Airport utility problems

My airport utility won't open, get error windows needs windows 7 with service pack 2 or higher. I have that but every time I open to set up I get this error.

I have an Intel iMac running 10.5, and an iBook running 10.4. But both have the same problems.
I have a very old Airport (g) which is running fine. But on either of my computers, I cannot find "Airport Setup Assistant". Only "Airport Utility", and neither computers cannot find my Airport even though it is running fine (even after several rescans). When I run "Airport Setup Assistant for Graphite and Snow" on either computer, both reported that my machines do not have an Airport Card (even though both are talking fine with my g Airport). I also have an Airport Express, and cannot use it because Airport Utility cannot see it.
Can anyone help? old (g) Airport does not work with VPN.

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    Hi all
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    One any help in fixxing my problems and answering my questions is greatly appriecated.

    How old is your Airport Express?
    This is your main and only wireless base station?
    The new Extremem models do have Simultaneous Dual Band frequencies which allows the faster computers to connect to it with less outside interferrence from 2.4 MHz devices.
    These units also have a built-in 3 port hub if needed for other devices like printers and computers that don't have wireless.
    If you have an old express, it may be worth updating at least to a new model or an Airport Extreme.
    Entirely up to you.

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    My problem: The wired machine I use to configure and setup everything is a Vista Ultimate machine. Unfortunately, the Airport Utility won't connect to the Airport Extreme (or Airport Express for that matter) from Vista. The utility works fine from XP or OSX, but not from Vista. Note that I'm using this in a wired capacity. The Vista machine is directly connected to the Airport Extreme, while several other machine are connected through a GBit switch.
    Any help would be much appreciated? Is this a Vista security problem or an Airport Utility problem with Vista?

    It's most likely a security issue with Windows Vista. Vista has the ability to set "compatibility modes" for applications.
    1. right mouse clicking the Airport Utility's .exe file.
    2. Click the Compatibility tab. Change the Compatibility mode to Windows XP (Service Pack 2).
    3. Now go down to "Privilage Level" and check the "Run this program as an administrator"
    Apple never tells you this but you must connect to the Airport Extreme wirelessly. Now run the Airport Utility. You should see it.

  • Are you having problems with Windows XP Pro and Airport Utility Updates?

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    Well... it worked! :D
    I'm pretty sure the extra 512 memory stick was the problem, that would explain why it was being inconsistent with its type of failures before. I'm going to reinstall it later and run memtest86 and try and see if i can get it to work at all somehow without causing problems, cuz 1.5 was already low enough...
    DryHeat, yeah it was with SP2 but I got it installed now so no worries
    Thanks a lot!

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    To expand on the question, I have performed the following steps:
    1 - Unplugged external drive (1TB WD MyBook) from the Time Capsule
    2 - Reconnected it. At this point, AirPort utility for iOS5 reported a problem with the disk (Time Capsule light was blinking Orange)
    3 - Unplugged external drive, connected it to MacBook Pro, ran Disk Utility. It found no problems (disk visible straight away on the MacBook Pro).
    4 - Reconnected to Time Capsule - still doesn't show up under the "Disks" option under Air Port utility. Or rather, the hardware is visible (i.e the physical disk) but not the volume.
    5 - I tried another external hard drive, and the volume also doesn't appear in the Disk section under the AirPort utility.
    The WD disk is formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    This is a big problem for me, as the drive houses my iTunes library.
    Anyone else had a similar problem? It all worked flawlessly until last week.

    I love computers.
    Have managed to fix this already. Been working the issue for a few days now, and a few minutes after writing the above post I decided to reset the Time Capsule to factory default settings.
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    So - thought I would post my resolution in case it helps others.

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    Reboot the USB drive.. assuming it is powered.. or unplug and replug a self-powered drive.. (you should not use self-powered drives on AE before the latest model.. always use a powered hub).
    Does the drive now appear in finder..
    If not reboot both drive and the AE.. it should now appear.
    If it doesn't work with direct connection try a powered hub.. that can help.

