Ajuda com logica de sensores

Boa tarde,
Sou leigo em Labview, estou precisando fazer um projeto onde tenho 2 sensores, quan o 1 for atuado comecar a contar o tempo e so parar qnd o  2 atuar, ai com o tempo eu calcular a velocidade e aceleração.
ate agora eu ja montei o circuito dos sensores, fiz uma logica no labview tb, nao como eu queria... a minha funciona da seguinte maneira, qnd eu aciono o sensor ele começa a contar o tempo, mais qnd desaciona ele para a contagem... ele so deveria parar qnd o sensor 2 fosse acionado.
Em anexo segue o que fiz, espero que alguem posso me ajudar, estou bem perdido com o Labview.
Estou usando um arduino UNO e o toolkit para fazer o programa.
qq coisa meu e-mail: [email protected]
2 sensor 26-4-13.vi ‏17 KB

Você enviou apenas a VI principal. Ficaram faltando algumas sub-VIs. Mesmo assim, pelo que pude entender o acionamento do sensor 1 é sempre antes do sensor 2. Assim, aconselho a fazer uma máquina de estado sequencial simples com as seguintes etapas:
Inicialização: valores, comunicação serial, etc.
Espera acionamento do sensor 1
Guarda momento do acionamento do sensor 1
Espera acionamento do sensor 2
Guarda momento do acionamento do sensor 2
Calcula e apresenta tempo decorrido
Encerramento: fechar comunicação serial, etc.
Se você não sabe como montar uma máquina de estado simples pode simplificar mais ainda colocando cada passo em um quadro (frame) de um Flat Sequence.
André Manzolli
Engenheiro Mecânico
Certified LabVIEW Developer - CLD
LabVIEW Champion

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    Caro Emerson,
    Obrigado por ter contactado as Comunidades de Suporte Apple.
    Notei que este tópico tem algum tempo. O seu problema é fácil de resolver. caso continue com o mesmo problema, responda a esta mensagem.
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    Fala Fulvio, blz?
    Visto que o sistema de mensageria que você utilizará não é o SAP GRC NFE, você pode fazer a geração do XML via enhancement no módulo de função J_1B_NFE_XML_OUT. Isto pode ser realizado dentro do subprograma CALL_XI que é o responsável por chamar o sistema de mensageria.
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    Yeah, no problem. ( first I'd get rid of the old dock icon if it's not working, just pull it off the dock and drop it, it'll disappear in a puff of smoke )
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    Atualize a versao do SAP CR Content para qq versao superior a 3.10 (recomendacao eh a a ultima versao disponivel, acho q é 6. alguma coisa). Detalhes de como faze-lo: SAP Note 669669.

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    -É normal essa quantidade de notas para aplicar?
    Muito obrigado.

    Olá Fulvio
    Realmente o volume de notas para nf-e tem sido grande. O recomendado é que você aplique os SPs posteriores, porém na inviabilidade é recomendado que você aplique "todas" as notas manualmente afim de evitar problemas maiores ou perda de tempo tentando encontrar o motivo do erro.
    Quando digo aplicar todas as notas não significa fechar os olhos e solicitar a aplicação de todas até porque existem notas que fazem referência somente a versão 4.6 por exemplo; ou habilita processos que vocês sequer irão utilizar (ex. scan), ou já foram aplicadas em algum momento no seu ambiente.
    Aqui nos levamos cerca de 3 semanas para aplicar manualmente mais de 100 notas em dois ambientes; ou seja, aplicamos mais de 200 notas.

  • Sticky proposal: Logic Pro (first draft)

