whereas they had all been on channel 6 previously just like mine had been. Weird.)
    I am in the UK in case things are different where you are.
    I would be interested to know if this has happened to you at some time especially in the last day or two.

    I don't know. I just reset the airport base station
    (before your post) and erased all network stuff to
    start from scratch.
    Should it use PPoE?
    That depends on your ISP. It would be in your ISP documentation.
    Should AppleTalk be active?
    TCP/IP and AFP (the replacement for AppleTalk) are required.

  • The USB port on my 4th generation Airport Extreme does not recognize any peripheral devices whatsoever.  In other words, it does not function at all.  What can I do?

    I have had my Airport Extreme for almost a year now.  I have not been able to get it to work.  It has never worked.  I have tried everything in the apple manuals, my peripheral device manuals, and online help.  My Airport Extreme Base Station has a completely dead USB port.  The USB connector does have voltage and ground.  Apparently there is no data transfer.  I do not know how to test the data pinouts.  I don't know if it is a software or driver problem, or if it is a hardware or wiring problem.  My computer is a mid-2009 13" MacBook Pro.  All of my external devices work well with the MacBook Pro.  The USB functionality on the MacBook Pro has always performed without a glitch.  It seems the problem with the Airport Extreme must either be a network communication problem or a hardware/hardwire problem.  I bought the Airport Extreme to build a home inTRAnet network.  I have a seperate 3rd party router for inTERnet.  Contrary to what the manuals declare, the initial setup of my Airport Extreme requires inTERnet setup during the process.  Even when the choice is made to limit the network access to LAN only, when I reach the end of the setup process, a prompts reads that the Airport Extreme may not function because I have not set it up for inTERnet with the WAN.  Well, Dah...  during the intial stages of the setup I told the machine to configure an inTRAnet only LAN setup.  So...  I went ahead and set it up for inTERnet and WAN.  Either way, the USB port is not working.  Then I set it up for the whole package, WAN, LAN, and everything.  Still... no function out of the USB port.  Any ideas?
    P.S.  The Ethernet works and so does the 802.11 tranceiver.  The USB port is the only problem, but a major, major one for my needs.  There is no peripheral functionality.

    Okay so I figured it out.  I inherited the Configurator already set up so I didn't realize that our former administrator was brilliant and set things up a little differently.  To anyone else who finds themselves in this spot try this:
    After you plug the iPad in and open Configurator instead of trying to 'Prepare' the device click 'Assign'
    There should be groups of Users listed on the left hand side of the screen.
    Select the group you want the ipad to be a part of, or make a new group. ***Note a group can be one person so this is a good feature for teachers to have individual app assignements for students.
    After you select the user group click the little plus ( + ) button on the bottom of the screen under the second column of info where names and device serial numbers should appear.
    Type the name of the person, group, whatever you want to identify that assignment by into the blank that pops up after you hit the plus ( + )
    Then select the assignment you just made and tohe 'Check Our' button at the bottom.  At this point a box will pop up with a window at the top listing all devices supervised by Configurator.  There is a tiny down arrow button that opens a scroll down menu to the right of this box.  Click that, then select the device connected by USB as the one to assign. 
    The name of the assignment you gave it will show on the lock screen now and you can assign apps and profiles to the device like you would any other device in your Configurator inventory. 
    Good Luck.

  • I am getting a "connection timeout" message when trying to access my Airport Extreme with various laptops, Play Station 3 and Wii. My Airport Extreme is about a month old; it was working fine until about a week ago. C

    I am getting a "connection timeout" message when trying to access my Airport Extreme with various laptops, Play Station 3 and Wii. My Airport Extreme is about a month old; it was working fine until about a week ago. Suddenly, the "timeout" is not allowing me to connect to my wireless network.

    It could be that there's a new source of interference.
    Use the advice in the second message of this thread to investigate the signal and noise levels that each client sees:
    By the way, you've been misled by the poor field labeling into trying to type your entire message into the subject field, instead of putting a one-line topic description there.

