ALARM - why is it an hour later, rather than an hour earlier?

Does anybody know why the alarm is going off an hour late - I would have thought if anything, it should go off an hour early? My alarm used to go off at 7am each day - 7am has now become 6am, and yet the alarm is going off at 8am (which was 9am previously). So if it's working from an internal clock which hasn't changed, my alarm is now going off 2 hours later than a couple of days ago, for no reason! Hope this makes sense?! I might just be being stupid here, but this is really annoying me and I can't find any reason for it anywhere - people just keep saying, 'the iphone thinks it's still BST' but surely that would make the alarm go off an hour earlier?

Does anybody know why the alarm is going off an hour late - I would have thought if anything, it should go off an hour early?
If there was no adjustment made for the time change it would have gone off early. Probably two programers, working independently, put in adjustment code in different places. Either one of the adjustments would have been correct, but both together made it off one hour in the other direction.
A fix is on the way.
< urope/>
(Daylight saving time should be abolished. If people want different business hours in the summer, change the business hours, not the clocks.)

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    g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
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    OK Crazypennie, maybe you are right. I tend to rant on a bit sometimes.
    Also, maybe the jumpy graphics is made worse because the animation output is not synced with the video hardware refresh rate. We can get around that slightly by using a very high fps. 
    Hi Leon,
    I tried modifying your code using a GraphicsFrame class that I wrote a little while back, the class utilizes the bufferedcontext/bufferedgraphics, instead of using the forms graphics directly. In theory, all objects should be rendered to the buffer before
    the forms graphics object. Is this less glitchy/faster on your pc? It seemed less glitchy/faster on mine..., and previous benchmarks show that using buffered graphics in this manner improved render time.
    You can read the discussion on
    this thread.
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Public Class Form11 ' drawing Code by Paul Ishak Apr 2015 A spinning pie chart. My timing code.
    Private Angle As Single = 100
    Private NextIncrement As Single = 1
    Private Randomizer As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
    Private SliceColors As New List(Of Color)
    Private SlicesOnWheel As Integer = 24
    Private Velocity As Single = 0
    Private WheelRadius As Integer = 300
    Private WheelLocation As New Point(50, 50)
    Private SW As New Stopwatch
    Private SFlag As Boolean ' wheel is currently spinning
    Private CntMS As Integer ' count the milliseconds
    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs)
    Dim gFrame As New GraphicsFrame(e.Graphics, Me.ClientRectangle.Size)
    Dim g As Graphics = gFrame.Graphics
    g.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
    g.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
    Dim sliceAngle As Single = CSng(360 / SlicesOnWheel)
    Dim rect As New Rectangle(WheelLocation, New Size(WheelRadius, WheelRadius))
    Dim curveWidth As Integer = CInt(WheelRadius - (WheelRadius / (2.0! * 0.9)))
    Dim rect2 As New Rectangle(rect.Left + curveWidth, rect.Top + curveWidth, rect.Width - curveWidth * 2, rect.Height - curveWidth * 2)
    Dim inc As UInteger = UInteger.MaxValue \ 360
    For I As Single = 0 To 359 Step sliceAngle
    g.FillPie(New SolidBrush(SliceColors(CInt(I / sliceAngle))), rect, I + NormalizeAngle(Angle), sliceAngle)
    g.DrawPie(Pens.White, rect, I + NormalizeAngle(Angle), sliceAngle)
    g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, rect2)
    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, rect2)
    g.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, rect)
    If SFlag Then
    If Me.Text = " " Then Me.Text = "" Else Me.Text = " "
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSpin.Click
    If Not SFlag Then
    Velocity = Randomizer.Next(3, 5)
    NextIncrement = Velocity
    SFlag = True
    CntMS = 0 : SW.Reset() : SW.Start()
    If Me.Text = " " Then Me.Text = "" Else Me.Text = " "
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    ClientSize = New Size(375, 375)
    End Sub
    Public Function NormalizeAngle(value As Single) As Single
    Return value Mod 360.0!
    End Function
    Private Sub Form11_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.TextChanged
    If Not SFlag Then Exit Sub
    Angle = NormalizeAngle(Angle + NextIncrement)
    NextIncrement = CSng(NextIncrement - 0.0033)
    If NextIncrement <= 0.0033 Then
    SFlag = False : SW.Stop() : Exit Sub
    End If
    CntMS += 5 ' <<< set timer interval here <<<
    Do Until SW.ElapsedMilliseconds > CntMS
    End Sub
    End Class
    Public Class GraphicsFrame
    Implements IDisposable
    Private disposedValue As Boolean
    Private BackBuffer As System.Drawing.BufferedGraphics = Nothing
    Public ReadOnly Property Graphics() As System.Drawing.Graphics
    Return Me.BackBuffer.Graphics
    End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvas As System.Windows.Forms.Control)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(canvas.ClientRectangle.Width + 1, canvas.ClientRectangle.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(canvas.CreateGraphics, New Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.ClientRectangle.Width, canvas.ClientRectangle.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvasGraphics As Graphics, maximumBuffer As Size)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(maximumBuffer.Width + 1, maximumBuffer.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(canvasGraphics, New Rectangle(0, 0, maximumBuffer.Width, maximumBuffer.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal handle As IntPtr, maximumBuffer As Size)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(maximumBuffer.Width + 1, maximumBuffer.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(Graphics.FromHwnd(handle), New Rectangle(0, 0, maximumBuffer.Width, maximumBuffer.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvas As Image)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(canvas.Width + 1, canvas.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(Graphics.FromImage(canvas), New Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.Width, canvas.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal canvas As Bitmap)
    BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer = New Size(canvas.Size.Width + 1, canvas.Size.Height + 1)
    Me.BackBuffer = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.Allocate(Graphics.FromImage(canvas), New Rectangle(0, 0, canvas.Width, canvas.Height))
    End Sub
    Public Sub Render()
    If Not BackBuffer Is Nothing Then BackBuffer.Render()
    End Sub
    Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
    If Not Me.disposedValue Then
    If disposing Then
    Me.BackBuffer = Nothing
    End If
    End If
    Me.disposedValue = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
    End Sub
    End Class
    Don't forget to vote for Helpful Posts and
    Mark Answers!
    *This post does not reflect the opinion of Microsoft, or its employees.