    Ok, here's a first draft of the proposed sticky for this forum. After looking at what we had, I decided to basically do it in four parts - introductory stuff (please post version numbers etc), problem solvers, tips, and audio general stuff.
    I'm not making this a work of art, but value feedback in order to make this useful before we ask the mods for a sticky. It's not complete, such a task is a much bigger job, but it's a start. What's not there? What's confusing? Is it too much stuff? Too newbie unfriendly?
    When we are happy I will probably style/format it a little better as well.
    Lemme know - cheers,
    This is a compilation of Logic tips, useful threads and information for Logic Pro users, compiled mostly by Eriksimon (thanks!) with additional contributions from Bee Jay and (final forum member list to be completed)
    - Getting the best help from the Apple Logic Pro Discussions
    This forum is intended to be a user-to-user support form to users of Logic Pro.
    Please keep your posts on the topic of Logic Pro, or you risk your post being removed for being off-topic. There are plenty of other general audio and recording forums better suited for asking general audio questions.
    Questions about third-party software and hardware are welcome as long as they relate directly to using these products in conjunction with Logic.
    This forum is dedicated to the post-Apple versions of Logic, which means questions for Logic Pro 7, Logic Pro 8, and Logic Pro 9 are welcome. However, please include the version of Logic you are using, in order to give useful advice (as things change between versions.) Better still, put your Logic versions and system information in your signature, to save having to ask for it.
    If you are a user of Logic Express, you should post in the Logic Express forum, rather than the Logic Pro forum, in order to get advice suited to your particular software version (as some things are different between Logic Express and Logic Pro).
    Remember that many questions, especially if you are new to Logic, have been asked multiple times before, so it's good practice to use the Discussions Search feature in the top right of the page to search for previous discussions relating to your issue. You will find a wealth of information. Often you can find a solution to your question without needing to post and have someone type out a response they've already typed out hundreds of times before - or worse yet, have your question ignored.
    Please be respectful of the members on the board at all times - we are happy to help people out, but do so in our own free time and don't have a duty to do so.
    Posts discussing non-Logic related items, off-topic or controversial subjects, abusive posts and harsh language are not welcome and will likely be removed, as will posts discussing illegal software. Please read the Terms of Use of this board for more info at:
    This post is a user-contributed compilation of links to content on this forum, official Apple documentation, and occasionally some other outside content where useful to Logic users. It is not in itself an official Apple document, and Apple do not take responsibility for it's content. It is not intended to be complete or comprehensive, just a helpful start for common issues.
    Logic feature requests and feedback to Apple Logic team:
    - General Help, Issues, Errors & Troubleshooting
    Logic Pro 8 (*probably also for Lo9ic): Troubleshooting Basics
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Remove Audio Unit plug-ins to troubleshoot issues (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Spinning disc cursor after recording
    Logic Pro/Express 8 - Logic seems to stop responding (hang) while "Searching for Audio Unit plug-ins" when starting up (9?)
    Logic 9 (and all other LS2.0 apps) crashing on startup, other Logic Studio apps as well. Solutions:
    Corrupted Plug Ins and a possible solution:
    Delete AU cache - problems with invalidated Plug Ins:
    How to open songs from Logic 4 or earlier (L7 + L8 needed)
    Why do you get 'kernel panics'?
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8: Cannot select USB mic as an audio input
    Logic crashes: MelodyneRewireDevice or MelodyneBridge or Rewire need an update.
    Logic or GarageBand may quit unexpectedly when starting with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard if Melodyne is installed
    Links/RSS feed of all Apple support docs released the past year concerning Logic Studio apps:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Error when bouncing files with normalize checked (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Converted Apple Loops play in different key and tempo than expected (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express: Freeze cursor appearance prevents Audio Instrument track editing (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Instrument not triggered as expected (9!)
    Logic Pro 8: Missing content after install:
    Logic: Dense clusters of automation nodes can cause audio to stutter
    Logic: Rebuilding the Loop Index
    Solutions for noise in the audio signal
    Logic Pro, Express: Solo Safe mode may not remain disabled for a particular channel strip
    Logic Pro/Logic Express: Error while trying to sync Audio and MIDI
    Logic Pro 9: Number of recent items sometimes resets to 10
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8: ReWire inputs in existing projects may shift unexpectedly
    FAT32 disks
    Message: I/O ERROR RESULT -36
    Beachball when recording
    Logic: Resetting MIDI Drivers
    Logic Pro has detected a possible conflict between one or more third party MIDI or audio drivers.
    Logic Pro: EVB3 Organ Instrument does not play
    Logic Pro: Inserts disappear from output channel strips
    Logic 8: Where is the Tutorial DVD mentioned in the manual?
    Logic: If new AU plugins don't show up, reset AU cache
    Logic 8: Remove serial number / license
    Logic 8: Logic only runs when XSkey is connected
    Logic 8: Hybrid Morph missing
    - General Logic Useful Tips & Techniques
    Logic: CoreAudio System Overload Messages
    Logic: Learn about I/O buffer size and monitoring latency
    Logic Pro 8 (*probably also for Lo9ic): Tips for balancing multi-core performance
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8 (*probably also for Lo9ic): Startup modifier keys
    How to setup Aggregate devices (help, my USB Mic doesn't work):
    Official Logic Pro 9 PDF manual:
    -click on View as PDF and the PDF will be downloaded.
    If it doesn't download, ⌥-clicking on the link might work.
    How to make the PDF manual appear in Logics' help menu:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Discussion of the Normalize feature in the Bounce dialog
    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2890 (also 9?)
    Logic Pro/Express 8: How the EXS24 sampler addresses RAM in Logic 8 (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: About compressed audio and track counts (9!)
    LP8: How to make readable lyrics that follow song
    Creating Split Stereo files:
    Performing a loopback test:
    The novice quick guide to buses:
    Sidechain Compression using a Bus:
    How to sidechain an Apple Loop to a Synth (ES2)
    Side Chain general:
    Side chain filtering:
    Side chain in Logic instruments:
    How do I lower my recording level?
    How to use MIDI Controller Knobs
    Aligning audio tracks
    How to split one stereo file into two mono.
    Off, Read, Latch, Touch, Write
    How to identify audio file types and formats of regions in Logic
    Logic: Compress types discussion
    GarageBand, Logic: Where loops get installed
    Why level control is important, and hot recording is outdated.
    How to use multiple keyboards in Logic:
    How to use arpeggiators in Logic:
    Why are my MP3 bounces so loud?
    Destructive Input processing
    Compressing during recording
    How to "Kill Voices" in a stereo track for Karaoke purposes (if you really must...)
    How to set iTunes to 'neutral' playback
    "My bounce/mix sounds different when played in iTunes"
    - Audio General
    Final mix too quiet
    Wikipedia: Audio bit depth
    Get to know your ears (& equipment)
    Very useful utility for checking vital stats
    How to Record an Electric Guitar on Your Mac: Optimizing Your Analog Signal