  • Set the Airport Extreme to not broadcast the SSID

    Set the Airport Extreme to not broadcast the SSID

    "Hiding" the SSID will do nothing to protect you from hackers.....and anyone else who wants to see your network, since there a numerous free utilities on the Internet that will reveal your network in seconds.
    On the other hand, it might keep a few honest neighbors from seeing the name of your wireless network.
    iOS devices often have trouble connecting to a "hidden" network, so you may need to display the network if your iPhone, iPad, etc have trouble connecting to the network.
    Your call on this.
    Assuming that you have Lion, Mountain Lion or Mavericks on your MacBook Pro.....
    Open Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > AirPort Utility
    Click on the AirPort Extreme icon, then click Edit in the smaller window
    Click the Wireless tab at the top of the next window
    Click Wireless Options at the bottom of the window
    Enter a check mark in the box next to Create Hidden Network
    Click Save, then click Update and allow a full minute for the AirPort Extreme to restart

  • Connects to Airport extreme but not to internet

    Whenever I close my laptop and reopen, I lose internet connection thru the airport extreme and I won't get it back. It seems that I will have connection to the Airport Extreme, but not the internet.
    Sometimes what fixes it is turning the airport off and then on again (sometimes multiple times). Usually restarting the computer fixes it (but not always).
    What happens is this (viewing Sysprefs/network/airport/network status and "internet connect"): the internet connect will report connecting...then will announce "connected", but show no "time elapsed" at the same time the Net status will read "airport is connected to it's own IP address and may or may not be connected to the internet" And I won't be.
    Then, when it starts working again (after the abovementioned turning off/on) it will start counting time elapsed, then in Net Status it will say "airport connected to you are connected to the internet via airport."
    Also, whenever I use "internet connect" to turn the airport off, when I turn it back on again I will not have internet access, just the messages I list above. The "strenth meter" will say my signal is good (which it should be) and it says I am connected but doesn't show "elapsed time" nor will I have actual internet access.
    Again, restarting the computer will usually work (less often, logging out then back in).
    Another strange symptom-- When I hit the "disconnect" button under the airport section of "internet connect" it disconnects, then reconnects immediately. When I hit the disconnect button w/ in the Sysprefs/network/airport...etc, it does nothing but bring to the front window the "internet connect" window. So the only way to "disconnect" is to turn off the airport (which results in the above problem).
    Side note--I am in the habit of turning off the airport (not the base, but from the computer) when I don't plan on using it for security-- am I being excessively paranoid? I do have my firewall in operation. Should I just leave it (being the airport) on all the time (in your humble opinion?
    Sorry if this makes no sense or rambles, it is now 5:30 am and She Who Must Be Obeyed will be getting up in about an hour wanting to know if I fixed the computer yet. I'm tired.
    Thank you in advance.
    17" powerbook 1.5 PPc G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    17" powerbook 1.5 PPc G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Try the following:
    Delete Preferred Network(s)
    - System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
    - In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
    - Delete the network(s) you regularly use from the list
    Delete AirPort Keychain Entries
    - Launch the "Keychain Access" application located in Applications/Utilties.
    - Click on the "Kind" filter at the top, and look for any "AirPort network password" entries...and delete them.
    - Restart, or log out then back in.
    Add Preferred Network(s)
    - System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Configure
    - In the "By default, join:" pull-down menu, select "Preferred networks"
    - Add the preferred network(s) using the "+" button.
    - Restart or log out then back in.

  • HT1178 Can I just use my airport express as the primary base station and the time capsule as the network client?

    I bought a new airport time capsule 3tb to be used to save to file all my pictures. Can I use it as network client and the airport express as the
    Primary base station?

    To my opinion this looks a bit like what I'm looking for.
    At the moment I have an Imac that is wireless connected to a 2TB time capsule (TC1).
    To this time capsule I have another 2TB time capsule (TC2) connected via a upt wire connection.
    At the moment there is a backup made via time machine from the Imac to the time capsule TC1 (the second TC is not used)
    I'm not so technical so I hope you understand the configuration.
    What do I want to achieve :
    copy all my data from the Imac to TC1 so that the information can be accessed by more users.
    create an automatic backup from TC1 to TC2 (mirror or raid system) for security.
    give access to some users on the network to access TC1 to read and write data.
    TC2 only serves as backup from TC1 and no direct access is needed to this disk.
    If there is a solution, thanks for explaining it in 'IT kindergarden style' so that I can understand and use the info.
    Many thanks in advance.

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