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      public void run() {
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      public void run() {
        Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {

    I don't know, I think this is an error. I know that there was one part of the media APIs that was called very frequently (the stuff related to histograms) that we didn't use events, but this most certainly should have been events. Dang. If I could find it in email history there must be something on it, but looking at it here I was both surprised and shocked that this one slipped through (since I don't know under what circumstance it would have made sense to use a Runnable here). In fact at first I thought maybe you were looking at some old code (before I knew it was you who posted).
    OK, suppose we all agree this was an error and we need to fix this. What to do? We can deprecate all these methods, but the new methods we'd want to supply would then have the wrong names. We could introduce a proper Event subclass for this and also a special EventHandler which also implements Runnable, just so it can be reused here. We'd then deprecate the methods and just change the hierarchy when we JSR the thing?
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    <cfpdfform source="#source#" name="test2" action="populate"  overwrite="yes" >
        <cfpdfformparam name="1" value="1">
      <cfmail type="html" to="[email protected]"
                    from="wd"  subject="hi"
    however I get the error:
    The resource coldfusion.pdf.PDFDocWrapper@e9055b was not found.
    any ideas cf experts???
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    Adobe InDesign CS3 (5.0.4)
    [empty string]
    No Security
    [empty string]
    [empty string]
    [empty string]
    PDFDocument - struct
    PDFDocument - struct
    PDFDocument - struct

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    what is the actual difference and what is happening behind the traversing list through iterator
    if we are using we are importing extra classes ...if we are using for loop there is no need to import any classes

    If you have an array-backed collection, like an ArrayList, then the difference between using an iterator and get() will be negligible.
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    There's no real benefit to ever using get()
    Side note: I've been comparing iterators to get(), not iterators to for loops. This is because whether it's a for or a while has nothing to do with whether you use an iterator or get(). The way I use iterators is for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        Foo foo = (Foo);

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    Its kinda stupid that they do this... If i had a stupid app i dont want anyone to know about ever why cant i just delete it rather than hide it?

    Currently the Purchase History functions as a history, and like any history you can hide things in your past but you cannot delete them.
    If you would like to make a suggestion to Apple, you can use the Feedback page:

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    Need More Pixels? Samsung’s 2014 UHD TVs Ship This Month
    Wall Street Journal · 2 hours ago
    Samsung’s 2014 lineup of Ultra High-Definition (aka 4K) TVs are on the way, and thanks to UHD content deals struck with Fox and Paramount—not to mention the…
    Focusing on TVs and 1080p and 60Hz isn't the question, or the 'future'

  • HT204319 Why don't we list model number with this information rather than the month the model was released? e.g. MacBook 2,1 or 5,2 or whatever.

    Why don't we list model number with this information rather than the month the model was released?
    e.g. MacBook 2,1 or 5,2 or whatever.

    Generally, Apple refers to it's systems by what part of the year they are released, ie early - mid - late.  Some people do provide the model number when they post questions, however, generally, the time of year and year released equals the model number.

  • Why full, rather than incremental, when re-starting TIme Machine

    I had to stop Time Machine a couple of weeks ago, and remove the dedicated external drive. Yesterday, on reconnecting the drive and re-starting Time Machine it appeared to try to make a full backup (which I had to abort after two and a half hours) rather than the incremental I assumed it would make. Does this mean that each time one turns Time Machine off, it will make a full back up the next time it is restarted and an external drive connected? This seems to make irrelevant the backups already on the drive.

    V.K. wrote:
    I'm not completely sure but I think if you don't do a TM backup for ten days TM gives you a warning that you haven't backed up in 10 days and if you ignore it, it erases TM history. this makes it start a new series of backups once you reconnect.
    I use my G5 rarely, sometimes not for weeks and I have never had a TM warning about a "stale" backup. When I turn it on, it simply schedules the next backup, which is incremental, as always, and proceeds about an hour later.
    I have never seen that "Ten Day" warning.
    I think I have also let my other MBP sit unused for over 10 days and have never seen the warning.
    However, I always start up these machines with the TM drive connected. Running them with the drive disconnected may be a completely different situation. In oher words, when I start these two rarely used computers, there is really nothing new to backup. That may be the difference. If you use the computer for 10 days or more with the TM drive disconnected that may cause the warning flag to be raised.
    Message was edited by: nerowolfe

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