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    Try the following:
    1. Turn router off for 30 seconds and on again
    2. Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    3. Reset iPad; hold the Sleep and Home button down until you see the Apple Logo

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    I just expected to be able to plug in the TC, so a simple set-up and experience wireless both upstairs and downstairs in my house.  For some reason the range is low and speed veru disappointing.
    I am far from being an IT expert but I would welcome advice about setting up this TC so we can enjoy the product as it was designed.  Please HELP!

    No silver bullet........but my suggestions may drive you in the right direction.
    1.  Unplug the power cable from the TC and wait 10-15 minutes before powering back up.   Seriously wait!
          Proceed to #2 if this dosen't help.
    2.  Unplug the power cable from the TC, ubplug the power cable from your Broadband Modem (assuming it's a cable modem), disconnect ethernet, and cable from modem. 
    2a.  Wait 10-15 minutes then re-connect cable, ethernet, and power back to modem (your modem should power up unless you have a power switch)  wait for all the modem lights to come on EXCEPT activity.
    2b.  Connect ethernet from modem to TC, and plug in the power cable to TC.
          Proceed to #3 if this dosen't help.
    3.  Reconfigure the TC.........Read here........
    All really simple to do....if you need additional help let me (us) know.

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    As I said in the subject line, it's not causing me any problem, in that I only use the AX to stream iTunes to the bedroom, which it'll do just fine from either macbook or the iMac...just wondering if anyone had any ideas why the AX doesn't also show up as "b/g/n" as well? (The Express is also closest to the AE)
    The only other thing in the house that shows up as "b/g" is my touch...
    Inquiring minds and all that....thanks in advance, Shel

    In order to stream iTunes to your AX, the computer must communicate with the base station which in turn communicates with the AX. This "back and forth" probably involves a lot more distance than if the computer were only communicating directly to the main router.
    A b/g/n compatible signal will drop down to g after some distance and this may explain what you are seeing, especially if there are several walls to penetrate with the signal.
    If you want to pursue this theory, temporarily move your AX close the main router and plug in a pair of headphones to simulate stereo speakers. Move your laptop close to the main router as well. Then check again to see what reading you get on the AX. Then move the laptop and AX further away and test again.
    Please post back on your findings.

  • Any problem with Airport Utility 5.3.2 and an AirDisk

    Can I harmlessly update onto Airport Utility 5.3.2 without getting troubles using an USB hard disk connntected to the Airport Extreme base station? 5.3.1 has fixed a bug that has caused reiterative disconnects to the AirDisk occurring with 5.3.0.
    And I really to not want to get these troubles back in 5.3.2.
    Are my fears baseless?
    TIA and kind regards, Friedrich

    Airport Utility 5.3.2 is quite harmless. More people having problem with OS X 10.5.3 update, which is making the AirDisk very slow and unresponsive. I end up re-formating the USB hard disk to solve the problem.

  • Having problems updating my Airport Utility

    Right now I am running version 5.5.1.  Every time I use it It asks if I want to upgrade to 5.5.2. When I say yes it updates some Mac pro firmware and not my airport utility.
    It does not upgrade the utility and if I try again it just upgrades the firmware all over again??
    Dan Page

    Although I am a Mac user, I do see that sort of panel from time to time, but not usually with the iPod software. With networks there are three parts (simply speaking): our end, Apple's end and the ISP (and what is in between).
    If that downloads all (or almost all) there is the last check back to confirm size/data are OK. It sounds as if that is failing. It may of course be Apple's problem as thousands of others worldwide may be trying to download the file at the same time. For me, this one came down in one go and was installed with no problem: indeed, the changes are working really well.
    I have found (again, I emphasise I am a Mac user) that most of my problems like that are with my ISP, and there are some, but fewer, from Apple's end. My usual method, after three or four frustrating goes like this, is first to restart the router (which will give me a different IP number) and then, if that fails, to go to bed and try the next day, which usually works as the ISP has woken up.