    Bee Jay wrote:
    This is a compilation of Logic tips, useful threads and information for Logic Pro users.
    - Getting the best help from the Apple Logic Pro Discussions
    Remember that many questions, especially if you are new to Logic, have been asked multiple times before, so it's good practice to use the Discussions Search feature in the top right of the page to search for previous discussions relating to your issue.
    The search still doesn't work, for anything pre-Snow Leopard... maybe you should omit this tip until it works again...
    - General Help, Issues, Errors & Troubleshooting
    Okay, here I marked some of the links because at the time it was not clear if they adress things that are still actual in L9.
    It may be a good idea to name the topics that apply to all Logics' (7, 8 and 9) simply Logic Pro (or leave 'm nameless), and the others after the specific version they apply to. The topics with a (9?) behind it, have still to be confirmed to also apply to L9 (.0.2)
    I used underlining to mark text that can be deleted.
    1. Logic Pro _8 (*probably also for Lo9ic)_: Troubleshooting Basics
    2. Logic Pro, Logic Express: Remove Audio Unit plug-ins to troubleshoot issues (9?)
    3. Logic Pro, Logic Express: Spinning disc cursor after recording
    4. Logic Pro/Express 8 - Logic seems to stop responding (hang) while "Searching for Audio Unit plug-ins" when starting up (9?)
    5. Logic Pro 9 (and all other LS2.0 apps) crashing on startup, other Logic Studio apps as well. Solutions:
    6. Corrupted Plug Ins and a possible solution:
    7. Delete AU cache - problems with invalidated Plug Ins:
    ...and continue to number like this.
    How to open songs from Logic 4 or earlier (L7 + L8 needed)
    Why do you get 'kernel panics'?
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8: Cannot select USB mic as an audio input
    Logic crashes: MelodyneRewireDevice or MelodyneBridge or Rewire need an update.
    Logic or GarageBand may quit unexpectedly when starting with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard if Melodyne is installed
    Links/RSS feed of all Apple support docs released the past year concerning Logic Studio apps:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Error when bouncing files with normalize checked (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Converted Apple Loops play in different key and tempo than expected (9?)
    Logic Pro/Express: Freeze cursor appearance prevents Audio Instrument track editing (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: Instrument not triggered as expected (9!)
    Moved these together:
    Logic Pro 8: Missing content after install:
    Logic 8: Hybrid Morph missing
    Logic: Dense clusters of automation nodes can cause audio to stutter
    Logic 8: Logic only runs when XSkey is connected
    - General Logic Useful Tips & Techniques
    Logic: CoreAudio System Overload Messages
    Logic: Learn about I/O buffer size and monitoring latency
    Logic Pro 8 _(*probably also for Lo9ic)_: Tips for balancing multi-core performance
    Logic Pro 8, Logic Express 8 _(*probably also for Lo9ic)_: Startup modifier keys
    How to setup Aggregate devices (help, my USB Mic doesn't work):
    Official Logic Pro 9 PDF manual:
    -click on View as PDF and the PDF will be downloaded.
    If it doesn't download, ⌥-clicking on the link might work.
    How to make the PDF manual appear in Logics' help menu:
    Logic Pro/Express 8: Discussion of the Normalize feature in the Bounce dialog
    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2890 _(also 9?)_
    Logic Pro/Express 8: How the EXS24 sampler addresses RAM in Logic 8 (9?)
    Logic Pro, Logic Express: About compressed audio and track counts (9!)
    (no edits for the rest of the list.)
    I like the format, btw, simple and easy to 'scan'. No need to 'pimp' it much more.
    Great Job BJ!

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