  • Problems replacing BT Hub 5 with Airport Extreme using Airport Utility 6.3.2

    I have spent all afternoon trying to connect to BT infinity using the Airport Extreme router. I have a BT Hub 5 which is OK apart from the fact that it cannot hold more than 3 wireless devices connected at any one time and keeps dropping wi fi connections.
    I am using OSX 10.9.4 (Mavericks), Airport Utility v. 6.3.2 and a iMac 2013 base model.
    I had some instructions but these refer to the previous version of Airport Utility which is quite different from the current one, so I had to improvise a little
    This is what I have done so far:
    1. I have connected the LAN1 port from the Openreach modem to the Gigabit ethernet WAN port of Airport Extreme and I have connected my iMac ethernet to one of the Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports of Airport Extreme
    2. I have named and passworded the network and given the base station a name as required
    3. In the Internet tab I have put in the account name as [email protected] and put in a space in the password box (I also tried writing BT in it with no result). I have set the PPoE connection as  local link only.
    The problem I have is that when I click on the internet icon on Airport Utility is shows disconnected and amber light, no matter what changes I make to the Airport Extreme which has a green light. I have noticed that in the new version of Airport Utility it doesn't seem to be possible to set the PPoE connection to be always on.
    In desperation I have disconnected the Airport Extreme router and reconnected the Home Hub 5 which works.
    What do I need to do?

    Your connection is Openreach Modem -> BT Home Hub 5 -> iMAC.
    After a bit of reading -
    Openreach Modem - Optical Network Terminal (ONT).
    HH5 - is a 4-port Ethernet Router/Switch
    It looks like BT may be locking the MAC addresses of the modem and hh5 with access control lists, so customers cannot connect a device to replace the HH5.
    You have an option. Connect one of the HH5 LAN ports to the WAN port of the Airport.
    Set the Airport to Bridge mode, no DHCP address distribution, Create a Wireless Network.
    You can just ignore  the HH5 SSID(s) completely and just connect to the ones you create on the Extreme. The iMac can connect to any LAN port on the Extreme or one of the remaining HH5 LAN ports.
    The only challenge you may have is, if the number of IP addresses the HH5 can allocate is limited to 4 (by BT's configuration). It can be verified using more than four (4) devices.
    If this works, then there are alternatives where a new LAN within a LAN can be created if the IP address limitation becomes an issue.

  • Printer problem with Airport Utility and Epson CX5500

    I recently bought an iMac '24 2.66 Computer and was able to set up my internet through an airport. When it came to hooking up a wireless Epson CX5500 printer, the airport recognized it, but when it came to print in the printing queue it simply wont print. I was able to find a very helpful post that would possibly be my next step in fixing it (probably just a program error or hook up)
    Here is that post:
    *Posts: 5*
    *Registered: Jul 16, 2007*
    *Re: Problem connecting a Epson USB Printer*
    *Posted: Sep 29, 2008 5:42 AM in response to: tonys28661 *
    +Hi there,+
    +I had the same problem, but with an Epson CX5500.+
    +Firstly, BTW - I found out there IS a list of supported printers: Before you scream - "that's leopard you idiot"; in the table, if the printer is listed with a MODERN driver, then it will work with Airport Base Station - eg TimeCapsule.+
    +Next. My problem was solved by deleting the spaces put into the printer name by timecapsule. When the printer is recognised it was called "Epson CX 5500". My Macbook printer service then set up a Queue which was mdns://...Epson%20CX%205500... Note - substitution of %20 for space in the name. I removed the spaces from the name via airport utility, manual set up, printers. Now the macbook could print to it.+
    The problem that i have is the step by step process of altering this or finding it. As i made the name of the shared printer EPSONStylusCX5500 but could not acess the printer name one to change it. The url link still shows the 20%. If someone could please take the time to explain on how to do it, then maybe just maybe, i would be able to print wirelessly. Any other ideas or even cheap printers that would work without a problem as i would simply go out and buy one instead. Thanks.

    When you say.....
    I cannot get it to work with AirPort Utility....
    What does not work?  Can you open up AirPort Utility and  take us through the steps? What happens after each step?

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